Root Admin Chewett Posted June 11, 2015 Root Admin Report Posted June 11, 2015 If you are able to, and not restricted by needing to gather X adepts, would you become a MP6 and why.If you havent been a MP6 before, please state why not. Quote
Witty Posted June 11, 2015 Report Posted June 11, 2015 I would become an MP6 and I'm trying to, as everyone probably knows. Main reason I want that is because I genuinely like to help out people, and I want to build my role based on that, so the MP6 mechanisms would help my character development, and hopefully the community too. I still have a lot to learn and experiment, and I still have a lot of wisdom to learn, but I am doing my best to achieve these things. I haven't been an MP6 before for the simple reason that I'm still young in the game and I haven't even been MP5 for a long time. Also, I just recently made this decision of trying to move further. nadrolski and Sir Blut 2 Quote
Rophs Posted June 11, 2015 Report Posted June 11, 2015 (edited) Yes I would become an mp6. I think of an mp6 more as someone who has specific goals that they would like to accomplish and the mp6 uses their mp6 powers to further those goals. For my character the main goal is to sail West from Golemus, but that goal has many sub goals as well. Gather a crew, fix the Lighhouse, get a boat, gather supplies. Only after doing all those things (and a few ones we don't know to do yet) will Rophs be able to finally sail to the Westlands. The power and inherent leadership given by the sixth mindpower would help my character immensely in doing all of these seemingly impossible things. edit: I've never been mp6 because I've never tried to become one. The main reason for that is I've never been a capped mp5. edit:fixed a typo Edited February 23, 2016 by Rophs Ivorak 1 Quote
Fang Archbane Posted June 11, 2015 Report Posted June 11, 2015 Id become MP6 for the fun and experimental factors. Id simply flop between 6 and 7 as newb need saw fit. Although I dont need any fancy tools to help others, I do find them to make life a tiny bit easier when helping. Ive always been one to help others so, becoming an MP6 would just be another tool in my toolbelt to achieve that goal. Nothing overly special, just one of a few small tools I'm missing I could make good use of. Mallos, dst, Vicious and 1 other 1 3 Quote
DARK DEMON Posted June 11, 2015 Report Posted June 11, 2015 The main reason I'd 'want' MP6 is because like always, DD likes to be unique in some way or the other. I won't say that "I need to be MP6 to help people", because I can do that anyway. I haven't been an MP6 before because 1) I've never tried to get myself capped, and 2) I follow the "be yourself" advice a little too much I guess :) Quote
Junior Posted June 11, 2015 Report Posted June 11, 2015 I have been a an MP6 before, and If it wasn't for the restrictions currently in place i would like to be MP6 again. While the idea of becoming MP6 i feel we would also need to discuss how spells will be treated since of course the new problem will be worshippers. Why i want to be MP6 because I feel the need to take a defensive stance in MB in be able to guide and help my newcomers to the land and overall just to do as any other MP6 does which is to help. nadrolski 1 Quote
Syrian Posted June 11, 2015 Report Posted June 11, 2015 mp6 to me is about a relationship, theyre at the centre of a lot of people that look to them, being a protector is one of the things that makes MD worth it for me. being able to have a reason to communicate and foster relationships and connect to people and to help them, be it with spells or just RPing als a protector to save the people that are in trouble, like saving eleyne from a hungry dragon that wanted to eat her. having new or returning players choosing you to look up to and help find their way back into the game is a huge honor for me, an mp6 is less about spells than it is about a community, the spells are nice and sometimes the ycan be used, but the relationhips formed around it are used a lot more. and i would choose to be mp6 always Hedge Munos, Chewett, Ary Endleg and 1 other 4 Quote
(Zl-eye-f)-nea Posted June 11, 2015 Report Posted June 11, 2015 I cannot answer your first question, as it removes part of the definition of MP6, and without a new definition I couldn't say if I'd want to be MP6 or not. For your second, I have never wanted to be MP6 because the 'skill' required for it, is something I consider a taint. Z Chewett, Mallos and Ary Endleg 3 Quote
Mallos Posted June 11, 2015 Report Posted June 11, 2015 (edited) Agree with Z, at first I was about to post then was like "wait I think this is for requests nvm" but the offer is rather tempting. Though I'd say no I don't currently want to be mp6 for a few character related reasons, mostly things like balance and need/vs want. Edited June 11, 2015 by Mallos Quote
Assira the Black Posted June 11, 2015 Report Posted June 11, 2015 I have not been a protector before because of adepts. I have been close to capping. As for whether I want to be a MP6 that would depend on its definition. If it is to mean to help and give at any moment. Then no. If the 'powers' or abilities of a protector is given without thought and is expected to do as much, then that limits them to being not much more than a useable item and I find to be disrespectful. I do not like being stagnant and seek to push things into motion, causing chaos or disorder. I would help but maybe not in the ways wished or expected. I like a challenge and like challenging others. Quote
nadrolski Posted June 11, 2015 Report Posted June 11, 2015 Yes, I would love to be a Protector, but with a limitation: to serve only for the Marind Bell people (which I belong to). "Modern day" Protectors are like everybody's mentor/hero. Everybody, meaning regardless of citizenship and alliance. There is a weak spot when talking about a Protector's loyalty. For example, on what side will the Protector be on a conflict between the land he/she belongs to and the lands of his/her "constituents" (who happen to be fueling him/her with gas - Heat)? As for me, of course, i will always prioritize my fellow citizens more than my worshipers. I was an MP6 before, for the purpose of upgrading high level critters. dst, Rophs and Ivorak 2 1 Quote
Eagle Eye Posted June 12, 2015 Report Posted June 12, 2015 MP6 is to care and love the people and Protector is care and love the realm people inside. MP6 spell- Use MP6 spell in a good way and help the call of the people Protector- Protect the people of the realm and encourage the newbies, help them mentor them. Don't use MP6 as expirments ask yourself?;) Good luck to all new upcoming MP6. Wish you akk the best Quote
VertuHonagan Posted June 12, 2015 Report Posted June 12, 2015 I would become an MP6, but for non conventional reasons. I would become an MP6 only for the fact that it is the next step in the life of Magicduel during the story mode. I would not do it to be a protector, to be a destroyer, or to be some kind of honorary member. I would do it simply for the experience of the next step in Progression for Magicduel and that is it. My steps are purely experimental and to try all kinds of different things. Even if I may fail or dislike the experiments, I still give them a try. I have not done it currently for the fact that it is not part of my characters personality to ask for help from others. My reasons are purely for Character RP only. Same as why I've never joined any lands in the almost 8 years I've been playing this game. My character is a wanderer looking for a place of acceptance for him. He will NEVER request to be accepted, it is expected of others to try to actually want him to join them and to accept. It has never happened, and I don't expect it to, but that is the way of a loner character. That wanders the lands searching for not only acceptance but also for peculiar things within the world, with the goal to experiment with every clue he can find to solve the worlds, magicduels, mysteries. Ary Endleg, Hedge Munos and dst 1 2 Quote
Root Admin Chewett Posted June 12, 2015 Author Root Admin Report Posted June 12, 2015 I would become an MP6 only for the fact that it is the next step in the life of Magicduel during the story mode.But its not? The "final" stage is MP5. MP6 is a stage for protectors and MP7 is illusions. End game is MP5 where your character becomes an "adult" Quote
Ary Endleg Posted June 13, 2015 Report Posted June 13, 2015 Well obviously there's another end game beyond end game then :p since mp5 is requirement for mp6 Quote
phantasm Posted June 13, 2015 Report Posted June 13, 2015 like all "end game" i think people wait and expect the next "expansion" to make the end game go further. Much in like MMOs a lot of "hardcore" players max out in the first 6 months. Then they wait the next 6 months for the new expansion to come out so they can max out in a couple weeks. With any trend of that sort, I think people of MD think..."whats next?" They see mp6 and the cool spells and want that role. Also the fact that Mur long time ago talked about mp6 becoming a normal progression instead of a "rarity". I'm sure there are a few people with the mp6 token of promise. In those regards, I believe those invested in moving forward want a new stage. With the lack of inactivity in the realm, mp6 is a rarity to be sure. The question becomes does MD want it to be a rarity or a progression into the next stage of development. Quote
Ary Endleg Posted June 13, 2015 Report Posted June 13, 2015 Lack of inactivity you say? :huh: :p DARK DEMON 1 Quote
JadenDew Posted June 13, 2015 Report Posted June 13, 2015 (edited) The way MP6 is now, or the way people appear to see it (this is how it appears to me though..).. No, I don't want to be an MP6 Firstly because people look up to them, expecting them to guide younger players and are also rather popular. I don't feel like I fit into this bill, especially the guidance part. My knowledge of MD is limited and I do worry about giving the wrong information everytime someone asks a question about game mechanics and such. Secondly, I don't find the abilities (spells) appealing. Aside from allowing others to pray heat to them for loyalty, the abilities that come with the new MP level usually don't benefit experienced players very much. Sure they could help new MP3s with them, but taking the current group of active players in consideration there are few these days that really want or need the spells to help them. If I am limited to mostly helping MP3.. then the guidance part I mentioned above tends to come into the picture. (Which makes me wonder if it was because of this that MP6 have becoming something close to LHOs..) If it these were changed, then whether or not I want to be MP6 would depend on the changes. So I can't quite say, at the moment, whether or not I would want to be an MP6 after changes. Edit: I forgot that protector does have a summon spell which could be considered useful to most players depending on situation... but still not enough for me to find appealing. Maybe there are more useful ones I have forgotten or not known to me... which the part about knowing not enough of MD knowledge kicks in >_< Edited June 13, 2015 by JadenDew Quote
Root Admin Chewett Posted June 13, 2015 Author Root Admin Report Posted June 13, 2015 (edited) Well obviously there's another end game beyond end game then :P since mp5 is requirement for mp6 MP5 is also a requirement to MP7, Does this confuse the model more! Also the fact that Mur long time ago talked about mp6 becoming a normal progression instead of a "rarity".Im not aware thats ever been said.When the creature requirements were created and some creatures were MP6 early mur planned many people to only visit MP6 for a period of time to max out their creatures. That everyone would eventually visit it.This turned out too annoying for the protectors as they all just kept falling as the next fighter wanted to max his crits, so I removed the MP6 requirement after talking with Mur. Edited June 13, 2015 by Chewett No one 1 Quote
everyone Posted June 15, 2015 Report Posted June 15, 2015 I've only ever thought about it once, and it was only due to the strategic value that comes with it. I however didn't follow through with it. The amount of time needed to gather and maintain adepts exceeded what I could give at that point in time. If asked do I want to be an MP6 now without needing the adepts, I would say yes. Though, it would only be out of curiosity. Like anything else I've never seen before or experienced I am curious about the various aspects of it. (i.e the interface, the different spell trees, and any other aspect that is different where I am now.) Quote
Root Admin Chewett Posted June 15, 2015 Author Root Admin Report Posted June 15, 2015 Its interesting to see that many would become MP6 if they could freely, for whatever reason.I will ponder. Further feedback is welcome. Quote
Mallos Posted June 19, 2015 Report Posted June 19, 2015 I don't think it would hurt if a few select people got to be mp6 for a while with or without the adept count. Could be a nice change and help spur some activity. I didn't read the other mp6 thread but I think a big change could be cutting the adept count in half maybe? If we could hold 2 protectors currently it'd be more like 4 then (well maybe at 10 adepts it would be a more stable 4 or 5 protectors? Would need people to switch over correctly and not one protector with 25 adepts and the other 3 with 5). Witty 1 Quote
Yrthilian Posted June 22, 2015 Report Posted June 22, 2015 I was MP6 for a short time but the time and effort to maintain mp6 was far to much and there for i stoped trying. Without knowing what the "new MP6" is to become regards it place in MD i could not say for sure. To me MP6 is not like the other levels. MP6 is more a state of mind rather that a stat of status/rank. MP6 i suppose could be akin to the old TPC days someone whom wants to puch their role to a more realised state. Hmm i have a though regards mp6 but i am unable to formalise it into something more coherent. That said it would be very dependant on what MP6 is to become and how it fits within MD No one 1 Quote
Lord Corg Posted February 22, 2016 Report Posted February 22, 2016 I havent gone MP6 yet. And atm I dont think i want to. As I understand it... MP6 is a Protector Rank. They have certain skills and spells to help people under them. Which is good. But from what ive seen there arent many MP6 players and theres more MP5 players. So for me Id rather just stay at MP5 until ive gottan a better understanding of my role and creatures. Eagle Eye and No one 2 Quote
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