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Everything posted by Krioni

  1. After observing this a while, people can be upset and consider it wrong to deplete them or not. I fall in to the former, especially dealing with the land I belong to, which is Loreroot. The problem I see is that the ability to do one action (deplete) vs the ability to prevent that action (stop the person from being able to deplete) has vastly disproportional difficulties in terms of performing the action. It is incredibly easy to deplete a resource. I have the tool, I use it. Very, very simple. I want to prevent someone from depleting a resource. The best way to do this, if they already have a tool, is to prevent them from being able to gain access to the resource. Thorns, cleansers, fighting for causes, spells; these all are ways to accomplish this to a degree, but with the exception of spells, they require a coordinated, large effort to be effective. Or, they require a constant presence and effort to prevent it. This isn't impossible, but just much, much more difficult than the offender just waiting for the opportune moment to go through with his actions. I know this has to be more difficult, or else the ability to prevent someone from doing something would be abused just as much as performing the action, but there is a balance to be achieved, and I think it is not in balance here. My opinion on the matter and what I believe is the root problem for why people are upset about it. We can justify that it is in the abilities and functions of the game that people who deplete resources can do so. That is fine, and certainly not a bannable offense. MD is what we make it. The infuriating part is when we wish to defend and enforce our way of playing as well, but that is much more difficult to do than the offender's action. My two cents, to use the cliche ^^
  2. [quote name='Passant the Weak' timestamp='1331656488' post='106501'] I missed the regeneration today. Are the herbs basket and MDA buckets associated with land loyalty? [/quote] At least with the herbs baskets, I believe they require no land loyalty (A requirement of zero). It may be 10, but I am pretty sure it is zero.
  3. Deadline has been extended until the 18th of March. Please, get out there, do some art, and let us see it! It doesn't matter how good, we want to see your interpretations of Spring! Send them on in! Edit: Also, the original post now has prizes added! Claim them with your awesome submissions!
  4. The signups for the tournament have been extended until March 13th, sign up by sending me a pm here or in game!
  5. Registration for the Spring Tournament has been extended! Check it out and register if you want to have some fun dueling with Lorerootian creatures!

  6. Happy Birthday Mya! Thanks for being an awesome person, and both a mentor and friend. Hope you have a fantastic day!
  7. [quote name='ChildOfTheSoul' timestamp='1330242155' post='105174'] I would suggest that Krioni receive a "Profile and Personal Characteristics" Screenshot from every entrant. Then again.. some people might not like that. [/quote] [quote name='Shemhazaj' timestamp='1330243340' post='105175'] [color=#808080][i]those who don't like that may just set the slider to 0%. No need for stats spoilers then...[/i][/color] [/quote] Shemhazaj is right on that. I forgot that we cannot see the amount of stats actually given in the report, so submitting a profile shot will be necessary, in this case. If you don't, just use 0%. [quote name='Sunfire' timestamp='1330266343' post='105223'] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]"If the competitors do not submit the proof of the round, they will be contacted once about the submission. If the proof has still not been submitted an hour after the warning, the competitors will be dropped from the competition."[/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]does this hour begin after the sending of the message or the reading of the message[/size][/font][/color]? [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828][size=3]people might not be able to read their messages right away[/size][/color][/font] [/quote] The hour begins after the warning is sent. The reason for this is to make sure the competition is not held up by competitors who do not submit proof of the round being finished. The deadline for the round will be posted far in advance of this, so competitors should be submitting early if they are not there for the actual deadline.
  8. [quote name='Tarquinus' timestamp='1330211898' post='105153'] According to their description, Grasans come from the Hollow Den. Do they count as Lorerootian creatures, too? [/quote] and [quote name='ChildOfTheSoul' timestamp='1330152917' post='105117'] Do you consider a sharptear to be a lorerootian creature? It's from the shop but a variation of a lorerootian archer.. [/quote] Sharptears will be allowed since they are a shop version of a current Lorerootian creature. Grasans, even though their description states they come from the Hollow Den, will not be allowed because they are not currently attainable in Loreroot. Keep asking any questions you have! We will answer them as fast as possible ^^
  9. [size=5][b]Welcome artists of Magicduel![/b][/size] [size=5][size=4][size=3]Spring is coming back in to the air, and in celebration of this, Loreroot is holding the annual Spring Festival. As part of this celebration, we want to see what reminds you of Spring! To do this, we have two separate activities for you all to participate in. One is an art competition. For this, we want you to portray our good friend Remains, in any of his forms, as blooming in the Spring. For this part, refer to the more detailed rules below![/size][/size][/size] [size=5][size=4][size=3]The second part of our activities for the artistically inclined is for you to send us any form of art, Magicduel themed, that focuses on Spring. [/size][/size][/size][size=3]This can be in the form of poetry, short stories, music, more drawn art, whatever you feel like creating. [/size][size=3]This must be original though![/size] [size=3][size=4][b]Rules for Submissions[/b][/size][/size][list] [*][size=3][color=#FF0000]Original work only[/color][/size] [*][size=3]Submit the work to me by sending me a PM with the work either attached or with a link[/size] [*][size=3]State your in game name and if you prefer to remain anonymous.[/size] [*][size=3]State whether you are entering the Remains art competition or the Spring art collection by setting your subject to "Blooming Art Contest" for the former or "Spring Art Submission" for the latter.[/size] [*][size=3]For the Remains art competition, the preferred style is hand drawn, with color, though other types will be accepted.[/size] [*][size=3]You can enter both! There is no penalty for doing so as well.[/size] [*][size=3]Multiple submissions are allowed, but for the remains competition, only one can be specified for judging, so decide on this when you submit. [/size] [*]Deadline is [color=#ff0000]March 10th.[/color] [/list] [size=3][size=4][b]Rewards and Recognition[/b][/size][/size][list] [*][size=3][size=4][size=3]Some, if not all, [/size][/size][/size][size=3]of the artwork will be shared on the day of the Festival, March 20. [/size] [*][size=3]If there are three or more submissions, there will be a rainbow candy and ten silver coins for the winner![/size] [/list] [size=3]We are really excited to see what you all have in store, and how you express Spring, so send those submissions in and have a beautiful Spring![/size]
  10. I updated the rules to accommodate spells and combos. Neither will be allowed. Fresh rits, no spells. [quote name='ChildOfTheSoul' timestamp='1330152917' post='105117'] Do you consider a sharptear to be a lorerootian creature? It's from the shop but a variation of a lorerootian archer.. [/quote] I am considering this at the moment, and I will get back to you soon!
  11. Krioni

    Lost Avatar

    Are you sure? Thank you so much for finding it, it really means a lot to me. Thank you so much!
  12. [b][size=5]Welcome fighters of Magicduel![/size][/b] [size=3]The Spring Equinox is approaching, and as part of the festivities this year, we will be hosting a Loreroot themed combat tournament! This is a chance for everyone to compete in an even, fun competition with other combatants at your mind power level. Test your wit and fighting skill as you compete with your opponents, and prove your worth to come out the victor![/size] [size=3][color=#ff0000]Important: [/color]Read all sections of this post, especially if you plan on competing. It contains the rules and details of how to compete.[/size] [u][b][size=4]The Event[/size][/b][/u][list] [*][size=3]The event will take place on the week from March 13 to March 20. [/size] [*][size=3]The final battles for each MindPower will take place on March 20.[/size] [*][size=3]The format is single elimination, no loser's bracket.[/size] [*][size=3]There will be enough rounds spread over the days to get to the two final competitors on March 20 for each mindpower level.[/size] [*][size=3]Once the final count of competitors has been made, details on the dates and times for each round will be announced through the forum.[/size] [/list] [b][u]The Rules[/u][/b][list] [*][size=3]Each round will consist of one set of battles, one attacking, one defending. If there is a tie, another set will be performed until one person wins on both attack and defense.[/size] [*][size=3]The creatures used must be Lorerootian creatures with NO tokens. Elementals and Sharptears are allowed, though Grasans are not.[/size] [*][size=3]The percentage prayer power can only be the amount that would give the player 200 attack. So, if you have 400 attack, then the max prayer skill you can use is 50%.[/size] [*][size=3]Both the winner and the loser will submit screenshots of the battle log, showing that the winner clearly. This submission must be made before the posted time for the end of the round.[/size] [*][size=3]If the competitors do not submit the proof of the round, they will be contacted once about the submission. If the proof has still not been submitted an hour after the warning, the competitors will be dropped from the competition.[/size] [*][size=3]A case of disagreement in proof will be resolved by the judges of the competition. They have the ability to kick anyone from the competition on their on volition, so it would be wise to follow what they say. [/size] [*][size=3]Anyone not following these rules can be dropped from the tournament, at the discretion of the judges. [/size] [*][size=3]No spells will be allowed[/size] [*][size=3]Every ritual must be fresh, no combo[/size] [/list] [size=3][b][u][size=4]Signups[/size][/u][/b][/size] [size=3][size=4][size=3]To sign up for this tournament, send me a PM here on the forum or in MD. This thread will be dedicated to questions, so signups must be in PM. Send your playername and your mindpower level, with the subject "Spring Tournament". The deadline for signups is [color=#ff0000]March 10.[/color] You are highly recommended to get creatures and sign up sooner.[/size][/size][/size] [size=3][size=4][size=3][b][u][size=4]Rewards[/size][/u][/b][/size][/size][/size] [size=3]The rewards will be announced at a later point in time.[/size] [size=3]Last note, if you want to help judge, a couple volunteers would be useful to help. Send me a message if you want to.[/size] Feel free to ask questions here if you need clarification! [size=3]Good luck in the tournament competitors, and happy Spring![/size]
  13. Krioni

    Lost Avatar

    Hey guys, I uploaded a new avatar, and it seems I accidentally selected to set it as my current avatar instead of sending it to my vault. My previous avatar means a lot to me, as I drew it myself, and I think it is floating around in the store. If anyone sees it, I would happily recompense you for the credit costs of getting it and 5 credits on top (plus any remainder, since you can only purchase in certain amounts). Thanks for your help guys! Krioni
  14. I understand why Socrates was put to death. I also understand the immense pleasure he got from his methods. The elenchus is a very satisfying process, if infuriating for the other party.

  15. I know I just posted, but this actually happened and I had to post it XD You know you've been on MD too much when you nearly sign your emails with your playername instead of your real name. (Had written Krioni on an email accepting an internship offer and just caught it before it was sent ^^)
  16. [quote name='samon' timestamp='1328860542' post='103947'] You start to speak OOC talk between brackets, on a game without RP. [/quote] I have been doing this, except not just on other games. (You know you have been on MD too much when you start texting and instant messaging in parantheses, because it is OOC)
  17. Wow. Just..wow. This is so awesome, it is neat to listen to the songs people have already assigned me. Thank you so much for this! Krioni
  18. All I wish is to help anyone I know, but it seems such an impossible task sometimes.

  19. Wait...I can sleep normally again? Whaa?

    1. Magistra


      Sleep! You deserved it!

    2. Krioni


      You have no idea how good it felt to sleep without interruption ^^

  20. Krioni

    MD Radio ?!

    [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1326403937' post='100585'] Grooveshark allows one to add songs to ones own playlists, and for people to listen to others playlists. I dont mind creating a grooveshark playlist and adding songs as people contact me. [/quote] That would be neat, and I would listen to it. Let me know if you do? And sorry for the late reply *just discovered the My Content section, and beheld its usefulness*
  21. This would be incredibly useful for getting up to date on announcements. I for one would love the feature, partially for the extra reading I can do. Reading the announcements this way seems much easier to do for me.
  22. *puts his hands up* Alright, what the heck. I am putting my name in for the auction. If you haven't met me, I tend to be a cheerful, talkative person. I like to adventure, to figure out things, but mainly get to know people, and have the occasional deep conversation. I know some combat, but I am no Eon. I don't know MDScript, but I am thinking about learning it. I also host the picnics I organize when I can. Hmm, other stuff. I am not sure. I am addicted, and I am normally on when I am not in class or at home. I am honestly of the opinion I wouldn't mind being a slave, if my master was someone I could get along with. I may stay that way for a while if I like it. Oh, and I can cook. And make a lot of coffee. I live off of coffee *laughs* So I guess that is it. Feel free to ask me if you want more information! Krioni Edit: In response to Kamisha's request, Seigheart has said the minimum is 2 days. I would say I am comfortable with a minimum of a week, but if I like my new master and we get along, I can easily go about a month minimum. I am willing to continue that farther as long as I am still able to carry out some duties of my own, but they shouldn't interfere with my servitude.
  23. So an update on the picnics. First off, I am very sorry for how inconsistent they have been. Moving up to MP5 and having the AP to explore new areas like the Tribunal, plus competing in the HC, has kept me very busy of late. I really do want people to be able to plan on coming! An update on times: I have considered and I will be starting to do them on Fridays, because of my own schedule now. I will be starting them back up after the HC, so hopefully this coming week! Also, I really need help from some of you guys. Please, please, please send me on the forum, in the game, or on this thread the times that work for you! I want to get as many people as possible to be able to come. I am already thinking of doing two different times, one around 21:00 ST and another later, around 4. Let me know, please! See you all around the realm, and hopefully we can enjoy some coffee ^^ Krioni
  24. Krioni

    Sugar Rush

    In terms of what happened to Phantasm, I had no idea it was restricted for you guys. I was practically encouraged to fight back in another thread regarding fighting between BHC and HC competitors, and I did so and ran to try and get a couple ticks of score out of it. I won't take BHC heads and run in to off limits areas for you guys anymore, but I know that doesn't do anything to fix the problem with Phantasm's disqualification. I try and play fair, and when I got attacked by BHC people I fought back and tried to win. It would seem though that this event could have been planned much better, as in, not during the same time as HC? A lot of confusion and problems would have been avoided in my mind.
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