Popular Post Liberty4life Posted November 25, 2009 Popular Post Report Posted November 25, 2009 once mur said when inner magic put its step into game, that inner magic wasnt made for md but md was made for inner magic, concept of inner magic.. didnt improved, even worse it went forgotten, with dismissal of rpcs, inner magic docs were unable to be redistributed, and before that happened they were just used as collectibles, principals as laws of this realm, arent used in way they were meant to be used, now they fuel tokens, they arent used anymore to think about things, to try using them for something great and unusual (inner magic), this concept with inner magic and principals was most important aspect of game which was meant to teach, made ya think, made ya use your brain... that key element isnt only one that died, story mode... it became unimportant, not much closed locations anymore as well, poems of locations lost its meaning, nobody cares for them, signs at entrance to each land... huh? who reads it? afaik story mode was also only one that made connection of creats with us, today in md... in everyday rp how often do we have creats involved for anything? players are merchants, warriors, not circus tamers or TCG cards owners, why do i say that? simple.. creats are those days to rpers second part of game.. like Magic: The gathering is to us irl, ya trade creats, ya play some fighting that has nothin to do with ya, to fighters thats only aspect of game, now why would warrior with sword or somethin need tree to fight with? from rp view that got created in md which is realistic or godmoding one, md creats arent used in it, and in those rp situations where ya use them.. idk if it can be said that they are used as it was meant to use them and now... adventure log died as well it seems tell me what is AL today? what is story mode today? what are poems today? what are principals today? what is inner magic today? what is md's background story today? traces of it everywhere, but still... its used for nothing, does anyone that is older than 2 months in this game notice those things anymore? i dont think so story mode and AL got fully replaced by papers and "casual rp" of all sorts.... poems and lands descriptions mean nothing, everyone has same opinion about every location and acts same, all they care is if location is crowded or is it remote one, thats all principals.. another stat to grind till 1k and thats it inner magic and background story.... wot are those? creats? ah thats some side game inside real game to one kind of ppl to another they are whole game this is current situation about those things in md papers are giving big freedom to players to express themselves, yes kings will assure human judgment on players but lately md is getting more and more automatized, and kinda more and more towards game that is actually click to advance md script is cool yeah but now... game can be 100% played without any contact with players, ya just roam around mainly at mdp and ggg, to improve your stats and creats, if ya want wp for something just do automated quests, but somethings keeps players socialized, is it theirs high need for socialization or are the "forgotten" parts of this game that makes them ask around when they start playing and fires up theirs curiosity? fact is that lately there didnt came much new players that stayed for longer time, and if ya ask players that are in here for longer time wot made them stay in md, wot made them keep playing, they will most likely say one of this "forgotten" parts of game question is... if md removes those parts of game which arent used, is md then still md or is just like any other game? idk and idc wot ya will say but i am one of those players that like revealing mystery, i wanna know wot happened next in story mode, i wanna know about inner magic and principals uses, i wanna know meaning of storymode story, meaning of AL since it had its message to tell each time, i wanna know meaning of poems, i wanna know more about creats, many creats dont have description, some creats like barren soul contain description that is related to ancient lore which got banned, and many more things, i cant think anymore if i could i would most likely wrote more, this is all i have to say for now PS i have been thinking about this few days ago but forgot to post it, then emerald arcanix made me remember it but then again i forgot, then lifeline made me remember it after his talk with arcanix, so i finally managed to post it, tnx guys Burns, Watcher, Death Bell and 16 others 15 4
pamplemousse Posted November 25, 2009 Report Posted November 25, 2009 Geeze, I never thought I'd say this, but I agree with you Lib. I feel like MD has lost its community feel, people are so cellular, hididng in far flung corners in small groups. All of this stuff Mur is working on with the player list and such has be sort of nostalgic for the days when the player list actually looked like that. Last night I tried to get people to come to the GOE and just be together and it sort of worked, I felt a lot of people came out of "hiding". But I want more. I think the mentality is now that things need to happen on the forum to be considered "real" in game. But look back a long time ago, it was the AL that made things "real" and I hate to think that the Forums are the AL of today. And YIM has replaced in game interaction, as well, I think. Pample, in game, has been trying to get people interested in some aspects of the Windmill at the Fields of Abandonment, but it is difficult to get people to be engaged in any kind of RP that isn't about fighting these days. Frankly, I am going to continue anyway, regardless of how excited people are, I find it entertaining to have a story plot and work within the confines of the game to make something happen. (If you are interested in knowing more, PM Pample, in game One of the things that has kept me, and I suspect a lot of others, in MD is extactly that sense of mystery as well as the idea that we, a community, can shape that mystery. I don't really have a solution, maybe we should all just work more on establishing that community feel again, exploring and discussing ideas and engaging in fun role play withouth the expectation of spells, tags, special recognition or some kind of elevated status. And I would LOVE to see the AL return as a vehicle to galvanize a more community feel in MD. Tarquinus, Amoran Kalamanira Kol, Sparrhawk and 5 others 7 1
Aelis Posted November 25, 2009 Report Posted November 25, 2009 Couldn't agree more.. My first days in MD were all about exploring and reading the AL.. it was something unbelievable to me that a normal player just like me could change the history of the realm! Eventually I finished reading the AL and wondered why did it stop. From time to time I even reread some entries. I am relatively new here, but I can see that lately we lack interation within the realm. I have always wanted to research and find out about new things.. but I had never found people willing to do it (suprised myself after reading Pample's post). Maybe kings will change this aspect, maybe not. I really hope to keep reading and maybe even being part of such excellent stories like the ones in AL. This post did not say much.. it is merely the point of view of a "newcomer". Amoran Kalamanira Kol, Jubaris, Tarquinus and 2 others 5
Liberty4life Posted November 25, 2009 Author Report Posted November 25, 2009 (edited) yup something should be done, things turned in wrong way, we lost this mystery of game, it was passion that was leading us forward, we still have our ability to shape things, but ability to shape without passion is noneffective edit: its very reasonable and expected point of view, newcomer with point of view like ya have usually stays in game long time Edited November 25, 2009 by Liberty4life Czez, Observer and Clock Master 3
Lifeline Posted November 25, 2009 Report Posted November 25, 2009 best post since months! i am currently writing myself a story about the "lost face of Marind Bell" of all what it meant to me in the past, what it symbolised to me how it draw me in and got me so damn attracted. i have lost that feeling for a very long time. just the recent land opening because of the kingship made me remember. i had MB access only on mp3 which i was for 2 weeks then never again because i never started my storyline on mp5. all my alts didnt as well because i wanted to keep MB mysterious for me. now that i can walk all of MB i remember the feeling and passion i had for the land when i joined the game. i see the "old" scenes like passage of war and champ dome and all those treasured memories flow back into my head. my motivation is higher than before after remembering what MB was like in the past. that is why i am writing that story at the moment because i am hoping to awake enthusiasm in other people again. ancient lore doesnt matter in here there is still tons of stuff around that can be discovered that wont loose it validity. an imense part of that was lost indeed but its mostly still there at least concerning understanding matters of the realm its just unnoticed. i am hoping especially for inner magic to get a more defining factor of the game again. Liberty is correct however the game changed a lot and lost huge parts of its old face and character. the game mechanics and current roleplay and stuff can keep players going for a long period of time but i agree with Lib that what binds people most to the game keeps fading away. at least that is how i understand the recent drop in commitment and loyality of new players to the game. i might be badly wrong and the type of players, who stays in MD because of reasons Lib mentioned, might be a minority. i wanted to keep SoE what it used to be but nobody is even applying anymore. all old players who still witnessed the old days found a spot already or never cared about that aspect of the game anyway and new ones dont even notice it. so i had to restructure SoE it cant represent anymore what Lib discribed above while keeping a healty number of members. i remember topics on forums where AL, inner magic and many other things got discussed by the average player. stuff that really represented the game was moving people and noticed by forum members. these days its hidden in the mist and very few ever see that part of the game. Chewett, Liberty4life, Amoran Kalamanira Kol and 2 others 3 2
Kriskah Arcanu Posted November 25, 2009 Report Posted November 25, 2009 [quote name='Liberty4life' date='25 November 2009 - 02:38 PM' timestamp='1259181493' post='48457'] poems of locations lost its meaning, nobody cares for them, signs at entrance to each land... huh? who reads it? afaik story mode was also only one that made connection of creats with us, today in md... in everyday rp how often do we have creats involved for anything? players are merchants, warriors, not circus tamers or TCG cards owners, why do i say that? simple.. creats are those days to rpers second part of game.. story mode and AL got fully replaced by papers and "casual rp" of all sorts.... poems and lands descriptions mean nothing, everyone has same opinion about every location and acts same, all they care is if location is crowded or is it remote one, thats all principals.. another stat to grind till 1k and thats it inner magic and background story.... wot are those? creats? ah thats some side game inside real game to one kind of ppl to another they are whole game this is current situation about those things in md (...) but lately md is getting more and more automatized, and kinda more and more towards game that is actually click to advance idk and idc wot ya will say but i am one of those players that like revealing mystery, i wanna know wot happened next in story mode, i wanna know about inner magic and principals uses, i wanna know meaning of storymode story, meaning of AL since it had its message to tell each time, i wanna know meaning of poems, i wanna know more about creats, many creats dont have description, some creats like barren soul contain description that is related to ancient lore which got banned, and many more things, i cant think anymore if i could i would most likely wrote more, this is all i have to say for now [/quote] I totally agree. MD's mysteries have to become more important and they should have continuity. When I have spoke to newcomers they are trully interested in knowing more about principles... about Marind...ancient Lore and many things I wish i knew a bit more. I would say the game logic has the tendency to make you become a bit alienated, specially because it is quite hard to get people atention in subjects wich has nothing to do with creature training. Maybe if diferent locations would give alternaitve power to creatures during a fight, people would be interested in finding the reason why is that happening in that particular location... I dont know, Im just speculating. Anyways, I do agree it is necesary to get MD all community involved with MD's history and mysteries, so it can continue to be a unique kinda RPgame. Regards, K Liberty4life and Amoran Kalamanira Kol 2
I am Bored Posted November 25, 2009 Report Posted November 25, 2009 why is it that at the time i realise something about md, by the time i get around to mentioning it or doing something about it it has already been done by another player? such as the al being the hidden backbone of md.... Watcher, Liberty4life, Ivorak and 1 other 4
Asterdai Posted November 26, 2009 Report Posted November 26, 2009 (edited) I like to collect the creatures and love their upgrade levels becuase they look good, im interested to know how they change, coz they are really cool artwork, and enjoy seeing how they work in battle, but im only trying to level a certain creature right now which keeps me battling maybe that will change when i reach MP5 (eek, im dreading it when i do! gonna be principle rinsed....well not that it will effect me becasue i really dont know what all those tokens actually do, ive got. Think i only bought them because they look cool (except the green angien fart one ) i was interested in how they could change the battles, but its wayyy too complicated for me all the logs and stuff So yeh i only really wanna see the next upgrades of the creatures at the moment. Artwork for me brings a new part of interest in the game, with a kind of true lore. something akin to the location pictures for the land we live in gives us. something fact and concrete that we can access for clues to how the lands work and stuff , part of the md world which can be seen and experienced, and to get the new artwork you obviously need to fight and upgrade and be able to access all the areas within md, or do something special to get a drachorn, or tormented soul and like err Pokemon collect (yay! love it!!) I would like to be good at fighting for back up in RP (one day!), so that i can may escape the clutches of that horrible man Granos who is trying to taint me. I know it was good for ailith but... Just dont do it to me!!: when you pin me down and weaken me! (there IS something which i can use to get me away thankfully ........ even though it would be boring if i did it too often..!) i need to get strong in battle so that i could stop you going for me once and for all! Annnnyyway regarding other things i like to do, is rp, coz its rather fun way to get to know people but err yeh i try my best! Sometimes i meet people who are asking questions and making me think about stuff, and sometimes i come accross new and really interesting quests, fun but mostly a chance to get that elusive WP, im still soooo suprised there arnt that many in existence, hoping it stays a little like that! really fun to try and get one, unlock sooo many different things and places (artwork and knowledge!) ok...i could waffle on for ages about how everything i enjoy here interconnects, cant do one without the other kinda thing! Awesome!(the magics still very much alive for me atm ) DST you probably dont have any reason TO RP, if you are how i imagine, straight to the point with regards to "knowledge of the realm and how it can help us think about our own lives" some of us dont know what to ask! and feel we need reasons for things and not just accept it at face value(probably like yourself) and thats where for us RP comes in handy see if we can coax a starting point off from a few of the people in MD! i like to RP... um yeh, and i like to talk to peace about necrovion, but she is gone now, and she was my source of "magic" and something else in the game! The alliances have never bothered to show any interest in me i mean.. i sometimes ask about things, showing an interest, but im one of the hard ones whos gotta know Everthing before getting involved! too much hard work i say! some people "keep the dream alive" in a different way, i just need to spend a lot of time with people that do people who are willing and helpful to let me look further and deeper, and not just expect me to know everything! For me peace is paramount here. catching the tailend of khalazadhaddahhdhahzhahad (i cant spell it :S) i was interested by his quest to do with his ideas about how one, in his opinons, should fight in the desert and think about his reasons why. Also to study Rhajadharma, a very interesting and rewarding topic. This being on of the only face value topic i feel i has brought me into thinking about what i should be like in my own life, and "bridged" something between MD and my real life (i wonder if i can class writing poems in that also...md helps me to be creative!) Peace provided a quest regarding principles. This has single handidly been the only thing i have ever seen in MD regarding principles, in my eyes, and immediately got me involved, after pages and pages of notes i scribbled in my lunch break at work, i managed 4 out of the 12 questions of that section. An essay for each one, sooo many different principles were involved in some of them, all interlinked and affecting each other...not a simple task! Peace has provided so much time with me in the past, time to talk about what world we live in and how it works, more in an ancient lore type of way. So why do you think that the shades.... love it...though.. there is only One story/parable i fet i have understood of hers/khalazahahahfhdhas and that was by help of kittiness through a quest she was running! All the rest well....like i said i am hard work phantasm once sat with me at the path of lonlilness and chucked a stone whizzing away, then it kinda um flew straight back into it, and asked me questions about it, he made it really interesting! though i cant remember much now..was a long time ago Ailith, granos,raven, kittiness, pamplemousse, innocence, and a lot of others have all helped me think differently about different things for differnt reasons, a big part of my experience here And Zliepheir i feel i have learnt so much from him and bob, yet also feel i know so littler. i bleame it on the Brick wall stuborness zliephneir, peace and phantasm are the Only people i have found i think who have Actually had a conversation about things deeper in the game! (i know others do it with quests and very very clever/and fun stuff with quests, and others do it in a creativity exploration like with poems and things which "make you think" There needs to be more people like them, and especially the people who Talk about it when you are there. helping and guiding people gently allowing them to grow independant thoughts and to discuss. These are the people we need to help "bring the magic" back into MD. Maybe i havent spoken to the right people...but i mean i Have been playing for a while now, youd think if it was important, someone may have approached me, seeing i was curious! We all need to be more interested in the err "lore" of the land, the artwork (/pictures/visual gold for conversation starter by the way!) and starts to get others interested! including me! because i will need all the help i can get now peace has gone (yay im getting negatives! bug off!) Edited November 26, 2009 by Asterdai Amoran Kalamanira Kol, de la Rey, pamplemousse and 3 others 4 2
Udgard Posted November 26, 2009 Report Posted November 26, 2009 Well, couldn't agree more.. Those things are what made me stay in MD in the first place. The inner magic part is what made me join the realm in the first place, and the ancient lores and AL is the mystery that had me stay and research for a long time. Now their importance seems greatly diminished (ancient lore got as far as banned, even), and MD feels a lot different than it used to be back then. If I were a new player, I might be discouraged from playing MD if I joined seeing the very interesting principle systems and the great stories, only to find that they are almost non-existant in practice nowadays.. Watcher and Liberty4life 2
Elthen Airis Posted November 26, 2009 Report Posted November 26, 2009 As i'm currently a few months dweller in this realm, to be honest i felt something missing, but didn't really think about it. Now that i read all of your posts i see what it is. I still have a lot of materials i haven't read, so my interest is kept. However, i see now the point of view of the older players. What are they to do, when there is no new information? They have read and reread the AL and everything times and times again and know it by heart. And what now? All that is left is farming stats, becoming the greatest tamer and fighter. Yes, there are of course a lot of mysteries in the quests and riddles of people's quests, also in the exquisite artwork of every scene, or earning wish points to buy a fancy spell or whatever, you can also RP as you like, that is in fact what i liked most about the game. The freedom it gives to a player, to be able to make a role of whatever he likes, be it a tree guard or the tree itself. And in fact, every role has it's place here, and it suits the RP of the game, and that is truly great. I, for once, am really wandering why Mur actually decided to close the matter concerning the Ancient Lore. It makes you wonder about a lot of things. Why was Marind Bell, named like that if it wasn't for that story? Why shouldn't there be a past of the realm? After all, let's say 65% of the quests rely on facts in the AL, or things written in the Archives. Moreover, why were the Archives created if not to keep the history? What happens with all the players whose roles are based on the history of the realm? Like Akasha, Peace, Wodin Ullr, Metal Bunny, SmartAlekRJ... I surely expressed a great interest in the Ancient Lore and especially Marind's murder, since it greatly fits my new role - a private detective. However, whenever i asked for info, i was greeted with replies like "Beware, what you may be starting with gathering info like that." And most people actually wouldn't like to share that info. But all the same, the murder wasn't actually investigated and revealed and yet it is a part of the main story, of the game, itself. I did gather a lot of info and i do have an idea about what has happened, but really with the limitation of the information on the matter it's hardly possible to gather the clues and tell for sure who is the murderer. Principles are also not referred to, except for the various characters who tried to reach Mount Kelle'tha for obtaining the knowledge of the books in the AL. One of the reasons i didn't like the new drain ability of the creatures was indeed the fact that principles are treated as a combat stat. And i really did pay attention which exact principles i chose, concerning my future role. And i chose them in the order of importance they are for me in RL. Because to be honest those principles really are encountered every day in daily life, believe it or not. And i think the whole idea of creating a community, a game, which connects RL and the virtual experience of playing a game is probably the most innovative approach game manufacturers have ever had. When i read an old topic about Mur saying that he has the idea of making a RL quest for MP8s for example, i was staring at my computer with open mouth. That is indeed as if i'm the researcher of the film Da Vinci Code, or any of those films looking for the Holy Grail and mysteries, which hide great treasure. That's as a dream coming true... About the AL, i always asked myself why is Mur the only one who could actually write in the AL? I do realise he is a quality seeker and that's the main reason he himself writes the AL, but why not give a chance to others to get involved in the history of the realm? After all, we all have a very good example of what a AL story must be like, from all the stories written until now. I reckon players should be able to create their grand stories and to be enabled to send their stories to Mur for a review and if he considers them good for the AL, they would get implemented. I mean, there are a hell of a lot of intelligent people gathered from all over the world in this game, they won't write some boring story, with no style. And even if that's the case i would still risk it to allow players to write, after all he will have the ability to review them and decide if they are worthy or not. As for the combat system... Well, for me it is rather secondary, basically because i'm interested in the quests, riddles, reading, researching more. I love thinking and practicing my mind, another reason i adore this game. It's one of the few games that actually encourage Thinking. However, for the others that are mainly battle oriented i guess there should be something done about connecting their role-play and their creatures. Although in fact there is, Knator Commander is one of the things that does connect that area. Shades also. Other ways of doing that is roleplaying that. Mya Celestia for example is roleplaying a pixie she found in the woods, i reckon that's indeed a fabulous idea. And it also encourages dual thinking, as she has to roleplay both characters and still stay in character. Asterdai was roleplaying his Angien, though as Mur said creatures are just in your mind, they are not real like the players in the game. Nonetheless, it's a good idea, so he just summoned the creature and he roleplays it, also requires dual thinking. Asterdai, Ivorak, pamplemousse and 2 others 5
Sharpwind Posted November 26, 2009 Report Posted November 26, 2009 hmmm very interesting reading.... It is a fact that the principles (and their uniqueness, player customization), the hidden magic and lore, and the superb artwork are the main reasons I signed up for the game So seeing the principles do nothing but fuel the tokens, seeing I stuck in the story mode for being (under-construction) and seeing the adventure log fade away... made me lose some excitement (the source of all rp and activity) I agree with everybody but I also understand why Mur felt he needed some things to be more automated... It is clearly lots and lots of work for one man, and as more things get implemented the harder it will be (complicated) for one man to keep everything supervised and under control -------------------- Perhaps if the kings wrote the adventure log with Mur's supervision... ? North, Asterdai and Watcher 2 1
Elthen Airis Posted November 26, 2009 Report Posted November 26, 2009 (edited) [quote name='Sharpwind' date='26 November 2009 - 04:01 PM' timestamp='1259247665' post='48533'] I agree with everybody but I also understand why Mur felt he needed some things to be more automated... It is clearly lots and lots of work for one man, and as more things get implemented the harder it will be (complicated) for one man to keep everything supervised and under control [/quote] Yes, that is no doubt correct. It is a hell of a difficult job for 1 person. However, Mur had always relied a lot on the community in the game. And still does. If everything was resting on his shoulders the game wouldn't exist already. Examples, The Archives, filled by many players, or in other words the community, The Dojo, MR's training grounds, also created by the community, LHOs, Forum moderators, programmers also help him i reckon, there are not so few in the game, Cutler, Rendril Revant(those are the two i know for sure...), editors, translators, festival organizers(Ailith)... There are many things that the community is doing to aid the development of the game, so he is not alone, not at all. And to be clear, all those posts are not complains, or at least i could talk about myself, it is simply a reminder for Mur of what the idea of the game was when he started it. Or at least i think that that was the idea, by reading really a lot of the forum threads and Archives. Or if not that, it's the most important features of the game that players find interesting and keeps them. Edited November 26, 2009 by Elthen Airis
Liberty4life Posted November 26, 2009 Author Report Posted November 26, 2009 well as for AL some ppl got chance to write it instead of mur, but they couldnt wrote in there wot mur wanted to say, in here i am speaking about "point", adventure log isnt only about happenings, it has its own message and mur is the one who knows wot should be that hidden message, its connected to things, and its most important part of md history, this may sound confusing but idk how to explain it better Clock Master, Asterdai, Watcher and 1 other 1 3
Orlando Gardiner Posted November 26, 2009 Report Posted November 26, 2009 I do agree all this. it's not for nothing that I started exploring the world for myself now, with a few people as help, that was the only reason for me to return to this game. but it should be understood, exspecially for greenhorns, it's hard to understand the concept of the inner magic. we should have more not stats related gaming, and more possbilities to interact in a place. for example: if there is a way of fighting, distracting and actually doing this in a sort of arena, with judges like kings or senators for if it's actually possible or not. this should mean you can be strong with creatures, but if you do not fully understand the prenciples, and the way MD works you can still lose to someone who can completly bend his prenciples to his will. this would also add another game stage for interacting with eachother, and a reason for prenciples.. for example, you can't make a massive forest grow unles you have high cyclicity and nature, you just wont have the power... well, not good worked out idea, but doesen't it sounds like a good way of interacting more with the game?
pamplemousse Posted November 28, 2009 Report Posted November 28, 2009 [quote name='Sharpwind' date='26 November 2009 - 10:01 AM' timestamp='1259247665' post='48533'] Perhaps if the kings wrote the adventure log with Mur's supervision... ? [/quote] I do not think that the Kings should write the AL, if it is implimented again. The Archivists used to write the AL before Mur began writing it himself again. I am sure they would be very eager to contribute ideas and would do a superb job if given the oppurtunity once more. Peace, Sparrhawk and Watcher 2 1
Root Admin Chewett Posted November 28, 2009 Root Admin Report Posted November 28, 2009 I believe the Adventure log should be left to the archivests. Im sure there would be someone who would be intrested in writing it again. Some of the current archivests wrote some of the old stuff didnt they? Perhaps get some of the archivests that wrote previously to try another "tale" then we could have a look Watcher 1
dst Posted November 28, 2009 Report Posted November 28, 2009 I see the possibility of another contest here.Why not let others come up with a story AL style? Then a jury can decide which story is the best and that one should go into AL. Of course it would have to go through Mur's censorship and ideas adding () but I think it would be quite fun.
Akasha Posted November 28, 2009 Report Posted November 28, 2009 If we look back, because of the old al that was written by someone else, Mur decided to close it and write it on his own. As he has more things to do it needed to be put on pause. AL it is not something to fill with 'tales' especially fantasy ones from papers; I am here for a long long time and i saw how real AL is written and how things happen to be in an order, how an end of a story is the beginning of an other, regardless of how long it takes or if there is something planed or not. Things in the AL (beside the story written by archis) are simply happening and follow an unwritten order that not even the writer or the character inside is constient of some times. We can all have our tales , separately from the AL , that's why we have the papers .. to fill them with tales that might complete our character and that's why i think that we should keep this thin line between paper stories and AL ones. As you saw, the paper stories come to a disaster to the AL and what it was supposed to be. I say that AL will continue when it will be time for it. Believe it or not, things happen at their time, even in MD, i have been witness to that. AL is not something to fill with stories, but something that looks it's own story line, so ..when nothing is happening it is not a panic moment that needs to be filled with tales, but a simple break, that maybe prepares it's public for a new exiting story. Jubaris, Muratus del Mur, Elthen Airis and 3 others 5 1
Elthen Airis Posted November 28, 2009 Report Posted November 28, 2009 Very well said Akasha. Now there is another question that excites me. You are already part of the AL. For many reasons, which has good grounds i'm sure. But then again, how are the characters in the AL chosen? Is it a fancy of Mur, or is it deed relying. By that i mean how much has one person contributed to the realm and i guess from another hand how old he is. After all, staying for a longer time surely gets you the status of reliable to some extent. Well, how exactly? On the other hand, i guess if someone sits to write a thoroughly magnificent story, which continues the AL and has some connection i guess he could always try to contact Mur and share the idea, and if it's a chef-d'oeuvre he might decide to use it in the AL, am i not right? Or are we completely disabled of doing that?
Liberty4life Posted November 28, 2009 Author Report Posted November 28, 2009 okies... primary point of this topic was inner magic, principals, story mode and scene poems, and similar stuff not creats and al, they are secondary in this topic, i just mentioned them becoz creats arent anymore wot they were a year ago, they are treated completely different than before, and i mentioned al becoz it stagnated for quite some time already i wonder why everyone in this topic stopped talking about primary points of this topic Czez and Clock Master 2
Root Admin Chewett Posted November 28, 2009 Root Admin Report Posted November 28, 2009 [quote name='Liberty4life' date='28 November 2009 - 11:22 AM' timestamp='1259407379' post='48611'] okies... primary point of this topic was inner magic, principals, story mode and scene poems, and similar stuff not creats and al, they are secondary in this topic, i just mentioned them becoz creats arent anymore wot they were a year ago, they are treated completely different than before, and i mentioned al becoz it stagnated for quite some time already i wonder why everyone in this topic stopped talking about primary points of this topic [/quote] Inner magic, principles, story mode and scene poems are all things mur has said have been stopped while he works on other things, i feel they will be done, in time.
Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted November 28, 2009 Root Admin Report Posted November 28, 2009 To avoid unnecessary wishes.. AL will resume and when it will happen i will be the one writing it, or at least the one putting the main ideas for each 'page'. It makes me sick to see the competition of "who gets in the AL". I cant trust anyone to objectively write it because the pressure from those that consider to be in AL as the absolute achievement is enormous. Consider the AL as the adventure orientated newslog. Who gets on the AL? about 1% of the people that should, because you all should be there, but that will cause a huge mess and AL will turn into a pointless rant. AL follows a single path out of all that happens in MD, one path that i personaly consider at the time of writing that its important and brings chnages or underlines the "wireframe" behind md concept. I will make sure to change my messenger and be totaly invisible next time i continue AL, to avoid favors or nice story presentations. The AL picks you and picks its stories, you dont get to "make" something for the al, its not a screen play and you are not actors. Innermagic is the concept that drives md but also the concept that will be last visible. One day i plan to retire "Mur" and actualy play MD as one of its characters. As i see it now, its impossible to keep same name and still avoid getting involved in everything, so i will find a way later. Innermagic was supposed to be made by schools, not by a single person or by something implemented automaticaly in game. It might never happen. Stop waiting for things, take what already is. Factions, magic, all things that are "pending" wont get here faster if you wait for them. In fact as you know me and as i know myself, they might never come. I know for sure MD will evolve constantly one way or an other, and i have a good aim with its direction, regardless of the tools and way i use to reach that aim. MD is what you see now, not what you wait to see for later. And now i stop before going really offtopic. --- And there is more.. What you talk about lib i could call the identity of MD, that has to suffer indeed. Restoring MD identity is something i have as a priority but wont happen in the way you expect it to. One step is to make everything more automated and fix things that are now not fully working.. Sephirah Caelum 1
Kafuuka Posted November 28, 2009 Report Posted November 28, 2009 (edited) [quote name='Liberty4life' date='28 November 2009 - 12:22 PM' timestamp='1259407379' post='48611'] okies... primary point of this topic was inner magic, principals, story mode and scene poems, and similar stuff not creats and al, they are secondary in this topic, i just mentioned them becoz creats arent anymore wot they were a year ago, they are treated completely different than before, and i mentioned al becoz it stagnated for quite some time already i wonder why everyone in this topic stopped talking about primary points of this topic [/quote] [topic='5680']Story mode is being changed.[/topic] For principles I believe you suffer the same problem as last time I mentioned them: the first reply is on the issue that interests that poster most and people then follow the example, forgetting about the other issues. Spell documents is perhaps the easiest to fix. The code to allow people to distribute them existed before, but there's no method to assign new distributors anymore. Three possible solutions: WP shop, hand picked by Mur or a crafter function (Master Scribe?). The WP shop will make it a race to get the license first, if the number of distributors/doc is limited. For quest reward purposes that makes a lot of sense to me. Hand picking is a lot of work for someone who already has a lot of features we want him to work on. A crafterlike role: a player who can change a WP into a spell doc distribution license and write new documents. Sadly this is a huge responsibility for that person, so we need someone incorruptible. The benefits should be obvious: requirements to get a license can be changed when needed. eg. When the only distributor is being too lazy or left the game, the requirements for that license can be lowered; while if it is being spread at light speed, there is no need for someone to have the same license. Once all the existing documents have a distributor, we'll need new ones. Again it makes sense to me that the distributor has a say in what kind of document he wants to be made. We also need someone to approve of the new document: function, levels, description, principles... Which is again a lot of responsibility. Perhaps Mur will get nightmares after reading this, but I am working on the premise that we are supposed to be able to influence the game and if none of us are capable of bearing this responsibility, then the game is too difficult for all of us. It doesn't even have to be one person, it can be a team too. At the cost of possible corruption, we get something that is in many ways useful for quests and will spark (principle) debates once more. *edit* seems that idea got shot down before I even pushed submit Edited November 28, 2009 by Kafuuka
Akasha Posted November 28, 2009 Report Posted November 28, 2009 About someone else giving a go on the spell docs and try to make new ones or alternatives ..before you all start crying, start looking where it is open to all of you to try : http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/3971-spell-document-quest/page__view__findpost__p__31796 After you all finish the rant maybe you also start to make something and put some more interest in what it is in the PRESENT developing . Also the enchanted poems is part of the spell docs..development status : paused because you all like to rant and complain then do something. Phantom Orchid, Asterdai, Watcher and 3 others 2 4
Root Admin Chewett Posted November 29, 2009 Root Admin Report Posted November 29, 2009 On the AL front, i actually found it more interesting with someone else writing it than Mur (no offence Mur ofc), If you were to give them the brief about what they should write i think it would be really good, Your idea combined with their time to write stuff. Its like the MD drawings, You dont necessarily draw it all yourself, you tell someone what you want, and then they draw it with their interpretation. Also this would free up some of your time. Tarquinus, Liberty4life, Watcher and 2 others 4 1
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