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Libs Giving Wps?


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In the past week, two of the Liberty's Lib Army have given away WPs.

Mighty Pirate Lib39 749 N/A No Details 30/11/10 21:07:38
Yoshi Lib40 738 N/A No Details 28/11/10 01:07:59

As far as I am aware, none of these alts are played as a character. From what I know about the Lib Army, Liberty gave control of them over to Yrth. Yrth, as king, can grant WP codes to players to award to others, but why would he give these codes to alts? And why different alts? O.o

I am not making any accusations, but bringing up something I see as fishy, and perhaps someone can enlighten me if there isn't anything fishy going on.

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Udgard is correct
I personally cannot reward the same player of 25 player
meaning i have to wait for the player to come off my list of 25 previous player

I must say if you really wanted to know you could have asked me directly
instead of trying to cause trouble. even though you claim you are not.

The player that got rewarded were on behalf of others too but you don't seem to have that detail
in what you claim as fishy. In those I made the note to say why they were rewarded and on behalf of
whom they were done for.

I know I don't need to explain myself as i also keep a log of all WP's I have rewarded

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Suppose, theoretically, that person A did something wrong. If person B asks person A 'look, i see something that i think might be wrong but i am not certain about it,' do you honestly believe that A would reply 'why you're absolutely right, I cheated and you full of doubt about what I did have brought it to light'?

Second, the 'details' feature is somewhere in the shop. Since it's been made into a topic and requested I think it's only logical that someone with access lists them here.

Mighty Pirate Lib39 749 N/A No Details 30/11/10 21:07:38
On behalf of Yrth, for his great work in quest creation over the past months. Good work MP.

Yoshi Lib40 738 N/A No Details 28/11/10 01:07:59
Carving of Handy Pockets on Pumpkin Z's shoe family quest.

Shadowseeker yrthilian 731 Wish 20 Yes Details 09/11/10 21:59:45
For my teaching principals quest.

yrthilian Lib40 727 N/A Yes Details 30/10/10 19:32:59
For a special project
(used to created an item)

Sephirah Caelum yrthilian 724 N/A No Details 26/10/10 17:52:08
Supreme dedication and excellent roleplaying to discover the identity and locational source of *********

yrthilian Nimisha 719 N/A Yes Details 17/10/10 15:03:03
This is to create a special item for a quest currently running

Leorius yrthilian 716 N/A No Details 09/10/10 13:17:39
for a very good paper submitted to my teaching of principals quest part 2

Sharazhad yrthilian 706 Wish 19 Yes Details 08/09/10 10:42:26
for submitting the best paper to my teaching of principals quest part 1

*Burns* yrthilian 692 N/A No Details 04/08/10 09:48:16
Correctly gained all letters and placed them in the question(s) required before answering with the correct answer and description to back it up - sasha lilias quest

*Clock Master* yrthilian 691 Wish 20 Yes Details 04/08/10 09:47:20
Correctly gained all letters and placed them in the question(s) required before answering with the correct answer and description to back it up - sasha lilias quest

Nimrodel yrthilian 672 Wish 6 Yes Details 18/07/10 13:45:11
Winner of the travellers soul quest with an ashtonishing 211 points by sasha lilias

Mourn yrthilian 666 Wish 2 Yes Details 26/06/10 20:40:19
For the good response on the forum experiment. GTG topic. A player that can give constructive criticism.

Mighty Pirate yrthilian 642 Wish 28 Yes Details 15/05/10 09:14:46
Placing first in CCG in may

Wolper yrthilian 641 N/A No Details 15/05/10 09:14:22
Placing first in CCG in may

Pazur yrthilian 640 N/A No Details 15/05/10 09:13:46
Placing first in CCG in may

stavaroiu yrthilian 620 Wish 28 Yes Details 14/04/10 11:50:03
For placing first in the MP5 rank of the MD CCG run by myself and cutler

Elthen Airis yrthilian 619 Wish 6 Yes Details 14/04/10 11:49:33
For placing first in the MP4 rank of the MD CCG run by myself and cutler

Manum yrthilian 618 N/A No Details 14/04/10 11:48:42
For placing first in the MP3 rank of the MD CCG run by myself and cutler

there's more but i'm bored now...

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Kaf, your theory is wrong in that, Person B should have confronted Person A first, and then they would have received a satisfactory answer. If Person B wasn't satisfied and had a doubt about it, THEN they should post it. Also, what was the point of posting the other non-relevant Wish Points and their details?

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[quote name='Yoshi' timestamp='1291410868' post='74265']
Kaf, your theory is wrong in that, Person B should have confronted Person A first, and then they would have received a satisfactory answer. If Person B wasn't satisfied and had a doubt about it, THEN they should post it. Also, what was the point of posting the other non-relevant Wish Points and their details?
Read the premise again...
The idea is to give a comprehensive overview of WPs? eg. I personally consider the reasons for the WP by lib40 better than the average reason in that list.

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[quote]Exchanging WishPoints between you. WP should be rewarded only for good reasons.[/quote]
"Good reasons" really depends on who's deciding. Personally I feel that yrthilian's reasons aren't always satisfactory, but it's up to the community as a whole, or if they decide to step in; the council.

[quote]You can have multiple accounts, to try out story, to experince new ways of play etc ..., however if you are detected that you are using them just to help one of your main accounts , all of them including the main will get banned.[/quote]
I've never seen Nimisha or the Libs out and about and actually playing the game, so using them to bypass the WP limit seems to be infringing upon this rule. Of course, I rarely see yrth himself out and about, so I'm not sure. Anyone seen them?

[quote]You are free to do anything in the game that is tehnicaly allowed. If you consider that you discovered some sort of exploit or a bug, report it to a moderator. [/quote]
It is not technically allowed for yrth to give a WP to the same person twice without giving 25 to others first, yet he's done it using alts.

As a note on the two WPs he awarded himself (to make items for Inno's player PL, I believe); When Alyon used three accounts to make three different items for his main, how happy was the community? The differences with this case are:
A) Yrth awarded himself a WP, meaning he didn't put in the effort of solving the broken pattern puzzle.
B) Yrth gave the items away (as far as I know)
C) Yrth didn't have to collect raw materials (again, as far as I know)
D) Yrth made the items himself rather than going through Udgard (though this point isn't that relevant to the event at hand, because Udgard can't make gems n' stuff)
If I've missed something, please point it out

[quote]Any repeated complain from multiple unique users will get some kind of unwanted action on you, try not to offend people, or to cause a mess in general[/quote]
So, it's up to us (unless the Council steps in). What do you all think?

Edited by Pipstickz
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  • 2 months later...
  • Root Admin

Oh this abuse.

Its an intresting one this case, Yrth is using alts to bypass the "cannot give WP's to the same person within 25/20 times", and by that he is breaking the rules and therefore an abuse.The limits are obviously put there for some reason or another, So i would say it is probably an abuse.

But then again, It was a king who did it, and it can easily be bypassed by asking someone else to award the wishpoint as it has been done many times. So an abuse? Maybe, it is a workaround the conventional rules, Something that anything will happen about? I doubt it.

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I personally don't see it as a harm considering it was to create an item that was used as a quest reward.

What I find disturbing is there is number of people in MD that follow the "law" literally and usually judge this kind of cases (avoiding rules, finding holes in the rules and such) publicly are missing here. For example, a topic made by Mcvitie/Sasha Lilias received a page or two of arguments and rants, and yet for something Mcvitie did not do yet, while here, something that has already been done by Yrthilian gets mostly politely ignored.

What I would like to see is just clarification from MD staff or Mur about such cases.
I mean, can I award a WP to myself via an alt to create an item for a quest of my own as well, or only Kings have that privilege? :P

The problem to me here isn't the actual "abuse" of Yrthilian, but the double standards applied so often in here (not by Mur or the Staff since they did not make an action about such cases yet to say they did something hypocritical, but by the general community that "convicts" morally one person while spares the other one)

Edited by Rhaegar Targaryen
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Just a small suggestion: use your HEAD and THINK for a moment at the position Yrth holds and THEN start to accuse/judge/whatever him. Sometimes I am really shocked of how small minded some can be.

@Fenrir:you opened the topic to stir the pot as usual. If you have a problem and you think an abuse was committed, you know what to do. You were involved in 2 trials already where you lost - maybe the 3rd time you'll win. If you have the courage, of course.

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