No one Posted August 5, 2009 Report Posted August 5, 2009 (edited) So, my complaint is that it seems that certain RPCs start abusing their ... status and give rewards only to specific players. How should I put it in other words : they are giving FREE WP for certain players. Why do I say this? Because I tried to do a quest (after a few months from last one) and i had the surprise to not be able to do it : [color="#FF0000"][size="5"][b]Dimensional Shifters Quest, Part 1 You are not alowed to do this Quest. [/b] [/size][/color] Yes, I am upset on this. Let me tell those that don't know how MD scripting is done. You cannot check by IP and to tell that a player is allowed or not, you have to manually exclude each and every one that you want to exclude or to manually add those that are allowed. Anyway, because this quest tries to exclude, I will do the quest and I will expect the reward and the explanation on why I received that message. [b]So, why do you picked me out of the quest ?[/b] Edited August 5, 2009 by No one Lady Renata, dst, Watcher and 1 other 3 1
Akasha Posted August 7, 2009 Report Posted August 7, 2009 As i said before, the quests are done by RPC's for players. If 1 RPC would like you not to attend his/her quest it is only their decision and they are allowed to select certain people to do it or not to be able to do it. However, if you decide to make the quest, hen it is for your own pleasure, without a reward since you have been noticed that you won't receive one. You can go, ask make a big deal that RPC won't accept to give you a reward since you were not supposed to do it, but i am sure that won't solve anything. After the fight you (note i use you as in general not as a personal reference ) are frustrated and start to ruin the quest, you start to give the answers and solutions thinking that will ruin that quest and the RPC, but in fact, you ruin the fun of the other players that would like to try it out. You take that chance from them by ruining the action /running/ reading or what is needed to do in that quest. And that is how, from frustration, ego and other things quests started to fall down, without even have a chance to raise up. That i tell you is not fair. Try and think you all if it is fair from egoism that you are not welcomed to a RPC quest to ruin that quest for others, because the RPC will make more and more. We all have enemies and try to bring down the enemies but this must be done by letting the ones that have a chance to try it out. Lady Renata, Pipstickz and Sparrhawk 1 2
No one Posted August 7, 2009 Author Report Posted August 7, 2009 (edited) is the continuation of : [QUOTE]We all have enemies and try to bring down the enemies but this must be done by letting the ones that have a chance to try it out. [/QUOTE] No Akasha, I disagree with you (all) on the point. It seems that I have enemies (players that hate me ) and want to "bring me down", and I cannot help it. And no, I don't have enemies (players that I hate) just players that I don't like (more or less) but this doesn't mean that I will not help them. For example : hmm, Dmik King (sorry dude, but I do ), yes, at one time I really hated the guy, but this week asked my help ... and I did Another example (not so recent) : Shoeps, he used (yes, not asked, but I also didn't refused) my help 1. My point is : RPC is just Role Play, but when they go the the selected list, they should stop acting any hate (and they are supposed to be good at acting), they are the "elite" of Role Play, they should give an example 2. And from this, my second point : don't start this ... selecting of players, don't make precedents as you will end up with things that you don't expect (not to mention that you don't wont). 3. Third point: if you allow them to refuse the pleasure of some (pin pointed) to make their quest, on what base do you sustain that those should refrain themselves from stopping / destroying those quest ? (see point no 2 with the outcome that you don't wont) 4. Most of the players either hate me or simply don't know about me, just a few give the time to try to know me (not like me) and to stop hating me and even less like me. But don't worry, I hate nobody (that much ) And because you remembered it : yes, I finished the quest ... in my own way. And to show you that i'm not the one you think I am ... I am still considering not to do anything with the answers . BUT, as you know, patience and calm (even mine) have limits. Don't try to spoil the little fun I get from this game. You do know that I can spoil yours. Oh, not to forget : any RPC quest SHOULD not be forbidden to "some players". If they choose to make for just specific MP, honor, max/min exp ... that is ok but no other limits. (that is all for now as it tends to get too long and I too hate long posts) Edited August 7, 2009 by No one Watcher, Lady Renata, Grido and 2 others 4 1
Akasha Posted August 7, 2009 Report Posted August 7, 2009 So i get it or i let you do my quests or you will revenge?? what is this? we, RPC are not obligated to accept everyone in the quest. You don't like it you must survive with it. Yes, from now on you can consider yourself excluded from my rewards/quests. Have fun spoiling whatever you like, this is the lower you can get as a player and begg for rewards by thretening us. Lady Renata, Pipstickz, Muratus del Mur and 2 others 2 3
Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted August 7, 2009 Root Admin Report Posted August 7, 2009 As part of the RPC's regulations, they are allowed to deny participation to a quest to any player or group of players they want based on any reasons they want. RPC's spend time and put a lot of effort to create quests so its only them to decide if they don't want someone to participate in that quest. Seen from the non-rpc side, players should understand that these quests are first of all based on a human relation and you are not doing quests against a machine. The first person in the quest you have to pass is the person creating the quest. It is a favor to be accepted in a quest, not an obligation. Regarding the threats, many allready do what you are threatening to do, the difference is that you also do it but you also use it as a possible manipulation tehnique to scare others. It is my "duty" and fun to find ways to improve the tools that rpcs have so that they will be able to better organize quests and avoid having fixed solutions to their quests and by that spoiling will be more dificult. As a personal note, this attitude falls into the category "make me rpc or i quit" and you know my reaction to such attitude. Sparrhawk, Watcher, dst and 2 others 3 2
Firsanthalas Posted August 7, 2009 Report Posted August 7, 2009 Personally, I don't see why we shouldn't be able to exclude players from quests. For example, if I find people cheating in a quest, why should I allow them participate in other quests? Sparrhawk and Akasha 2
No one Posted August 7, 2009 Author Report Posted August 7, 2009 (edited) [quote name='Akasha' date='07 August 2009 - 11:09 AM' timestamp='1249639762' post='38901'] So i get it or i let you do my quests or you will revenge?? what is this? we, RPC are not obligated to accept everyone in the quest. You don't like it you must survive with it. Yes, from now on you can consider yourself excluded from my rewards/quests. Have fun spoiling whatever you like, this is the lower you can get as a player and begg for rewards by thretening us. [/quote] hmm, that points out the fact that you don't know me I never begged for something, not even for rewards. Yes mur gave me some things ( maybe that is why are upset on me) , but I deserved every single credit from it and you know it. As for quests ... I'm not really a quest-er so I will not mind, I just don't want this to escalate (today me, tomorrow all Lore and MD alliances, etc). Anyway, take it as you want, but it is not a threat, it is a warning of what WILL happen and you darn know it. Laugh as hard as you want, consider me crazy if you want, I cannot foresee the future but I know that if you break a law once ... it will be taken as example. just think of it [color="#FFFFFF"]I don't want the worse for MD, heck I miss every hour I cannot login, even if I get bored playing it[/color] just have fun while thinking it over (i don't need a reply) EDIT: Darn i'm good, I answeed mur and Firsanthalas before i read their posts. Some more comments: Mur, do you really think that that is what I do / want ? Even if it seems that I lose, I don't consider that I have something to lose by warning you about it Anyway, if you don't want to listen ... it will be your problem. I rest my case in this matter. I don't really care, so do whatever you "think" it is better. Edited August 7, 2009 by No one dst, Last Soldier, Lady Renata and 2 others 3 2
Kafuuka Posted August 7, 2009 Report Posted August 7, 2009 [quote name='Firsanthalas' date='07 August 2009 - 12:23 PM' timestamp='1249640622' post='38903'] Personally, I don't see why we shouldn't be able to exclude players from quests. For example, if I find people cheating in a quest, why should I allow them participate in other quests? [/quote] Seems fair to me, but what will stop them from using an alt to solve the quest? Denying quests for personal reasons doesn't seem constructive to me. Instead of allowing a person with a different opinion to see something you made and perhaps get a more positive opinion of you, you invite those people into disagreeing even more. It is entirely human to respond in kind; denying quests to those who deny you. At the end of such an escalation, both parties will be exhausted and look like fools in the eyes of neutral observers. In this kind of battle you cannot win, you can only cut your losses. Ivorak and Sparrhawk 1 1
Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted August 8, 2009 Root Admin Report Posted August 8, 2009 Lets imagine the situation reversed. No one/dst What if you are the quest creators and someone that you hate for personal reasons comes and wants to do it. ..Do you feel its allright you should be obligated to allow that person to enjoy the work you did and reward him even if you feel bad doing it? How would you feel if you were forced by me/other rpcs to give rewards to peole you do not want to talk/interact to? Or lets put it in an other way ... you go to an interview for a job , and you are an EXCELENT professional ..and during the interview you present the situation like this .."hey you bastard, you must hire me because i am the best, i don't care if you like me or not" ..does your life experience tell you that you will actualy get that job? Of course the reason will not be how good professional you are, or how well you do the "quest", and if the law prevents sometimes personal reasons, the person will seek , and find, reasons accepted by others, but still you will not get that job, or be rewarded for that quest. By personal reasons i mean reasons of such nature that do not need to be presented public or their meaning is important just to the person that decides...just to make sure you understand "personal" does not necessarly mean "irrelevant". Sparrhawk 1
No one Posted August 8, 2009 Author Report Posted August 8, 2009 [quote name='Kafuuka' date='07 August 2009 - 02:37 PM' timestamp='1249652269' post='38913'] Seems fair to me, but what will stop them from using an alt to solve the quest?Denying quests for personal reasons doesn't seem constructive to me. Instead of allowing a person with a different opinion to see something you made and perhaps get a more positive opinion of you, you invite those people into disagreeing even more. It is entirely human to respond in kind; denying quests to those who deny you. At the end of such an escalation, both parties will be exhausted and look like fools in the eyes of neutral observers. In this kind of battle you cannot win, you can only cut your losses. [/quote] Thank you Kafuuka, you seem to have got the point of it. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='08 August 2009 - 01:26 AM' timestamp='1249691214' post='38942'] Lets imagine the situation reversed. No one/dst ... [/quote] Mur, you should know better, No one and dst are 2 different persons / characters (something like mur and akasha). Please try to make the difference because we try to keep one. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='08 August 2009 - 01:26 AM' timestamp='1249691214' post='38942'] ... personal reasons ... interview for a job ... [/quote] hmm, i will have to say "NO" make it a bit clear for me: should I mix personal feelings with my job. For that ... I MUST say NO, i do not mix them. As for creating a quest just to exclude certain players by personal reasons ... I would better not assume such a responsibility. As for giving as reward something that is not mine ... like WP ... why would I mind ? I would give 3 to each player if I could. You do know why you put restrictions for giving WP , don't you ? Because they are free to give. I hope I made myself clear (sometimes I tend to babble) dst 1
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