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Posted (edited)


I think that WRONG documentation should be pointed out, and is not a spoiler, but others may think differently. Personally, I think wrong documentation should be fixed, but if this is supposed to be figured out by the players, then NO documentation would be better than wrong stuff.

This is all in reference to the attack bonus auras claimed by Imps and Birds. This may have always been this way, or changed with the new archer rules. My data is sketchy, and may be wrong in some details, but clearly shows a problem

My current belief is:
1. Imp Assassin level lists aura TWICE but it does only factor once.
2. Imp auras do affect themselves, not just OTHERS.
3. Imp auras do NOT affect bloodpacts.
4. Bird auras affect Imps, but not bloodpacts.

Perhaps others can verify this, and expand the test matrix. We might discuss here what the families should look like.

p.s. This was tested on creatures whose attack is mostly from tokens.....

Edited by Fyrd Argentus
  • Root Admin

have you tested this? It is really unclear because you say the data is sketchy? then perhaps you should test some more and get more data?


This is my analysis of half-dozen battles. I may be missing something like a noob, but it sure isn't doing what I expected, and the hypothetical "rules" above would explain what I see.

I'm asking for help testing this, as more heads are better than one here.

Or is everybody else happy with their understanding of cross-group bonus auras, and I should eat their dust? I doubt it.


You missed some(things) about aura's. I won't tell you because I consider them to be spoilers and I believe it would be... Against the rules for anyone else to post this too.


Fyrd, I suggest you look at the description when you purchase an Imperial Aramor.

The boost only effects a certain level of creature. [ I hope this is not considered a spoiler. ]


Okay, I see now that the shop write-up has information that is inconsistent with the aura statements that appear on the creatures. However it is wrong, as my lvl 1's do boost each other.

Still needs cleaned up.

Bird aura effect still an issue.

  • 2 months later...

Okay, now neither bird auras nor lvl 1 imps boost lvl 1 imps.

This has definitely changed! I'll believe I was wrong about BP's but not this.

Was my old test during a bug, or is this now a bug, or has there been a deliberate change?


I believe that all deliberately changed things are announced.Since I haven't seen an announcement I can assume that in case it doesn't work then it is a bug.

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Imps still do not boost each other as they used to do. Nor do the birds boost imps.

BP's not boosting each other, but there is some debate as to whether they ever did.

All these auras need reviewed.

Edited by Fyrd Argentus

There was indeed a problem with the attackbonus aura, nice catch.
attackbonus has been fixed.
creatureboost should be working fine however.

  • 7 months later...
  • 6 months later...
  • 2 years later...
  • 7 months later...

With the bird aura?


Magohi and Mythrandir set up a tree for me (no tokens, no influence, etc.), so I tested it a bit.


In this specific case - seems bird attackbonus indeed boosts only level 1 creatures (and I heard this from Lifeline years ago, but I also remember a forum discussion recently where it was said that bird auras work properly, one of Ary's discussions)


First fight: 10th anniv. aramor max level doing 28 damage, 10th anniv. aramor level 1 doing 15 damage

Second fight (adding a bird):max ara doing 28 again, level 1 ara doing 27 (boosted)

Posted (edited)

Now here's a funny thing.

I did a third fight, putting a max imp instead of a bird: max ara did 47 damage (boosted), the imp did 185 (his attack stat is 130, so he boosted himself too), but level 1 ara did 15 damage (no boost at all?!)*



edit: *actually, not weird at all, announcement about abilities of imps says "at LVL3 does increased damage of level 2 and 3 creatures plus increased initiative (no more effect on level 1 creatures)."

Edited by Jubaris

Could this be why there are 2 lines of [creatureboost] at Imp. levels 2 and 3?


- Imp. level 2: 1st line for boosting level 1 creatures, 2nd line for boosting level 2 creatures

- Imp. level 3: 1st line for boosting level 2 creatures, 2nd line for boosting level 3 creatures




Seems so!

I tried to pair windy (has more than 3 levels) with an imp, he doesn't seem to get boosted (though chaotic attacks are hard to keep track of for me)

  • Root Admin

Right, Currently the attackboost only applies to level 1 creatures indeed, those tooltips need rewriting or this changing


Any suggestions? :D


Allowing the boost for all levels would be nice to see.


That, considering that weaken defense, for instance, might get nerfed if made to work as the description says. ( = effect wearing off after 2 rounds, and not stacking until the end of combat)


The description implies intention for it to boost all levels, so yeah, I too would make sense to make it so.

If it would boost only level1, it would be too much of an advanced technicality, perhaps used for fun by some knowledgeable players in for-fun rituals rather than really useful?


Eh, I change my mind actually (sorry for double posting... again :P).

Boosting all levels of all creatures seems too overpowering, considering the bird also has other useful auras, just compare it with the imp.


Perhaps boosting just level 3 creatures?

(the point would be, like I guess is the case with the imp, to avoid boosting already too powerful creatures such as the windy)

Posted (edited)

allow the bird attackboost aura to apply to creatures of its level or below, at max level this will include everything anyway, but it lends to the idea of the creature growth and gives a nice thematic progression the bird acts as a creature of inspiration, as it grows and learns it will learn to inspire things of a higher complexity (level) 

Edited by Syrian

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