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Yeah I know, it looks a lil bit odd, but most of these were corrected with the shading, which in this case you can't see. Maybe it is because I shade really light with my pencil. I'llfix that with intense shading. Oh and Grido, this is the second time you told me that. I'll remember to put more neck Next time :P. Oh and for my next one,, leave a comment on the neck too. lol


[quote name='Grido' post='22444' date='Dec 15 2008, 03:44 PM']i didnt think that it was, i meant for realism the seal on the scroll shouldnt be on both ends, it should only be on one

it appears to be a scroll so half the seal would be on one end, as it's been rolled up[/quote]

hmm yea.. ur rightt ^^


second? i really need to get the memory section of my brain fixed, i once sent the same birthday card to a friend of mine about 3 years in a row...i obviously like necks :P

always here and happy to help :)


holy cow... so we can order our avatars her.. if so i will make my order as soon as i unlock the avatar item from the MD shop. Oops while reading this only i noticed there is another 2 pages to go.. i will post this and read them


what if i ask them to make me the prefect avatar i wanted... but if it goes to the avatar section i am sure some1 else will surely take it before me.. :P anyway i can prevent that? or anyway for me to find who would have taken my avatar?


but how will i know who has taken it? i cant go around clicking every1's names :P (suposed to be a joke dont take it as a smart remark or anything :P )
you mean like i collect high VE and let him kill me so he can get high exp sumthing like that? or good information? about rituals or sumthign like that.


please keep this to artwork and comments on the artwork, if you want to discuss things like that please make another thread


HAHAHAHAHA. lmAO. WAHAAAHHH. :rofl: I think that was funny, Grido I didn't expect that . but yeah I agree. This is an art thread. you didn't have to close the convo like that. But yeah, you can post for requests, and the best way that I think you can find it in the shop is to plan when it is going to be sent and hope you get there in time. well I am new to the game and I havent unlocked the avatar option yet. But If I ever find a way, I will tell you how to survive in the Avatar black market out there. People are so sensitive about their artwork, hahahahah, apparently it is vicious out there


[quote name='Agnus Dei' post='22489' date='Dec 15 2008, 09:16 PM']Hello Guyz, sorry for not flooding this page lately again lol. Well I had exams :angry: N-E-wayz, I had enoough time on my hand to daydream an make this sketch. I reproduced it and shaded it, But because of poor scanning, it has lost all of it's depth. well just enjoy. I simply call it Pain :D . Oh, Hello Amoran, If you see this, know that I still want to see some more of your pics ;)[/quote]

Agnus, I like your work. I can see where you've done some DaVinci study. Your drawings of human figures in pencil look like some of the things out of the various Codices that have been found and have travelled around the country.

Anyway, I'd be interested in seeing some more of your work. Particularly I'd like to see some examples in game style. I guess that means I want to see pencil drawings with pencil shading, not just colored drawings changed to grayscale. Some might work if you were to do that, but the game's style is more graphite pencil than colored pencil. Graphite shading is different from colored pencil and it shows differently even if they're both grayscale.

Please either post a few examples here or send them to [email=glordamar@gmail.com]glordamar@gmail.com[/email]

Also, the drawings should fit a proportion of 2 wide by 3 tall.

Thanks for sharing your drawings with us.

I'd also like to welcome Syerthrix to the Artisan's guild. He's got a lot of drive and motivation and I look forward to seeing what he produces.


[quote name='Frosty' post='22719' date='Dec 19 2008, 03:11 PM']I so wish I could draw - you guys are amazing! :drinks:[/quote]
Well you are at the right place t do that. I wouldn't mind teaching you how to actually draw. but the drawing itself should be made by you ( like a homework of some sort.) Hmmmm that just got me into thinking. Maybe I should become a teacher in the MD university. Well I think not. because I got no credential of any sort and I am sure some one already did that. Well I can give you best places to practice. And if you really don't know how to draw that means you have to practice more. But really if you go to the basics, it can become actually quite easy ;).

:angry: yeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :yahoo:

yeah GolDamar.

aight then, I will maybe do both, ......But Wait :D
Maybe I shouldn't celebrate yet. I am not on the team yet.
You might hate my black y whit pics. oh oh


Hello, dis been a long time. I was just lazy. The Science student finally have a break so I am getting lazy and sleeping all day. :rolleyes: Well beside my my boring intro, I got some new pics. Since yall like Black and white, I will show How I shade with a pen or a pencil. Alright then,

1. This one was a request made from someone in MD and also, he requires that it is in MD style. (just like avatars). The idea is that when you have requests, yo have to bend the rules. Anyways this is (awiiya's) Pandora`s Rebirth. ( I named it like this cause he wanted power in a box):P this is a sample cause I will have to finish the color and polish the face.

2. This is when I was experimenting with a pen. ( I think that i`ve actually gotten better. But in the future you`ll be the judge. this is simply etude, ( I made a mistake in the right but cheek and since I was doing it with pen, I couldn't ease. I don't know photoshop so I spent like 20 mins doing some Botox on it... litterally.)

3. this one is another one of my shading study, but this time, I was trying to time myself. this is how I outline in 5 mins. Oh and by the way the first one took 20 mins.

4. I wanna bend the rules and still post color pictures. hehehehehehe.
I call it "Be Keen y"

I know that you might find it bpring, but I still like to give the story behind my drawings. Well mostly because the experience makes it worth more than if you actually copy it.. It kinda really makes it your own.

And Grido, I think I put enough neck


Hm.. well, the artwork definitely isn't bad Angus, but for some reason I do agree with Grido to a certain degree. Something in the shoulder and neck area is making it look a bit off. As I said, it is a good drawing and with darkened shading, it'd look awesome.

And aye, good work on the other ones too! ^_^


hey everyone, Happy new year!!!! Best of wishes to you all!!!!
well as you know, I am back to write paragraphs on there. :P I was resting for this break and I ended up not drawing. Hey but I am shocked that no one posted any pics. but anyways long story short, I know you want to see nice b&w pics, and I see that most avatars are swordsman, so I decided to draw some knights. the following are:
1. Did it from scratch and well it took like 1 hour in total to do and shade
2. This one was a real pain in ar. As you can see it doesnt look that good, except for the leg armors. I wanted to do it by following the outline that I did on the page 1, post 290. hummm... I think it failed. well, you be the judge.

plz dont hesitate to leave comments.
if you want some drawings or wanna give me ideas, Personal Message me. I'll be more than happy to help.

take care


I like the first more than the second.

On the first, I would have liked to see the shading on the sword be darker, so as to push it back in space. It looks like both arms are hanging at their sides, which would place the sword lower. If you want the arm not seen to be holding the sword backwards and up, you should have laid more shading on it...

Besides that, I REALLY like the armor and the pose.

On the second, it is slightly awkward. Most of this comes from the rib cage and the arm with the shield. If you look at the ribcage, it looks off... more to one side than the other. And the shield arm does not work because it is not dark enough to be convincing that it is behind the torso. Also the sword arm does not seem to connect correctly with the shoulder.

Even with these slight things, the second one is very good.

Good job on both.



Nice work Agnus. The contrast is very low on them though... how are you digitizing them? Are you scanning or photgraphing?

As Awi said, there should be more dynamic shading on them. No question your forms are great. I really like your style. I think we may need to speak on the prospect of your working for the Artisans Guild. You may consider using a variety of lead hardnesses if you want to improve your shading. I use a combination of hardnesses and variations in pressure to get my shading to feel right, but it looks as though you draw with a fairly consistent pressure, so varying your leads would likely be the most effective shading method for you.

Again, nice work.

:P hey thank you guys. I tried to improve with the shading and I think that the problem is both. I think that I didn't include the shading into the drawing itself; on top of that, I scan the drawing and as you can, my scanner seem to be doing as it wishes, it looks somewhat like picture sometimes.). But I can't be blaming all of it on it My shading skills greatly decreased (since I haven't done so in so long.). I did spend so much time working the dynamics. But y'no that practice make perfect.
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