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I have been banned from Chat IG. By who? Why... DST of course. :)

And for what reason? Absolutely none what so ever.

She used her Mouth Sewing Kit against me, when it explicitly says

[color="#cccccc"]Ann. 1626 - [2010-09-28 02:05:26 - Stage 10][/color]
Chat ban ability is now available for LHO and/or other roles that might need it. The ban prevents a target player from talking in the chat, that includes spell casting too. Duration of the block and reuse interval can be configured. The ability will come as an item ("Mouth Sewing Kit"). [b]Those that will be using it are asked to remember that this is intended to be used to prevent abuse and as an intermediate level of punishment before jail/ban[/b]. It should not be used for fun. [/quote]

Proof via Screenshot:


Posted (edited)

Cool. Jail! Yay!

Tomorrow I will also upload the print screen where fenrir here prevented e from speaking (me as an LHO) and also the log.

You might want ti upload the picture using the forum's features because I cannot read what it says in the triggers.

Edited by dst
Posted (edited)

I'm sorry, I don't see anywhere in that screenshot where it says dst sewed your mouth shut? It only says that your mouth was sewed shut.

Are you sure that you uploaded the right file?

(Just to clarify, I'm not disputing that it happened, since dst essentially confirmed it herself when she made her post. Just alerting you that your screenshot doesn't seem to provide any further data, other than the obviouse fact that you are seigheart >.>)

Oh, and the relevant trigger reads:
UID 182140: Item chatban

Edited by Kyphis the Bard

Not a direct quote, so don't hang me for it:

1. The rule is basically that everyone is free to use the silence spell per their own discretion.
2. Everyone is also free to punish those who use it, at their own discretion.
Information received from the "Abuse of Silence Spell" thread, where Mur has pretty much agreed that this is the ruling.

So. If Fenrir silenced Dst first, Dst has the right to silence the person back. And being an LHO, who needs to be able to speak to newbies, I find that the silencing in return is necessary.


Yes, Curi, but dst didn't just silence Seig, she used an LHO item intended for very extreme cases.

My personal thoughts are like this: You're silenced for a few minutes, I'm sure you'll live, but if you're silenced for hours, it's crossing the line.


If she used the spell to silence me, what ever. But she used an item to be used against people for extreme cases. (And there is no chat command or spell signature for the Mouth Sewing Kit, which is why I posted that ss)

You were not helping newbies dst. You were not acting in the role of a LHO. You were harping on me, and blah blah blah, so I bunnyspeaked you. Big deal. 8 minutes as a copy of Metal Bunny is not a problem. But Chat Banning for no reason? Kind of an extreme response.

Whether or not this is deserving of a punishment, or what ever I don't care. That is up to the Council or Mur to decide.


I use what ever I want to use.

I am not taking this to trial. Why? Because I don't care. I am not fighting for a punishment. I am not a vindictive person dst. Sorry, but that's your job.

I don't care enough to take this to trial.

All these "If you dare" and crap, I really don't care. I have a life, so your petty little challenges mean nothing.


abuse can be done once, it is wrong only when repeated? :D
oh, this is epic :D

My opinion:
If Seigh silenced dst without reason (using the public spell), he should be warned proper way.
If Dst silenced Seigh via a mouthsewing kit, she should be warned in proper way, retaliation is not an excuse for abuse (ooo it rhymes!), especially cause it's unpropportional.

Warnings, because it wasn't repeated on either side, well, at least not in short period of time and the offenses weren't that damaging (I hope?).

Why are LHOs starting to remind me of cops? :D

Posted (edited)

I would like to bring up, now that I've remembered, that this isn't the first time dst has abuse a silence tool, though last time chatban wasn't around, so she had to use the silence spell.

Honestly, after reading a bit of that thread again, I'm still in favour of removing the silence completely, or at least restricting it to certain responsible people who have shown they are level-headed in heated situations, and I think dst should be with the first ones to lose it, because she has too many personal arguments, and LHO status SHOULD NOT grant immunity to punishment as Grido's silence so far seems to indicate.

As much as LHOs may be beneficial, they get rewarded with medals and credits and trust in the community, they should not have official immunities as well, and the trust they recieve should be as limited as anybody's.

Edited by Pipstickz
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Toadspeak is a spell, and spells are free to be used as the owner sees fit. The Mouth Sewing Kit, however, is an administrative tool not to be used for personal arguments. Well, according to Mur's announcement at least.

[quote][color=#CCCCCC]Ann. 1626 - [2010-09-28 02:05:26 - Stage 10][/color]
Chat ban ability is now available for LHO and/or other roles that might need it. The ban prevents a target player from talking in the chat, that includes spell casting too. Duration of the block and reuse interval can be configured. The ability will come as an item ("Mouth Sewing Kit"). Those that will be using it are asked to remember that this is intended to be used to prevent abuse and as an intermediate level of punishment before jail/ban. It should not be used for fun.[/quote]

Also, please choose your words with more care, swearing is generally looked down upon.

Edited by Pipstickz

Quas, like Pip has said; I can silence and toadspeak anyone I feel like. But using an LHO tool (which should belong only to responsible adults) because someone bunnyspeaked you is wrong.

Grido was made aware of this topic weeks ago but has declined to comment. When asked if anything was done about it, it was also ignored.

I can only assume it is because of his personal relationship with Dst, but who knows?

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