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Magic Duel Awards Nominations


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I now have a full list of categories.

The ones below are the ones that are open to public nominations, there are other categories, but they have been selected by specific people in game.

Now before you all go off nominating people. There are a few rules:
There will be NO nominations for yourself, anyone caught doing this will have all other nominations discounted and they will not be eligible to win any award.
Same rule applies to nominating your own alts, for example Liberty cannot nominate any of the libs.
Also ONE nomination Per person per category (So one person can't give like five noms for one category)
Each voter must be individual, see my post about 'Joseph'

Please make it clear WHICH category you are nominating for and WHO you are nominating, thank you.

Feel free to ask any questions.

Here's the categories:
Best RPC

Least convincing alt

Best PWR

Best Backstory

Best Personal Papers

Most Valued protector

Rookie of the year (Between 20 and 60 days)

Outstanding MD Service award

Best techie (Award for technical services rendered)

Most addicted award (Based on the ‘You know you’ve been playing MD too much when…)

Villain of the year

Most annoying Player

Roleplay award

Edited by Grido
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Best RPC: .Renavoid.

Least convincing alt: well, the libs...


Best Backstory: Khalazdad

Best Personal Papers: I am Bored^^

Most Valued protector: .Savelfuser.

Outstanding MD Service award: dst

Best techie (Award for technical services rendered): dst (if i understand the category right...)

Most addicted award (Based on the ‘You know you’ve been playing MD too much when…): YAMII!!

Villain of the year:.jonn., the most evil person in the game =D

Roleplay award: Lucius Tarquinius, the Moon Knight

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Best RPC: Bootes

Least convincing alt: Raven72

Best PWR: Tarquinus

Best Backstory: Granos

Best Personal Papers: Dragoonus

Most Valued protector: Savelfuser

Rookie of the year (Between 20 and 60 days): Kazya

Outstanding MD Service award: Kragel

Best techie (Award for technical services rendered): Envy of Endurance

Most addicted award (Based on the ‘You know you’ve been playing MD too much when…): Renavoid

Villain of the year: dst

Most annoying Player: Sotesf

Roleplay award: Khalazdad

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Best RPC: Renavoid

Least convincing alt: Adept of Ren

Best PWR: Logan Marquis

Best Backstory: Bootes

Best Personal Papers: Khalazdad

Most Valued protector: Morrel

Rookie of the year (Between 20 and 60 days): Soltis

Outstanding MD Service award: dst

Best techie (Award for technical services rendered): dst

Most addicted award (Based on the ‘You know you’ve been playing MD too much when…): Morrel

Villain of the year: Khalazdad

Most annoying Player: I am Bored

Roleplay award: Khalazdad

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Best RPC -

Least convincing alt -
Neuro II

Best PWR -
Azrael Dark

Best Backstory -

Best Personal Papers -

Most Valued protector -

Rookie of the year (Between 20 and 60 days) -

Outstanding MD Service award -

Best techie (Award for technical services rendered) -
No One

Most addicted award (Based on the ‘You know you’ve been playing MD too much when…) -

Villain of the year -

Most annoying Player -
I Am Bored

Roleplay award -

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Best RPC -

Least convincing alt -

Best PWR -

Best Backstory -

Best Personal Papers -

Most Valued protector -

Rookie of the year (Between 20 and 60 days) -

Outstanding MD Service award -
Calyx of Isis

Best techie (Award for technical services rendered) -

Most addicted award (Based on the ‘You know you’ve been playing MD too much when…) -
Calyx of Isis

Villain of the year -

Most annoying Player -
I Am Bored

Roleplay award -

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Best RPC: Knator Commander

Least convincing alt: Lib's

Best PWR: Azrael Dark

Best Back story: .NelyaSetesh.

Best Personal Papers: .NelyaSetesh.

Outstanding MD Service award: .Calyx of Isis.

Best techie : No one

Most addicted award : Yami no Sakura

Villain of the year: .Jonn.

Role play award: Granos

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Best RPC
Least convincing alt
Best PWR
Yami no Sakura
Best Backstory
Best Personal Papers
Most Valued protector
.Metal Bunny.
Rookie of the year (Between 20 and 60 days)
Outstanding MD Service award
.Muratus del Mur./mur/kingmanu
Best techie (Award for technical services rendered)
No one
Most addicted award (Based on the ‘You know you’ve been playing MD too much when…)
Penelope Lightmoon
Villain of the year
Most annoying Player
I am bored
Roleplay award
Lady Isolda

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Best RPC:
For his performance during the opening of Necrovion.

Least convincing alt:
Lib01. I mean Lib02. Lib03? Lib04... Lib05...
I'm going to have to go with that army of sequentially numbered "Libs", Liberty :)

Best PWR:

Best Backstory:

Best Personal Papers:
Envy of Endurance
Oh yeah. I didn't forget about you.

Most Valued protector:

Outstanding MD Service award:
For helping me help MD advertise.

Rookie of the year:
DarkPriestess22, then.
It was originally Cryxus but he went over the days limit for this. ><

Best techie (Award for technical services rendered):
Originally, I thought your in-game tag was referring to insects. True story.

Most addicted award (Based on the ‘You know you’ve been playing MD too much when…):
She started it.

Villain of the year:
I got to see him light somebody on fire.

Roleplay award:
Good times.

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Best RPC: Renavoid

Least convincing alt: N/A

Best PWR: Tremir if he is one / Granos

Best Backstory: Artelan

Best Personal Papers: Keith Moon

Most Valued protector: N/A

Rookie of the year: The Scarlet Brigade

Outstanding MD Service award: Calyx of Isis

Best techie: Dst

Most addicted award: Metal Bunny

Villain of the year: Last Soldier

Most annoying Player: N/A

Roleplay award: Dragoonus

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Best Backstory: -------

Best Personal Papers: ------

Most Valued protector: .Khalazdad. the man is always willing to help

Rookie of the year (Between 20 and 60 days): Soltis...i like the lad, what can i say?

Outstanding MD Service award: Calyx of Isis

Most addicted award (Based on the ‘You know you’ve been playing MD too much when…) :gotta go Yami

Villain of the year: i would have to say none have been villainy enough for me to nominate, sorry

Most annoying Player: sotesf, even though he CAN be funny sometimes

Roleplay award: hmm, i dunno, i'll go with Dragoonus, or Granos

also, Soltis i am ~REALLY~ honored you nominated me, but i am currently at 74 days, so i am no longer eligible for rookie of the year...but thank you very much anyhow, mate...means volumes.

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Okay I'm afraid I'm going to have to discount the votes made by Joseph as they are a group of players, I do not know who is in this group and as such have no way of knowing whether they voted for themselves.

All voters must have a playername under their info as of now.


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Best RPC: NelyaSetesh

Least convincing alt: the libs

Best PWR: Zleiphneir

Best Backstory: Bootes

Best Personal Papers: Yami (for the quote list)

Most Valued protector: Raven

Rookie of the year (Between 20 and 60 days): Silent Warrior

Outstanding MD Service award: Mur!

Best techie (Award for technical services rendered): Chewett

Most addicted award (Based on the ‘You know you’ve been playing MD too much when…): Penelope lightmoon

Villain of the year: Braiton (more evil than Khal methinks)

Most annoying Player: Ledah

Roleplay award: Khalazdad

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Here's the categories:
Best RPC:Muratus del Mur( who could beat the god of MD ) :drinks:

Least convincing alt: demo account(stalker)

Best PWR:MRD(festival winner)

Best Backstory:Zleiphneir

Best Personal Papers:Yami no Sakura

Most Valued protector:MRD

Rookie of the year (Between 20 and 60 days):Rotting carcass

Outstanding MD Service award:dst

Best techie (Award for technical services rendered):dst

Most addicted award (Based on the ‘You know you’ve been playing MD too much when…):Yami no Sakura

Villain of the year:Ledah(attacked me in the dojo)

Most annoying Player:Ledah

Roleplay award:Zleiphneir

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Best RPC:Gargant

Least convincing alt: demo account

Best PWR:Zleiphneir

Best Backstory:Zleiphneir

Best Personal Papers:Yami no Sakura

Most Valued protector:

Rookie of the year (Between 20 and 60 days):

Outstanding MD Service award:mur

Best techie (Award for technical services rendered):mur

Most addicted award (Based on the ‘You know you’ve been playing MD too much when…):Yami no Sakura

Villain of the year:gargant(evil quest man)

Most annoying Player:sotesf

Roleplay award:Zleiphneir

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