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I think not. Underground and Tribunal are in the same situation. We have our advantages but we also have disadvantages.
An ally/guild leader cannot have the same powers as an elected king. And if we have elections...we have a new king/queen...
It's way too tricky at least for now to allow rules for lands not ruled by a king/queen.

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Ah, so then the Head Archivist is more of a figure head, for the MDA lands.

Or is the H.A. More along the lines of being in its own.. branch of power? Not as a King or anything, but as something in its own... bubble, thing. whatever you wanna call it.

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  • Root Admin

[quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1290630506' post='73101']
Ah, so then the Head Archivist is more of a figure head, for the MDA lands.

Or is the H.A. More along the lines of being in its own.. branch of power? Not as a King or anything, but as something in its own... bubble, thing. whatever you wanna call it.

H.A is merely what it is. They are the head of the archivists. It just so happened that previous H.A's did other things like the AL

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I think the M.A, if he/she existed, would be both..both a representative of those lands, possibly even inofficially higher in hierarchy than other ally leaders, and the ruler of the small bubble called archivists...with it being a special bubble, different from alliances as such. It's administrative after all, but well, this right now is too speculative, as the archivists are not even a shade of their former self.

Edit: Chew posted first. The bubble I refer to includes the administrative bits, which included AL at some point.

Edited by Shadowseeker
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From what I have observed, the Head Archivist is a position of authority within the MDA, and is not given by default to the Leader of the Archivist Alliance. Last time the position became vacant, there was an attempt at a vote within all parties within the MDA that had an interest in who was in that position, however the vote didn't achieve much (if it happened at all), and the Archives still lack a Head Archivist.

Whether the Head Archivist has much influence outside the MDA would be very hard to say, since there has not been a Head Archivist since the formal institution of the Kings.

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Very much so because of the previous ones.

Also, why H.A?

Might be a newer term, I'm used to M.A....

Anyways, Renavoid, then Je Suis & Pample were in a position of M.A, and held administrative traits. Though it never was anything official, they were accepted to be some kind of "inofficial leader of MDA"- whether that was supposed to happen or not remains a question, but the rpc status that came along with it seems to be a hint towards it. (Since Legend speaker leadership does not qualify for RPC, or did not when RPCs existed)

If I had to compare it, it's like the kings in medieval times, when they were both worldy and religious powers...very annoying to differentiate where one flow was, where the other.

Unlike that time we don't have a split category, people with administrative access also can be powerful players, so they get mixed up.

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Oh, I see.

Is it only MDA Lands that have this problem, or does Underground and LoE have that same problem?

Because currently, it just seems that MDA is the only one with that sort of problem, unless the others have something similiar, but not as broadcasted.

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If I had to say it, MDA is def more special, because archivists are not just an alliance, but an administrative one- Legend Speakers isnt, Archis is.

LoE, Underground don't hold officially administratives, though dst's SI might be seen as an administrative one..still, she's not an official bug tester anymore as back then, so I'd say not adminis, but rolebased.

The players inside might have adminstrative access, but the alliance itself isn't- that's what makes archivists special, same with advertisers, or artisans.

That we have a huge library and the M.A. was always a power of "power" also helped create this unique situation.

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[quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1290630356' post='73100']
Tribunal has KC as a ruler...yay >>

KC is not the ruler of the Tribunal. If anything is more an invader attempting domination, who has not even been in the Tribunal since the whole thing first started.. Currently there is NO ruler of the Tribunal.

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KC has power over gates open/closed state, and you, phantasm, haven't done much to stop him. You didn't call him out on this bit, for example:
Knator Commander: I can keep the gate closed only for a limited time, maybe a week, if i don't manage to finish the mission, it will be impossible with the gates open

Not have you acted upon this, as far as I know:
Knator Commander: If you do not force me to use the jail orders, and everything goes smooth, you can have a representative to ask me periodically whats going on, ..of course I will tell only what I can so you won't freak out, but its better than nothing i guess

And so, he's got the power not only to change the gate, but to jail you if he wants to, giving him power over you. Closest thing to a king the Tribunal land has, and as long as you remain inside, some of the people as well.

Knator Commander: If you plan to stay during this mission, you should be warned that I have authority to reinforce military law on this land _for a limited time_.

Edited by Pipstickz
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[quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1290643215' post='73129']
KC has power over gates open/closed state, and you, phantasm, haven't done much to stop him. You didn't call him out on this bit, for example:
Knator Commander: I can keep the gate closed only for a limited time, maybe a week, if i don't manage to finish the mission, it will be impossible with the gates open

Not have you acted upon this, as far as I know:
Knator Commander: If you do not force me to use the jail orders, and everything goes smooth, you can have a representative to ask me periodically whats going on, ..of course I will tell only what I can so you won't freak out, but its better than nothing i guess

And so, he's got the power not only to change the gate, but to jail you if he wants to, giving him power over you. Closest thing to a king the Tribunal land has, and as long as you remain inside, some of the people as well.

Knator Commander: If you plan to stay during this mission, you should be warned that I have authority to reinforce military law on this land _for a limited time_.

As far as you know is the main key, considering you aren't even in the Tribunal. Nor have you ever showed the slightest bit of interest in the land, and it's well being. As the gates closed for a limited time, well we see how that is 3 weeks into it. The usual lag by a "character" who's alter ego has any/all control of all lands.

Minus KC destroying the gate, a piece of history created by Handy Pockets and others, he has done and shown no force in the land. Sephirah is the representative, and has kept in constant communication with his guards. Since he has not shown since his original arrival, the force part has proven to be....lacking. We walk around the land most daily, still enjoying its beauty. Considering 'Jump to Leader' still works, and since I am the only alliance leader in the Tribunal, I stay locked inside so that the rest of my alliance can move about.

I see no military law, I see now enforcement of any kind. In fact I see no movement on this whole project at all. So to restate, the Tribunal has NO ruler.

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  • Root Admin

except the four MAIN lands no other land has a ruler.
KC is not ruler of tribunal, it just pulled some strings to get it closed and used force for a temporary millitary dictature :)
archives never had a ruler, only the archivists had one.

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