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MD Awards 2012 - Nominations


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Here will be the discussion for the various nominations for this year's awards.

- There will be 3 people counting votes and organising this. These people will not be able to be nominated, however they are able to vote. These people are myself (Grido), dst, and Lightsage.
- You may not nominate those who belong to the same land as yourself (this not only means hard-coded, but also those people considered part of certain lands). [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10995-md-awards-2011-24h-discussion/page__st__20#entry97297"]"[/url]This is an MD awards event, if a person deserves one of the awards, it is on the global level, not on local level, however capable the person is, which justifies the ban of the land nominations , possibly votes too[url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10995-md-awards-2011-24h-discussion/page__st__20#entry97297"]"[/url]. [b]If you note nominations slipping through this, please let me know.[/b]
- There will be a minimum of 3, and a maximum of 5 players nominated for each category. Players are added/removed from the nominated by popular consensus. Organisers (and Mur) are allowed to add whoever they think appropriate to the lists prior to the nominations closing, if there are less than 5 names in the category at this point, we reserve the right to add appropriate names up to the total.
- Past winners will be allowed to be nominated again, however, if there are more than 5 names nominated when it closes, those will be the first removed.
- Mur cannot be nominated (sorry Mur), and Rendril cannot be nominated for Top Techy (or another award along the same lines).
- Previous Fossil (or a similar award if that does not exist this year) winners, cannot win again. (Chewett, Yrthilian...and I swear there were more, but can't find them)
- You may only nominate one person per category. If you nominate multiple people, none will be added.
- You may not nominate yourself, or another account you play.
- No editing posts in the nomination thread - purely because I'll potentially get confused.

As per the decisions of the category thread, the following is a list of categories for this year's awards, and below them a list of those nominated already.

Adventuring Award
For the person most dedicated, or who perseveres most at quests. Not necessarily for completing, or winning the most.
[color=#ff0000]- Nimrodel ([/color]Princ, Valldore Nal, DarkRaptor, [color=#ff0000])
- Darkraptor ([/color]Nimrodel,[color=#ff0000] [/color]Eagle Eye/Sky Army, Esmaralda, [color=#ff0000])
- Valldore Nal ([/color]DARK DEMON,[color=#ff0000] )
- Ignnus ([/color]nadrolski,[color=#ff0000] )
- AmberRune ([/color]Falronn,[color=#ff0000] )
- Dante Lionheart ([/color]Eara Meraia, [color=#ff0000])[/color]
[color=#ff0000]- Nadrolski ([/color]Menhir,[color=#ff0000] )[/color]

Best Beautification
For the person thought to be the most skilled at art in the realm. Generally speaking this refers to drawing/painting, rather than other forms of art.
For the player with the best presented papers. This is a purely objective vote, as every player finds different things nice looking. It also encompasses the player's backstory as presented in their papers. [[color=red]someone please "tidy" this description[/color]]
- Dante Lionheart (Burns, DARK DEMON, Plix Plox/Kellox, Falronn,[color=#ff0000] [/color]Valldore Nal, DarkRaptor, Xarr/shayanuser, )
- [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Neno Veliki [/font][/color](Princ, Nimrodel, )
- Lazarus (Rasiel, lashtal,[color=#ff0000] [/color]Eara Meraia, Merowinger, MRAlyon, )
- Gonzalocsdf (Eagle Eye/Sky Army, )
- Apocrypha Aquila (Menhir,[color=#ff0000] [/color])

Champion Fighter
For the person considered to be the best fighter in the realm, this does not necessarily have to be the strongest fighter in the realm, but the one that uses the combat system to the best effect.
[color=#ff0000]- Darkraptor ([/color]Burns, DARK DEMON, Nimrodel, [color=#ff0000])
- Manda ([/color]nadrolski, [color=#ff0000])
- MRAlyon ([/color]Peace, Eagle Eye/Sky Army, [color=#ff0000])
- Ignnus ([/color]DarkRaptor, Esmaralda, [color=#ff0000])[/color]
[color=#ff0000]- Tal ([/color]Eara Meraia, Merowinger, Menhir,[color=#ff0000] [/color][color=#ff0000])[/color]
[color=#ff0000]- Nadrolski[/color] (Neno, )

Fossil of the year
For the player who has been around so long they have turned into a fossil. The player must be visibly active over the past year, and on the veterans list in game.
- Awiiya (Falronn,[color=#ff0000] [/color]Nimrodel, Maebius, MRAlyon, )
- Burns (lashtal,[color=#ff0000] [/color]DarkRaptor, Eagle Eye/Sky Army, Menhir,[color=#ff0000] [/color]Esmaralda, )
[s]- Innocence (DARK DEMON, )[/s]
- Princ Rhaegar (Neno, )

The Golden Protector
For the player who is viewed as performing the best in the role of protector(MP6) during the past year. The player does not have to currently be a protector. The voter should take into account the actions of the other protectors in the realm, rather than automatically voting for their own. Best can mean how helpful the protector has been, to how effective they have been in recruiting worshippers, this is at the voters discretion.
- Peace (Burns, Nimrodel, Plix Plox/Kellox, Falronn,[color=#ff0000] [/color]Maebius, Valldore Nal, DarkRaptor, Merowinger, Menhir,[color=#ff0000] [/color]Xarr/shayanuser, Esmaralda, MRAlyon, )
- Phantom Orchid (Peace, )
- Maebius (ZenTao, )

Helper of the Year
For the player deemed to have been the most helpful. This is open to any player, and is not restricted to LHOs. The area of helpfulness the player focusses on can vary, but due to the original focus of the award being to LHOs, it would be implied that the award is based on peoples helpfulness towards newer players. The voter should realise that even though they may not get on with, or have been helped by one of the nominees, this does not mean that the player is not indeed helpful.
[color=#ff0000]- Maebius ([/color]Nimrodel, Plix Plox/Kellox, lashtal,[color=#ff0000] [/color]Peace, Valldore Nal, Merowinger, Menhir,[color=#ff0000] [/color]Esmaralda, [color=#ff0000] [/color][color=#ff0000])
- BFH Lightning ([/color]nadrolski, [color=#ff0000])
- Peace ([/color]Falronn,[color=#ff0000] [/color][color=#ff0000])
- Dark Demon ([/color]Maebius, DarkRaptor, [color=#ff0000])
- MRAlyon[/color] (ZenTao, )
[color=#ff0000]- Mya Celestia[/color] (Tom Pouce, MRAlyon, )

Most Addicted
For the player who just can't leave MD for more than a minute without needing a fix.
- Darkraptor (Burns, Nimrodel, Eagle Eye/Sky Army, MRAlyon, )
- Nadrolski (Princ, Neno, )
- Dark Demon (Maebius, )
- AmberRune (Peace, Valldore Nal, )
- Ignnus (DarkRaptor, )

Most Popular
[color=#ff0000][Description Needed][/color]
- Maebius (Burns, Nimrodel, Valldore Nal, )
- Eon (Falronn,[color=#ff0000] [/color]Eagle Eye/Sky Army, )
- Fang Archbane (Maebius, Xarr/shayanuser, )
- Peace (DarkRaptor, Menhir,[color=#ff0000] [/color])

Outstanding Service to MD
For the player thought to have done the most to contribute to MD over the year. This can be in any field.
- BFH Lightning (Princ, Plix Plox/Kellox, Chewett, lashtal,[color=#ff0000] [/color]Maebius, Valldore Nal, DarkRaptor, Merowinger, Eagle Eye/Sky Army, Menhir,[color=#ff0000] [/color])
- Maebius (Peace, )

Pre-eminent Role Player
For the player deemed to Role Play the best. The player does not have to stay in character all the time to win this award (though it may help), rather when they do role play it is to the highest standard - this does usually go in hand with remaining in character.
[color=#ff0000]- Azull [/color](Burns, Nimrodel, )
[color=#ff0000]- Phantom Orchid [/color](Princ, )
[color=#ff0000]- Fyrd Argentus ([/color]nadrolski, DarkRaptor, [color=#ff0000])
- Eara Meraia ([/color]lashtal,[color=#ff0000] [/color][color=#ff0000])
- Ackshan Bemunah ([/color]Maebius, [color=#ff0000])
- Lashtal[/color] (Eara Meraia, Merowinger, MRAlyon, )
[s][color=#ff0000]- Innocence[/color] (Falronn, Menhir,[color=#ff0000] [/color]Neno, )[/s]

Prime Quest
For the player seen as creating the best quest over the past year. Just because a voter did not manage to complete the quest, does not mean it was a bad quest necessarily, the voter is asked to take this into account when voting.
- Lashtal [A day of fear, Look in the mirror] (DARK DEMON, Nimrodel, Plix Plox/Kellox, Falronn,[color=#ff0000] [/color]Valldore Nal, DarkRaptor, Menhir,[color=#ff0000] [/color]MRAlyon, )
- Darkraptor [Halloween Cookies] (lashtal,[color=#ff0000] [/color])
- Awiiya [Bubble weaver] (Maebius, )
- Rumi [Community Garden Scarecrow] (Peace, Eagle Eye/Sky Army, )

Rookie of the year
For the player deemed to have made the most progress since they started their account. The player must have created their account since 1st November 2011 and have more than 20 AD at the time of voting. By progress it is meant a step towards a defined role or position (not necessarily official) within the realm, or integration within the community to a large degree.
- Dark Demon [04.07.2012, 21:02] (Burns, DarkRaptor, Eara Meraia, Xarr/shayanuser, )
- Valldore Nal [22.04.2012, 16:20] (Nimrodel, lashtal,[color=#ff0000] [/color]Eagle Eye/Sky Army, )
- Tom Pouce [21.02.2012, 09:01] (Falronn,[color=#ff0000] [/color])
- Eara Meraia [23.07.2012, ] (Merowinger, MRAlyon, )
- Dante Lionheart [24.07.2012, 09:52] (Ackshan, Menhir,[color=#ff0000] [/color])

Top Techie
For the person credited as creating the most popular MD-scripted event or script.
- Maebius (Burns, Nimrodel, Plix Plox/Kellox, Falronn,[color=#ff0000] [/color]Valldore Nal, DarkRaptor, Merowinger, MRAlyon, )
[s]- Chewett (Princ, )[/s]
- Darkraptor (DARK DEMON, )
- BFH Lightning (Eagle Eye/Sky Army, )

This thread has been opened at approx 0255, 4th December, and will remain open until the 9th December.

[i]All previous MD Award threads can be found via the topic-tagging system under "MD Awards" if you don't know how to get to that, look just below the title of the thread and click on the words below the Started by.. line.[/i]

Edited by Grido
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Adventuring Award

- no nomination

Best Beautification

- Dante Lionheart

Champion Fighter

- For the highest rate of development this year, i call darkraptor.

Fossil of the year

- It's growing old, but once again, he did the most of all the ancients: Chewett.

The Golden Protector

- Peace

Helper of the Year

- no nomination

Most Addicted

- darkraptor.

Most Popular

- Maebius

Outstanding Service to MD

- no nomination

Pre-eminent Role Player

- It hurts my Golemian pride to admit it: Azull.

Prime Quest

- Dominion journey: Mur

Rookie of the year

- Dark Demon

Top Techie

- Maebius

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[color=#008000][font=comic sans ms,cursive]Champion Fighter:

- darkraptor

Prime Quest:

- A day of Fear (lasthal)[/font][/color]

[color=#008000][font=comic sans ms,cursive]Best Beautification:[/font][/color]

[color=#008000][font=comic sans ms,cursive]- Dante Lionheart[/font][/color]

Edited by DARK DEMON
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Will try not to double the suggestions...
Anyway, this year was very weak, there aren't much competition in some categories.

[b]Adventuring Award[/b]

[b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Best Beautification[/font][/color][/b]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Neno Veliki [/font][/color]

[b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Helper of the Year[/font][/color][/b]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Maebius[/font][/color]

[b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Outstanding Service to MD[/font][/color][/b]

[b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Pre-eminent Role Player[/font][/color][/b]
Phantom Orchid

Chewett (not sure did he win it before)

[b]Most addicted[/b]
Nadrolski (in a positive way, of course! :) )

Will enter some other categories in a day or so probably.

Edited by Rhaegar Targaryen
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Adventuring award

Best Beautification
Neno Veliki

Champion Fighter

Fossil of the year

The Golden Protector

Helper of the Year

Most Addicted

Most Popular

Outstanding Service to MD
[s]BFH Lightning[/s]

Pre-eminent Role Player


Prime Quest


Rookie of the year

Valldore Nal

Top Techie


Edited by Nimrodel
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[b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Best Beautification[/font][/color][/b]
[font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]Dante Lionheart[/color][/font]

[b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The Golden Protector[/font][/color][/b]
[font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]Peace[/color][/font]

[b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Helper of the Year[/font][/color][/b]
[font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]Maebius[/color][/font]

[b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Outstanding Service to MD[/font][/color][/b]
[font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]BFH Lightning [/color][/font]

[b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Prime Quest[/font][/color][/b]
[font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]Lashtal [/color][/font]

[b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Top Techie[/font][/color][/b]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Maebius[/font][/color]

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Burns, Nim;
- Previous Fossil (or a similar award if that does not exist this year) winners, cannot win again. (Chewett, Yrthilian...and I swear there were more, but can't find them)
Chewett has not been added to Fossil.

- Mur cannot be nominated (sorry Mur), and Rendril cannot be nominated for Top Techy (or another award along the same lines).
Mur has not been added for Prime Quest

- You may not nominate those who belong to the same land as yourself
Maebius has been added to Helper, but by Nim, rather than Princ.

All others above this post have been added (I hope).

I also reiterate, please do NOT edit your posts, as I will miss nominations that way. Thank you.

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Adventuring Award: AmberRune

Best Beatification: Dante Lionheart

Champion Fighter: [s] Would say MRAlyon (land related)[/s]

Fossil of the year: Awiiya

The Golden Protector: Peace

Helper of the Year: Peace

Most Addicted:

Most Popular: Eon

Outstanding Service to MD: [s] Would say BFH (land related)[/s]

Pre-eminent Role Player:

Prime Quest: lashtal

Rookie of the year: Tom Pouce (young enough still?)

Top Techie: Maebius

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Adventuring Award[/color][color=#282828]
Dante Lionheart[/color]
Best Beautification[/color][color=#282828]
Fossil of the year[/color][color=#282828]
Helper of the Year[/color][color=#282828]
Outstanding Service to MD[/color][color=#282828]
BFH Lightning[/color]
Prime Quest[/color][color=#282828]
Rookie of the year[/color][color=#282828]
Valldore Nal[/color]
Pre-eminent Role Player[/color][color=#282828]
Eara Meraia[/color]

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(edited for better spacing and format, no changes to actual nominations made)

Adventuring Award
- My nomination already listed.

Best Beautification
- My nomination already listed.

Champion Fighter
- My nomination already listed, argh!

Fossil of the year
- Awiiya definitely!

The Golden Protector
- Peace, without fail

Helper of the Year
- Dark Demon always offers to help, and my other choice is already listed. :P

Most Addicted
- Dark Demon is an obvious choice in my mind

Most Popular
- hmm.... Fang Archbane. Everyone knows him, and we are always talking about him.
(if Popular is re-defined as liked... I may have to change this, but I saw Eon there too, so figure it fits)

Outstanding Service to MD
- BFH Lightning, (because I can't nominate Chewy for his foruming)

Pre-eminent Role Player
- Ackshan Bemunah springs immediately to mind for me, as a not-yet-nominated-but-should-be.

Prime Quest
- Awiiya for his "get a bubble weaver after doing my quest" quests, which were varied and fun and are sorely missed.

Rookie of the year
- My nomination already listed.

Top Techie
- does Master of Ceremonies count, for Kake and all the other 'techie craftables?' :)
(probably falls under the mur/rendril/etc restriction, sadly)

Edited by Maebius
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All above added.

Please note, Adventuring Award now has more than 5 nominees. So along with voting, please also suggest one of them to be removed (as well as for one you wish to stay in or added).

I need a name for the quest Darkraptor is being nominated for.

I need account creation dates for the rookies.

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[font=comic sans ms,cursive][u]Best Beatification[/u]: My nomination is listed

[u]Champion Fighter[/u]: [b]MRAlyon[/b]

[u]Fossil of the year[/u]: [/font]My nomination is listed

[font=comic sans ms,cursive][u]The Golden Protector[/u]: [b]Phantom Orchid[/b]

[u]Helper of the Year[/u]: [b]Maebius[/b]

[u]Most Addicted[/u]: [b]AmberRune[/b]

[u]Outstanding Service to MD[/u]: [b]Maebius[/b][/font]

[font=comic sans ms,cursive][u]Pre-eminent Role Player[/u]: [/font]My nomination is listed

[font=comic sans ms,cursive][u]Prime Quest[/u]: [b]Rumi[/b] for [color=#323232]Community Garden Scarecrow Contest[/color]

[u]Rookie of the year[/u]: [b]Dante Lionheart[/b]

[u]Top Techie[/u]: My nomination is listed[/font]

[font=comic sans ms,cursive]RfE: Removed Adventuring nomination, I feel all those who are already listed are worthy of it.[/font]

Edited by Peace
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Adventuring Award: [b]Nimrodel[/b]

Best Beautification: [b]Dante[/b] [b]Lionheart[/b]

The Golden Protector: [b]Peace[/b]

Helper of the Year: [b]Maebius[/b]

Most Addicted: [b]AmberRune[/b]

Most Popular: [b]Maebius[/b]

Outstanding Service to MD: [b]BFH[/b]

Prime Quest: [b]lashtal[/b] (What do you see when you look at the mirror ? )

Top Techie: [b]Maebius[/b]

The account creation date is this :

This account was opened on (DD.MM.YYYY H:M): 22.04.2012 16:20

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