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[color="#8B0000"][font="Palatino Linotype"]This is the third night in a row of severe lag for me. It starts about 4:00 server. I cannot open pm's, fight, get the chat to load, or load menu pages. It took 2 hours to move from the Archives to the Paper Cabin. Worse in IE than FF but still there. I'm concerned about this and the impact it could be having on new players that may not be able to log in or move on.[/font][/color]

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I agree it might be becouse the server isnt being looked after with mur away. Also we have often had problems with the server company. They actually wipped the MD records accedently once (luckly they were backed up). This isnt the first time we have exsperanced this and I can assure you it isnt the last.

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  • Root Admin

[quote name='Kamisha' timestamp='1285962300' post='69475']
I agree it might be becouse the server isnt being looked after with mur away. Also we have often had problems with the server company. They actually wipped the MD records accedently once (luckly they were backed up). This isnt the first time we have exsperanced this and I can assure you it isnt the last.

Wtf BS is this?

a server isnt like a child, it doesnt suddently not work, it doesnt need constant attention. There has been very little issues with this server company, they sseem pretty decent and the uptime is MUCH better compared with some others i know.

You might be surprised... but its because people are using md... therefore it gets slower...

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I will quote Chewy : "The only issue with the server is Mur :D" That's because when the "records were deleted" it was Mur who pushed the wrong button :wub:

So please stop spreading rumors.

And who said Mur is away? Just because he made that announcement? Pff...again..rumors!

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Oh sry had a look at the past statment. Ya he did press a wrong button. Then about the server matinence thing I frogot that only paid games do that in order to update there stores for they make millions. I frogot this game is actually hardly supported by the players that pay (sry I mean no offence to anybody when I say this although it sounds really bad I know).
Though I still beleve mur is at least less active then he was previously.

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and yet when Murs away we have all these new announcements dealing with all these things that people are having issues with...new wp item for balance new organization of adepts, ect.... If he is around he's gotten his mojo back and is making progress and rendril is doing a good job too...or is it all just Ren?

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My guess is we're seeing (or maybe that's my imagination) object oriented errors rather than the old kind due to what rendril (I think we already had/have a ren...) has done.

You might be surprised... but its because people are using md... therefore it gets slower... [/quote]

Time to invite your friends to play, once server freezes a server upgrade will be unavoidable :D Of course donating heaps will probably help, too.

I should defiantly check sometime at 4.00 AM servertime, only problem is that it's 3.00 AM for me :/ But I doubt it's worse than back when it was busy and HC was going on. You'd hit if it took ages, you knew you got the heads. Close the combat screen, run and than see how you actually got your victory later :P No insane lag usually meant no heads...

When finances are plentiful, servers are set up with enough overhead to be able to handle peak times easily. I don't think MD has those finances (or perhaps coding optimizations are in progress and for now it's worse than before...)

Either way, same as usual: Try to get more players, have fun and donate to help MD :P

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  • Root Admin

[quote name='lightsage' timestamp='1286230934' post='69657']
My guess is we're seeing (or maybe that's my imagination) object oriented errors rather than the old kind due to what rendril (I think we already had/have a ren...) has done.

Assuming you know that OOP is merely another paradigm of programming what in specifc are "OOP Errors"? since they are a paradigm they would just be called errors...

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I meant errors as a consequence of OOP... Like, if you get an error "User-class Error: 1===User not found L:" rather than something like "This user doesn't exist" I would assume that's a consequence of a transition to users becoming an object.

Of course, I'm no longer certain back when the other error appeared... It might not be recent at all.

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  • 3 weeks later...

[quote name='The Great Pashweetie' timestamp='1287870955' post='70823']
the laggg is utterly horrible most of the time its so bad i either freeze or cant even access the website.

Lag is not that common in MagicDuel. It has happened only a few times, and when it happens it get posted in Forum.

If it's not posted and you are experiencing it, check or try this:

1. Clear your cookies, cache, history.

In most browsers you just need to press "Ctrl" + "Shift" + "Delete" and then following the process.
1. [url="http://www.groovypost.com/howto/security/clear-firefox-browsing-history-and-private-data/"]FIREFOX[/url]
2.[url="http://www.google.com/support/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=95582"] Google Chrome[/url]
3. [url="http://kb.iu.edu/data/alcx.html"]Internet Explorer 7 & 8[/url]

4. [url="http://www.wikihow.com/Clear-Your-Browser%27s-Cache"]Most Browsers[/url]

2. Is your internet working ok? (If yes check its speed, sometimes your internet speed is not enough)
[spoiler]You can test your internet speed using this tool [url="http://www.speedtest.net/"]Speed Test[/url] [/spoiler]

3. Check your Flash Player (A non updated flash player, sometimes causes many problems)

[spoiler] [url="http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/"]Flash Player[/url] [/spoiler]

Hope this help


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