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IMPORTANT - Future way of granting titles/roles

Muratus del Mur

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  • Root Admin

because the title is "granted" by two authorities combined, wouldn't it be more accurate to write:


This hereby is entrusted and acknowledged by the authority of the Dominion of Mur as part of Lands of the East territory.


or the two terms are too similar?

I also recieved this version:

This Seal imbues this document with the full authority of the Dominion of Mur of the Lands of the East.



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If you want it to "sound" as nicely as possible, id go with the following.


"This hereby is entrusted and acknowledged by the authority of the Dominion of Mur, as part of The Lands of the East."

Its the cleanest version of what you want to write Murmur, at least in the eyes of a Californian that learned English and Spanish simultaneously, both in class and on the streets ( >.>)


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  • Root Admin

If you want it to "sound" as nicely as possible, id go with the following.
"This hereby is entrusted and acknowledged by the authority of the Dominion of Mur, as part of The Lands of the East."

Its the cleanest version of what you want to write Murmur, at least in the eyes of a Californian that learned English and Spanish simultaneously, both in class and on the streets ( >.>)


Murs version is better than that, using the comma there is wrong for what he is trying to do.
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  • Root Admin


Ill take your word for that Chewy, because to the extent of my knowledge, the form i used is as correct as it gets.

Who knows, meh, im probably wrong ( o.o)

The comma breaks up the sentence, letting you pause. Thats not whats intended. Its meant to be said as one piece of prose.
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  • Root Admin

so last version to remain is:


"This hereby is entrusted and acknowledged by the authority of the Dominion of Mur as part of Lands of the East territory"


any objections?


attached is a downsized version of the first seal (why so small? because i am paranoid ofc, it also has minor differencies from the actual version)

This will be quite large on the page, enormous, somewhere at the bottom and again on the back maybe in UV ink, or mixed uv ink with custom ink...yeah..for chemical signature so you can't forge it too easy :P. I am working now on these details. I used to ..go the other way arround about un-making documents, now its time to do my best for something original of my own :))

Ofc nobody will need to or will try to actually professionally  forge these documents...but if i do them so nice, lets do them really nice...i am having fun too afterall.


There will be an other stamp to come with the signature, i think the third signature of the second authority will be optional (i can't ask everyone to purchase themselves a stamp, thats why it ill be optional and the page will be done in such way that it won't look empty without one..or ..not.. I will provide the design of the personal stamp of the second authority (the one receiving these papers to give out), if requested. An other option would be with wax seal, and instructions on how to build your own. With the right instructions anyone could build his own stamp too with minimum funds, it doesn't have to be proffesionally done...you could do it from a basic eraser and a cutter or some chemicals..i will provide several ways for those that prefer to make it rather than buy it.



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  • Root Admin

(i put in bold the essential parts so anyone can read quickly what this is about)



I believe all the important things have been discussed now and i have enough for the moment. 

I will post about the developing proocess just so i talk about it, it feels kind of depressing to be enthusiastic about something and all the people arround you in rl not to understand exactly why, ..but you do, so i will post here various, unessential details about what i do.. Imagine its a blog :)


For the design i will be needing some security patterns, like on money bills ..that sort of image i have no way of creating myself, i need to get one already done/generated. After that i can and will alter it in various ways while designing how the doc will look. I had the unpleasant surprise to see the prices for such images at high resolutions, its depressing..for two images at high resolution i need i will pay as much as for the stamp manufacturing. Sadly i can't find top quality canvas of such sort for free, eh...random ranting..


At this point i don't know what you could do to help, probably nothing, but i don't want this topic to go cold because that would lower my current enthusiasm a bit (not much) and it will slow things down. So..i figured out something we can discuss next in order to keep things moving :P..so...




There are a lot of people that will receive these documents to give out.

So, to repeat the meaning of the words i use:

1) I am the main issuing authority, or "first authority" (dominion as a land, represented by me), Later on, in my place, there could be an other land represented by his king as the first authority for example.

2) the second authority will be those that will receive the document signed in blank, these are people with high authority and/or reputation, kings, people with powerful roles, etc

3) these documents will be filled, signed by the secnod authority (they are already singed by the first) and sent to those that deserve to receive a title, thats their final destination, the awarded person.


I have a lot of people i will want to send docs as second authority, i will not name them here because i can't name all now and that's a subject for a separate announcement. I will name just a couple s we can work on this first title document together.


Chewett, BFH, Nimrodel. 


so one of you (preferably all) please imagine you need to give out your first title. Who would be that person, what title is it, why does that person deserve it ...and so on. Then think how to formulate this in such way that the title is valid forever and does not imply a temporary role. For example , if you remember i gave out tags with temporary use, such as "contest moderator", these are not well suited for a title document...anyway you get my point.

Pick your target, the title and prepare a sample text for the first ever created document and post it here. I hope to receive more than just one. After this, everyone please use the forum like/dislike voting system to indicate which one will be used for the first title. The others will be issued later when you receive the docs in your hand, now we just need a real sample to talk about how these docs will be worded, how bug the text will be etc, thats the purpose of this.\\Lets get it done!



ps. @Chew&rikstar: it wouldn't be healthy to have "land coders" either. It will cause differences between the lands that will severely unbalance everything. Anyway, i took it as a joke actually.

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  • Root Admin


ps. @Chew&rikstar: it wouldn't be healthy to have "land coders" either. It will cause differences between the lands that will severely unbalance everything. Anyway, i took it as a joke actually.


I was heavily involved (even as king) of a land and it wasnt unbalanced. I even did less for MB than the other lands specifically to show a lack of favouritism.

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For security patterns, all paper currency (at least in the UK and USA) has a serial number associated with it.

As you said in the initial post that these title documents would be virtual, initially. By this, I imagined that these virtual representations would be items or item-like in game and so have an ID associated with it.

Hence as a security pattern, you could print the item ID on the physical item. To check for counterfeit, one could search for the item ID on the physical item and verify that all the details match up.

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  • Root Admin

For security patterns, all paper currency (at least in the UK and USA) has a serial number associated with it.
As you said in the initial post that these title documents would be virtual, initially. By this, I imagined that these virtual representations would be items or item-like in game and so have an ID associated with it.
Hence as a security pattern, you could print the item ID on the physical item. To check for counterfeit, one could search for the item ID on the physical item and verify that all the details match up.

This is a good idea. See Public/Private Key infrastructure Murry, Look up how X.509 certificates work. I can look into throwing something together if you want.
Public key, everyone can decrypt the code to prove its real, only you can encrypt it and generate the serial number.
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  • Root Admin

chewett....you where md's coder not mb's coder. so it doesn't apply to you, you did what you where supposed to do, not favorise (or how its spelled) a specific land.


The security measures are to add up to the quality, look&feel and general value of the document..not that they will be actualy forged. Afterall, these are generated by people you know and know you , they are not meant to be presented to unaware people, like you could say about fake bills for example. I do such things because i love the ideea not because its actally needed..in case you didn't realized that already. And yes they will have invisible ink. metal insertions, all the stuff..and yes serial number too. Just keep in mind they could have been plain toilet paper also, their value is not in how they are built but in who issued them and for what reason. The manufacturing process is just my personal crazyness put in practice.

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About the serials numbers, I can create bar codes that will correspond to specifics number (and still be directly readable), as I'm working in a packaging company and we have specific software for this. I'm not sure this will be really useful or nice on these documents, and it will be hard to do one for each, but I wanted to propose it in case you are interested.

The encrypted key is also a good idea, and it is more accessible I think since we don't own a personal bar code scanner...

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  • Root Admin

About the serials numbers, I can create bar codes that will correspond to specifics number (and still be directly readable), as I'm working in a packaging company and we have specific software for this. I'm not sure this will be really useful or nice on these documents, and it will be hard to do one for each, but I wanted to propose it in case you are interested.
The encrypted key is also a good idea, and it is more accessible I think since we don't own a personal bar code scanner...

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If you want a way to code the information in but avoid typical graphical codes perhaps look into Æsteticodes. I feel they could fit MDs character much better than a QR code or barcode. However, it would involve a lot more customization, perhaps.
Here's a video that I feel explains them quite well.


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  • Root Admin

no barcodes or qr codes. totally not. This needs to look like a mixture of modern high-tech security with a medieval touch. The keywords for this would be "nobility,  authority, award".

The purpose of the security pattern is to make them very difficult to edit and print altered or to make modifications to whatever will be written on it.


I will show you a couple of samples i kind of like as a base to start. Ofc anyone could buy thm later and try to fake such a document, but don't worry i will make modifications to it that will make them insanely difficult to duplicate. (in case you didn't notice i am insisting on this aspect as if i am somehow challenging some of you to try it (later on) :D)


So, take a look, try to imagine how that background will look, adapted:















So..now you understand better how it will look an what i man by security pattern? Which one you like? do you like them?


..i need some feedback,

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I am between 1 and 2. The first does resemble more MD style indeed.


I would like to see land related certificates of sorts, let's say color of theme related or something e.g. green for Loreroot with a tree on its background perhaps. Or the coat of arms if there are any made already.

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  • Root Admin

no, all docs will have an identical base....buuuuttt....its a good idea to have a dedicated space for visual elements, not just for text...hmm... Like for example if the title is related to a scene, it could fit in there.. printed on plain paper and glued in place in the designated area. However many might look empty then...or ? could we find some image to any title?

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