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5 free shop items missing


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I have recently seen that on the homepage it sais "Register now and get 5 shop items free". I do not know if this was added after I had made my account a bit under 3 weeks ago, but I have not received 5 shop items or credits (was 0 when started)


I am almost certain I used the top link to register my account and there is a difference between them.


Top link : http://magicduel.com/register/register.php

Free credits link : http://magicduel.com/register/register.php?c=


Maybe it is intentionally so, but in this case you should say "Register now and get 5 shop items free by using this link" instead.

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This should not be the case. I have never played before, this game was introduced to me by a friend who didn't play in years and this account was made from work... And I doubt somebody else from the company I work from plays, but there can be a remote possibility, as we all here have some wierd proxy .PAC tunneling.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Root Admin

For clarity blackwoodforest sent me a player ID

To ask my question again, you say it doesn't work but do not explain why, could you be a little more verbose please?

When the account was created did it say you would get them?

When the account joined the game did it get 5 credits?

Have you read or been told this account should get credits (if so where please)

Edited by Chewett
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  • 3 years later...

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