Indyra Posted June 4, 2010 Report Posted June 4, 2010 (edited) Sorry..i;m lazy and didn;t read the entire thread..but as much as some of you would like GGG closed that won;t stop players to "move it" i another location ...the way is there ..they know how to do it...they can just move to their own private parties ...what will you do then ...haunt, stalk , break their rits if you catch them ? ...i agree that there are some serious stats grinders who we don;t see outside of GGG..but closing it won;t be a solution...yes new player are attacked and "killed" by vets what ? it's called natural selection ..the whole purpose of fighting is finding flaws in someone rits and defeat it by any means you can : strategy, stealth, brute force etc..we have many examples of that in nature just take your pick... i can give tons of game examples as well..none of them is fair to new players? why should MD ? i;m sure that if a fresh Mp5 would stop for a moment and PM his attacker any of the vets will explain or at least point him out what to do ...and one more thing...IT's up to you if you chose to be a VICTIM or if you chose to learn and MOVE no excuses for the ones feeling masacrated . If any of the vets picked on you means you have enough stats for them to be interested . how did you get those stats ? by training at the GGG. That's what happens when you have massive stats and no idea about the fighting system. Live with it. LE: i'd put stats limits have over X , you can;t enter ....that will help against grinding and let private parties opened for those who want to attack them but also keep the ones who need a little training safe ( but idk if the idea can be applied in game, just another rule to be followed won;t help to much) Edited June 4, 2010 by Indyra Kyphis the Bard, redneck, No one and 1 other 4
redneck Posted June 4, 2010 Report Posted June 4, 2010 you say i have farmed ggg if i have farmed ggg then why do i mnot even have 1k def xD i never farmed GGG Ledah, Watcher, Chewett and 3 others 1 5
Amoran Kalamanira Kol Posted June 4, 2010 Report Posted June 4, 2010 I was emailed this by someone who was sitting in the GGG during the time that redneck decided he would repeatedly attack those training within and I have heard that during those attacks he also decided to repeatedly silence those who were angry with him for attacking, to prove BFH's point.. I do not feel that this is the proper way to protest the Golden Globe. There are ways the Golden Globe helps the game and ways that it hurts the game, perhaps it should simply be reformed rather than destroyed.
MRWander Posted June 4, 2010 Report Posted June 4, 2010 As a MR i m sure this wont come as a surprise but i like the scorched earth policy... nobody will be happy no matter which way it suggestion game wide stat reset. then the fun can begin again... Lifeline, Metal Bunny, Kyphis the Bard and 7 others 4 6
Sparrhawk Posted June 4, 2010 Report Posted June 4, 2010 A stat wide reset and close all training grounds right, what will happen then? either people most likely people who spent money on stat boosters will consider leaving. other than that the ones who have token rits and drachorn rit will just go around and boost their stats fast again, or people will continue their combo training circles and farm up there stats again quickly. it wouldnt really solve anything. redneck and Amoran Kalamanira Kol 1 1
MRWander Posted June 4, 2010 Report Posted June 4, 2010 [quote name='Sparrhawk' date='03 June 2010 - 09:44 PM' timestamp='1275630242' post='60960'] A stat wide reset and close all training grounds right, what will happen then? either people most likely people who spent money on stat boosters will consider leaving. other than that the ones who have token rits and drachorn rit will just go around and boost their stats fast again, or people will continue their combo training circles and farm up there stats again quickly. it wouldnt really solve anything. [/quote] use your head i m eventually you ll figure it out...i m not here to babysit or play school teacher this game is SUPPOSED to be about thinking and using your brain maybe it try it sometime then you ll see what it will achive. No one, Kyphis the Bard, apophys and 7 others 4 6
Sparrhawk Posted June 4, 2010 Report Posted June 4, 2010 Better yet take a moment to think before you post a ridiculous suggestion. have you even read any of the topic. Pipstickz 1
redneck Posted June 4, 2010 Report Posted June 4, 2010 um i didnt silence anyone but manda and burns was aroudn for that and got me and i didnt silence since but then i got a silence from amoran for know reaosn shall i show the SS? cutler121, Kyphis the Bard, apophys and 2 others 2 3
MRWander Posted June 4, 2010 Report Posted June 4, 2010 [quote name='Sparrhawk' date='03 June 2010 - 10:02 PM' timestamp='1275631339' post='60962'] Better yet take a moment to think before you post a ridiculous suggestion. have you even read any of the topic. [/quote] Nope I havent even read the title to this thread i am completely illiterate and post my opinions on random ideas i have anywhere in the forum you can tell by my high post count and how i m always being flamed for spam. Sparrhawk, redneck, Amoran Kalamanira Kol and 6 others 4 5
(Zl-eye-f)-nea Posted June 4, 2010 Report Posted June 4, 2010 I am also against the GGG, as I was against the "Dojo". I may not be MP5, but ever since I started playing I have never used any of those training grounds and point blank refuse to do any form of "training" with anyone for the most part. Pip your cyclical theory about MP5 is right, but the issue is there arn't enough players around for that to happen right now, and I think part of the reason for that is that there is no social interaction - partically because of things like the GGG. Phantasm, you are right people do complain once it gets public as once it becomes a public thing it starts going wrong, it means people flock to that one spot. When something like that is a secret group it doesn't have the debilitating effect it has once it grows so to speak, don't know if you follow. I'm not saying it's right, i'm just saying that it "is". The difference with the GGG and the dojo was people could also play and chat there, the GGG is much stricter and much much more about grinding - and you can see the difference in the game environment itself when the different training grounds have existed. (someone should do a little historical blurb on it...could be useful here...I don't have time right at this second) Originally people would wander the lands trying to ask questions, find victims, and fleeing to sanctuaries where they would sit chatting or call each other outside for a duel. It was the era of the pubs and such and its why the sanctuaries are dead and the pubs don't exist any longer. Nobody needs to search around anymore which is another reason most of the place is dead. Not perfectly worded, it's too early, but there we go - I'm with No One. Z No one, Pipstickz, Yoshi and 6 others 7 2
Root Admin Chewett Posted June 4, 2010 Root Admin Report Posted June 4, 2010 [quote name='Pipstickz' date='04 June 2010 - 03:41 AM' timestamp='1275619313' post='60943'] New MP5 -> Average MP5 -> Veteran MP5Group A of New MP5s come in, and get beaten up for a while by the older MP5. Then Group B of New MP5 come in, which pushes Group A into the "average" slot, because they now have someone to attack. The cycle continues.Sanctuaries are there for a reason as well. How many people do you think actually USE sanctuaries? Why SHOULD anybody use them when they could be at GGG farming wins instead of just sitting there waiting for the regen timer?Back when there was no GGG, new MP5s got the hang of defending themselves well enough, but now that there's GGG, again, why should they?You, Poppi, are a perfect example. You've used your privilege to create alts well, because you've had a few, and over time, you've learned quite a bit, right? Does it really matter if you can't beat a few vets? Avoid them. It's not hard. At worst, you get a few losses and have to wait for regen, or use free credits, or ask your protector for a heal. [/quote] Its not that simple, at all. Age does not convey strength. GGG has helped me get a little stronger as i have been able to actually get wins on my Angiens. i would not have been able to train them elsewhere because my stats are just too low to beat anyone but a new mp5. Fighting would have had a lot less meaning if i had still been THE weakest mp5 around, but thanks to the GGG i have been able to recover from having no stats (the exp allowed amount was much lower back before). GGG has helped me, But i also know it has hurt the game. Surely a midpoint can be found? [quote name='redneck' date='04 June 2010 - 06:10 AM' timestamp='1275628211' post='60957'] you say i have farmed ggg if i have farmed ggg then why do i mnot even have 1k def xD i never farmed GGG [/quote] its most hilarious how redneck is always in GGG farming it, not only the other week did he BEG to be allowed back in so he could train. What a waste of space. apophys, Tarquinus, Sparrhawk and 2 others 5
redneck Posted June 4, 2010 Report Posted June 4, 2010 its all a joker chewett cant you see it the ggg has been oplanned to be destroyed its nothing new dude c'mon snap back in reality and open your eyes it has been planned thereh had been many clues that it ha been planned The Phoenix and Pipstickz 2
Jubaris Posted June 4, 2010 Report Posted June 4, 2010 there are much of things to read here which I skipped so I'll just share my opinion if anyone cares. What's wrong in GGG is that it creates sort of contest in people "ooooh I gotta train so that player X doesn't get better than me!" and a player starts wasting his/her all of time there instead of concentrating on some other things in the game. It's one thing if you go there to fill your needs and max a creature, and it's other if you are there endlessly farming stats point by point or similar. "Don't take more than a mouthful" Just like No One said, you cant ban someone from hitting other players, but you also can't ban players for being in same location doing same ritual in defense... >.> The thing is, GGG doesn't have a solution, it doesn't have a clear answer to this problems. You'll just have to settle to one of the options, and naturally, there won't ever be a situation where everyone will be happy. If possibly, my suggestion would be that GGG stays what it is, but the time for a player in it gets limited on, lets say 3 hours per 2 weeks (when SPells get recharged, then the timer resets too. The number is random btw.), so people use it really for what they need, and not for endless farming, and it would give them time to focus on other branches of the game Indyra and Sparrhawk 1 1
Guest Posted June 4, 2010 Report Posted June 4, 2010 [quote name='(Zl-eye-f)-nea' date='04 June 2010 - 07:33 AM' timestamp='1275633232' post='60965'] Originally people would wander the lands trying to ask questions, find victims, and fleeing to sanctuaries where they would sit chatting or call each other outside for a duel. It was the era of the pubs and such and its why the sanctuaries are dead and the pubs don't exist any longer. Nobody needs to search around anymore which is another reason most of the place is dead. [/quote] Couldn't agree more. My personal experience is that I never used the dojo (save giving a few bursts to specific people when Willows Shop was a bit on the frisky side). I used GGG for a spell earlier in the year because I was curious what my angiens would turn into and there was NOBODY outside the GGG. Given the fighting environment I 'grew up' in I found it soulless and boring to sit there and click 'attack' over and over against people I know I would beat. I got bored and stopped using it never having taken my angiens to max. With nobody around outside the GGG, I sadly lost my interest in combat. [quote]Imagine new Mp5 trying to fight veterans that already have tons of stats. [/quote] Imagine it? I lived it XD I remember coming out of story mode into MP5 and going to Willows Shop and getting flattened.. A LOT. I didn't cry about it, but stayed there and the challenge made me learn more about my creatures and the way I fight. I remember my first words as an MP5 at Willows Shop (quoted by Yami in her papers as I remember lol) They were something like "Have I got 'attack me' written on my forehead?" to which the stronger players responded "Welcome to MP5" and we laughed about it. This was not bullying but an INITIATION, an invitation to work hard to get better than I was. This was the game as far as fighting went at that time. There were players who could beat me with one hit... so I fought others. I had learnt at MP3 to look at the information under people's names and see who was probably the same strength as me. I think a realmwide stat reset would be fun, if the GGG is not used. I would probably be encouraged to fight again ^^ Those defending the GGG seem so concerned about newer players.. think about the starting areas of MD where often it is like a ghost town. A lot of the people who could share their experience and help people are hidden away in a remote area of the realm. How is that an encouragement to newer players? Yes of course, the LHOs do a great job, but wouldn't it be better for them to see more people around the realm? Especially when there aren't really that many players ingame at the moment.. I don't agree with attacking at GGG as a protest. Bullying people into thinking the way you do is not really the best way of solving your issues. I hope a midpoint can be found, Chewett, I really do. However, I am more inclined towards No One's point of view at the present time.
dst Posted June 4, 2010 Report Posted June 4, 2010 (edited) Good morning MD-ers, It is time for me to say few things ( a woman can say JUST few things). This post will be probably full of spoilers (in case you think they are too many, I will remove some of them; in case you think the spoilers are too big, I will also remove them). Oh...and I might jump from one idea to another since I have to be multitasking right now...ugh... Let's start with this: Why was GGG created? It was created by the MRs FOR the MRs to train stats/crits WITHOUT getting xp. Why did GGG become public? Players pressure. You cannot have a functional place without players support. How can you gain it? By allowing others to join. Was/Is GGG good? Yes and No. Yes - you get uber fast the wins required for crits. You don't get xp so you're not worried about being capped. No - you have few pre-defined rituals: you don't know why they are like this, you don't know how to set other good rituals, you don't know how to set counters (this is mostly for mp3 and mp4). The pre-GGG fighting vets have the knowledge so for them it's not a problem. -you train only 2 stats:attack and defense. This is BAD! Unless you have half a million defense, those 2 stats are useless. And I am not talking about fighting people with tokens.For example: if I were to fight someone with the same attack and def as I have, I would win. Attack and defense are not enough to win. They are necessary but not sufficient. How many new players (and even some of the vets) know this? You say GGG cannot be shut down. Actually it can but not in the way you're thinking (by removing training gatherings). The problem with GGG is the fact that we scream at each other when one of the parties breaks the rules. Right now phantasm has the item to tele people out. Why make such a big fuss over someone who breaks the rules? You have the punishing methods. Personally I don't mind being sent to GoC if i was to break the rules. Same for attacklock and movelock. What bothers me is the screaming and yelling. But hey! I think I can scream louder then you . Another point:DON'T encourage new players to come to GGG. All day long in the Mood Panel I see requests from players to other players to join GGG. That's wrong in sooo many ways! I was asked (and not in the nice way) how I got my stats. I can assure you I did not get them using GGG. [spoiler]Stats are gained through xp. Xp is not what you get in GGG (except from the occasional bursts)[/spoiler] You can't be a good fighter with just attack and def (and occasionally power). And since I don't think I answered the question back then, I will now: I got part of my stats through an exploit which is still being used today but that was somehow fixed by Mur BECAUSE of players like me, No one, Lifeline and few others. It was not a bug (so don't go screaming bug abuser). It was(is) something everyone can do and most important, what everyone can find IF they just stop the mindless "training" and start to actually fight. The issue of new players being slaughtered has been brought up. As someone said: it's a circle. It's also what we call natural selection. There will ALWAYS be someone weaker then you. And let's face it: if you ask a veteran to give you a win or to help you with xp, probably 1 or 2 will say no. Burnsy does a wonderful job with the Fight Club. Take advantage of it and learn something! BFH, LimeThunder is not a new player. He is an alt with more then 6 months age (not active days). And he has well known main . So don't be fooled by the flag or the "activity days". Fryd: You do realize that without the help of Chewett, phantasm and few other VETS, your beloved GGG would not exist? Do you realize that if I and few other vets decide that we want to mess with GGG you cannot stop us? You don't know that the only thing that keeps me from coming there and crash everything is the respect I have for Chewett. I recognize no authority except for Mur. But I do respect some of the players. Chewett is one of them. I will leave modesty aside and say something else:if I were to decide I want to attack players in GGG, I can bet that lots of other players would follow me. Provide you an alternative? Are you serious? You HAVE alternatives! Go out, fight players! RP (ah! another sensitive spot) since you all say MD is an RPG game . Enough for now since I really can't put my ideas in order. Edited June 4, 2010 by dst Ledah, Kyphis the Bard and Peace 3
Yrthilian Posted June 4, 2010 Report Posted June 4, 2010 [quote name='dst' date='03 June 2010 - 11:06 PM' timestamp='1275602765' post='60914'] @ DST Well then I should not be punished for attacking them.I am training also, right? [/quote] I have never said you did wrong at GGG beside Mur said you are guilty of what i dont know anyways. Back tot he topic GGG has done as much good as it has bad. Any can see from my own stats i dont use it much myself The only reason i have is to fix some bad creatue choices or to see how a new creature advances. I as a VET player am very week compaired to many. I never really did bother with combat. But the issue that is raised here is that some old vet cant handel having a player be bigger then them so the train out of fear from what i see. now not al vets do this. I have been playing for a long time i have seen player come and go. All for difrent reason. Some because they CANT enjoy the game because they are beeing attacked all the time and dont get a chance to learn. The people that are agenst the ggg i understand why and in many casses agree. But the issue here is (and has been mentioned before) that if you pull doen the ggg them you will just create scattered versions of it and the issues will be come bigger later. It would be good to see some vets help new player learn but no most will just attack you and move on not even giving advice along the way. It can take a lot of time to learn about combat and the system behind it. The other problme is when one is attacked they cant see the full attack log to learn from so the only way to find out is attack someone bigger than you and then look at the log. There is no real solution to GGG. Let be honest here if a stat grinder want stats they will finad a way to get them. The GGG only server as a platform. One that was intended to help new players learn and develope to give them a chance. But again like the dojo and others like it get abused this is the history of such things and well i think if GGG goes then the next thing that will be seen is a GGG like training ground in each land now 2 land can close off some areas to the public so this will create another issue and a bigger one What i suggest is this. Work out a new system or agree to a new way. Create a solution in stead of creating a VOID that will get filled with something equaly as bad if not worse. Lifeline, Kyphis the Bard, Watcher and 1 other 3 1
Metal Bunny Posted June 4, 2010 Report Posted June 4, 2010 (edited) Oh for the love of Mur's unholy gimp named Grido; Boohoo, new mp5 can't do anything against veteran mp5, waah, waah, waah. This is not a real argument. If it was, you should be complaining about how new mp3 and mp4 can't compete as well. GGG is making combat boring/ grinders are becoming more than a nuisance. Yes, but it is you who must adapt, it is you who must change, [b]if[/b] you do not wish to enforce a scorched earth policy, such as No One did. Scorched earth, no matter how much you complain about how bad it is, how counter productive it is, how it is chasing away new players, it is still a very effective tactic. Why? 1) If you are bored and you blame the boredom on GGG, why not become less bored and destroy the source of boredom? (A.k.a. I have nothing to lose, you have so much more) 2) New players are leaving all the time, if they manage to get to mp5, trust me, either they will stick with it, or they would've left anyway, because face it, GGG is not the way the game was meant to be played, or else it would've been a real institution, such as LHO. 3) Machiavelli time; GGG is being an unarmed prophet, meaning that the GGG is quite vulnerable. It is vulnerable, it is ridiculously vulnerable. If you have to setup special rits, to make sure that you don't get swords and sheats, and I can, using a random ritual, deny all of you that, just by standing there, then really, you deserve to be denied it. [b]If there is a greater power in your way, adapt, or run away, to come back another day. [/b] You may not like at all what I am saying here, but the fact remains; Power through force of violence or threat of violence still remains a very viable and effective tactic. Simply because, the victim can't force back anything substantial upon the greater power. Yes, mods of GGG can 'chase us away' with spells, but you only have so much spells, and we have so much ap. So much ap . Now, I know what you are thinking; it's unfair and that Mur should do something about that. You will campaign and get the mods some real power, etc. No, no you won't. If so, then the Dojo would've gotten the those powers well before you did. The only reason why the dojo actually works, is because it is [b]enforceable[/b], GGG is not. And that's after the dojo went through an enormous amount of changes. ¬_¬ Mur views this as an experiment, so if the people decide to gang up on GGG and outright destroy, there is [b]nothing[/b] you can do about it, no matter how unfair it may seem. 4) My last reason as to why scorched earth tactic here is effective and viable. You may say that it is not at all viable, simply because GGG is just a platform and that it will be carried to some secret party somewhere else where people will farm each other there. But that's the point of the scorched earth tactic. Because GGG was [b]NEVER[/b] meant for new players. It was meant as a tactic to gain for the veterans. If by terrorising the GGG, I can force the newbies away, [b]while within the margins of the game rules[/b] then, you have nothing substantial to complain about, and I will have accomplished my task, through perhaps unfair means. I say, go on No One, force the GGG to go somewhere else! Force the mods of the GGG to go somewhere else, perhaps even in secret, [b]which was the frigging point in the first place[/b], where no new players will stumble upon on accident and thus forcing them to fight the normal way, [b]which will alleviate my boredom problems[/b], which, coincidentally, [b]will make the GGG enforceable according to its own self imposed rules[/b] as well. I see no problem with scorched earth tactic, except the highly subjective problem of hurt feelings. How is that for an alternative? And if you don't want to go for a scorched earth tactic, then you have to adapt, you'll just have to go with the flow or create a new institution. Either way, for all parties; Choose, or stay and lose Edited June 4, 2010 by Metal Bunny Yoshi, Kyphis the Bard, apophys and 6 others 6 3
Kafuuka Posted June 4, 2010 Report Posted June 4, 2010 [quote name='Kyphis the Bard' date='04 June 2010 - 02:27 AM' timestamp='1275611263' post='60927'] By "to late" I don't mean it is impossible. Look at the other things I said. What I mean was that the damage had already been done in terms of grinding (its been around for what, a year and a half now?), and far to many people know how to do it for it to be possible to prevent them from useing this form of training in small groups (say, two people) without Mur himself intervening. Sure, it is possible to prevent the GGG from existing. But any method you could use WILL only harm the WHOLE of MD. The only viable solution is to make it un-worthwhile to the majority of people who use it: Grinders. There are lots of ways of going about that, however so far in this topic I have not seen any other suggestions. It's all very well to point out a problem, but if you can't suggest a solution that isn't worse, what good do you do? [/quote] If the damage has already been done we need to allow it be repeated, augmented? Too many people know how to set up a new GGG? There's announcements on the mood panels that not enough people are at the GGG for it to work as good as some of its users would like. Splitting into smaller groups will decrease the appeal to such people. Some will then leave, making the groups even smaller etc. Seems like in the past twelve hours people addressed the alternatives question already, less work for me. Poppi Chullo, Tarquinus, dst and 1 other 2 2
Lifeline Posted June 4, 2010 Report Posted June 4, 2010 (edited) i wont say anything about the ggg but whats the deal with accusing the ggg of manufacturing overpowered people? what the hell has the ggg to do with unbeatable players? unbeatable is tons of tokened creatures along with critboost and for that all u need is money and some lously 4k in principles. and enough xp isnt gained in the ggg for that anyway. i mean heck u get how much? 5,000 attack or so from token? how long would i have to grind to get 30,000 attack (5000 x 6 for a six crit ritual) in the ggg?! and that isnt even the start of it but everything more would be way to much spoiler. u cant train for shit in the ggg its completely utterly useless. all u get are some nice wins and some useless attack and defense stats. now power is nice as well but far from what money buys u in the MDShop. the only slight problem i might see that leads to real abuse in ggg is farming for VE on tons of trees. getting free wins to evolve ur crits is lame but it hurts nobody. and the stats are as i already said utterly useless. stat grinding (as in att, def and power) is really not the issue here. if anything is unbalancing the fighting system and making people invincible then it is creature boost which is even worse than anything else. next would be angiens being way to strong and after that the usual token problem. but i really have to admit no matter how much i hate token they are the slightest problem and not even close to what really causes all the trouble. so to everybody that is only worried about stat grinders: bann tree farming if u can and want. that is the only statwise problem the ggg could ever cause. as said by multiple people in this topic the problem is that people learn nothing at ggg and wont ever understand the fighting system there. and all the community stuff of dead locations, missing action elsewhere ect... EDIT: please note that i am not speaking for mp5 only. even a mp3 can get 4k principle these days if he really uses every possibility! actually with the right resources its really easy to max ur principles at mp3 Edited June 4, 2010 by Lifeline apophys, Watcher and Kyphis the Bard 2 1
Root Admin Chewett Posted June 4, 2010 Root Admin Report Posted June 4, 2010 GGG is sustained by two drasticly different parties, One group who protect GGG and one who dont come and destroy it. I see some of your points very well, i agree that 5k attk on mp3/4's is wrong, So i do suggest that like burns you come talk to us, protest by being unset or do what you wish. But the argument that some of you decided to have last night was both pointless and pointless (yes pointless squared). All it facilitated for people to get angry and attack each other, And since we are all a small community i dont think this is good for MD. It seems the main concerns is that: A) noobs are learning it as a way of playing MD - This can be fixed, i have asked everyone NOT to post stuff on the mood panel about it B) people are training massively overpowered MAIN accounts for mp3/4 - I cannot answer for everyone, but i dislike this and agree it is hurting MD, perhaps it needs to be limited for mp3/4 or totally removed C) people are not fighting properly - If the GGG was changed so that people were to use it to train certain creatures up or something, or to shut GGG down a couple times a week then people would also move around much more. I Think this would be a good solution but again, this is only my personal opinion. I am open to suggestions about what people think, i would like them, If the community wants GGG to change it will, since its a community project. But just running into GGG, attacking everyone, will just make both parties angry. Anyone can be a redneck and come in and attack everyone, but it takes someone with more intelligence to come and talk it out. apophys, Kyphis the Bard and Amoran Kalamanira Kol 3
MRHoly One Posted June 4, 2010 Report Posted June 4, 2010 (edited) Honestly i could care less if GGG is shut down or not. I personally didn't want it to go public anyway, way back when we MR's started it. Yes for selfish reasons! With that said, ill say this: IF it is "shut down", it will NOT be the end of this type of training. Rogue "training" will sprout up all over the realm. In dark corners of LR, some forgotten room in get my point i'm sure. So shutting it down, most likely, wont be the answer. It may make a very select few feel a little better for a bit, until they find something else that they want to campaign against, but hey..... And to No One: i don't believe i said that the game was not fun. (pull those logs) I said that it was things like yesterdays absurd out brake and childish behavior was the reason why i left the game for a while about a year ago. I love this game so much so that my son now plays it as well. Edited June 4, 2010 by MRHoly One Kyphis the Bard, Lifeline and dst 2 1
dst Posted June 4, 2010 Report Posted June 4, 2010 That's the point: have multiple training grounds if you wish. Because they will have to survive on their own. No special powers, no special items, no screaming, no yelling. If you are good enough to find a place where nobody can find you and you train there then congratz! But I kind of doubt you'll be able to. I ask for one thing:be able to attack anyone whenever I want (yeah, I hate Sanctuaries also but at least you have total restriction there). The same way as RP-ers are allowed to RP everywhere (they even had extended privileges due to Cutler's AP ) why should fighters be restricted? Want a solution? Don't close GGG: break it Amoran Kalamanira Kol, Watcher, Kyphis the Bard and 1 other 2 2
Burns Posted June 4, 2010 Report Posted June 4, 2010 [quote name='Chewett' date='04 June 2010 - 02:27 PM' timestamp='1275654460' post='60982'] A) noobs are learning it as a way of playing MD - This can be fixed, i have asked everyone NOT to post stuff on the mood panel about it B) people are training massively overpowered MAIN accounts for mp3/4 - I cannot answer for everyone, but i dislike this and agree it is hurting MD, perhaps it needs to be limited for mp3/4 or totally removed C) people are not fighting properly - If the GGG was changed so that people were to use it to train certain creatures up or something, or to shut GGG down a couple times a week then people would also move around much more. I Think this would be a good solution but again, this is only my personal opinion. I am open to suggestions about what people think, i would like them, If the community wants GGG to change it will, since its a community project. But just running into GGG, attacking everyone, will just make both parties angry. Anyone can be a redneck and come in and attack everyone, but it takes someone with more intelligence to come and talk it out. [/quote] We've already talked about that in private, and it's not like we just came to notice yesterday. Unfortunately it seems that actions like No one's were needed to start a movement, and that in itself makes it a sad day, even when things finally start to change. These points summarize my concerns about GGG fairly well. I have no issue with it existing on MP5, it doesn't make me happy, but i can live with it. As was already mentioned, most of the MP5 who use GGG have no clue what to do with the VE and their stats, it's quite funny to watch them stumble along and lose to elementary defences^^ On the lower MP-levels, stats and VE win battles. The people there do not have what little stats it takes (i am talking about things like 50 attack, 50 defence, 10 power, nothing more is necessary), and the few helpful creatures to defend themselves. I'll gladly repeat, as long as any MP3/4 is tolerated in GGG, i am not going to tolerate its existance anymore. The cap is there to cap people, not to be outsmarted, or to create the best possible account on mp4 or mp3. It's there so you need to move on and leave the newbies alone if you want to see more of MD. I don't fully support No one because i don't consider force a valid approach to discussion. But if that's what it takes to be heard, i applaud No one for his actions. Unfortunately, talking things out sounds so easy, but if you get locked at GoC for 30 minutes after the first sentence, it seems slightly futile. Kyphis the Bard 1
MRHoly One Posted June 4, 2010 Report Posted June 4, 2010 i can halfway understand dst and burns' tactics of coming to ggg and not setting a def rit as a form of protest. BUT there is a player that is amusing themself by coming into the ggg and casting spells that remove a players rit list for a period of time and then using damaging rits to destroy those rits. How exactly is this behavior justified? How is this behavior helping YOUR cause? Maybe, JUST MAYBE i am the one out of line. But ill say this: This players behavior is parallel to that of my 2 year old's. Its immature. Uncalled for. And only HURTS you "crusaders'" cause. And someone had the nerve yesterday to say that MRD was "abusing" his spells by keeping KNOWN offenders out of the GGG by using his. PAH! [b] MUR if you are reading this, you NEED to step in "fix" this problem. Wither its closing the MR training grounds or not. But if this childish behavior continues much longer many players, some old and some new, will stop playing i fear[/b] lightsage, Kyphis the Bard and Shemhazaj 2 1
dst Posted June 4, 2010 Report Posted June 4, 2010 (edited) MRHO, you can say my name. I am not afraid. [u]I was the one who accused MRD of abusing his spells.[/u] Cause he send me and others to GG without reason. We were TALKING about destroying GGG. MRD sent us there even if we did nothing. Since when is talking not allowed in MD? Huh? Last time I checked we had chats and all sorts of communication ways. I am not responsible for others' actions. Everyone is free to do whatever they want. With one condition though: [b][u]to be brave enough to support the consequences. [/u][/b] As for Lightsage's behavior hmm...I could give you the answer I received from one of a kings when I complained at one point about Princ: he's a child. He has no idea what he's doing . LS is a child. He knows what he's doing but he is willing to support the consequences. A thing that few players in MD do. I will not encourage nor stop anyone from tempering with GGG. As I said in a previous post: I have my reasons for not attacking players in there and for the moment I will continue like this. GGG is a community started project. It's not Mur's job to interfere. He already did enough for it, don't you think? ps: I have the chat log from yesterday at GOE when we were talking. Also I have some nice print screens of MRD sending us to GG. I want to see proofs of ME attacking players in GGG prior to last night. Edited June 4, 2010 by dst apophys, No one and Kyphis the Bard 2 1
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