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Everything posted by Magistra

  1. I will miss you, and I wish you all the best. Goodbye Rumi.
  2. yes.
  3. What is wrong with it? i can't log in for a day!
  4. How can you kill people?
  5. Thanks, my friends, There are 3 people with enough power to distroy an alt. I am the enemy of 2 of them. The first is hostile because she does not like sex, the second is a person who just wants to have power. The 3th one? He did not even bother to talk to me. He is Mur.
  6. I told you. I didn't want to be abused for a while. I was in hospital and very sick.
  7. 1) Why does one need to abandon an alt when it's found out? Because people want to start again without insults, abuse and harassment. I just wanted to find out what new principles would mean, and I wanted to be a new person in the realm. No worries for a while.
  8. And I was accused of being to work my way back to Loreloot. You offered me, and I can proof it. I just wanted to play another story. I wanted my alt to go to GG, not to Loreroot.
  9. I just wanted to see what would happen if I took other principles. I was robbed of that change.
  10. When your alt is't destroyed, that is.
  11. Maybe a bit too late, but I wish you a lot of joy!
  12. I love you, Oophd
  13. In-game ninrodel.
  14. Magistra


    Thanks to all of you. A lot of people know that Magistra has being raped in the last few months.
  15. Magistra doesn't want to be a member anymore. So, how to get rid of the tag?
  16. Go for it, Phantom Orchid!
  17. Thanks, all of you. :D
  18. I would never bring Phantom Orchid back to prison. I like to fight the system. :cool:
  19. Maybe this is the time to refute a few misunderstandings. I have been - with a few short returns home - been in hospital since the beginning of October. So nearly 8 months. In the beginning I had my own laptop there, but they took it away because they thought it was bad for my healing process. The hospital would not let me go because they thought I was a danger to myself. I tried everything, and finally sued the hospital. Yesterday afternoon my lawyer called me to say we had won and the hospital had lost. I am home now, and this time definitely. I would like to thank the people who supported me. To the people who knew and showed no consideration whatsoever, thank you too. You learned me not to be so naive.
  20. This morning I had the same experience as Tom Pouce. It took ages to load MD. I didn't time it, but it took approximately 3 minutes. The Netherlands.
  21. Although I know it isn't your birthday today and I already congratulated you, still a very happy birthday! (Maybe for next year?)
  22. Loading scenes is slower than before. The Netherlands.
  23. @DD The second one was mine.
  24. Sorry for the people who secretly supported me. Tonight I left the Seekers of Enlightenment, and therefore am no longer a citizen of Marind's Bell. Accordingly I can not become the monarch.
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