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Are Drachorns Too Common?

Fenrir Greycloth

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What is the point of the most powerful creature in MD being hoarded like a troll hoarding it's gold?

Aren't Drachorns supposed to be majestic beasts that are almost untameable?

Then why do people like Leixer have 40 Drachorns?

Why do most of the veterns have 4-10 drachorns?

What is the point of an unbeatable ritual? Being unbeatable defeats the purpose of the mechanics of this game. All rituals have a weakness, but when the only thing that can beat the drachorn ritual are more drachorns, with more tokens, and more stats.

This is a major flaw in the system. I do not see the point of this. All it does is cause more people to hoard their drachorns so that they can compete with these people.

So, I propose this reasonable solution. One that none of you will like. At least, none of those who hoard their drachorns.

I propose to limit each account with a single drachorn of each type. So, a person can only have a Madhorn, a Rustgold Drachorn, a Mutated Drachorn, and a Reindrach.

That should be MORE than enough power for one person, but it does not make the ritual unbeatable. It's still a tough ritual, but it won't cause a person to be completely slaughtered when they come up against it.

To stop people from aquiring more than these drachorns, I suggest having a check placed, when the Egg of each drachorn is ready to hatch, checking for another of its kind. So, a Rustgold Drachorn Egg is ready to hatch, and a line of code checks your current creatures to see if you have a Rustgold already. If so, it prevents your egg from hatching. (We could relate this to these Majestic beasts being overly protective of their master?)

As for the Drachorns bought in the store, these can still be bought, but they can not be hatched until their siblings have been removed from the Creatures Page. (Ie. They can still be sold/traded to those who do not have drachorns)

Please let me know what you think, and any improvements on this idea you may have.

Do not just flame this, as it is a possible solution to a growing problem.

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Well, although it may help, it still has a major flaw. The rustgold and the reindrach are things people paid money for.

Would it be fair to limit people to only one of these if they PAID (not like I do, but quite a few people did) for them?.

Also, wouldn't it be unfair to those who acuired several drachorns legally, simply because they are powerful?

In total, it is clear that they are overly powerful and that they need some tweaking, however what you suggest goes along the lines:

The poor ones envy the rich ones..so let's force the rich ones to be poor as well. Not entirely that way, but you get what I mean.

As for Leixer..there never was any proof, even after Mur checked it, so I'd be careful with rumors.

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i don't think that the drachorns should be stripped from people. If they were lucky enough to acquire them they should be able to keep them. The problem I think is more that it is near impossible for anyone who doesn't have them to get them. Drachorns are supposed to be the most powerful and very frightening. I agree completely that not everyone should have one and that they should be difficult to acquire.

The thing I have the most issues with is the inability to get a new drachorn or those who do have the drachorns charging upwards of 80 silver for one. I myself am now 288 days old, and never once has anyone even attempted to reply or work a deal with me for one. I don't think someone with 100 days or under should have acess to them, but almost a year old now and still not so much as a wiff of one. 80 silver, I think, is too much to ask for anything. I don't think they should sell for 15 either. 40 silver or so I think is a much more reasonable offer for them.

A question I ask and have not gotten an answer is, are there new drachorns? Can new GG drachorns even be aquired anymore? If not then I think those with more drachorns then anyone would need, should be willing to offer them at a more reasonable rate.

I don't know the right solution to this problem. But I don't think stripping people of earned drachorns is right. The days when drachorns were able to be gotten from GG was a long long time ago, and only few veterans that are around now were there for the times. I say share the wealth and help out those who have put alot of time and effort into the game.

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I never said that people who didn't aquire the Rustgold and the Reindrach from the shop can't use them. But they are limited to one of each.

As for those who earned the Drachorns because they are powerful, I am sure they are powerful enough that four drachorns is still a pretty tough ritual.

I know MANY will disagree with this. I am pretty sure I would too if I had more than one of each kind as well. (I don't I have one of each.(Still can't use three of them though... :)))) But, I am willing to sacrifice some hard earned creatures for the sake of balancing the game out.

It is not about taking the rich's money, but that is what is needed. If you look at any game, all the different classes(Mage, Warrior, Priest etc) all have a weakness to another class. One cannot dominate the other.

Well, we have WAY to many players dominating other players. And not in the usual sense. These rituals are so powerful that if we turned MD into Aion/WoW, these players could PWN the Mods. 1.2 million damage in one round is absurd.

Another thing I would like to add, is to limit the ammount of tokens per creature. (However, that is another topic for another day)


phantasm, that is the problem though. There is to large of a supply of Drachorns. And the people who have them hold the monopoly on them. A LARGE monopoly. They can charge 80 silver for a Drachorn, simply because they can.

Edited by Fenrir Greycloth
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I just simply agree. I mean, Doesen't the drachorn has his flaw? I suppose it has, but haven't been able to check it already. but it should just be harder to get them, instead if making a limit. like: you can still buy them for 51 credits. but it costs you 5000 honour and 500 loyalty and a wishpoint or so .., or less exspensive but you get the idea. you need to pay money, but you have to be a strong player to.

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[quote name='Orlando Gardiner' date='23 December 2009 - 01:15 PM' timestamp='1261592106' post='50906']
I just simply agree. I mean, Doesen't the drachorn has his flaw? I suppose it has, but haven't been able to check it already. but it should just be harder to get them, instead if making a limit. like: you can still buy them for 51 credits. but it costs you 5000 honour and 500 loyalty and a wishpoint or so .., or less exspensive but you get the idea. you need to pay money, but you have to be a strong player to.

Orlando, you shouldn't have to pay more for it. The whole point of the MDShop is that everything costs the same. (There are variances... I know, but not so large that it would prevent people from buying it) But, making a player wait longer to buy from the MDShop is only hurting MD/Mur.

They can purchase as many Rustgolds as they wish, but they can only USE one. There is no reason to limit how many someone can buy from the Shop.

Edited by Fenrir Greycloth
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Well, even though you say it that way...#

I never paid a single dollar, and I am where I am today. This just proves it to be possible to get drachorns via trade, in fact I got more that way instead of questing or other means. Start small, collect, and trade.

As for the prices..80 silver actually is little. Compared to the usefulness of other creatures, then add the inflation of coins, and the rarity of drachorns, and 80 silver is supposed to be cheap.

And, what i forgot earlier..Do you suggest that all those people who have several maxed out drachorns already cannot use them anymore? That would mean you want a ritual preventing method, stopping them from being able to use more than the same amount of drachs. Instead of what you suggest with the leveling.

And, that would be unfair, esp as it counts only for these select people, instead of the majority. No, then a fix on the drachorn itself would be better.

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Just as a note, you can only acquire 1 Reindrach from the shop anyway, as with all the christmas creatures, it only appears in the shop once.

You say it is not about taking the rich's money, but what is the point for someone to buy a rusty (when they've already got one) if they cannot use it, people spend money and this idea would essentially be getting them to pay for something they cant have.

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Yes, Shadow. That is exactly what I suggest.

I suppose they can keep them, but they can only use one in a ritual.

I do not know how to do it, but I think that we reset all the drachorns to the egg stage(keep the age and everything) but perhaps that is too much work.

Any ideas?

Grido, they can still sell them to those who cannot purchase them.

Edited by Fenrir Greycloth
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  • Root Admin

Isnt this just that you want people who cant get all these drachorns so they have a better chance?

I dont see this as a solution i think that perhaps a solution is to give them a weakness. So that they are not the best creatures and that they have a specific weakness. So anyone could beat anyone like the premise of MD.

People who have used the shop reset and got several rustgolds will have been wasting their money because you use a lot of money to get the drachorns which are now unusable by them.

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Whats the point of having 12 drachorns? When only six are useable at once?

They can keep all the drachorns on one account, but they can only use one at a time. What is wrong with that?

Whats the point of keeping a single drachorn for all eternity when you can simply raise another and sacrifice the old one? Which is easily doable when you can simply purchase another drachorn and keep it to sacrifice the old one when the new one reaches the proper age.

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much better than tweaking and banning drachs is creating a drachorn-killer, imo

A creature for the sole purpose of defeating a drachorn, which always kills a drachorn, and generally ain't no good with killing other things, i think that's how strategic creatures are supposed to work in a game which is free to play and where 'newbs kill vets' when they have some strategy...

btw, this is no new idea, i posted it 9 months ago, but nobody cared LOL


that would probably need some tweaking now to fit in with the 'new' setting, specially that darn focus attack would obviously need haste/first strike qualities, going before any init-tokened bad-ass-critters, and slaying exactly those, while being almost useless for any other combat situations due to little VE and just one targeting option...

just to throw in an idea different from limiting drachorns^^

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Well I know how frustrating it is whan you fight someone with a bunch of drachs
but normaly those who have it are vets in the game and you know that you can expect it...

I guess when you been around for a while you know who has a bunch of drachs
you can avoid fighting them or simply ask they change their rit
and a normal player wouldn't or shouldn't use al his drachs in an offensive rit (thats my opinion)
if you are good enough to get a drach it means you understand the system a bit and still can win your fights without using al drachs...

but besides that once you grow a bit in the game aswell and get older as MP5 you change from fighting to talking and try to play your role better I guess
the fioghting and the strategic part stays intresting but getting to 'know' each other becomes too...

if I get my crits killed by a drach I revive them and then Kill another one's ritual that i know I can break... that is the game

and having just 1 of all kind of drach is rather imposible and setting you can only use 1 in a rit is too...

Burns I guess your idea isn't that bad, but creating a crit that only target drach would be hard to train if it can't attack anything else...

and if youre so eager to beat the drach I propose you try to boost your skille enourmusley... :))

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His idea about the knight is pretty good, indeed giving them a weakness. but what if you give drachorns only the possibility to attack creatures with more than 20% of their vitality? that way it's useless to only have drachorns, because they can't finish of the job( something like their pride of attacking such a inferior creature). And you wont have to have special creatures with them, just others. bringing some more tactics's back into the game with drachorns.

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[quote name='dst' date='23 December 2009 - 10:03 PM' timestamp='1261605781' post='50925']
It would be a good idea. But how many crits survive a drachorn attack? Most battles end in round 0.

That indeed is a problem.., how about reducing their strenght for a bit then? or I mean, how great is their force? if you implant enough of your own vitality you should be able to survive an awful huge blow..

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[quote name='Orlando Gardiner' date='23 December 2009 - 06:04 PM' timestamp='1261609496' post='50927']
That indeed is a problem.., how about reducing their strenght for a bit then? or I mean, how great is their force? if you implant enough of your own vitality you should be able to survive an awful huge blow..

When I burst I have 246,000 vitality. An attack with 4 drachorns against my ritual still ended up in the first round in most cases. I have three times now defeated rituals with multiple drachorns in it. The thing was they had no tokens and it was a decent amount of luck. A single drachorn with claw III, black tear, and onyx fang can do more damage then you can imagine.

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I personally like the idea of a new creature or a new aura set on a creature. It could be creative for roleplay purposes as well..

Think "Drachorn Hunter". :))

Rituals with multiple creatures tend to be quite powerful too, I do know that a regular blood pact ritual with one archer at it's head can do about 18-20,000 damage each hit. It doesn't measure up to a drachorn ritual which I have seen do 50,000 damage per hit even without tokens... but I do believe there are some ways to beat drachorn rituals, though I also agree that they are quite over powered and do not have a specific weakness to them.

I have beaten a drachorn ritual before, only to have the person attack me and hit the same ritual I attacked them with and receive a sheath balance. *shrug*

Edited by Amoran Kalamanira Kol
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Not for silver, no. But for other rare creatures? Sure, why not?

And just because one can only use one drachorn at a time(of each type) they can still have the others in reserve so when they sac the first Drachorn, the second can be trained in its stead.

I personally love the idea of having the "little people" that tame the Drachorns being the Anti Drachorn creature.

Edited by Fenrir Greycloth
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Rumors say that the final stage of the angien will be more powerful than the drachorn itself. Also remember not all angien eggs hatch in the same way. Some do evolve into a creatures which can be like drachorn Hunter hehehe. And it is not luck based it is ur Karma. Ho yeah in MD every way of playing gets rewarded too. So for those who don't use Token in ur rituals the changes of getting those final powerful angien lvl are higher. Now don't ask me how i came to know this . I can't say cos its a spoiler hehehe :))

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Honestly though, I think the problem with drachs is how the rusty's boost aura is calculated. It calculates 2,2 ^ 5 for a 5 rusty rit, which makes the damage skyrocket to an undefendable amount. If the boost calculation is changed to 2,2*5 instead, it would really make things much more balanced.

And personally, I don't agree with a creature that is designed to kill specifically one kind of craeture. I'd like to see creatures that can defeat drachorns because their ability happens to be a good counter for it, let's take for example the effect that changes all target to multi and multi target to single (yes, it does exist. It is one of the old protector spells, so it can be easily integrated to an aura). Therefore it would work well against drachs (and all other creatures with similar abilities, like dark archers), because their abilities works well against the drach's abilities, not because it is specifically designed to deal extra damage to drachs or something.

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