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Everything posted by Krioni
Thank you so much everyone! I miss you all quite a bit, and I cannot wait to be back. Hope you all are doing fantastic!
Playername: Krioni I may not have been on the last few days or so, but mainly from my own work and schoolwork outside the game causing my attention to get pulled away. (I didn't sleep at all the last two nights, with project work and such). As for my role, I am a Consul of Loreroot, and Innkeeper of the Root of the Matter Inn. I try to help with coordinating events and activity, and so my activity fluctuates with posting and keeping up with ideas here on the forum, and trying to be on when I can. Examples being more with the Summer Festival, the events surrounding Mya's death and such, and the Chewett celebration. I try to be on for such events or help coordinate them as much as I can.
We are currently waiting on the people with the proper abilities to open it up. Will happen soon, hopefully!
That is what I meant, Ary. Most attacked with 0% influence, so tokens should have been at 100% application
In Alyon's event, both alliance and tokens seems to have no affect on attack times and other such things. I am not certain on the ally part, but I definitely remember no affect of tokens. Tokens should have been applied at 100% most of the time, but they definitely didn't. Maybe there is a setting somewhere in setting up the BHC that will allow you to have this functionality?
Still thinking about this, but wanted to comment here. If this is about design goals, and not proposed fixes or changes, then these suggestions should be about goals. This differs by this: goals define what and why to change, based on what conflict or conform to the goals, while fixes and changes are meant to follow the goals. What, then, are the goals for combat? Based on some of the suggestions in the pages like "Understanding the combat system.", this would be that there is a ritual, a combination, for whatever you want to accomplish. Now, this causes some confusion, as it could be used as defense of powerful rituals, saying that something like the ultimate ritual should exist, while it could also be used for a counter argument, that something to break an ultimate rit should exist. Now, this lack of clarity in design goals leads to a lot of the debate on whether certain things should be changed or not. There will always be people who disagree or do not want something to change, but instead of just going by gut or the whim of what is the opinion of the time, we need well designed, clear goals that can help steer us toward well reasoned changes to the combat system. tl;dr: This should not be about how to change mechanics, but what motivations are core to what the combat should be that would help us define how to (or how not to) change such mechanics.
Happy birthday dst!
Alright, since it is known, do you want me to hold off reporting it, or post it as a reminder? Just lemme know what I can do to help!
Thanks MRAlyon! There is a bug we will be reporting though. Near the end, with a couple hours left, we cloned the heads ball. During an attack, I refreshed the contest page at the same time. It meant I took the head ball, but my opponent also kept the heads. Boom: doubled the heads in play. Pretty big bug, but might be a severe corner case. I will be posting it in the bug forum.
Happy birthday Chewett!
Ah, so tokens/stats/VE will not apply, no matter what we do? I have never participated in a BHC before, which is why I ask. Thanks for the clarification dst.
Pardon my ignorance, but with stats/ve/tokens not active, does that mean 0% influence with untokened critters?
Team Green's Puzzle - Decipher the Drawings
Krioni replied to Prince Marvolo's topic in Quest Archive
I'll give it a shot! -
Of course not. While I believe in this event, I have still been in contact and continued to reach out when I have been informed of another revive tool. I am still pouring heat in to the jar, and getting others to help as well. And, even though combat is not something I focus on, I have been training hard in the meantime. If not, I can see how this would be just me complaining about the other ways, and giving up without an effort. That is not the case at all. In fact, most of those efforts generate 'heat' in the realm, and are just more ways to play with this theme.
Price is relative, there is also the cost of time, of effort. Since Mya's death, the majority of my own efforts in the realm, and some outside, have been towards discovering and pursuing methods of her revival. That is a cost, even if we disagree on its value. As for a love of MD, that can be argued as well. I can only say words, then do some things in game, to show that I want to increase activity for all, both older and new players that come through, from interesting activity. In the end, I do not have another way to show that I am not trying to be greedy or anything like that. I have reached out to those I have been informed have revival tools, I (and others) are still trying at Molquert's guards. This is another way that we are trying to revive her, one that I think can be healthy for the land in general through the activity it creates.
I could see how this might be interpreted that way, certainly. Molquert and his guards are a way for an individual, through combat and understanding of that system, can bring about the revival of someone. But, as for an argument for these sort of events, MD is made by the players. I believe in that, and I think everyone should have that opportunity. That is why I don't cry about people being able to kill others, that is part of the game, the game being made by us, the players. In the same way, since my focus through time has not necessarily been on combat (and some aspects of the fight restrict me from using some things, but it is a puzzle! It should be that way), I wanted to show effort in another. In addition, fighting Molquert does not always stir up the activity a way an event like this can. In the end, it is not my decision, but I will continue to try and create and push for things in whatever way I can. People will interpret it both ways, but the activity around the gate already shows more activity than before. That is a good thing no matter what, is it not?
Happy birthday Kiley!
As was I, when I replied to you. The main reason for the 24 hour deadline is that I wish to stir up activity for the realm and have her revived prior to the event Mur has set up, since that is supposed to start today. That is the driving reason behind this effort being a 24 hour one. The 24 hours doesn't include the effort we have had over the past couple days raising heat, or all the people who have been challenging Molquert's guards, nor the other efforts in contacting others with revival tools. I wanted to create an event that could fit as a revival event for Mya, one that might attract the attention of the powers-that-be, just as others have done in the past.
Then we keep trying. We don't give up just because our effort is not recognized as enough to revive her. As for the second part, there has been situations in the past where such efforts have resulted in the revival of someone. Why would this effort fail on those grounds?
I will start the bidding on these ones with 1sc each.
Sure, I will walk through my thinking out of character, so others can see why I arrived at this event. There are, as I have discovered over the past week, multiple ways to revive someone. One is Molquert's guards. While one, Kraubawnis, is easier, the other fight, Rawquist, is much more difficult. And I am alright with that, I realize it is a challenge, and to limit death from being something easily beaten every time, however it is one I am not able to overcome. We have many others trying, but we have not succeeded yet. The next would be revival items. I have reached out to those people, but unfortunately, they are either silent, refuse to help, or make an offer we will not meet. We also have the potion, as you say, but that is a one time use, and it is held by the entirety of the land. All of these are fairly similar though in that they do not actually encourage a great deal more activity from the realm, or get people involved. All the before is not a complaint by me, merely showing you what I arrived at, since these are mostly solo ventures, or between a couple people. The last group of ways to revive is through some event that brings the notice of the higher powers, as you say. There are multiple that have happened through time, and I don't want to recount them for the threat of spoilers, but they all shared the same thing. They were public efforts that spurred activity, that made others not involved wonder what was going on, and encourage life in the realm. Many wanted me to do copies of these, and in a couple ways I tried, but I realized, again, these were original efforts. So, instead of getting on the forums and trying to complain about the revival process, or anything like that, I wanted to create something that people in the realm could participate in, and use this as a reason to encourage more life. Just today, we broke over 1.1m heat in our jar. We have others with torches, and a few around the bonfire I have at the necro gates. Last night, we had a few fighting for the rebirth cause. This is, in my opinion, far more healthy for the realm, and a bigger showing of support, than if we had just downed that potion. In the end, what we want to achieve is simple. A revival of Mya Celestia, by the higher powers or whoever would be wiling to do so. However, we are choosing to try and go about it in a positive, activity centric way.
People of the realm, as some of you may know, Mya Celestia is dead. Over the past few days, many people, including myself, have searched for ways to revive her. From conquering Molquert's guards, to reviving items, there are some built in ways, but the revivals we all remember come from specific rituals. Many of you have alluded these to me, and after reading some of them, I have come to a certain realization. It was not these specific things, nor the repeat of any single one of them, that brought about the memories. It was the fact that a group of people rallied together, came up with an idea or activity, and pursued that end until the ones they wished were revived. As one person once said, do not pursue something by attempting the removal of things. Pursue something by applying creative power to it, for if we all did that, our realm would flourish. So, here in this post, I will detail the what, why, and how over an event that will span the next twenty four hours or so. Why twenty four hours? Because the hidden activity is about to begin, and I think that we, as a land, can revive Mya Celestia in time for that event. What are we doing, then? We are reviving the phoenix, Mya Celestia, by starting a fire in the realm that will begin her rebirth. Why is starting this fire the answer? Mya Celestia is, according to her character, a phoenix. Phoenixes are reborn through fire. Mya has, in fact, died once before, and it was the torch's flame that started her rebirth then. Without the torches, we must start the fire ourselves, one that will build to the point of starting her revival once more. How can we do this? We must, collectively, show that we are creating this heat, starting this fire, that will reach her and begin her revival. There are many ways to do this, to show the support. Many of you have contacted me, saying you cannot help either with the guards, or do not know an answer. This, then, is how you can help. Here are examples: If you roleplay, build a fire, light a torch, show in chat and to the realm that you are building up the fire. If you are a fighter, fight, train. Burst as much as necessary, fill the triggers tab with signs that heat is being build up in the realm. Sacrifice critters you have been meaning to, let that heat rise up. Fight anything and put "rebirth" in the fights for cause box! Loreroot is helping funnel heat in to a heat jar, a vast collection of heat that is the symbol of our growing fire to start Mya's rebirth. Come join me in front of Necrovion's gates, where I will be building a large bonfire. Add your fire to it, throw gifts in to the fire, let it grow and be maintained throughout the next few hours. Let new people who come through see what we are doing, and travel out of your homelands to talk in excitement. Let our activity, our fire, light this up and bring about Mya's revival! Post any support you have here, or any questions. Until then, I will be out at Necrovion's gates. Let the phoenix rise from the ashes!
Grown up with both, so I love both. If I were to be forced to choose, I think dog would narrowly come out ahead, but I have met a lot of dogs I would not like. I grew up with some amazing labs, and they have always been the most dopy, fantastic, loving beings ever, so I admit my bias in that respect.
Happy birthday samon!
Absolutely, and thank you very much Mur. Good luck on the rest of the Titles! They are a neat concept, for sure.