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On 08/06/2016 at 11:31 AM, Sephirah Caelum said:

Pardon, I don't remember being your citizen,if not, are you trying to fake it till you make it? If so, that's a cool move!

 And I'm also fine of having Nimmy as a Protector.

You are quite correct Seph, Eon has no official title of leadership, and so you are not his citizen, nor is anyone else who is a member of the East.

He is, as you say, faking it till he makes it.

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On 6/9/2016 at 10:05 PM, Grido said:

You are quite correct Seph, Eon has no official title of leadership, and so you are not his citizen, nor is anyone else who is a member of the East.

He is, as you say, faking it till he makes it.

Says the bitter putty who lost his ally cause of Eon and now bites his fingers cause he's incapable of doing anything to get it back.


On topic : it's sad to see that people don't see beyond words. What Eon wanted to do was to unite a bit the land although that is almost an impossible job as long as the green with envy phantasm still lurks the game.


LE: I removed the grido part after reading Chewett's post. I am not one that hides under the rug when making a mistake. So I assume it and correct. So yes, grido, the great god of spam DIDN'T remove/hide my post.

Edited by dst
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wait how did my name get brought up in this?  Not only did Eon only say citizens, not his citizens, but I am already an adept of Nimmy because I agree with what Eon is saying.  The fact you've made a post, edited it, deleted it, then reposted this garbage says a lot.

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Hey guys!

I didn't want to offend nobody with the 'fake till you make it' actually I do appreciate his proposal and his move, since this is the move of a leader and one that is unafraid of taking the first step. And if you are unafraid of facing some resistance do more. :)

Actually if the "fake it till you make it" is something offensive my deep apologizes to Eon.

PS. Phantasm the title of the post has the "my citizens" term.

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>.> See eon? People really don't share my sense if humour. Hell I laughed a bit reading sephi's post. Couldnt you have done the same Grido? But meh. Not like this is something new. It's a tradition to dig out stuff in md. It'll continue. I have done a lot of that crap too. cheers!! 

Edited by Nimrodel
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  • Root Admin

to clear things a bit, i removed dst post because a report was made against it and yes i considered it pointless and very offending. I am not an active forum mod, but when i see such things and if i am in the mood to interfere, i moderate as i think fit. From what i see till now, dst you have many similar posts where you just offend people and make no actual point, but just try to hurt and offend. When i will see such posts i will remove them. I feel such language is damaging to the community and has no connection with free speach (that i strongly support in general). Any moderator that thinks i did wrong is free to overrule my decision. The only thing i forbid is moderating MY posts, (but except that, other mods might know better than me what to do).

ps: I really wonder how you ended up talking like this till now dst and still have positive rep

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