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Explanation for Fang's jailing


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I dont know if I'm going offtopic or not.

But I'm speaking here as a player and not as represent ant of any role or whatever i might or not have on md.

Fang made his mistakes and we already know that. I don't think necessary for us to actually throw mud to the fallen tree. He already has been punished and recognized his mistakes. Lets leave him pay his sentence and stop the blaming.

I hope the next leader, whoever he/she might be, do not commit the same mistakes and actually learn from this.

As a side note:

I also believe, and correct me if I'm incorrect, that council handles the leader some rules, I also expect that whoever will be the leader make sure to check with them if he/she have doubts before taking any decision. That will save lots of time of fixing and multiple headaches.


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Hahahaha....fang ...hahahaha..srry but i laughed the whole day reading this hehe.

u c i correctly predicted ur fate almost a month back
[quote name='Tipu' timestamp='1349947002' post='123755']
What u thing... u can hold your position and power forever hahaha...Soon or latter the Vets will find something or the other and will get to kicked from your alliance.
So allow me to join your alliance. Then we both can find official ways to make the treasure money ours b4 u loose your alliance.

Soon we shall be the richest of MD hehe.....

but then u neg [i]neglected[/i] my warnings and ignored my advise ... my my some people learn things in a hard way hehe.

anyways Jail is not bad but remember getting inside the jail is the most easiest but the real HELL lies in getting out of it gl Kehehehe.....

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I have not sent Ledah a message regarding to the Leash, because Ledah (my in game brother) had stopped replying to my messages long before this happened.

And no, i didnt have to tell Grido, or anyone else for that matter, mainly for the reason that about 5 minutes after i was taken out, i was put back in.

But that is ok. I was able to transfer what i wanted to before i got stuck back in. Seems Lady Luck liked me today. If only for a second or two.

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Ive escaped four in total.

Ive escaped twice or thrice (memory fails me as of late) in this latest jailing alone.

I say that, because i wake up in the randomest places.

Yesterday was the Weaponsmiths, the day before was Berserkers way, and today was Berserkers Puzzle.

Is that okay with you XYZ? Is my explanation good enough for you?

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Well then. That White Widow was a little better than i thought. I told you my memory is failing me as of late. Now the only question i have left unanswered, is why did i wake up in berserkers way if i wasnt dragged?...

Hrm. Interesting. Thank you for the concrete number XYZ. Have fun disturbing the peace, or whatever else it is that you may do when im not wasting my breath talking to you.

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[quote name='dst' timestamp='1354620623' post='127354']
My name is not xyz so i advise you not to call me otherwise.

You realize that using the double negatives you just told him to call you xyz, correct?

Anyways I think this topic is getting way out of hand and has just become a bicker fest. Can someone please close this now?

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[quote name='VertuHonagan' timestamp='1354708018' post='127478']
You realize that using the double negatives you just told him to call you xyz, correct?

Anyways I think this topic is getting way out of hand and has just become a bicker fest. Can someone please close this now?

Thank you for the grammar lesson. When you'll be speaking Romanian as good (or in your opinion as bad) as I speak English then have the nerve to correct me.

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Actually, lot of languages use that double negation, where the result is just a negation in difference to logic where false of false is true.
In Serbian it is the case, not sure with English and Romanian, so it's not that of a mistake at all.

(Example sentence in Serbian would be: Nobody did not study, which in our language it is used as all the people avoided to study rather than the logic result: nobody avoided to study, so naturally everybody studied.)

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