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Calling all new players.


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For my own purposes, I would like a list of new players. age is irrelevent. if you consider yourself new, or someone else new, write here.

I wish to get to know these new people. I want to know -you- not your md persona. it will not confuse me that way.

Thank you!

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danke! guess it would help if I clear out my inbox, too, huh...

edit: I could, but currently being resigned to but a phone except for short, sparse trips to the library prevents me otherwise. besides, it gives me a list for when i can be in game.

Edited by Curiose
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Aha. Cool.
I have little to no time to play at home and defo not time to actually play at work.

All new players please state your name and age (is important because if you are older than 2 weeks I defo know you) and I will look for you in the game! When I will have time!

Don't you find it a bit ridiculous?

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Lazarus, 24 days, also drives to a library, not to read but to use the internet to play MD. I accidentally boiled my phone after I misplaced my fridge. I have a fly named "Fly", it flies often even when on a leash. I LOVE meeting new people same as you, but above all, I also love attention and be a drama Queen. I mean King...

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