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Everything posted by Krioni

  1. For clarification, as I have been confused because of time zones and other stuff, and since I cannot view the date that Magicduel thinks it is, the event is a bit over 29 hours from now. Hope to see people there!
  2. [quote name='Brulant' timestamp='1322572424' post='96807'] If you mean 2:00 ST Thursday then the event is in 31 hours. [/quote] I mean this. Apparently my ability to express it clearly is lacking though.
  3. [quote name='Kyphis the Bard' timestamp='1322540948' post='96791'] What day? [/quote] Fixed. Thanks.
  4. Hello one and all! Me and Keida thought of getting together a sort of picnic get together thing, mainly to try and bring together people to enjoy talk, dance, music (if we can get musicians), and anything else people want to do together. Bring any food or drink you like. Place: Tranquil Plains Time: 7 PM Thursday EST, 2:00 Friday ST If you have a suggestion for another time, let me know. I can be there early (and I probably will). I just hope to see some people enjoying talking and being with others they know and meeting new people. Hope to see you all there! I shall be bringing my coffee. It would be difficult to go on without my coffee. Krioni Edit: I apologize again for all of the confusion, but hopefully we will still see some of you there.
  5. The Adobe Flash Player crashes whenever I open mail inside the game. It is consistent for me, and happens on different machines with the same version of Chrome and Adobe. Google Chrome version: 15.0.874.121 Adobe Flash Player version: Edit: Just as an FYI, this problem does not happen on the latest Firefox.
  6. Sweet, great info on the death of Eon. Thanks for the pointer Burns.
  7. Hello all! I am Krioni, and I am hoping to report an account of Eon's death so that it can be recorded for later reading by others. (This is specifically part of a quest as well, check it out here: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10991-reporter-quest-who-killed-eon/) I hope to gather just some information to begin my research. Either here or in game if people could start posting any information they have that could be of use like logs that would be fantastic. Also, if you would like to meet with me and discuss your personal opinions on the event, contact me and we will set up a time! I would prefer to talk in game, so that it keeps to what a quest is about, which for me is interaction in MD. So to be clear, any logs or general info, feel free to let me know here. If you would like to meet for interview or personal opinion, contact me via PM so we can set up an interview time. Also, Passant, if this somehow against your quest's intent, just let me know and I will happily ask for the post to be removed. I didn't see anything wrong with it. Hope to hear from you all, until then I will be reading something somewhere in MD. Krioni
  8. I plan to submit an article, though I am only starting investigation now. Since I have come back after the beginning of the Eon incident, maybe I can offer a less biased opinion. Posting just to let people know there is some competition, however little I can offer. Could we see some of the other writing after the competition is complete? I like reading other's work!
  9. I thoroughly enjoyed this meeting. I heard someone was chronicling the meeting, I managed to get most of it once we were at GoE, if anyone else is interested. I am going to try my hand at actually turning it in to something easier to read than just chat history.
  10. After considering the different alliances inside Loreroot, I wish to apply for the Guardians of the Root. My path has lead me from chaos to the pursuit of knowledge and companionship. As I continue my journey, my experience with Loreroot and its people has not only inspired me to join them, it has led to me falling in love with the land. Though my experiences have taught me that carnal nature is not the answer to my desires, I know that others cannot comprehend this truth. In this light, I wish to defend my home along the others I have befriended. As I continue to learn more about this land and grow my knowledge, I ask that you consider allowing me to join your ranks in preserving the Great Forest. I hope I shall not disappoint you. Thank you. *tips hat*
  11. While I would love to help any way I can, I do not have access to Loreroot....yet. I think I have it figured out, but depending if I finish Mya's quest today will determine if I advance to MP4 and try the guards. Anyway, let me know if there is anything I can help with.
  12. [quote name='Passant the Weak' timestamp='1310416665' post='87658'] I can share my young experience. I set myself a few goals to complete before moving up MP4. Those had nothing to do with training or fight. I just wanted to take time to explore other things. It worked quite well. But as Chewett said, should have I chosen to move up MP4 earlier, nothing much would have changed, except maybe the age of my creatures. Do as you feel and you'll be ok! [/quote] This sounds a lot like what I wanted, I wanted to have my critters to a certain level, yes, but I wanted to do some of the MP3 quests, which I am about done, and then I think I will go ahead and move up considering the advice here. Thanks!
  13. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1310406928' post='87631'] When you move into mp4, no matter what you do in MP3, you will be the weakest. You will be beaten, many times, and you will lose your ve many times. This is a given no matter how much training you do. But after a while, your creatures will get stronger, you will win battles that others specifically had weaker creatures on. And then there will be a new "wave" of people coming from mp4. You cannot prepare to initially be the weakest. Its an inevitability. But if you have the determination, you can join a group of friends and get easier wins, and train. When you joined the game, you were the weakest. You would grew stronger and then reached the mp3 limits, whereby you need to join the next group and grow stronger again. [/quote] Thanks Chewett. This is the type of reply I want, instead of simply "train more" or "I didn't like it, stay MP3". I don't mind going through that period, and I am honestly excited to be at the bottom again and have people to climb through. Also, if you have general suggestions for any MP3 questioning MP4, leave them here. I will find them useful and I am sure other MP3's will too.
  14. Hey everyone, So a little background: I am an MP3 (I have been for a while) who has at least some understanding of fighting, though of course I am still learning more. At this point in time, I can move on to MP4 when I want to, as I have met the requirements. I want some advice on if I should or not, but it seems that people so far have not given me advice or are very jaded on their reasons for sticking at MP3. First off, I play MD not for the fighting, though it is a major part of the game and I participate in it. I play it because I love the roleplay, the lands, the quests, and the lore. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't play MD. In fact, when I joined about a year ago, that is all that I could find, combat, and I quickly became bored with the game. I returned to find many more quests (thank you everyone who makes MP3 accessible quests) and really got to solving some puzzles. Unfortunately, it seems that to a certain degree, I am currently stopped at what I can do now at this level. I want to explore more lands (namely Loreroot) and do more quests, so I would like to move forward in mindpower. But here is the problem. I have been told by some players that I will not like MP4 and will get destroyed because I have not farmed my creatures up enough. Now, almost all of my creatures I have are ready to advance when hitting the next mind power, but only advance once. My biggest problem with this is I do not care about that so much and certain tools to accomplish getting things like wins seem to be removed from when I played before (GGG). So what are your opinions or advice? Am I really going to die and hate MP4 if I go forward now and should spend some more time in MP3 training critters, or, even if the transition is a little rough, I am good to advance and continue learning what I can? I am going to spend a little more time in MP3 because I am finishing a quest chain by Mya, but I wanted to get some sound advice here on the forums where people can much more easily give better responses than in game. Also, if you don't want to leave a public message as your reason, feel free to PM me. Thanks everyone, Krioni ...Eat Strawberries...
  15. Haha Sharazhad! I agree, I need to get some of that strawberry vodka from you.

  16. [quote name='Mya Celestia' timestamp='1310063092' post='87326'] [color="#8B0000"][font="Palatino Linotype"]Welcome to you! I'm glad to see you've found the mini quests. Come by the cabin or Loreroot gate anytime for a chat [/font][/color] [/quote] And I am thoroughly enjoying them! Thanks for taking the time to make a great way to learn more about the game. I will definitely drop by some time for a casual chat.
  17. [quote name='Darigan' timestamp='1309981134' post='87257'] As of now it is impossible for the guards to be beaten at mp3 due to the recent changes in advancing creatures, though we welcome anyone into the forest who can passby them and are more then welcome to anyone interested in joining our lands as a citizen and hopefully someday joining one of our Alliances. There are a few people you can seek out about information concerning Loreroot. Myself, Mya Celestia, Firsanthalas, and Amoran K Kol are just a few of the residents who would gladly share information with you about our vibrant forest. [/quote] Well I shall hope to catch some of you online when I can. As it seems the majority of things I can do right now are either fight or quest, I am taking some time to get more intimate with the combat system and continue the push to MP4. If you have any suggested material for Loreroot reading, let me know! Thanks for the awesome information, and I hope to be talking about citizenship in a more serious fashion sometime soon.
  18. [quote name='Sharazhad' timestamp='1309984692' post='87260'] [color="#2e8b57"][i]Welcome Krioni, I hope to see you around a bit more often.[/i][/color] [/quote] You too Sharazhad! Also, I did catch that bag One last thing I wanted to ask, even if I cannot be an adept of someone, I do feel like I either need an introduction of a mentor in the combat system. Though I have used it for a while, I still do not truly understand it to any degree (I feel). If anyone is willing to either point me in the direction of some good reading or mentor me a little that would be fantastic.
  19. Hello everyone. I wave introduced myself in the No Man's Land Hello's, Goodbyes, and such section, but I wanted to make a quick inquiry post here in Loreroot's section. I am only in MP3, but as I continue to spend more time in the story and events of this world, I am enjoying Loreroot's, well, lore and related history I can read. While I have yet to defeat the Guardians, and though I wish to defeat them it may have to wait until MP4, I had a couple questions for whoever may answer them. First, could anyone direct me in the best way to learn more of Loreroot or anyone who could acquaint me with anything I can know? I love reading, so articles and documents are awesome. I have read the document composing the history of loreroor in the Loreroot Histories section, and will be browsing the MDA for anything else of interest. Second, when I do gain entrance in to Loreroot, how does one go about gaining citizenship? I have never joined any land, as I have not found one that felt enough like a place I could call home, but I believe Loreroot is that place. I want to make sure I prepare anything necessary to this venture. Thanks for your help! Krioni
  20. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1309970766' post='87247'] The adept system has changed recently so that you need 100 Active days to become an adept, so if you dont have this you might not be able to. But welcome back! its nice to see old faces return [/quote] Ah, fantastic information, thank you Chewett. Hopefully, with time I will have those active days! I have not removed myself as adept from the other person, and I am still listed as his adept, so I guess I will leave it for now and just talk with everyone here on the forums and in game. And I am excited about returning, especially with everything else that seems so much more interesting now. Thanks for the welcome!
  21. Hello to everyone! Honestly, this is not much of an introduction, as I actually first played about a year ago, but unfortunately I was very misguided on what the game was about, or better, what would interest me. I spent most of my time concerned with combat, strength, and trying to understand how to make my critters the best, as fast as possible. It quickly became boring. Lo and behold, I return a few weeks ago, willing to give it another try. The first thing I find is a certain beginners quest by Burns (I have no way of expressing my thanks). Just through the short part 1 of that series, I found an entirely new, and far more interesting world. A world that I could be a part of. So, now I go, adventuring around trying to learn about different lands and discover puzzles to be solved. I am currently trying to train some, though mainly so I can adventure more and become a bigger collector of critters (another thing I enjoy). The biggest thing I wish to find right now is a land I can call my home. I have found my way into Golemus, and, no offense to its peoples, after spending a large amount of time reading about Golemus and spending time there, I am not sure I will be joining. I enjoyed the change of scenery though! My biggest interest right now is Loreroot, especially after spending some time talking with King Firsanthalas. I am excited to see where that interest will lead. So...well.. hello! I am Krioni, Adventurer, critter lover, and known to be generally curious. I hope to meet some of you out there and enjoy this world. Krioni Also, as a last note, I know some of the upper mind powers (apparently) need adepts. I am an adept of someone at the moment from that period a year ago, but I would like someone who is generally interested in the same type of stuff as above and willing to give me some advice (not spoilers) but advice and support would be awesome. Let me know!
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