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MD Birthday Party preparations

Muratus del Mur

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As some of you already know, MD birthday party is just a litle more more than a month away..well almost two but anyway, not THAT far :)
The event will last as usual an equal number of days to the number of years we celebrate, that would be 6 days this year. When is it exactly? Well you have ways to find out :P

The festival (six days party can be called festival don't you think?) will host a competition. This is the main reason i am announcing this now. This competition requires preparation.

[b]MD Birthday Festival Competition:[/b]
All of you that want to participate, regardless of Social rank, popularity, age, stats, achievements, guild, land or whatever else, will split in two teams, just two not four or more. Each team will have to select its members so that each one will bring its addition to the team success. Each team will have to prepare quests and challenges, things that should remain secret until the competition starts. Espionage is unavoidable so be careful at least you should protect the solutions of the riddles if you can't protect them entirely. Each quest, puzzle or riddle should be solvable within a few hours not more than 4-5hours but preferably a lot less time per quest. 1hour would be ideal. So no huge impossible quests or riddles.

The teams will have to communicate so that both will have the same number of challanges ready.

[b]Competition rules:[/b]
Understand these well so you know how to make your quests better

During the festival, each team will put forward a challenge for the other team to solve. The other team needs to solve it and will get a small score for solving it but also will rate it based on how entertaining and challanging it was. These two scores will add and form the scoring that will determine the winning team. Basically, each team will give points to the OTHER team if they enjoy their challanges. Of course you could just be mean and pretend you didn't enjoy the challenge and therefore you could give a low score to the other team, but i am hoping on your honesty...something rare these days.

Be honest and you will have lots of fun, be greedy and you will just get an "empty" competition. Can you rate your opponent? its up to you.

Don't worry about the rewards "budget" for this event, it will be as usual insane :)

The event will be managed by Ailith because she already has experience in organizing large scale events. Yeah , she seems to be still alive, i poked her once and she seemed to move..might be a reflex idk, we shall see :P

Teams are NOT defined, I will let that up to you , not Ailith and i am sure it will be a hard thing to decide and get organized with. For things related to this event that you need to contact me for please talk to Curiose, she will be taking my messages related to this event. There are a lot more surprises related to this event but for now this is enough to start preparing....and you should start preparing , two month time will run out fast!

Good luck.

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I believe the first task at hand is to have a team leader for both the teams.

Need to identify them fast so that preparations can start immediately.

Rather than nominating and voting (time consuming), may I suggest Ailith pick two leaders and players can start going to them for team seats.

Or players can announce their interest to Ailith, and she can divide the players and let a TL be chosen from there.

Need Ailith to respond please.

Thank you.

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[quote name='CrazyMike' timestamp='1298245703' post='79138']
I believe the first task at hand is to have a team leader for both the teams.

Need to identify them fast so that preparations can start immediately.

Rather than nominating and voting (time consuming), may I suggest Ailith pick two leaders and players can start going to them for team seats.

Or players can announce their interest to Ailith, and she can divide the players and let a TL be chosen from there.

Need Ailith to respond please.

Thank you.
Mur said that alitih shouldn't organize teams but we should.

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team USA and team Brit have enough battles as it is, perhaps a more original grouping name is appropriate.

perhaps like

Team Fire
Team Ice

something that is not biased in most senses of the term.

perhaps we should let the oldest active vets pick.

Perhaps chewy can pick one team leader and MB can pick the other
*edit* no matter who picks team leaders, I'm sure we will see 'unfair' and flames be thrown about. I think this way may be perhaps the most unbiased even if they pick themselves as leaders.

Edited by phantasm
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I do not think I will be participating in this because I will be taking messages for Mur.

If anyone needs to message me, [b]DO SO USING THE FORUMS. I will be ignoring all PMs sent to me in game regarding anything for Mur. [/b]

Edited by Curiose
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Well, the 14th of april is a perfect time for me, nothing much to do before, and the 22nd is right about when I actually have to do some effort for school, so if, and only if, people want me to either choose a leader, or to be a leader, then I'll step forward.

I would've claimed power and drafted a legion of drones and minions, but oppression, propaganda and brain washing tend to stifle creativity.
I don't really know why, but it would seem that it would be a counter productive tactic.

So.. only if people reeaally want me to choose someone or actually be a team leader, so that chewett will be slapped with the metal glove, will I actually do so.

So... please make it known if you want me to and specify what :P

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