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WPs flying around


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Nava awarded a WP to blackshade for the below reason:



For becoming the Voice of the Dead and working with Mur to allow for self-sustaining Undead.  This allows for a whole range of adventures and roleplay. I believe that his role as Voice of the Dead can boost the roleplaying atmosphere in MD and therefore would like to aid him in strengthening that role by providing this wishpoint.

Does this mean that now I can award WPs to whoever I want for whatever reason I find fit?

If yes, then I shall start awarding some WPs. If not, please do the needful.

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dst is like Maiev Shadowstrong (or whatever the name) from war3 :D wait, does that make Nava Illidan? Neah, it's too little of an offense for that.

as for aiding the (voice of) dead, instead of awarding WPs, you can get yourself killed and roleplay your inner zombie. which i never knew how to do, I wonder is just dying will do the trick

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  • Root Admin

For a note, Yes WP's should have a valid reason, if you are unsure you don't have a valid reason please contact myself or someone else who has authority for vouch for your reason, such as a king.

BR thank you.

Nava, if you are unsure why this has been removed from BR please contact me.

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