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Everything posted by Krioni

  1. Again, I don't have the complete list of creatures and where they are obtained. However, if a creature requires something that is harder to obtain, such as a WP for TS or being normally locked away like angiens and drachorns, they are not allowed. Assuming you had the AP to get there, can colorless jokers and darklings be obtained in the same manner as an aramor, knator, or bird egg? If the answer is yes, they should be allowed. If the answer is no, then they are not allowed.
  2. Some thoughts on this would be sorta good. From what I understand, TS might not be available without something, while UP is sorta normally available. The difference between them may be ability to get to those for all participants. What do a couple others think? Want to hear a couple opinions before deciding.
  3. I am actually editing the rules, as these were rules I had over two years ago. Some revisions are going to be made, which is why I want input! This will be revised to no prayer power, as the problem with high stats has come up. I want this to be open to all. Therefore, the rules are changing to 0% pray power, no tokens. Thinking about the creature specifications. I know some places like drachorns and angiens are not normally available, and only to some people. I don't, however, know all that are readily available, or don't want to assume so. I also didn't want to post a detailed list of locations or something for the point of spoilers. So on creatures, let's say that this is a place that is normally available, and not locked away. S, in this case, angiens and drachorns would not be allowed. Input is always welcome, and we have a little time. Keep pinging me on questions and such! Trying to come up with different restrictions always leads to a bunch of questions, and I will happily answer them and work through stuff.
  4. Updated research topic, please, check it out and talk with me about Light and Darkness!

    1. Krioni



  5. Alright! I have had some good talks with a couple people from my first set, so it is time to keep expanding! Check the edit on the original post, but I would love to specifically get some input from people in GG and the Underground. After I hear from them, I will ask about East and MDA, so don't worry about that. Thanks!
  6. Welcome fighters of Magicduel! The summer festival is rapidly approaching! If you have not read up on it, check out the post here. There will be a few different events, but I wanted to revive one of the events I did a long time ago. It is time for another little tournament! Like last time, this tournament has specific restrictions on creatures, so please, read through the entire post. You can post questions here, and I will answer them as quickly as possible. If you would rather, you can PM me as well. The brackets will be split by mindpower to allow fair competition, so join up! Important: Read all sections of this post, especially if you plan on competing. It contains the rules and details of how to compete. The Event The event will take place on the week from August 13 to August 20. The final battles for each MindPower will take place on August 20. The format is single elimination, no loser's bracket. There will be enough rounds spread over the days to get to the two final competitors on August for each mindpower level. Once the final count of competitors has been made, details on the dates and times for each round will be announced through the forum. The Rules Each round will consist of one set of battles, one attacking, one defending. If there is a tie, another set will be performed until one person wins on both attack and defense. The creatures used must be ones obtained naturally through locations in the game, not through the store or by gifts. Also, this applies to ones obtainable through locations in the realm now. If it is not available now but was in the past, it is not allowed. No tokens. Yes, I know this is fairly restrictive, but the point is to make you come up with different rituals and such. This also means that places that can be restricted from some players, such as angiens and drachorns, are not allowed. The percentage prayer power can only be the amount that would give the player 200 attack. So, if you have 400 attack, then the max prayer skill you can use is 50%. 0% Prayer power must be used, resulting in only critter stats. Both the winner and the loser will submit screenshots of the battle log, showing that the winner clearly. This submission must be made before the posted time for the end of the round. If the competitors do not submit the proof of the round, they will be contacted once about the submission. If the proof has still not been submitted an hour after the warning, the competitors will be dropped from the competition. A case of disagreement in proof will be resolved by the judges of the competition. They have the ability to kick anyone from the competition on their on volition, so it would be wise to follow what they say. Anyone not following these rules can be dropped from the tournament, at the discretion of the judges. No spells will be allowed Every ritual must be fresh, no combo Signups To sign up for this tournament, send me a PM here on the forum or in MD. This thread will be dedicated to questions, so signups must be in PM. Send your playername and your mindpower level, with the subject "Summer Tournament". The deadline for signups is August 10. You are highly recommended to get creatures and sign up sooner. Rewards The rewards will be announced at a later point in time. Last note, if you want to help judge, a couple volunteers would be useful to help. Send me a message if you want to. Feel free to ask questions here if you need clarification! Good luck in the tournament competitors, and happy end of Summer!
  7. Any time, dst. If you have any thoughts, feel free to pm me!
  8. Thanks for trying to point out something for me, Dark, but I would like to point out a clarification for dst that is different than the one you pointed out. Heya dst! When I specified those in particular, it was merely to focus who I was getting input from for a short time. I am not expecting this research and my pursuit of it to restrict itself to any land or people. I had gotten some input from some people, and was merely targeting others to focus my own work. For example, if I was trying to set up some event and focus on a land, I wouldn't want all of them together at once. I would want to go from one to another, to allow them to shine or show on their own. That is all, and I should have included that clarification in the original post. If you do have an interest in Light or Darkness, please, send me a PM! Edit: I cannot even read my own post, apparently. I did say that the list may expand, and that this is just a starting point as I link up with many people. Hope this helps to clarify things.
  9. Hello! I have recently woken up again in the land, and as part of waking up, I am trying to find something I would like to pursue here. One thing I have decided on is a little bit of research, one that is turning out to be quite the stimulating intellectual adventure. However, I would love to talk and learn from a few others as I continue down this path. This list may expand, but I just wanted to use this topic as a linking point to get in contact with those people. If you are from one of the following alliances or lands and would like to sit down and discuss principles of Light and Darkness at some point, please, send me a forum PM or in game. I am normally at the Defensive Quarters in Loreroot, though I can adventure out to another place if a different one is more fitting for you. So! If you are a citizen of Necrovion or a member of the Seekers of Enlightenment, or the idea of the principles of Light and Darkness intrigues you, send me a PM! Thank you, Krioni EDIT: Thanks so much from those I heard from in Necrovion and Seekers of Enlightenment. If you are in GG or the Underground, please, I would love to talk to you a bit here by forum PM or in game. Contact me!
  10. Moved, first full time job, crazy times. Miss you all terribly.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Magistra


      Yes, we do Krioni! When are you coming back?

    3. Maebius
    4. Guillak


      Where's my milkshake?

  11. School and moving first, MD second. Miss you all and hope to see you soon.

  12. Glad to see you made it through. The quests are great, enjoy them. Hopefully I will see you at the Root of the Matter Inn sometime, once you make it to Loreroot. On another note..the writing style is fantastic, I just had to say it XD And yeah. Viscosity is irritating, but it will just cause you to think a little more about how to get places or just have to wait for your age to go up. The former is the more fun way to go about it, such as using the free credits as you did to get through the gate. Good luck with the rest! See you around sometime.
  13. Darn! A day late! Still, happy birthday Brulant! Hope it was great.
  14. MP5 has finished their rounds! For the MP5 final we have...*drumroll*: Burns against Clockmaster! If both of you could fight in the next couple days, that would be very nice! Congratulations to the winners, and good luck in the final round! Krioni
  15. Hello all! I have the results for MP4, and their second round! MP4 competitors, please finish this round by 12:00ST on day 79. Also, around that same time on Day 79, I would like to have the finals! So let me know if you can be in MD on that day, and when works for you. The second round for MP4! Arkken has beaten Axel Keravnos. He will fight Duxie in this round! Ratbert has beaten Eagle Eye. Because of the time he signed up, he will progress to the final round against the victor of Duxie vs. Arkken. The round before was very slow because of some lack of communication guys. Let me know your progress towards finishing please! Thanks! Krioni
  16. Happy Birthday Nim! Hope you have an excellent birthday, with much fun and joy ^^
  17. An idea: If MD is truly a game influenced by the community, then if you do not like how the game is, it is partly our responsibility to change it. Be more active, talk, do things you enjoy if that is what you miss, and see if the game can be changed just as much in that direction.

  18. I have yet to hear back from a number of you, and you have around a half a day left! Fight and send me those results competitors!
  19. Krioni


    2sc for #1
  20. And here is the first round! Because we have fewer entries, the deadline for this round is 48 hours from now, or Day 75 at 18:00 ST. MP3 Unfortunately, no one else entered besides Ghunny. I will be contacting you sir ^^ MP4 Axel Keravnos vs. Arkken Eagle Eye vs. Ratbert. Duxie, being the first to sign up, will be advancing to the next round with fighting. MP5 Clockmaster vs ChildOfTheSoul Sunfire vs. Burns Good luck competitors! Remember that if you use anything higher than 0%, a private stats submission needs to be sent to me to verify you are not using a percentage that results in higher than a 200 attack bonus. If you do not prefer to do this, contact me and we can work something out, either verifying through another person or something else. Besides that, keep in mind the submission rules for your round! Have fun! As always, ask any questions you have, and I will answer ^^ Krioni
  21. Krioni

    Music Thread

    While I like many artists like Apocalyptica, Vitamin String Quartet, Trans Siberian Orchestra, Within Temptation, and even some dub like Rusko, Deadmau5, The Glitch Mob, or Bassnectar, I also enjoy...vocaloid. Yes, vocaloid *laughs*
  22. Great to see you and glad to have you back!
  23. [quote name='Ratbert' timestamp='1331704514' post='106527'] Sunfire is already MP5 @_@ [/quote] Thank you, I could not remember and did not have a way to look it up. Changed.
  24. Here is the current roster! Rounds will be announced tomorrow, and PLEASE! Especially if you are MP5 or MP3, still send me a pm to sign up! Bracket positions with slight advantages, if the matchups are not a power of two, will be given in order of signing up. Also, let me know if I have your mindpower wrong! MP3 Ghunny the Beast MP4 Axel Keravnos Arkken Eagle Eye Ratbert Duxie MP5 ClockMaster ChildOfTheSoul Sunfire Burns Once again, be watching this thread for the round matchups and deadlines! Looking forward to the tournament all! ^^
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