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How Do you like the new interface so far?

Muratus del Mur

The new interface (work in progress on warventure.com/play )  

24 members have voted

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3 hours ago, Aia del Mana said:

This should certainly not be an issue, save for the alteration in performance when the erolin-device doth revert to its dynamic form.

True, didn't think about it. The erolin animation is very cool, but also causing several issues :)

42 minutes ago, MRAlyon said:



MRAlyon, you need to recharge the phone :P

It does look very crammed on the left bar, but as I discovered some days ago, it also depends on the browser, not only the resolution. There are lots of elements to fit in...

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The amount of work i had to do to get it to this stage was simply insane, so once i got it to a functional state i forgot the details are important :)) ..thinkin i can do this later too.

You are absolutely right, there are many things that need improvement. The vertical view on phone is acceptable for now, ..i know it needs so more "love" but i will get back to it later. I will try to improve things on landscape too, but i need a break. Job is pushing me with "super important do now or die" stuff too, and i slept so little past weeks.

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(sorry about the double post, but there really is no relation with the previous one)

I just looked at the poll, and what most people appreciate is the fact it's more phone-friendly, while what is not liked is the page structure (and animations, although I can't agree with that, I like them). That is kinda funny, because the page structure is the closest it can be to the current MD...it could have been worked out differently, but wouldn't we be traumatized by something completely different?

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  • Root Admin

yeah i know :)) what actually happens is that everyone got used to current md, it gives a certain feel of "home", and now everything "changed". Current md had the details put in order, i put much time and care in that, over the last 14 years, and this is an interface that was done in a month, its not the same thing.

This one it will take probably an other several month to look pixel perfect, to get the colors right and so on. 

Let me tell you a story about the curent interface, and why i used the same "tree bark" and paper edge :) .. When i started md i was really a beginner with interfaces and such, especially with image editing. Back then both the technology and my skills where not that much. To make that tree bark and paper edge, i made an actuall picture of a tree here (still there the tree) and crumbled some paper to scan that edge...i still have that paper :) ..I wanted to keep same design elements in this new one because they hold a bit of a memory for me, reminding me from where it all started.

The colors where not random. Due to my synesteshia (i confuse colors with numbers and shapes all the time), the current md interface was a masterpiece in terms of what it did to ones perception when looked at. It It was supposed to give you a light feeling of home, and was going in harmony with a very slow gameplay (something that is no longer the case nowdays).


The new interface on WV was mainly done to save md from the flash apocalipse :P, and its ok for that, but i didn't got to the really important details yet. Erolin device is 80% done from this perspective, the details are in the way the orbs move and their palcement, but there are things that don't fit well together, and people can't see what is not ok, hence to overall feeling of "meeh.."... :)


I just wish you could see how much of an improvement this new interface is from a technical point of view and how hard it was to do it ..just think how many things i had to totally recode from scratch to do in html instead of flash..chew knows how hard it was when he did the creature page.

When i see negative votes i feel kind of disapointed in myself, but i do appreciate your negative votes if they come with an explenation, so i can work on improvements, like i did with the vertical mobile view last


I am not sure if you realize but i am trying to tailor this interface to you, a handful of people that look at it, so a bit of cooperation would be great :)


Thank you to all those that gave me feedback 

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1. How do you like the new interface
I like it

2. Compared to current MD interface, how do you find this one?
Worse, just because of resolution issues and other small errors or missing features

3. Do you think its ready to be go live on main MD?
No, same reasons it is worse

4. What do you like about it?
Colors/Animations, darker page background is nice. Pin/unpin buttons are good, I think the compass wheel needs something similar to keep it open so we can use the left bar links more easily, as the compass closes quickly when you mouse away.

5. What do you hate about it
Page structure, obvious resolution errors. I don't think the scene art to the right side of the online players/chat is the best place, maybe on the left side instead or above like in MD. Different positions for certain other elements too, specially the live help operator button since it is on the bottom right and I didn't notice it with the mood panel pinned, it could go above the achievements book.

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  • Root Admin

Thanks , much more helpful answer :)

there are thibgs i don't know where to fit yet, live help button is one of them for now. 

i see most of the issues come from resolution, what is the resolution you talk about? Mobile or desktop? If desktop, what is it exactly?


Thanks for the details

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  • Root Admin
3 hours ago, Muratus del Mur said:

Thanks , much more helpful answer :)

there are thibgs i don't know where to fit yet, live help button is one of them for now. 

i see most of the issues come from resolution, what is the resolution you talk about? Mobile or desktop? If desktop, what is it exactly?


Thanks for the details

Live hemp button is mostly useless at moment with the lack of lhos and people in general FYI 

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I know, but its still a good ideea if you ignore the fact there are not enough people to make it usable. I don't want to cripple the interface just because there aren't enough people right now. I could hide it based on number of lho or online people, but i don;t want to remove it yet.


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Made several fixes both to super small screen and very large screens. The top menu will hide several less significant items on smaller screens also. No more horizontal scrolling and better overall layout. I hope it makes a difference. I will continue placing unfinished things such as stats, or remove them maybe. 

Its starting to get better.

Ps: Also, just because of Nava, i made it so jailed people can't use the moodpanel anymore, but once i will put the new interface back it will be possible. I am still thinking if to leave it so or still allow jailed to use moodpanel. 

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19 hours ago, Muratus del Mur said:

I could hide it based on number of lho or online people, but i don;t want to remove it yet.

As a FYI, it should only appear if there is a LHO online. However the information in the actual modal is important regardless of a LHO being online. If that helps your decision making.

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  • Root Admin

The popup window shouls be fixed now, at least on the screens i checked (mobile).


I am moving the new interface live today, i tried my best to listen to your complains and fix what i could, i will continue to fix more on the way. I can just hope that after the initial votes the interface became better. You can continue to post screens and suggestions here.


Expect a wave of broken things once it goes live, i hope there won;t be any new ones, but these things never go better, they go worse. I will focus on fixing as much as i can after the move. Chew will be able to resume his work too once its moved live to md.


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Probably the issues I'm enountering are there because the new interface is still being completed.

Therefore, apologies if I'm stating obvious things.

However, I'd like to point the following (I'm using a normal MacBook Pro with Firefox browser, I have no smartphone so I have no idea how it looks there):

- items are not usable, if you click on "use" or "open item" nothing happens;

- inventory is a bit of a mess, no categories, no compact look, only big boxes for each and every tool/item/resource.

- creature pages: I was very happy to see the images that were badly cropped are now ok. Minor issue: the description of the creature, its target and abilities are placed above the image.

- the "idle" and "log out" buttons are very well hidden, I had the suspect you wanted us to stay online all the time ????

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i really like some functionality, like how a bunch of the side bars are pop in rather than permanetly there. howeve,r the page super breaks when zoom is applied to it. since a lot of the side elements are anchored to the sides of the browser but the middle section isn't, a lot of the page gets disjointed. this is especially true on wide screens.


the old MD UI didnt anchor itself to the sides of the user's browser, this was good. but this does and it breaks a lot of the appearance. for example, this is on 100% (default) zoom   1df09ce883f812ef91b6e78fdcb085e8.jpg


to get the online list and the chat to line back up underneath the scene, i have to zoom in to 180%, which breaks a lot of the elements anchored to the sides.



i think this page needs to be nestled inside a specific page width decided by the code itself, and not try to widen itself to the width of the user's moniter. the old page would do this, and would leave empty space on either side of the page if the moniter was wider than the actual page, this is good, it means the user can use the zoom function properly and use the space however they wish

Edited by Syrian
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  • Root Admin

oh my... you are wrong about something, the page layout in the middle changes based on screen res or zoon, this what you posted here is normal. Depending on the screen size you will see several page layouts, different layouts, with the playerlist put on the left, sometimes on the right, and sometimes beneath, depending on window size.

If you prefer one or the other more thats something else, but i tried to use the space as good as possible on wider screens


It is not "disjointed", those are all different intentional layouts... 

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@Syrian i think the empty space around the playerlist makes it look as if its broken, especially if you start looking at it by thinking its disjointed. With just 10 online players it looks much better, but with 1, it looks bad indeed. I can't replace that space with something else, what i could do is to add more traces of long gone but in that scene corpses (this might alter gameplay), or add a button to size the central window to one of the 5 or six layouts it uses depending on resolution (but that might make it much harder to arrange things based on resolution)

Now that i explained it has nothing to do with page being "anchored", does it make more sense, or you still find it horrible? MD used to have fixed shape so many years, now it looks different based on resolution... i see how this might confuse people

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@hemicar87 That popup screenshot is very helpful, i will fix it as soon as i start working today . Please be sure you press ctrl+f5 a couple of times later today so you clear the old files and load the new ones

The acxess to restricted areas will be fixed , a25 team is still fixing scenes all across the realm. I will send them correct keys for all the wp enabled locations later today, after that they may need a bit to correct or set access where needed.

Working with flash things is harder and harder, and i have to digg up old notes and decompile confusing code to extract such info. If somehow it happens that we will end up not implementing things you paid credits or wishpoints to access, i will give back those wp or credits, it just takes some time to get all things done

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