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For a long time now, i have considered myself both a poison and a medicine to this world. Like a burning fire in the woods, i equally destroyed and simultaneously helped make room for regrowth. At times i did this knowingly, other times i did it against my better knowledge. I am here today to let MagicDuel as a community know, that it is time to fully and truly dedicate myself to the Path of Light. This is not to say that my prior attempts were invalid or simply an act to mislead, as i have been genuinely trying to regress myself back to what i once was in the beggining for many many moons now. I feel like a broken record, but every new realization also gets me closer to my goal of getting back to what i once was without losing what i have learned. It has not been easy, matter of fact most times i almost gave up from the sheer stress and shame i felt in most of my waking moments. It is in this newest phase that i have realized something, and i believe it is important enough to share publically. MagicDuel has made me the man i am today, for better or for worse. It is up to me and my limitations or lack thereof to decide which category i fall into, Poison vs Medicine. So today i place my foot down and wholly dedicate myself to being the Medicine that i believe MagicDuel deserves. MD has made me everything i am and am not, thus it has earned my full and undying respect for the 7th and final time. I will not stray from this path, so i say let the games begin.

Beggining as of April 1st 2018 and every month thereafter, i am holding what i have come to know as the Activity Tournament. For every new hour you are logged into MD (using server time) you will be able to gain 1 point towards the Monthly Activity Limit. Anyone could simply stay lazily logged in all day and gain 24 points (1 point for every hour) for said day, but that is not the daily cap. Anyone that is actually doing something (resource gathering, fighting, holding a conversation of non generic structure, etc) during that time frame will be able to gain double the points,  for a true daily point cap of 48 points. All point attempts are to be sent to me in the form of a set of screenshots over forum, 1 for every seperate hour window of game time and as a batch file at the end of each month. I say window because a SS taken @ 12:01 server time will be worth the same point chance as one taken at 12:59 server time and they can not be counted twice for the same hour window. Unless sponsorship of some sort is obtained, i can only reward the first place winner of this Activity Contest but i feel the rewards are worth fighting for. First place gets 20 credits, and remember this will reoccur every month for the top ranking dedicated MD player.

A side note: If work or school hinders your chance at winning, i might suggest using the Google Chrome mobile browser to at least attempt to (if planned appropriately) log in, harvest a resource on scene, and take a SS for maximum points. To the extent of my knowledge the Google Chrome mobile browser doesnt mark anyone as alts since it does not use a proxy (for the record, dont use proxies) but i would appreciate it greatly if @Chewett could either verify or correct that statement. If any questions arise or anything i have said is unclear please do feel free to ask on this thread and i will be happy to answer to the best of my abilities. If you do not have anything progressive or positive to state about this action then i kindly ask you not post at all but failing that realize that from this very moment on i will be ignoring all negative commentary so do not be surprised if someone makes that type of statement and it goes unacknowledged by me. Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day.

Edited by Fang Archbane
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