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Bahhh this is simple. Unless it breaks any GAME rules, Eon can do whatever he wants to make the BHC a real BHC (combat action or whatever.)

His job is to be creative and to develop BHC as they occur. I see no problems with his rules.

I do hope he keep the BHC alive and fun in some way. (I remember when I competed :) I enjoyed it and I hope others enjoy as I did.

Have FUN!


[quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1337107385' post='111953']
No, but it's like Skilldamage.
People complain all the time about how Eon uses his Skilldamage to hurt people's stats.
But others come back and say, he earned it. Let him use it.
It is not like skilldamage. Skilldamage can be counteracted if you put a little effort in, whereas if you sat there ghosted, people trying to take heads from you would need to wait for it to run out and hope that they could attack before you cast it again. I will also remind you that ghost is not available during HC. Should it be available there too? Or just BHC, because that's the only one exploitable to you?


I have no intentions on exploiting it. I don't even have any creatures to fight with, so seriously screw off with this assumption that I am pissed that I can't use my abilities.

And before you say I plan on giving my cloak to someone, I don't trust anyone enough to do so. There are maybe three people in MD I would consider giving it to, but no one else.


Ignnus was disqualified from this BHC for going to an excluded location that I specifically wrote not to go to on the BHC thread. Peace has been at the Fields of Fear for awhile, and I've watched him jump from the labyrinth to Necrovion multiple times since I noticed Peace happened to be at the Fields of Fear.

Jumping is a great strategy in the BHC, but jumping to an excluded location isn't. Always work this stuff out ahead of time with your leader if you plan on jumping.

The decision is final.

[attachment=3895:Ignnus in a location I specifically wrote not to go to.bmp]

Posted (edited)

It was less then 3 second I've been there..Did you say anywhere is it forbidden to "jump"to those places?Please don't make up rules

so just like this you removed me,no warnings nothing?

Edited by ignnus
Posted (edited)

Had I not specifically written Fields of Fear was an excluded location I would have given you a warning. The thing is, I did write Fields of Fear specifically in my very first post, and you chose to ignore that and jump to the location repeatedly.

If your going to repeatedly risk breaking rules, expect to one day be caught.

Edited by Eon

[quote]"It's time for another BHC again. In this BHC fighters will battle all throughout the realm, excluding locations like path keeper, Fields of Fear, Inside the GG mountain, and any other area that isn't normally accessible. I'll allow WP locations."[/quote]

Excluded to stay there no?So you can remove me and 30k scores from this? What kind of person you are?Okay win it then congrats


Excluded mean's you aren't allowed to go there.

It's very simple. You repeatedly risked breaking a very obvious rule, and eventually you got caught. Had you not gone to the Fields of Fear you wouldn't be in this situation right now.

There's always next time.


It's not very simple actually,you could "simply" give a warning and I wouldn't go there anymore.Am I supposed to understand you can't ever be there from "excluded"?Really Eon..


[quote name='Eon' timestamp='1337003380' post='111808']
It's time for another BHC again. In this BHC fighters will battle all throughout the realm, excluding locations like path keeper, Fields of Fear, Inside the GG mountain, and any other area that isn't normally accessible. I'll allow WP locations.


Mrs, Mr, or its Eon you warned me to get out from the place that i was resting i was idle so no fast answer, you WARNED ME AND WAIT AT LEAST 3 Hours, so in no place says you will automatically exclude from the contest


It is very simple actually. You have to be attackable, you can't attack people by using no creatures, and restricted access locations are excluded from the competition, which I specifically mentioned the Fields of Fear being.

You had freedom to do basically anything else, and yet you chose to repeatedly break the same rule.

Manda, I didn't specifically write on the thread that Angiens Shrine was excluded. You apparently still have full access to it, so I figured you weren't aware that it was considered a restricted location. Had Ignnus gone to that location I would have given him a warning for it.

Don't constantly break rules in this competition and think there will be no consequences to it.


There are consequences to using your responsibility in this fashion too, Eon. Ignnus clearly did not plan to stay in the Fields of Fear, so even if you were waiting there for him, you might not have attacked him before he left. Shadowseeker's screenshot corroborates this, as it is not a screenshot of ignnus actually in the Fields of Fear, but one of him having left the Fields of Fear. Furthermore, your rules do not specifically warn that being present in a location will result in disqualification, it only states that the battle between BHC competitors will not take place in those locations, which it clearly did not:
In this BHC fighters will battle all throughout the realm, excluding locations like path keeper, Fields of Fear, Inside the GG mountain, and any other area that isn't normally accessible.[/quote]
A non-native English speaker might not understand your implied meaning, because it can be interpreted in different ways. Finally, another competitor could have potentially attacked him, if for example, SS took Lone Wolf's leash into the Fields of Fear and used it to bring him there. Though, the rule only states that players must be able to attack you, not just other competitors, so SS himself could have attacked ignnus, making the Fields of Fear a legal place to be.


It doesn't matter if he didn't plan on staying there, he was still in a location that was excluded from the contest.

What happened when Phantasm went into the TB when I said it wasn't allowed? He was removed from the competition without warning.

What happened when Nadrolski, which is someone I don't have a good relationship with, decided to go into certain locations I considered restricted but I didn't specifically put them on the thread at the time? I gave him a warning to leave those locations.

When Shadow was hiding at the Fields of Fear in the BHC he won, i made sure to get confirmation from Mur that Shadow had access to the location and he wasn't using a bug.

When Manda was at the path keeper I made sure to get confirmation from Mur that Manda had access to that location.

I check all these things. I don't care who you are, whether I like you or not, you'll follow the rules like the rest of us.

I've been running things this way for awhile now, and for the most part things run smoothly. When people break the rules and get kicked out they always tend to come on the forum saying it's not fair, but have I ever been punished for it? No, no I haven't. I won't be punished for these things. My rules are pretty simple. Iggnus can claim he was only there for a few seconds at a time all he wants, an excluded location is an excluded location. He obvious realized it wasn't a location he wasn't supposed to be at, otherwise he would have stayed there longer. Unfortunately for him there's a little LHO button that showed me Peace had been at the Fields of Fear while Ignnus kept jumping from the labyrinth. It seems to me like he didn't think I'd ever realize he was at the Fields of Fear, and he'd get away completely free as long as he was quick enough to avoid detection. That's not how things played out, and he was DQ'd for it.

If you feel it was unfair then start a trial against me. I have nothing to worry about.

Posted (edited)

It's not about whether or not you'll be punished, because you are the authority. I assumed you'd be the first to realize this, but apparently you're not. The Council's only going to step in if you do something incredibly stupid, or they're feeling incredibly nit-picky. Using the fact that they have not stepped in yet is no excuse for your actions. If you're going to enforce a rule, you'd better be sure that people know about it before you do, and it seems to me you just threw your rules together sloppily and called it a day. Leaving rules open to interpretation is unacceptable, if the consequence is disqualification. I stand by my statement that ignnus did not break any rules, because your rules have so many obvious logical loopholes.

Edited by Pipstickz

It doesn't matter if he didn't plan on staying there, he was still in a location that was excluded from the contest.

What happened when Phantasm went into the TB when I said it wasn't allowed? He was removed from the competition without warning.

What happened when Nadrolski, which is someone I don't have a good relationship with, decided to go into certain locations I considered restricted but I didn't specifically put them on the thread at the time? I gave him a warning to leave those locations.

When Shadow was hiding at the Fields of Fear in the BHC he won, i made sure to get confirmation from Mur that Shadow had access to the location and he wasn't using a bug.

When Manda was at the path keeper I made sure to get confirmation from Mur that Manda had access to that location.

I check all these things. I don't care who you are, whether I like you or not, you'll follow the rules like the rest of us.

I've been running things this way for awhile now, and for the most part things run smoothly. When people break the rules and get kicked out they always tend to come on the forum saying it's not fair, but have I ever been punished for it? No, no I haven't. I won't be punished for these things. My rules are pretty simple. Iggnus can claim he was only there for a few seconds at a time all he wants, an excluded location is an excluded location. He obvious realized it wasn't a location he wasn't supposed to be at, otherwise he would have stayed there longer. Unfortunately for him there's a little LHO button that showed me Peace had been at the Fields of Fear while Ignnus kept jumping from the labyrinth. It seems to me like he didn't think I'd ever realize he was at the Fields of Fear, and he'd get away completely free as long as he was quick enough to avoid detection. That's not how things played out, and he was DQ'd for it.

If you feel it was unfair then start a trial against me. I have nothing to worry about.[/quote]

Actually this whole post sounds like pretty guilt ridden to me,So I got all these score because I was there like 10 seconds today,then got removed fast,you have everything to fear,keep on cheating when you don't like the scene and you'll see


Eon, may I suggest further clarification in your initial post (and future bhc threads) as you have since offered in your replies to this. Perhaps that would abate further matters.
That i understand it players must not be present in the restricted locations at any point during the bhc. I would however like to ask, with my not actually taking sides regarding this, something that has been mentioned previous - if someone is summoned by use of spell or leash/such to a restricted location, which they cant prove happened, would they still be disqualified?


My warning,he just pressed the delete button with a half excuse and getting away with it because he said so,Just saying..so we all know what we are against,and it's my humble opinion.

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