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Errant Creature Ideas


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I just thought it might be interesting to have a rare creature that can steal small portions of enemy creature stats and add it to themselves(maybe recoverable over time); but at the same time it can lose stats to other creatures. If collaborated well, it could be a neat way for one player to boost the power of a creature. It could also make some fights more interesting (and dangerous).

Even if this was a viable idea though, it would probably have to be quite rare.

Y'all can say your ideas for crits that have been bouncing around your heads here also.

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You mean something like this?

Special influences
[skillvampire] Calculates the difference for each creature to its coresponding enemy lot and gives a percentage of that difference to your creature. Creatures in different slot won't influence eachother. Takes away skill difference from enemy units.
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I was thinking about a creature that did skill steal, where it stole a major skill (not resource skill). It steals a certain amount of a skill (percentages).

However, for each upgrade it targets a different stat. So it gets harder to kill the more times upgraded, but perhaps the stats it steals are not as combat oriented.

These stats would be recoverable after 2 regen timers or something like that.

So like part 1, it steals briskness 1-8%,  whereas part 9 steal luck 1-8%or something. So it has higher defense and vitality, (making it more likely to connect multiple times in one fight), but stealing a stat that impacts less combat-oriented play styles.


If this were the case, I think that a player could only have 1 or 2 creatures of this species in a ritual at a time (otherwise I could abuse it by stealing all of a players power or something drastically powerful)

This creature would have to be hard to obtain, and I think it would require some other kind of barrier to prevent abuse.

Edited by Steno
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Definitely, I like your idea, and maybe a very small chance to permanently increase the associated stat; though the increase would have to be minimal. And maybe a cooldown on it, maybe not based on the likelihood of the increase. Though, that might also be a terrible idea. Or maybe separate evolution paths, where the more difficult one to obtain could permanently boost (still with the miniscule chance of a permanent increase), but the other would give bigger boosts (temporary though).

I don't really know the stat system very well, but at least I know that such a creature would have to be very rare. 

Though I don't know well enough to say such a hypothetical creature should be able to give permanent boost; maybe at it's highest evolution.


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Could we have another kind of creature that we assemble, not recruit? But is only able to be assembled in the Lands of the East?

As far as I know, there aren't any creatures to be had there. There is a reason behind it, I'm sure. But it would be cool to have another rare type of creature only be able to be obtained from Lands of the East.

I'm not sure what it would do, perhaps it could improve defense of one of your creatures randomly, then level 2 it targets adying  creature, level 3 targets a column, then level 4 targets a all of your creatures. Level 5 creates a token every 100 days, when fed diamonds, or some secondary resource.

Basically a creature that hardens the skin of your creatures, then as it gets older, does this more efficiently, and finally, can do this for your own creatures, even out of battle.

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On 3/10/2020 at 2:57 PM, Chewett said:

I would be interested in a hellhound creature that I control. That would be pretty cool. A nice lil doggo.

Also, what if Chewett's doggo creature had a basic attack, haotic attack pattern, but then at its final level, it had a Mark ability. This ability, for 1minute, was the same as reveal the players location.

Basically, it is a hellhound that, at max level, tells you where that player goes for the next minute on your map, so especially during heads competition or the like, you can chase your prey, with your doggo sniffing the way forward for you, just a thought on crit abilities that are thematic.


Also, there might already be a creature like this in existence. But what if there was a creature mimic? Like a super-rare creature that only Mur could give out. When you got it, it is an item, when you go to use it, you select a creature within your inventory. It becomes a copy of that creature's basic form, but for many creatures, this would still be invaluable. It would have to have some restrictions, like couldn't copy Drachorns or anniversary creatures... something like that.

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2 hours ago, Steno said:

Could we have another kind of creature that we assemble, not recruit? But is only able to be assembled in the Lands of the East?

As far as I know, there aren't any creatures to be had there. There is a reason behind it, I'm sure. But it would be cool to have another rare type of creature only be able to be obtained from Lands of the East.

I'm not sure what it would do, perhaps it could improve defense of one of your creatures randomly, then level 2 it targets adying  creature, level 3 targets a column, then level 4 targets a all of your creatures. Level 5 creates a token every 100 days, when fed diamonds, or some secondary resource.

Basically a creature that hardens the skin of your creatures, then as it gets older, does this more efficiently, and finally, can do this for your own creatures, even out of battle.


The final level would require of some coding, but there are at least some similar creatures that create other resources. Perhaps this creature could, functionally, create of an item which were similar to that obtained when using of token removal gel upon a creature with tokens.


Improving defence were already a mechanic present ("Defend", or "Martirism") which were not difficult to implement, but doing this in a different way may also require some new code (for example the hypothetical mechanic of "steal defence").

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  • 2 months later...
1 hour ago, Ungod said:

But not from the enemy - from yourself, permanently. 

Nice. But that creature would also steal Valor/Winertia Points (not max points or permanently ????) from the owner to launch a massive attack. Perhaps a greed's demon/fiend would do this...

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  • 1 month later...

A creature that when fed an item (fed actively, not passively like some other creatures, like you have a button on creature page that says "Feed") makes you 'stealthy' or 'silent' for a time.

Basically, when fed something this creature gives you a buff where your echo either doesn't appear, 1.2 the time, or only 5 minutes. This buff would be with the tradeoff of a -25% attack and -25% power debuff.

The main tradeoff of this would be that it takes up a creature slot while having no combat abilities. This being on an item would probably be easier, but I wanted to explore the offset space a little more.

I kind of like the thought that you quiet your mind, attempting to control how noisy you are to the outside world. The state of mind is not quite tranquility, but something with intent behind it. It's like focus, you are turning your actions and mental energies from a raging river (which floods and everyone can see) to a piped water system, moves very fast but you don't see it. Yes it is a very poorly-worded analogy. But I wanted to figure out what 'state of mind' you would occupy when you recruited and utilized this creature.

Also, with the new map feature and locate stones being plentiful, this wouldn't be very powerful. Now, if it took your dot off the map.... ;) It would have an entire array of fun implications for future events, like Heads, Torch, Races, Tag, etc.

The accompanying resource to consume I have not thought about, but I was thinking it could be something costly like cake, so in theory 1 team would have 1 person with a bunch of cake and this one creature to feed the cake to as a strategy to win the torch contest.


Also, can this topic be moved to New Ideas, where it belongs?

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