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Teamwork Controversy, with a little Eon around the Corners


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[b][u]"Eon isn't a dictator who needs to be toppled, he's a fellow player"[/u] - [size=1]Lets use this as our "quote for thought".[/size][/b]

How does one get their stats? By whining about how others stats are higher than their own? Or perhaps by working hard at trying to raise them?
Eon has worked harder than [b]any [/b]other player, to obtain his insanely high stats. So why should he have to put up with constant slander for no other reason than that you can't be bothered to work as hard as he did, you'd rather moan until something happens to his stats. Well bad luck, that's not likely to happen. View his attacks as a challenge that'll only help you get stronger, not a hindrance.

Eon is no different to you or me, the [b]only[/b] difference is that he has chosen to work harder than a lot of people. Remember this when you before you moan about him.


Edited by Sasha Lilias
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[color=#0000ff]Several posts moved from http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10978-how-kings-should-have-handled-eon-issue/[/color]

[quote name='Kamisha' timestamp='1321694033' post='96180 ]I have to support mur it is up to the kings to use there powers as they see fit. However I have never had a problem with eon and I just don't see why people are so intently focused on him. I don't know if people feel threatened or just plain annoyed. If they are you can just hangout in the sanctuary for a while then leave later. Fighting is part of the game people.[/quote]

[color=#008000][i]@ Kamisha. The rest of us are so intently focused on Eon because we have nothing better to do, than to gang up on someone who clearly has oodles of respect for players and the game and demonstrates his/her respect by depleting resources, dishing out massive SD, stalking players, and shows common courtesy by general harassment. Surely you cannot be that pig-headed?! [/i][/color]

[color=#008000][i]If you took this kind of behaviour and placed it in the real world, how is this different to that if say, Robert Mugabe? and would you still be saying "I don't understand why the Zimbabweans were crying?! Surely Mugabe cant be that bad? Raping and pillaging a country is part of life people! If you don't like it just go to the UK for a bit and then come back to Zimbabwe when he leaves on business trips"[/i][/color]

[color=#008000][i]Yes fighting is part of the game, but it is not acceptable when the odds are stacked so highly in one persons favour, and do not give me all that jazz about MD not being fair. There is unfairness in MD when it comes to fighting such as the Heads Contest, and then there is this. If I were a new mp5 who worked hard on achieving my stats not by grinding only to have them squashed by a troll like Eon, I would never want to play this game again, especially when the developers appear to be nonchalant and doing nothing about it and then blame the players for the lack of action.[/i][/color]

Edited by Burns
note added and quote linked for easier reference across the topics
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A more simple solution with Eon could have been a "move lock" spell and an organized attack. Hey , we even have the mood panel to annouce it and i;m pretty sure nobody would have said a word to him if a group organized. " All we had to do if Eon is such a threat and everybody complains about his actions , things could have been solved without even getting to the Kings. I;m not saying this to exonarate or to find an excuse to the kings, i;m just pointing out that there is always a way. The"Eon threat"could have been solved without all this mess.

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[quote name='Sharazhad' timestamp='1321700394' post='96186']
[i] If I were a new mp5 who worked hard on achieving my stats not by grinding only to have them squashed by a troll like Eon, I would never want to play this game again, especially when the developers appear to be nonchalant and doing nothing about it and then blame the players for the lack of action.[/i]
How much stats does Eon take away in each attack, by the way? Unless things changed from a while ago when I trained more (with Eon and skilldamage attacking me each cooldown), the stats that he reduce is far outweighed by the stats gained from fighting with max heat. I was training with around 3-4 unallied targets available and another 3-4 allied targets, and I was gaining stats without any problem. Am I missing something here? (I haven't been training much lately, so I wouldn't know if there's any change to Eon's stats damage since I last got hit by it).

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  • Root Admin

[quote name='Udgard' timestamp='1321714819' post='96194']
How much stats does Eon take away in each attack, by the way? Unless things changed from a while ago when I trained more (with Eon and skilldamage attacking me each cooldown), the stats that he reduce is far outweighed by the stats gained from fighting with max heat. I was training with around 3-4 unallied targets available and another 3-4 allied targets, and I was gaining stats without any problem. Am I missing something here? (I haven't been training much lately, so I wouldn't know if there's any change to Eon's stats damage since I last got hit by it).

I also have found that as an allied target, if eon is to attack me each and every time the stats i lose from him are far outweigheded by the amount i lose.

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Eon puts me in negative in 1 or 2 attacks (compared to my 100 or so attacks I manage to put in one day).

You guys are not representative of the entire players population: fresh MP5 or MP4 allies have difficulties to find wins. Not counting getting much from those wins (we pretty much win against trees, or UPs, we can't rival maxed tokened drachs that are seen often around).

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[quote name='Sharazhad' timestamp='1321700394' post='96186']

[color=#008000][i]@ Kamisha. The rest of us are so intently focused on Eon because we have nothing better to do, than to gang up on someone who clearly has oodles of respect for players and the game and demonstrates his/her respect by depleting resources, dishing out massive SD, stalking players, and shows common courtesy by general harassment. Surely you cannot be that pig-headed?! [/i][/color]

[color=#008000][i]If you took this kind of behaviour and placed it in the real world, how is this different to that if say, Robert Mugabe? and would you still be saying "I don't understand why the Zimbabweans were crying?! Surely Mugabe cant be that bad? Raping and pillaging a country is part of life people! If you don't like it just go to the UK for a bit and then come back to Zimbabwe when he leaves on business trips"[/i][/color]

[i]Yes fighting is part of the game, but it is not acceptable when the odds are stacked so highly in one persons favour, and do not give me all that jazz about MD not being fair. There is unfairness in MD when it comes to fighting such as the Heads Contest, and then there is this. If I were a new mp5 who worked hard on achieving my stats not by grinding only to have them squashed by a troll like Eon, I would never want to play this game again, especially when the developers appear to be nonchalant and doing nothing about it and then blame the players for the lack of action.[/i]

Ridiculous. All I hear is "Eon did this, Eon did that." Do you want someone to hold your hand? Grow up people.

Firstly, my biggest issue is how you are comparing Eon to Mugabe. That really is turning an ant hill into a mountain, don't you think? You're wrong on so many levels there.
Secondly, It is not UNFAIR at all. As I have said before, if you spend more time training than chatting, roleplaying and [u]complaining [/u] (this goes for all of you) perhaps then you will be able to grind stats like he has managed. Unlike some players, Eon has not used bugs to raise his stats, he has used his brain, initiatives and money. if you cannot do the same then quit your whining. As for the SD? Well he can use it however he bloody well wants to. He [b]earnt [/b]it as a prize for winning the BHC. So unless you have a problem with him winning the BHC, I would also stop complaining about that. There is a reason it is given as a reward, and it's not so that he can just admire the title and number.
Thirdly, do you not perhaps think he attacks you so many times, depletes resources and causes so much "harassment*" because of the amount of harassment he gets from others? Perhaps it is his way of getting his own back.

Basically, to cut a long message short.[b] Stop Whining. Start Working.[/b]


Edited by Sasha Lilias
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All these tools, all these items and powers. I really don't care about Eon anymore. He's got dst backing him so pretty much anything major we could try could be negated. Mur created the problem when he gave SD as a reward for a contest. If it weren't Eon who'd won we'd be complaining about someone else, perhaps Shadow or one of the others. Giving an ability as a reward to the strongest fighter, really? what did he expect to happen?

Also Mur, you've spent far too much time around your own community when you start complaining about things like what someone could or should have done. We (this includes kings who you can talk to personally) are not mind readers, and when it comes to your mind and how it works when you do some of the things you do, there's no telling what some of us could or should do with what we are given. Perhaps next time you should just spell out what you think we should do with what you give us.

Edited by Darigan
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[quote name='Darigan' timestamp='1321754361' post='96243']I really don't care about Eon anymore. He's got dst backing him so pretty much anything major we could try could be negated.[/quote]
You're awfully quick to write us off, there, pardner. To quote John Paul Jones: "Surrender, sir? I have not begun to fight!" ;)

Back on topic - I repeat my belief that Eon is a gift rather than a problem. This is true on many levels; he's helping improve MD by providing feedback, he's forcing people to [b]think[/b] about how to fight an overwhelmingly more powerful opponent, and best of all, in my view, he's the best damned villain MD has seen in a long time, if not ever. Some say "problem" but I see an opportunity - many opportunities, as it happens.

Mur is not wrong to say the kings (and all the rest of us*) could've done more. Too often our default reaction to changes seems to be to complain. I'm just as guilty of that as the next guy. But it doesn't mean we can't learn from our mistakes and build something new, and, gods forbid, have fun.

*I refuse to let Firsanthalas take all the blame for any issues for which I am also culpable, as a Lorerootian citizen, as a former RPC, and as a simple player of MagicDuel. Sure, throw some mud at us. We deserve it. But the party ain't over.

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[quote name='Passant the Weak' timestamp='1321721577' post='96202']
Eon puts me in negative in 1 or 2 attacks (compared to my 100 or so attacks I manage to put in one day).

You guys are not representative of the entire players population: fresh MP5 or MP4 allies have difficulties to find wins. Not counting getting much from those wins (we pretty much win against trees, or UPs, we can't rival maxed tokened drachs that are seen often around).
Well, I'm (sadly) quite weak stat-wise. The 6-8 targets I was talking about are 95% made up of targets that had trees or xp loss sponge rits (UPs, eles). Personally, I think the real problem is because people are too afraid to gather together and train because of Eon's stat damage, and this in turn makes it actually hard to outrun the statdamage because there are not enough people around to train with. If people would just ignore the occasional stat damage and gather to train together, I don't think there would be any problem with Eon's stat damage.

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[color=#008000][i]@ McVitie: Read up, it appears that Eon's behaviour has been compared to far worse than Mugabe (..but Im not about to get into African Politics :P)[/i][/color]


As I have said before, if you spend more time training than chatting, roleplaying and complaining (this goes for all of you) perhaps then you will be able to grind stats like he has managed. Unlike some players, Eon has not used bugs to raise his stats, he has used his brain, initiatives and money. if you cannot do the same then quit your whining. As for the SD? Well he can use it however he bloody well wants to. He earnt it as a prize for winning the BHC. So unless you have a problem with him winning the BHC, I would also stop complaining about that. There is a reason it is given as a reward, and it's not so that he can just admire the title and number.
Thirdly, do you not perhaps think he attacks you so many times, depletes resources and causes so much "harassment*" because of the amount of harassment he gets from others? Perhaps it is his way of getting his own back.[/quote]

[i][color="#008000"] This whole attitude of "Quit whining and work harder" is very disappointing. One fails to realise that the people who play MD come from all walks of life and varying economic backgrounds tied together with various financial responsibilities. To say: " he has used his brain, initiatives and money. if you cannot do the same then quit your whining" is very myopic and stupid. I don't need to point out that not everyone is able to grind or spend the large sums of money that Eon has pumped into MD ergo this argument fails to hold water.[/color][/i]

[i][color="#008000"]Eon gets harassment from who?! Does he own land that is constantly being depleted of it resources from other people? Does he own resources that people are taking and selling to others? Or are you talking about the needles? Intelligence and money, doesn't mean anything [to me] if you show general disrespect. [/color][/i]

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[quote name='Sharazhad' timestamp='1321823562' post='96294']
[i][color=#008000]Eon gets harassment from who?! Does he own land that is constantly being depleted of it resources from other people? Does he own resources that people are taking and selling to others? Or are you talking about the needles? Intelligence and money, doesn't mean anything [to me] if you show general disrespect. [/color][/i]
What have you done to stop him from depleting resources, other than talk about it on the forum, which honestly probably makes him want to do it even more?

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[quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1321823980' post='96296']
What have you done to stop him from depleting resources, other than talk about it on the forum, which honestly probably makes him want to do it even more?

What can anyone do alone to Eon?

Edited by ZenTao
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With the large amount of people that dislike Eon, I'm sure you can get something of a schedule written up for herb-watching that would cover most times when he's generally active.

Please keep in mind, though, that the only reason I'm trying to help at all is because I'm fed right up with seeing people say "Oh no what could we ever have done" when there is things to be done. Again, all it takes is one person to step up, take a chance, and be a leader. I'm not that person, I don't care enough about the issue. It doesn't have to be one of the "big names" around here, just somebody who cares enough to work for it.

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[quote name='Udgard' timestamp='1321777437' post='96252']
Well, I'm (sadly) quite weak stat-wise. The 6-8 targets I was talking about are 95% made up of targets that had trees or xp loss sponge rits (UPs, eles). Personally, I think the real problem is because people are too afraid to gather together and train because of Eon's stat damage, and this in turn makes it actually hard to outrun the statdamage because there are not enough people around to train with. If people would just ignore the occasional stat damage and gather to train together, I don't think there would be any problem with Eon's stat damage.

I pretty much agree with you that an appropriate training with a few people who want to spend time on it should be enough to counter the Skill Damage. That seems to be what mur wants: more team effort in MD.

However that also means that the people who can effectively fight that SD are those who manage to spend time and group on training (pretty much those we cfall grinders), while the occasional fighter has simply no chance if he logs on during Eon's time.

I ame one of those occasional fighters: I like to train when i get a few time. But i don't like the mechanical stats grinding. What I love is to fight randomly here and there, study the logs, learn from them, train that Rusty I just managed to get, etc... Currently, if I do that I lose stats every day.

So I have the following choice I think, when it comes to fighting in MD:
- continue doing what i did before and see my stats progressively diving to the ground (or below, not sure if we can get neg stats! ;)).
- hide when Eon is awake and use his night to fight
- join a training group and grind grind grind (provided I can get enough MD time to do that)
- build an anti Eon group and find a way to skill dmage her until her SD skill is at 0

I have currently chosen option 2, which fits quite well with my other MD activities. Not sure what will be my next choice if any! :)

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