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  1. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Nimrodel in Tis the season. Why are you happy?   
    Happy days Nim!! Sounds like we both have some awesome things happening next month.  We'll have to gorge on berries together:P
  2. Upvote
    Kiley reacted to Nimrodel in Tis the season. Why are you happy?   
    I am happy about an event happening next month. Something that'd change my life. :)
  3. Upvote
    Kiley reacted to BFH in Tis the season. Why are you happy?   
    I am happy because I got two weeks of vacations! FINALLY!!
  4. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Peace in Tis the season. Why are you happy?   
    I am thankful for the man I will marry.  My very best friend evvvvverrr (note the extended vvvv's and rrr's).  I have been blessed and am amazed by this.  Something else really!!
    Tell me.  What brings you happiness at this moment in time?  Just asking?
  5. Upvote
    Kiley reacted to Assira the Black in Tis the season. Why are you happy?   
    I am thankful that I get to go see family this year. I was not able to go any where last year.
  6. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Assira the Black in Tis the season. Why are you happy?   
    That is awesome Hiria!! Give your family a random hug from a frog loving, tree talking, shadow kind of girl!!!
  7. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Assira the Black in Tis the season. Why are you happy?   
    I am thankful for the man I will marry.  My very best friend evvvvverrr (note the extended vvvv's and rrr's).  I have been blessed and am amazed by this.  Something else really!!
    Tell me.  What brings you happiness at this moment in time?  Just asking?
  8. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Happy Birthday Fang Archbane   
    Happy Birthday:)
  9. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Fang Archbane in Happy Birthday Fang Archbane   
    Happy Birthday:)
  10. Upvote
    Kiley reacted to Burns in First Step: Application   
    To all willing Drachorn Apprentices, and everyone else who enjoy mini-quests, here is the first task, one that always needs to be done before getting a job...
    Write your CV (= resume).
    However, unlike most employers, i hardly care for your birthday, the place you live, or your family status. What i want to hear about are your greatest achievements, from your own point of view. Impress me with your skills and accomplishments, and show me why YOU would be the best in these realms to handle the job of a Drachorn Apprentice.
    I will hand out rewards solely based on my whims, because i can. They won't be big, because this is a very simple 'quest', but if you want to get big rewards in the later stages of this quest-series, you'd still want to make a very good first impression.
    Due to the christmas celebrations that will start in the next few days, and because the people i'd want to employ will likely be busy with making a mini-quest, i'll give you a very long deadline for this extremely simple task: I will not accept entries past December 31st.
    Send them via PM, Forum PM, or post them here, i don't care how you do it as long as i get them.
    Remember, though: The presentation of a CV is almost as important as the contents!
  11. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Happy Birthday Haedrin   
    Happy Birthday!!!!
  12. Upvote
    Kiley reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Foot Fall   
    People are frequently talking about the lack of players in MD, partly attraction of, and partly maintaining them. I can't input much on attraction, but maintaining live populous breeds activity and that breeds attraction,so in that spirit, I had a few thoughts recently from some other games I played and from previous experience with MD. They need fleshing out and MD specific application in some cases, thought I'd stick them here and see if anyone has anything to say...
    1)  Stuff. People love 'stuff'. We're mainly a capitalist world after all.
    1a - Currently the only benefit of logging in is active days and some stats so minor it isn't even worth it. A game I played recently offers 2 benefits to logging in. One that gets you to log in, and the other one that keeps you logged in.
    Firstly, it opens a prize box. This game has a system where there are 20 possible winning boxes and an automated roller picks which one you get. The number of boxes the roller goes to is defined by the number of consecutive days you've logged in for - more days, better possible prizes. They are consumable prizes, so you always need them.
    Secondly it has a research function. Unlike farmville or such where your 'stuff' carries on growing when you log out, this game requires you to be logged in for the 'stuff' to keep the timer going until it comes to be. It keeps you logged in for ages. Annoyingly addictive.
    1b - One of the games I play has an odd system where when you join a guild, you can contribute to that guild to make it better. The things you do on your own generate points that you can use to upgrade other people's 'stuff' - and these things, you cannot use these collaborative points on your own 'stuff'. They are reserved for guilds and they offer great benefits. It doesn't need to be guild related obviously, its just the idea I quite like.
    2) Yield from Creative Input
    One of my favorite things about MD is that it breeds creative talent and nurtures it - but often, this talent gets no feedback, which is as bad as negative feedback. Here, unless someone with power notices you, you get nowhere. That's a good real life lesson, but the way it works at the moment is a bit flimsy. There aren't enough watchers or systems in place to get the feedback to keep the momentum. Its lost energy, so it tends to die. As an example you might be able to relate to, there have been some fantastic quests that got very few players because the reward didn't seem to match the input required.
    The roleplay character system worked with this, but it got abused (for the record, I still think that was a great system). The god system worked, but there lacked eyes to see and it failed in some ways due to both inability to interact, and lack of players to react to. The council system again worked but lacked the necessary speed and, imo, resources. I think having something constant in place, with a nice boost at the end of it, could help maintain people's spark. So for example, say a quarterly design quest, you draw and design a functional item based on specific property specifications that the 'powers that be' define, if you win, that item comes to be and is yours. Its just an example, but to me that seems like a pretty good reason to draw and think and such. In between, there could be an input thread for the next but one as to what the thing should be and do, which again keeps people ticking over.
    3) Real Life
    With the right prize and the right goal, there have been some awesome things here that have tied people in to doing things in real life and sticking them here. The old plant growing contest was a good one. Then you have things like the black letters. I did an origami puzzle quest once that people really got involved with. This one is a difficult one, it has to be the right kind of thing to get people to haul butt off the couch. I asked people to go out and take photos once...that failed miserably. So input on this one, I think would be really great.
    My current idea, which I've been mulling over for about 6 months now...is an annual nominated puzzle. There would have to be a puzzle master, it would need to be a role as they would manage this system. Players nominate a player in secret to the puzzle master over a period of time. That player will then unknowingly be the target of the real life quest. The puzzle master must then gather a group.This group must include a number of people from the same country as the player. The group create a puzzle and build items to support it. The players who live in the country will then take these items (which can be posted of course) and place them in the country. The puzzle master then contacts the nominated player, and gives them their first instructions. They then have a real life quest to undertake. This can involve having to come back to the game to speak with people, digging things up, traveling to locations to collect things etc etc. To avoid anyone who might be adverse to playing, there could be a topic that allows people to say they'd be happy to be nominated. There would, of course, need to be a prize at the end, whether that be something in game, or something that was created for them (eg: The bobbers once made me a book, it was awesome.). This one doesn't need anything other than community support to initiate.
    4) Advancement
    I think MD does this really well actually. It just fails because of the aforementioned issues. You grow from a little dude to an MP5 or 6, and from there you have the chance to actually help build the game itself.
    5) Research
    The research docs and spell docs are great, they just need some shove. Research points can be used for the above things effectively, and if you tie that in to designing things that give you a reward then you have a winner.
    TLDR: - I think, having typed out the above, what is lacking is constants, and cyclicity.
    Anyway...that is a lot of typing. I don't know how reasonable any of this is, but I'd be interested to hear your input and ideas.
  13. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Maebius in Melt the prison gate!   
    I can't help but thinking of heat veins.  Do they lead to the jail?? They must actually..hehe.  Can we blow it from the bottom.  Yeah I am getting all Bonnie and Clyde here.  I personally think It should require 2000K or more.  I've seen the community raise much more.  BFK GUYS!!! Big Fu*&ing KABOOM!!  Or more heat actually as it should not be easy.   Once the "prisoner" has been freed, viscosity is reduced in the realm by a determined and set amount of time.
  14. Upvote
    Kiley reacted to AmberRune in Melt the prison gate!   
    Melting point of granite is about 1215–1260 °C, wrought iron about 1483-1593°C
    0.22 celsius heat units would be about equal to 100 calories
    So say if 0.22 celsius heat units basically equaled 0.22°C in temperature change (because I just glossed over this and have no idea if it actually is true), room temperature would be about 21°C so melting granite would require about 5631cal and wrought iron about 7145cal. On average we burn 100cal by walking leisurely for 18 minutes, which is 1080 seconds. Would mean walking 6082363 seconds for granite and 7717090 seconds for wrought iron.
    Heat in MD depreciates at 1heat/second so 6,082,363 heat to hit the melting point of a granite prison gate and 7,717,090 heat for a wrought iron prison gate. And to hold it there for a while so more depending on how long it takes for it all to melt.
    8-10 million heat seems like a decent ballpark
  15. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Eagle Eye in Happy Birthday   
    Belated Birthday Wishes. 
  16. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from DARK DEMON in Happy Birthday   
    Belated Birthday Wishes. 
  17. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Lazarus in The cage - TB citizenship reward   
    nvm :))
  18. Upvote
    Kiley reacted to Maebius in Brain Training Can Teach Synesthesia-Like Perception?   
    Totally offtopic.  (or is it?)  .. but wanted to share with you MD folks.
    Neat!    I'm trying it this week.  :P  So far, no luck...
  19. Upvote
    Kiley reacted to Tipu in Compiling a list of "people I like"   
    me very active
    My New Role : The Epic Trustworthy Knight ..... "Protectors of the MD treasures"
                             " Guardian of the Treasure Keys "..." Keeper of anything valuables"
  20. Upvote
    Kiley reacted to Azull in Compiling a list of "people I like"   
    Active: Several hours every day.
    Role: King of Necrovion
    Activity: If you don't know what I do, you're not supposed to know.
  21. Upvote
    Kiley reacted to Maebius in Compiling a list of "people I like"   
    I lurk a lot.   Would not say "active" in the realm as far as chatting with folks lately, since I've been trying to bug-hunt on my Tour of Sorts code that broke somehow... but I'm logged in daily again, idle-in-scene-but-mentally-active-in-windows-of-MD.
    I don't have a Role though, to my knowledge.  :P
  22. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from phantasm in Compiling a list of "people I like"   
    Active: Log on daily
    Role: None
    Activity: As needed
  23. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Maebius in Compiling a list of "people I like"   
    Active: Log on daily
    Role: None
    Activity: As needed
  24. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Azthor in Compiling a list of "people I like"   
    Active: Log on daily
    Role: None
    Activity: As needed
  25. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from rikstar in Happy Birthday   
    Happy Birthday :)
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