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Loreroot Creatures

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Loreroots Creatures 

(A Artistic Quest)




This is a Drawing contest. What you are to do is draw any Loreroot Creature. These Creatures Must only be from Loreroot. Below you will find all you need to know on how to start and complete this quest.



Requirements / Rules


Only one account per player. Player MUST have their player name in the drawing. (Does not matter how as long as it is there) Player MUST have at least 2 pictures of their drawing. NO EDITING , NO COPYING , NO PS EDITING




Draw a Loreroot creature by your Own hand. The creatures you may use are of the following : Knators, Loreroot Archers, Elementals, Water beings, Toxicodendrite seeds, and Remains ( trees).

You may draw them at any of their own levels.

You may use paint, color pencils , ink pens, pencil, oil pastels 



1st a wish point 

2nd A maxed Sharp Tear W/ tokens ( Is totemized but once fenths are inserted to bring it back it will keep all its fights ect. so it will stay max level)

3rd 1 gold goin


All other participants get heat stones out the yin yang XD



Judges will remain secret to avoid given items to persuade for a better score

Judging will be done by 4 people. and will be done like so below


Each judge will make a score of 1-25

1 being the worst and 25 being the best for and overall score of 100


Quest runs till the end of MD BDay


Edited by blackrider
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Yes please continue :) Im not expecting anyones drawings to be at an expert level. Just a fun friendly art quest that i ended up posting late. For those that wish to play and feel the timeline is to short please say and i will compensate time for those who think its not enough time. 


If it comes down to it i will extend the deadline to 1 week after the bday.

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Ok so, I drew a "seed" creature that decided it wanted to be an Archivists, though uh...well, I'm not an artist (as you can tell.) :))



Yes, it has the worlds smallest book collection...

And then I didn't see we needed two pictures >.> So...I took a selfie with it! Yay selfies! :)) 



I call it...the seed of knowledge! :bar_mostpopular:

Edited by Aethon
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This took way more time than I'd like to admit. Here's my version of a max level Water Daimon.


And uh... a selfie for a second pic, because I sure as F know I'm not drawing that Daimon in another pose.


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After long over do here is what will happen to this quest............................


Since only two people had played this quest and i required 3 there will be some chances in the rewards ( Yes changes Sorry if this upsets you guys)

The 1st place award (The WP) will not be given out due to a few reasons. (if you wish to know the reason you may pm me)

With that said 1st place goes to Aeoshattr and second place goes to Aethon..


Aeo will receive the maxed totemized shop archer and heat stones

Aethon will receive 1 gold and a few heat stones.

Happy late bday


If anyone has any problems please send a forum pm stating what your complaint is 

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Nobody should have to PM you for the details, the details should be public if someone wants to know. It is a public quest and you're changing the prizes after it ends with no prior details that this would happen.

Where did you state there was a minimum number of entrants required or else the prizes would shift?

This is yet another example of urine-poor quest management by you which leads to people's valuable time and effort being treated like it isn't worthy. I'm annoyed, and I didn't event take part.


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10 minutes ago, (Zl-eye-f)-nea said:

Nobody should have to PM you for the details, the details should be public if someone wants to know. It is a public quest and you're changing the prizes after it ends with no prior details that this would happen.

Where did you state there was a minimum number of entrants required or else the prizes would shift?

This is yet another example of urine-poor quest management by you which leads to people's valuable time and effort being treated like it isn't worthy. I'm annoyed, and I didn't event take part.


Like you said you didn't take part. So **** off. I had already spoken to chewett about this and came to a conclusion. And as far as calling my quests a piss poor example I would like you to know they weren't made for you. And I don't care if you like them. I think all your quests are piss poor as well that's why I didn't play them. Plain and simple you didn't play the quest or make the quest so move on Z. 

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So you swear at me, and then tell me a public quest isn't made for everyone? A drawing quest isn't made for a player who draws?

I didn't say your quest was bad. It's a great quest. I said you management is urine-poor. Which it is. Your reaction is even worse, as is your inability to take responsibility for your decision.


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Hi Blackshade. I did send you a PM, as you asked, but for the sake of clarity and transparency, I'll post here briefly.

1. Yes, I don't feel particularly proud for having potentially "won a WP" with only 2 participants. I don't think it should be a general thing to award WPs where there are few competitors. A counterexample would be dst's Fry Your Eyes 2 quest, where I was the only participant and dst decided to award the WP, as she didn't mention it depended on the number of entries. I think that was the reasoning behind it. Which brings point 2:

2. You did not say the prizes will change if there are not enough participants. You did not say you required a minimum of 3 for the WP to be awarded.

3. A Sharptear is usually worth 1G max, based on recent auctions (that you can find by searching "sharptear" in the search box. I've found prices ranging from 3SC to 1 GC). And since it's a totem and I have 0 fenths, it would actually cost me to obtain anything from it.

So I'm being given less of a reward for (in my opinion) way more effort put into participation that Aethon. Not meant as an offense, Aethon.

As a consequence: Please donate the sharptear totem to the Treasure Keepers, on my behalf. It would actually cost me coin in addition to the time I spent on the quest to get anything out of it.

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  • Root Admin

Since my name has been brought into this I must come into MD and reply... Thanks to those who mentioned this thread to me

>Like you said you didn't take part. So **** off.


>I had already spoken to chewett about this and came to a conclusion.

The discussion was short and went along the lines of blackshade thinking he shouldnt give one and me pointing out he had clearly decided on. I dont know how much effort was involved in the quest nor did I have time to investigate myself.

>A counterexample would be dst's Fry Your Eyes 2 quest, where I was the only participant and dst decided to award the WP, as she didn't mention it depended on the number of entries

dst and I discussed the reasoning for rewarding a WP to the only participant and we agreed that since you worked hard on the quest you deserved the WP. Not because she didnt add a caveat to the reward.

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