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Call to all coders 'big' and 'small'


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All those people who can code MD clickies please post say so in this thread. Your help might be requested for coding quests in the future.

No one
The Warrior
Vertu Honagan


Edited by Nimrodel
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I would like to also a cooperation with all of you to play a bit with the new tools i am working on. These tools do not really require coding but require for now a coders way of thinking to be well understood and used, so having a group of people able to use them, or at least to test them, would be great. Nim, after you are done "enrolling" them contact me to talk about this :)

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I would like to also a cooperation with all of you to play a bit with the new tools i am working on. These tools do not really require coding but require for now a coders way of thinking to be well understood and used, so having a group of people able to use them, or at least to test them, would be great. Nim, after you are done "enrolling" them contact me to talk about this :)


Done. Will get to you ASAP.

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I can code, if you need "clickable access". (also have public clickie access for things like MDA bookshelf, etc)  to share clickies among characters and setup multistage quests, and such.


Or to write smaller projects or debug scripts that give you a headache and need a seconhd set of eyes to "find the darn missing semicolon."  ;)

Edited by Maebius
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For some of the above:

It's not about anyone having the wish from the wish shop. It's about being able to actually DO stuff with the clickes. More than just to put a password and show a text. She didn't ask for players with the wish bought but for players that know what an array is.

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For some of the above:

It's not about anyone having the wish from the wish shop. It's about being able to actually DO stuff with the clickes. More than just to put a password and show a text. She didn't ask for players with the wish bought but for players that know what an array is.


You know for some reason, I always had problems with arrays. In game programming, I always ended up just hand coding every duplicate that I wanted to make. As it ended up working out better and looking nicer. Even though the coding was way more extensive than what was necessary. lol.


Although I will say its been 8 years since I last took a game programming class, so I am not nearly as informed on game programming as I used to be. But I have been taught how to learn programming languages, so if you tell me what you are using, I should be able to get a basic programming knowledge on the coding language. (Based on having to learn Panda3D coding language from scratch to create a game for a contest.) My only knowledge in programming is in HTML, JAVA, and Panda 3D




Will all coders that are willing to create quests, and can keep secrets from everyone outside of our messages, please send me a private message with the header of quests. Thank you in advance.

Edited by VertuHonagan
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For anyone reading this, and wondering about "what does MDscript look like/use?"   It's all on the forum.  :)

Right here!   -->   http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/forum/166-md-scripting/

(basically, interpreted PHP, with a few fancy functions of it's own, and a different syntax for variables, among other things)

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