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Achievements Gallery

Muratus del Mur

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[quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='06 September 2009 - 05:34 PM' timestamp='1252254870' post='41018']
how can they be seen by others?

They cant. Its something for you to achieve. Unlike medals that everyone can see.

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we're getting another page? oh dear...

i only say oh dear, because i'm wondering at how many it might stop, with this we're getting at two rows of docs (at least that rpc's can see) even if that wasnt already so before

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[quote name='Akasha' date='06 September 2009 - 09:58 PM' timestamp='1252267095' post='41034']
They will be seen on your profile, like the hate page, there will be an achievement page with them :D

alright!!! :)
i mean why do i need achievements if no one can see them... :P

cant wait ;)

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About this:

.Muratus del Mur.: quick thing, i am planning to make the globe here an achievements unlocker, same like the warriors bust in Tribunal
.Muratus del Mur.: 5 achievements , not sure what now
.Muratus del Mur.: not the same as in Tribunal
.Muratus del Mur.: so..

Why not make some tasks specific to training grounds. Like x number of fights in one day, x number of stat points in one day (yeah...i know, i know...you don't really get them in TG but they fit :D) or similar things (from the list that is on the first page).

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  • 1 month later...

[quote name='Grido' date='15 October 2009 - 08:28 PM' timestamp='1255602524' post='44723']
@Kyphis, not all proposed achievements have been implemented yet.
You can see the ones that have been implemented at GGG - the orb in the center, and in the Tribunals - Statue Bust
From what I have heard from dst and Mur, there are more stylized ones that aren't activated publicly. Also, I recall it being said to mention anything that you did that you felt was a suitable achievement, and as it was on the list (for far less value) I felt like mentioning it.

But thanks for your reply, anywho.

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Err...did I say that? I doubt. I said I WISH there were some special achievements. But I did not say they are implemented or that they are not publicly activated. Cause I have no knowledge of such things.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Some other suggestions for achievements, some of these are meant to be a bit funny or odd:

[b]Mother Hen:[/b] Have at least 12 creature eggs.
[b]Golden Goose:[/b] Have ONLY creature eggs, no other creatures and at least 12 eggs.
[b]Girl Scout:[/b] Complete 6 other achievements earning their badges.
[b]Tax Collector:[/b] Collect at least 5 gold coins and 10 silver.
[b]Federal Reserve:[/b] Collect 10 gold coins and 30 silver.
[b]Red Cross:[/b] Heal 1000 players with your spells.
[b]Blue Shield:[/b] Defend 1000 players with your spells.
[b]Junk Collector:[/b] Collect all pieces of equipment from the lands.
[b]The Nudest:[/b] Be MP5 and have never collected any equipment from the lands, leaving your avatar bare.
[b]Lucky Rabbits Foot:[/b] Complete at least one of Metal Bunnies Quests.
[b]Silence is Golden:[/b] Have never sent Mur an un-welcomed communication by any means. (Annual award)
[b]The Statesman:[/b] Be recognized for well orated discussions, arguments or points of view during in game meetings with Mur.
[b]The Anthropologist:[/b] Be recognized for significant contribution to the continued development of the culture and lands of MD.
[b]The Alchemist:[/b] Be recognized for significant contribution to the code development or game features of MD.
[b]Golden Fleece:[/b] Have been band from MD but somehow talked Mur into letting you rejoin.

[b]The Hermit:[/b] Start MP4 with no creatures or eggs. (Hard to prove not transferring between alts though)
[b]The Lunatic:[/b] Start MP5 with no creatures or eggs. (Hard to prove not transferring between alts though)

[u]Turn off transfer ability:[/u] It would be great if there was a way players could manually turn off the ability to transfer creatures to or from their account and have a timer on their character profile showing how many days and hours this was turned off for. May open the door for other unique challenges as well allowing players to prove that during that time nothing is being transferred to them.

[u]See player creatures:[/u] Consider creating the ability for players to turn on or off a preview of their current creatures. This could be done in a way that it only reveals the image of the creatures and not their stats. Would work in conjunction with turning off the transfer ability and allow for more unique challenges between players and thus earning more achievements.

[b]Devotee:[/b] Sacrifice 25 creatures total.
[b]Practitioner:[/b] Sacrifice 100 creatures total.
[b]Believer:[/b] Sacrifice 1,000 creatures total.
[b]Disciple:[/b] Sacrifice 10,000 creatures total.

[b]Guardian of (Insert land):[/b] Have at least 12 maxed creatures from specific land.
[b]Master of (Insert land):[/b] Have at least 24 maxed creatures from specific land.

Maybe allow these last two to be activated by the kings/queens of the lands, or at a spot in their "throne room".

Hope the input is appreciated. Nice addition to the game Mur. :D

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  • Root Admin

[quote name='Death Bell' date='04 November 2009 - 05:39 PM' timestamp='1257356347' post='46610']
the last two... i don't think any land has 12 creatures to be recruited...

I dont think he meant differnt creatures, just 12 from one land

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[quote name='Chewett' date='04 November 2009 - 12:46 PM' timestamp='1257356794' post='46616']
I dont think he meant differnt creatures, just 12 from one land

Correct, just any 12 creatures from the same land.

Would be nice to see some more creatures added though, if anything just to have something that looks different.

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[quote name='Daemon Torvez' date='04 November 2009 - 06:24 PM' timestamp='1257351885' post='46595']
[b]Guardian of (Insert land):[/b] Have at least 12 maxed creatures from specific land.
[b]Master of (Insert land):[/b] Have at least 24 maxed creatures from specific land.

Then ... should the elemental be counted twice ?

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  • 7 months later...

I also like the idea.

Perhaps you could also have little icons, or make a page, for the players so that they can have it added onto their collection. Perhaps you could also do tournaments, and have little trophies and such that players can also have.

Just a suggestion, take it as you please.

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There are already "tournaments" (read: Contests) with "trophies" (read: Medals), these are displayed on your avatar.
Achievements that you have unlocked and earnt are displayed on a special page (the book to the right of the normal interface, just below the triggers box). However, there isn't a way for other players to view it yet.

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