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Everything posted by Dragual

  1. I wonder what has changed in my absence...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more


      I've certainly become much better, nicer, stronger, etc. *chuckles*

    3. De Mimsy Porpington
    4. Dragual


      Stronger than I?

  2. Dragual


    Bump. I want to see more ideas on this. Edit: What if we made it into a sort of "illusion" (Have never used one so I'm not sure how these work.) where you are given a certain amount of AP and land loyalty depending on whether or not your a survivor or infected person? Survivors would obviously have more AP then zombies but would have land loyalty to places like MB, LR and/or NML. While zombies would have land loyalty to places like NC and the underground. This would help to nullify any "unfairness" between aged players and new players.
  3. I think a really kool shop at the end would be nice. With an entirely new set of armor. I dunno.. Just a thought.
  4. The idea is that there is another challenge like that of the Loreroot Guards or the Shop Guards. Call it a dungeon... The entrance would be in the under ground, extending off of the Gazebo of Chaos. Maybe it could even be where Necrovion is if I have my ideas right about where the GoC is. What I would like to see is multiple NPC creatures similar to the Loreroot Guards that get progressively harder as you move through. Maybe 2 or 3 per scene and... 5 to 6 scenes. I think it would be awesome if, at first they are easier than the Loreroot Guards, but as you go down deeper, they eventually become more powerful then them.
  5. I wanna second what she said. Seig, you know I enjoy having you here. Especially due to the amazingly stupid reasons some people seem to have to hate you. I find it amusing. I'm sorry I haven't been able to do more to help get you rezzed again... I've been busy. I'll try to keep working on it, bu ti only have four days left to do my stuff.
  6. Wish I knew how to get back on MD. :/

  7. All they've done was ask you why? So you freak out and shut down the entire dream experience?
  8. Yes. They are in the east. You need to unlock at least level 1 in order to begin opening research clues.
  9. You are given 10 free points and one WP for another 10.
  10. I gave up because it benefited me. She provided crazy stuff, yes, but something that worked well enough for me.
  11. It's crazy, yea... But it ends it, it seems. Although I'd say it is most certainly NOT worthy of a WP. It could have been much more entertaining. For this, I apologize. However, I now have a few more ideas for future quests.
  12. Problem solved, quest closed. In a weird way, Necromancer Mortis won on behalf of Princess Katt. [color=#000000]: Princess Katt hides behind the gnarled tree[/color] [color=#000000]Falronn: Will you speak of your situation?[/color] [color=#000000]Princess Katt: Mortis![/color] [color=#000000]: Princess Katt comes out[/color] [color=#000000]Necromancer Mort.: Hi[/color] [color=#000000]Princess Katt: Yes, Falronn... Yesterday, Dragual tried to kill me and my unborn child. He insists the child must not live.[/color] [color=#000000]Necromancer Mort.: You are ok?[/color] [color=#000000]: Princess Katt shows her stomach, a new gash healing[/color] [color=#000000]Necromancer Mort.: Is there anything I can do?[/color] [color=#000000]Princess Katt: Nava gave me healing some time ago, I'd forgotten about it.[/color] [color=#000000]Princess Katt: Yes, Mortis... can you make the baby come sooner? Make it grow faster?[/color] [color=#000000]Necromancer Mort.: It is possible[/color] [color=#000000]Princess Katt: What would I need to do?[/color] [color=#000000]Falronn: Hello Eon.[/color] [color=#000000]Necromancer Mort.: Just let me set up a chalk circle.[/color] [color=#000000]: Falronn passed Heat stone to Eon[/color] [color=#000000]: Necromancer Mortis draws a circle of chalk around Katt[/color] [color=#000000]: Princess Katt stands still in the circle[/color] [color=#000000]Necromancer Mort.: *intones softly* Tempus! Agito![/color] [color=#000000]Necromancer Mort.: That should have moved time forwards by eight months.[/color] [color=#000000]Dragual Monarth: My coin Mortis?[/color] [color=#000000]: Necromancer Mortis passed Silver coin to Dragual Monarth[/color] [color=#000000]Necromancer Mort.: Here's your blood money.[/color] [color=#000000]: Princess Katt looks down at her huge belly[/color] [color=#000000]Dragual Monarth: *smiles* Thank you.[/color] [color=#000000]Necromancer Mort.: *looks at Katt* Any other way I can assist?[/color] [color=#000000]Princess Katt: I'm still afraid... if only the baby were not his.[/color] [color=#000000]Necromancer Mort.: It... could be done.[/color] [color=#000000]Princess Katt: I mean, maybe if it weren't his, he would give up.[/color] [color=#000000]Princess Katt: I'm all ears, Mortis.[/color] [color=#000000]Necromancer Mort.: I would need a blood sample from you and the baby. Only a small amount[/color] [color=#000000]Princess Katt: And you would do what with it?[/color] [color=#000000]Necromancer Mort.: I would set up a cascade spell to replace the current DNA with that of you and a new donor, any suggestions?[/color] [color=#000000]Princess Katt: I have no one else right now, Mortis. *she looks down sadly* [/color] [color=#000000]Necromancer Mort.: I had to sacrifice my weapons to get here. *bites his hand, drawing blood*[/color] [color=#000000]Princess Katt: I still have the katana you gave me.[/color] [color=#000000]Necromancer Mort.: *smiles* That would be easier.[/color] [color=#000000]: Princess Katt draws the katana and hands it to him[/color] [color=#000000]Necromancer Mort.: *takes it* Hold out your hand.[/color] [color=#000000]: Princess Katt holds out her hand[/color] [color=#000000]: Necromancer Mortis gently sets the katana down on her hand ever so slightly, letting it draw blood[/color] [color=#000000]Princess Katt: I have no one else right now, Mortis. *she looks down sadly*[/color] [color=#000000]Necromancer Mort.: I had to sacrifice my weapons to get here. *bites his hand, drawing blood*[/color] [color=#000000]Princess Katt: I still have the katana you gave me.[/color] [color=#000000]Necromancer Mort.: *smiles* That would be easier.[/color] [color=#000000]: Princess Katt draws the katana and hands it to him[/color] [color=#000000]Necromancer Mort.: *takes it* Hold out your hand.[/color] [color=#000000]: Princess Katt holds out her hand[/color] [color=#000000]: Necromancer Mortis gently sets the katana down on her hand ever so slightly, letting it draw blood[/color] [color=#000000]: Princess Katt winces a little but stands bravely[/color] [color=#000000]Necromancer Mort.: Now I will need a sample from the child.[/color] [color=#000000]Princess Katt: All right... but be careful. I trust you.[/color] [color=#000000]: Necromancer Mortis takes a slither of raw glass and presses it to her belly, piering the skin before drawing back, carefully healing the wound[/color] [color=#000000]Necromancer Mort.: *places the glass into a small bowl along with his own blood* Katt, if you would be so kind.[/color] [color=#000000]: Princess Katt holds out her hand and lets her blood drip into the bowl[/color] [color=#000000]: Princess Katt winces a little but stands bravely[/color] [color=#000000]Necromancer Mort.: Now I will need a sample from the child.[/color] [color=#000000]Princess Katt: All right... but be careful. I trust you.[/color] [color=#000000]: Necromancer Mortis takes a slither of raw glass and presses it to her belly, piering the skin before drawing back, carefully healing the wound[/color] [color=#000000]Necromancer Mort.: *places the glass into a small bowl along with his own blood* Katt, if you would be so kind.[/color] [color=#000000]: Princess Katt holds out her hand and lets her blood drip into the bowl[/color] [color=#000000]Necromancer Mort.: Now. *takes a breath* Cruor recombine![/color] [color=#000000]: Princess Katt looks down at her belly and sees an odd red glow[/color] [color=#000000]Necromancer Mort.: *dips a finger in the blood and draws a cross on her belly with it* It is done.[/color] [color=#000000]Princess Katt: The babe is yours?[/color] [color=#000000]: Necromancer Mortis nods[/color] [color=#000000]: Falronn passed Sand to Eon[/color]
  13. Yea... Sorry. It was kind of a random thing. We didn't plan it out properly. :/
  14. I did sell the leach. But I'm borrowing it from a friend. Let's not fight here but in the realm. Find me and compete in the challenge. This is your chance to find out my reasoning behind my actions in a fun way. Edit: Since Axel upped the anty, I'm upping it too. An additional two gold to both ways for my side here. Be warned. Should you take a path of violence against me, I'll use my land loyalty. In addition, I'll RP my spells into it as well.
  15. I have her leach again. I'm also selling pass papers to anyone who can convince me to sell them. I'm willing to allow her to stay at the House of Tainted Times if she promises to remain in Necrovion. Update: I ask all who hold a set of papers, be willing to sell or trade them if your not going to compete.
  16. What I mean is what if I kill the baby? I think to add to the fun... Let's add a dark side. I will offer a TS and 1 silver to anyone who can get her to give up the baby peacefully. If a peaceful way can't be found, you are given permission to use force. Just don't kill her is all I'll ask. If you use force, you will not receive the coin, but instead, 2 TS's. However it may be difficult to get to us... We're in Necrovion.
  17. Oh kool. A quest now? Edit: What happens if I win?
  18. I really liked the puzzles quest we had in the Dominion.
  19. Hmm... All very good thoughts. But lets wait til such technology actually exists before we begin to theorize on it. However, I would say that maybe when the brain is removed from the original body, it becomes someone else, yet with the same memories. Like repeated reincarnation in the same body. Perhaps we should consider that our bodies are not always our own. That we are only borrowing these bodies while we exist in this realm. As it is, we are born in flesh, then we die and our corpse returns to the earth.
  20. Hmm... I believe it is best described as a theory as I haven't proven it yet. I would like to begin simple occult practices that would provide proof of this... Concept. As for a Spirit and a Soul... I believe that a Spirit is the ethereal body of a person while the Soul is a sort of... Memory. This is how we develop "Soul Mates". When we interact with a person in a past life, and develop a bond with them in such a way, our next life is destined to interact with them. Sort of like how certain animals simply know where to migrate or remember a scene with out ever visiting the place. Hm... If it is artificial, then it is not real, correct? It would not truly be alive and therefore would simply be an everlasting presence with no real life.
  21. I believe I should keep it as a Necrovian quest reward possibility. I think it is fitting that this rare creature be returned to the hands of my fellow Necrovians, but I believe it should be earned by them. I will later be holding quests related to my role as a Historian and I believe creatures such as this should add to my reward supply.
  22. ~Note~ This is more of an out of game theory than anything. *Warning, this is a long read and some may find it useless... Before I begin, I'd like to mention that an amount of this theory developed by statements from others. Including Aristotle. First, I believe there are four( possibly five) elements that govern reality. Aristotle said that each object is composed of one element or another. And that this is why some objects fall faster than others. He was proven wrong by science and mathematics. I instead propose that each element is in ALL things, yet governs different parts of the object. Consider that the element of Fire is simply the element of energy. If you heat up an object, you are increasing the element of Fire in said object. The element of Earth is the element of durability. This is the element that makes objects tangible and resistant. Then you move on to the element of Air. Air is the element that determines an objects ability to move. It is possible to move anything, I believe. And finally, there is the element of Water. Water is the element that makes something "bounce back." This is the "healing" element and is often more seen in rubber. In all objects, each element is present. However, the elements are not always balanced in an object. In some objects, one or more Elements dominate the others. Next we'll move to us. I've thought, recently, that maybe each element represents a different part of a person. And by part I mean Mind, Body, Spirit and Soul. I could be wrong, but I'd say that the Soul is the Spirit as the Mind is to the Body. This would mean that the Mind and Soul are the perceptive sides, while the Body and Spirit are the sensitive sides. Obviously the Body and Mind are the physical pieces, while the Spirit and Soul are the ethereal pieces. Now what if we assign an element to represent each portion of our existence? The Body would be Earth while the Mind would be Air as that is balance. Which would in turn make the Soul the element of Fire and the spirit the element of Water. I would also like to add that we do not interact with each other with just our Bodies. I believe we interact with each other with all four portions of ourselves. I believe that all people are connected in such a way that it is best explained as a floor covered with marbles. When one marble moves in any way with any amount of energy, it will often hit the other marbles around it, affecting them and causing them to collide with even more marbles. Obviously this strike will lose it's power and energy after so long, however, imagine that all the marbles are moving at the same times, bouncing around and affecting those around them. This is because people are constantly interacting with one another. It is in this, that we write the destinies of others as much as we write our own. Finally, I'd like to move on to the "realms" of this existence. I may now believe in "heaven and hell". Obviously Hell is the realm of Fire while Heaven is the realm of Water. This can even be proven in the bible by the "eternal life in Heaven" deal. Consider that this is why people die in this realm, the realm dominate of the element of Earth. The only element that I'm having a hard time with how the realm works is the realm of Air. For this realm, I've given it a variable name of Zephyr. I believe it to be the realm of the unknown.... It would be a realm in which we can only begin to understand. In conclusion, I think this may help explain many things. Emotions, death, immortality and why we cannot have it on this realm, etc etc. I leave this open to the public because it is unrelated to the game, I think.
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