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1St Md Special Merchendise Auction

Muratus del Mur

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  • Root Admin

(This one, I play)

I am opening an auction for some special things. Feel free to auction whatever you can, and i will decide if the offer is accepted as higher than the previous or denied (meaning i consider it lower so not accepted to surpass the previous offer)

Please keep it clean and don't flood it with useless talks.

There is no reserve, auction starts this time at 1 silver, but will obviously end at a huge price, considering the merchendise auctioned.

I am allowing nonconsecutive secret bids. This means you can bid something that will not get public, if the previous bid was not private too. I will decide if a private bid is worth more or not.

Winner is decided for highest bid that stays unmatched for over a week!


Here are the items!

1st item
Dark IV
A rare creature, probably the first drawing i personally made back long ago when designing MD. Its creature ID is 1000, that makes it very special for collectors. It has 4 levels but you get the last one. Creature type id is 6 (because 5 other were added before it in the db). The creature comes with FULL TOKENS, no transfer penalties for the winner of the auction, you get exactly what you see with same stats and age. The auction is for its rarity, i don't know if it is efficient in battle or not. It does steallife on multiple with a power of 24 but also the effects of all those tokens. Regarding its rarity, i might have given a similar creature some time ago, but not this ID or stats, i will hold one for my collection and as with all other its possible to give it later under certain circumstances. Overall its a very rare and interesting creature and a _unique_ addition to any serious collector.


2nd item
Spelldoc Collection
5 spelldocs of your choice, ANY AVAILABLE LEVEL including the unreleased levels (levels above 6). You can pick any docs from any spell and any level that it has. As a rule, you will not be provided with a full list of options, you must kow what you ask. I will tell you the number of levels available for a given spell but not the spell list. Concerning rarity, level 1 docs are rare, and high level docs that are not yet released are _extremely_ rare, meaning nobody has them for now. Spell docs were given by RPC players but since there are no more rpcs there is no current way to give them out...yet. When there will be a way to do so, and there will be one, the higher level spells will not be given. Use this pack to complete an existing collection or to discover the secrets written in the high level docs, your choice.

3rd item
The new morph creature. By now you probably found out what will it turn into and what it does. It does double freeze, its the only creature doing that. Its also a limited edition creature available only with such auctions, maybe future contests or rewards but mainly in winter. If you already own one, which is unlikely, this auction guarantees that you will get a different version of the morphing than you already have (No, you can not pick one). Regarding its rarity, its currently the most valuable collection item for those that love the "Limited Edition" tagged creatures. Its rarity will be respected over time but its not an extinct or unique creature. Right now i do not know how rare it will end up to be but i believe it will be slightly more common than the wind drach but a lot more rare than the other creatures with the limited edition tag such as reindrach or santa.
Once morphed it can not be transferred again. It can upgrade fully very fast compared to other limited edition creatures and it defenetly looks awesome. Its the wish of any serious collector that wants a complete christmas collection series and makes the regular premium creatures fade.

So these are the items i am opening now for auction. I am hoping them to be really high class items for the most serious collectors. There will be more auctions in time but for different items. I will try to bring to such auctions the things that you have no other way of getting and i accept in turn any achievements, coins, items, creatures or anything you can bid with. The auction is for what you see, nothing more nothing else.

Happy Bidding.

p.s. Please share your opinion about such auctions for the future, but better do so on a separate topic so that we keep the auction offers clear on this topic. Thanks.

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I bid:

The angien with ID 505050, 2 gold coins, 40 silver, an elemental ID 71200 and tokens like claw3, antifreeze, goldbelt etc (total of 11) and a soulweaver with age 204 and several tokens like kellethafire, enlightning, antifreeze, claw2 etc. (14 tokens) Various tokens from across the expensive sets for the two creats. For DARK IV

A tokened GG with tokens like enlightning, darksky, claw3, sunshine, antifreeze and claw2, in the right ritual devasting. (15 tokens total) for the spelldocs!

Edit: Do we get to know which offer is the highest as of now, if it is public? And, will there be an information about how long it will take before the item is sold?

Edited by Shadowseeker
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1 pimp:kellethafire, blooddrop3, blooddrop2, goldbelt
1 pimp:emeraldglare, kellethafire, stardust, blooddrop2, blooddrop1
1 pimp:claw1, stardust, blooddrop1,blackdiamonds, emeraldglare, osirisbelt, jewelshards, firedrop
1 Elemental:onyxfangs, darksky, blacktear, darkshield
1 Elemental:onyxfangs, darksky, blacktear, darkshield
+ 2 gold coins for the [u][b]SPELL DOCS[/b][/u]

3 gold coins for the [b][u]morph creature[/u][/b]

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wait wait wait...
how can you trade WPs? :P

to whom??? :D
WP codes or WP as WP rewards (stars for your profile :))?

Ok, I'm out of this race you filthy rich...! :D

I will sacrifise part of my name! I'll be known only as *Rhaegar* :D you can't beat that! :D

(Merged two posts.)

Edited by Fenrir Greycloth
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  • Root Admin

Self sacrifice or mutilation is not a valuable trade good. i will post from time to time when i consider your offers to stand out and possible winners that should be matched.

I should also remind you this is an auction for items with a certain value, you should not overestimate them but also not underestimate them.

If you are curious what will happen with what you pay for these items....Since i don't actualy need for my own good any of them (I probably need more the collection creatures than any payment), i will use them over time for rewards and such but also for a lottery i plan to do.

This is not selling of rewards, because you pay with achievements you worked hard to get, so in a way this is a way to convert those achievements into others.

This is not a lottery its an auction, if anyone bid higher you wont win with a lower bid.

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This was an excellent idea... although the only problem is that there will be those that will not be able to compete in the slightest.

You know, I was going to bid all my crits, all the coins, basically the essence of me. I won't though. The creatures I have are way too special to me, more so than any collector creature offered.

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