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Spell - Otherarmy

Phantom Orchid

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Is anyone else having troubles with otherarmy spell? When I use it and try to attack, it says "*** You can not attack because you dont have any available creatures..."

Or did someone kill the summoned army? ;)

Edited by Phantom Orchid
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[quote name='lightsage' date='04 August 2010 - 08:29 PM' timestamp='1280953798' post='65078']
I do believe there's already a topic for that:


Upps I did not see it before #_#

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The army is back but I found the outcome of the battle rather weird. I failed to keep a copy of it, but I faced a Santa, I killed it and I lost. Will send the log once I get another fight.


Here are the screenshots and fight log from another fight.


Loading Summoned Army creatures
Loading darrydabby creatures
Applying 100% of Summoned Army's energetic influence
Applying 0% of darrydabby's energetic influence
Influences for Summoned Army ######
Wind Dragon III: creatureboost
Wind Dragon III: creatureboost
Influences for darrydabby ######
Remains: regenaura
Applying Summoned Army's Creature Tokens at 0%
's creature tokens []
's creature tokens []
Dark III's creature tokens []
Dark IV's creature tokens []
Wind Dragon III's creature tokens []
Wind Dragon III's creature tokens []
Applying darrydabby's Creature Tokens at 100%
Remains's creature tokens []
Summoned Army's Wind Dragon III does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of darrydabby and:
- hits haoticaly and does 23054 damage to Remains
creature DIES!
Summoned Army's Wind Dragon III cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
... Summoned Army WINS!
Creature Experience reward for Summoned Army - Winning player
Player has very low honor, no xp reward
Creature Experience reward for darrydabby - Losing player
Player has very low honor, no xp reward
Winner does not get a won fight point
Loser gets humiliated, loss fights counter incremented!

I am not much of a techie when it comes to this, but point it out if I am wrong, or fix it if I am not. I thought the otherarmy spell was casted on the caster, but I got to fight with a tree as my own apparently when the one I attacked had the army.

Edited by DarkPriestess
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