Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted August 26, 2009 Root Admin Report Posted August 26, 2009 I should start by mentioning that i am not insane, i know how many things still need to be done, fixed, etc, i know i allready started other new features (like the other combat system) that i never finished, or the bot, or the factions, or mp7, or fixing tokens, or the translator, or the torch competition rewarding system or many more .... but without playing around with new features, i cant exist .. i dont have fun in md without doing this so .. LET ME PLAY So, achievemtns page, new feature in work (i promise i'll work on it only after i do a bit on the pending stuff each day ) Main ideea: a section within the interface with medal looking items, that will activate one item when you fullfill certain requirements. Expansion ideea: probably allready implemented from the start, the ability to create custom achievements so that they can assigned to individuals (rpcs, wishshop, side quests etc). An other thing, "on demand" achievements, for example you are assigned a task that will give you a specific achievement, untill you are assigned that task you will never know that achievement medal existed. Achievemtents will be mainly granted by a system check based on some rules, but it could be also a custom rpc ability, for example for achievemtnts that involve communication or trading skills, and a human to decide who gets the medal. Tehnical issues: It will be very server intensive to constantly check achievements especialy if i plan to make them so highly configurable and personalizable. Thats why, they will be checked only on request by clicking a "check" button under each pending/disabled medal (let me know how it sounds or if you have better ideas) Artworks: i don't have them right now but they wont be a problem once i decide the main list. They will be colored probably and looking sort of alliance logos but with a medal-like feeling. Logic: Here i need your help. I do have plenty ideas, but i defenetly want to hear suggestions, in an organised form please (list or other way) Achievement ideeas for example: - "Full glow" :: get all creatures max level and minimum 6 creatures - "Beasts mark" :: get vitality and value points at 666 at the same time - "Noob trader" :: aquire a creature by ctc, one that was allready traded before and has before transfer at least 50 days. - "Master trader" :: all you creatures were transfered by ctc at least once - "Burst Burner" :: trigger a certain number of bursts - "Combo Fighter" :: have 3 active rituals with 100 won fights (combo) - "Above money" :: increase max vp over 100k - "LHO" :: be promoted to lho (regardless if you get demoted after) - "Apprentice Spellcaster" :: master at least 3 different spells - "Mark of History" :: get something in the realm marked permanently by you, like place name, or other - "Persistent Traveler" :: get over 500 visits in a place - "Spellcaster" :: aquire all spell docs up to level 6 for any spell - "Spell medal ??" :: one for each complete spelldoc series you have - "WP collector" :: For reaching 10 wp - "Creature collector" :: For having at least X creatures and each one of different kind (regardless of level) - "???" :: for having at least 20 creatures all of a non damaging type (no other creatures) - "Rich Nabab" :: for spending X amount in the mdshop - "Creature Master" :: for having all creatures at max level and at least 20 - "Colored Creature Master" :: for having all creatrures at max level and premium and at least 20 - "Navigator" :: For visiting 100 different map locations - "Explorer" :: For visiting 200 different map locations - "???" :: For visiting 300 different map locations (there will be one for 400 too, soon) - "Mr/Ms Popularity" :: For having over 100 friends - "Stigmata" :: For doing something realy bad but still managing to remain unbanned - "Alliance Leader" :: For getting leadership of an alliance at least once - "Protector" :: For reaching Mp6 - "Rotten egg" Having an egg in your creatures for over 200 days without upgrading it. - "Unholy gathering" Having 12 or more maxed unholy priests at the same time. - "Sleepwalker" Stay online for 48 hours straight without going idle. (not sure i can) - "That gotta hurt" lose 300 figts in a row. (thinking on more, keep writing suggestions in a clear form pls) both very easy to achieve things and dificult things Interface: i could splitt up the page in dificulty levels or just let a huge achievements page scroll, both sound fine to let me know your clear list, based on the things you think they could be possible to count/masure/detect in the current system (as much as you know it) On the character detail panel when clicking an ohter player, i think there can be a small sign to show that when clicked it will open on the entire panel a list of achievement ICONS Ivorak, dst and zalabar 3
unbelievable power Posted August 26, 2009 Report Posted August 26, 2009 Sounds like a good idea. Many people would like visible awards for various achievements. I cannot see how this would be bad in any way.
JacoAnd Posted August 26, 2009 Report Posted August 26, 2009 I am a big fan of achievements... But im really gonna cry if I have to trade all my cretures to get one... (But still I will do it... ) I think its a brilliant idea...
Guybrush Threepwood Posted August 26, 2009 Report Posted August 26, 2009 What about an achievement for getting your max Ve above *checks his max Ve* 137894? On a more serious note, how about something like creature tamer, for having over x different types of critters at a given time? (Not including different levels of the same critter) Maybe Brickhouse for getting defense stat over x amount, or Weapons Specialist for dealing over x damage in a single attack/battle.
Root Admin Chewett Posted August 26, 2009 Root Admin Report Posted August 26, 2009 Well im still waiting on the Blasted Vetern Medal you promised us first testers when you invited us to play the game! and im not going to give up hope
JacoAnd Posted August 26, 2009 Report Posted August 26, 2009 Some ideas... - "Rotten egg" Having an egg in your creatures for over 200 days without upgrading it. - "Unholy gathering" Having 6 or more maxed unholy priests at the same time. - "Sleepwalker" Stay online for 24 hours straight without going idle. - "That gotta hurt" lose 300 figts in a row. - "Holy Mur" Feel Murs wrath by making him mad (Not responsible for loss of account )
Grido Posted August 26, 2009 Report Posted August 26, 2009 (edited) umm, not sure if you actually had any other plans for the page....but we already have a ''Medals & Awards'' page....linked from our profile - "Beasts mark" :: get vitality and value points at 666 at the same time [indent]would this be temp i'm guessing? rather than max? [/indent] - "Master trader" :: all you creatures were transfered by ctc at least once [indent]ehhh....all? could it not be like 90% or something? i mean, i know it's meant to be hard, but i have a Hollow Warrior, which i keep because it tracks how long since i was a noob, and was one of my first ever creatures, the age on that is important to me as is the ID...if i traded it twice (trading, then getting back) then the age would no longer be an indicator. [/indent] - "LHO" :: be promoted to lho (regardless if you get demoted after) [indent]this would get more people helping, i like this [/indent] - "Apprentice Spellcaster" :: master at least 3 different spells [indent]By ''master'' you mean have 3 spells they're able to cast? [/indent] - "Mark of History" :: get something in the realm marked permanently by you, like place name, or other [indent]Not sure what you mean by ''other'', the only similar thing i can think of is ''Alche's Alley'', unless you mean the secondary title, like Fortune's Well, Willows Shop, and possibly a few other places have....otherwise could you elaborate? [/indent] - "??" :: get over 500 visits in a place [indent]if someone is bored, easy to achieve [/indent] Edited September 10, 2009 by Grido Guybrush Threepwood 1
Fenrir Greycloth Posted August 27, 2009 Report Posted August 27, 2009 An age medal that signifys how long you have been playing. -100 days newbie medal -200 days vetern medal -356 days elitist medal I know we have the age markers as well but actual medals for these would be great. Now I have an idea for more than an achievement page. If you have an avatar perhaps you can choose three medals to show off on your avy?
Grido Posted August 27, 2009 Report Posted August 27, 2009 (edited) i just remembered a slight issue of 666 being referred to as the mark of the isnt....616 is, 666 was incorectly translated also, in line with the age markers there should also be one for 616/666 LE: *puts the stabby stabby, killy killy knife down* Edited August 27, 2009 by Grido Guybrush Threepwood 1
Jester Posted August 27, 2009 Report Posted August 27, 2009 "- "Mark of History" :: get something in the realm marked permanently by you, like place name, or other" Grido, you should head down to Jesters Streets in the Lands of the East. I'm not sure if that's permanent, but there is another screen that is.
Shadowseeker Posted August 27, 2009 Report Posted August 27, 2009 Wait, that street is really entirely named Jesters Street? And yeah, what about the whole load of medals which exist as of now? Would they carry over into that system, or be seperate?
awiiya Posted August 27, 2009 Report Posted August 27, 2009 (edited) I think those medals should stay on our avatars, those are special. These would be a new page, like next to the PL, and show up in the right hand sidebar. This is where Mur says that, "a section within the [b]interface[/b] with medal looking items," Suggestion for how to add in new medals: Instead of letting just anybody add medals, because I don't envy the person who would have to check all those medals (and it might end up being you, and that would end badly), I think that it should be a silver cost or gold cost to create a medal. That will severely reduce the amount of input for the metals, and it makes sense. In fact, you can even have levels of medals (Gold medals cost 1 gold, large silver medals cost 2 silver, and big silver medals cost 5). Awi Edited August 27, 2009 by awiiya
Shadowseeker Posted August 27, 2009 Report Posted August 27, 2009 ..Not another section there please. Honestly, I have so many things there already I'd rather have it under the profile, medailii section, or whatever the name know, the blank page.
Grido Posted August 27, 2009 Report Posted August 27, 2009 yeah, as rpc's we can see; K doc(if player owns), protector, alliance, comments, hate, military, PL, items, Quest, RPC log.....this already overlaps onto a second line of boxes, like shadow more there please Guybrush Threepwood 1
Root Admin Chewett Posted August 27, 2009 Root Admin Report Posted August 27, 2009 [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='27 August 2009 - 01:02 AM' timestamp='1251331344' post='40300'] An age medal that signifys how long you have been playing.-100 days newbie medal-200 days vetern medal-356 days elitist medalI know we have the age markers as well but actual medals for these would be great.Now I have an idea for more than an achievement page.If you have an avatar perhaps you can choose three medals to show off on your avy? [/quote] i like the idea, But 365 days for an elitisit medal? thats at least 49 people on the active Veterns list that have that and possible more Perhaps if you doubled some of those values 100 - newbie 365 - vet 730 - elitest
dst Posted August 27, 2009 Report Posted August 27, 2009 (edited) Let's see..I want this (and in time even more): -wp medal -most popular medal -activity (days) medal -ve medal -vp medal -all sort of crits related medals -adepts medal? -spell page? (for owning a complete set or whatever...) -spell medals (like someone suggested above) -win/loses medal (certain number of wins/loses) -ally medal (being loyal to your ally for certain number of days, trying all allies and guilds ) -loyalty medal -stats medals -principle medals -biggest spender medals And also customized medals (yeah..I want one for playing destroying the alliances and I would ask for another one but then you'll say I am mean) LE:do it now Mur and then fix things. It sounds too much fun not to have it implemented as soon as possible. Those things that don't work are there for ever. They can wait few days(?) until you're done with the new idea. I am rarely excited about something but this one is really making me impatient Edited August 27, 2009 by dst
Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted August 27, 2009 Author Root Admin Report Posted August 27, 2009 that veteran medal will be given based on id, one time, something like 1-10k id range is one rank, 10k - 50k an other, 50-100k, 100-200k ....something like that. Anyway, your id combined with your active days shows what type of veteran you are Jubaris 1
Jubaris Posted August 27, 2009 Report Posted August 27, 2009 (edited) i also have a proposition with achievements if something happens and war occurs, it would be nice that certain people get "hero" medals for example (maybe for giving highest damage, taking out most of the opponents...) edit: also, i would very like to see alliance members should get achievements of their own alliance, like rankings or similar, available for their leader to set them up... Edited August 28, 2009 by Rhaegar Targaryen
I am Bored Posted August 30, 2009 Report Posted August 30, 2009 with the Stigmata achievment, could there also be another achievment like 'bad but valuable' for those who have done multiple bad things but still managed to remain unbanned?
Grido Posted August 30, 2009 Report Posted August 30, 2009 that wouldnt include you've been banned repeatedly the vets one will also depend on days as well, yeah? so that players which are inactive wont get one?
Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted August 30, 2009 Author Root Admin Report Posted August 30, 2009 well its on, i finished over 50% of the interface, some things will start to be visible allready, like the extra space on the wishpoints slots, and probable some more things on the player detail panels. I tested first achievement and everything works fine, i can't wait to see them working because i am a big achievements fan myself Artworks are on their way for the 30 achievements sugestions i listed allready but of course there will be more and the list will keep growing. Also other things will get influenced by this new feaure, for example wishes that allow you to unlock achievements for others etc. Here is the current FAQ for achievements and trophies it will probably get updated later with more info if needed. about 25% of the work left to do will be to create areas within the real where you can unlock some of the achievements (unlock does not mean achive them, read the FAQ), something similar with the document dispatch in the archives next news will be on the announcements page *jumping around happy* Death Bell, Arianna de Montrève and dst 2 1
dst Posted August 30, 2009 Report Posted August 30, 2009 Now...I have a rather dumb question: will we be able to see someone else's achievements? Or those will be the same as spell docs?
Shadowseeker Posted August 30, 2009 Report Posted August 30, 2009 (edited) Suggestions I suppose go to another topic if they're implemented, but since it's not yet I'm going to write here Perhaps add something like: Expert Trader- Traded 5 valuable creatures like Drachorn, Rustgold, Wind, Soulweaver with over 50 age. (does that include past creats as well? I do hope so, caus then I should fulfill it ) PM flood- get over 1000 PMs total. Absolute PM flood- get over 2000 PMs total. Capture your flag!- Get a spell casted on you that changes flags permanently. Demonic Fighter- Get 666 wins in a row And..I'll so look forward to some achievement to unlock using spells . If I'd get the latter I'll be like yay. Not sure if it gets added, perhaps a Collector's badge? The following is a SINGLE badge: Collector- Collect 20 different creatures, including 7 premium, (doesn't matter what level) Collect 5 WP, Collect 20 Spelldocs, Collect 5 different spells, Collect 1500 attack, 1000 defense, 100 energetic immunity, 100 tradesense and 100 regeneration (base stats), Collect 50k max ve and vp, Collect 1000 principles in each you chose Values as equal or higher. That would be a heavy badge, don't you people think so? Edited August 31, 2009 by Shadowseeker
Aleph Null Posted August 30, 2009 Report Posted August 30, 2009 I think there shouldn't be achievements that can be "cheated." For example, two players can make a pact to exchange all of their creatures just to get that achievement and then to exchange them back. And that sort of things. I just think it's lame. Also, I'd like to propose the idea that all achievement can't be reached. (This applies only to hard ones that actually need to be worked for.) That way people will have to choose witch ones they actually want to achieve instead of just wanting them all no matter what. That way every one would have unique sets of achievements (sort of like choosing principles). This can be done by having certain achievements exclude each other. Some ideas for achievements: - [i]Chatty Chatter[/i] - for having X lines wrote in chat. Well, just one idea for now... >.> Aleph~ Jubaris and Death Bell 2
Grido Posted August 30, 2009 Report Posted August 30, 2009 (edited) chatty chatter would lead to people spamming chat to get it, which i'm extremely against the one award excluding another, sounds like an interesting idea though. my figuring of what Mur said is that you wouldnt be able to achieve everything anyway, you would have to do something to be able to see the achievement first, possibly something not everyone is able to do, and there would be unique ones going around as well, i.e. "first ever mp7 illusionist" for me, sort of thing Edited August 30, 2009 by Grido
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