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Resource count raises issues on item combiners

No one

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bushies are bugged so that when you trade them you get:  X bushies(Y)

(doesn't happen when gathering them, but when you trade)


you can use those two bushies and then the rest, I think...in any case, I had 5 bushies (43) and got rid of 5 

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • Root Admin

Its not really a bug

X bushies(Y)  means you have Y stacks of X bushies. When the stacks have individual sizes , it seems wrong because just the value of the oldest stack shows up. Its a bit confusing indeed, maybe show the total value instead of the stack value is better.


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11 hours ago, Muratus del Mur said:

Its not really a bug

X bushies(Y)  means you have Y stacks of X bushies.

so, if I have 5 bushies (43), I have 43 stacks of 5 bushies?

maybe that's how it's supposed to work, but it's not how it actually works. maybe you fixed it, but it worked lik this: I have bushies (X), then if I receive one from someone, I'd get 2 bushies (42)

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  • 5 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Bug it is, feature ... could be.

Beside, Mago, you pointed out the disadvantage but it is also an advantage as you can gather 400 groups of bushies and then use only what you need.

Still this is an issue with not showing the real ammount.

Also, when you're trade it ... you're not trading that values shown but another so ... something needs to be changed as it is really confusing and counter intuitive and ... in the end ... wrong.


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19 hours ago, No one said:

Beside, Mago, you pointed out the disadvantage but it is also an advantage as you can gather 400 groups of bushies and then use only what you need.

please dont misunderstand me, you are right concerning that, i was just annoyed of very small groups of 1 and 2 since i had to click so long.

19 hours ago, No one said:

Still this is an issue with not showing the real ammount.

this is the real or lets say biggest issue from my point of view.

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