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Everything posted by Magistra

  1. @ Change: everybody is born with a certain amount of B12 stored in the liver. People who can't take it from food, will use up that amount and have nothing left. Since they can't store new B12, they will be short on B12 for the rest of their life.
  2. I always wanted to become a vegetarian because I love animals very much and like Princ Rhaegar says: the way we "use" them is very wrong. So January 1, 2009 I stopped eating meat. After 2,5 month I was so weak and sick that I spend whole days on the couch. I had a check-up and my vitamin B12 level was very low. Although B12 is in eggs, cheese and nuts too, meat contains much more of this vitamin. It turned out that I was unable to take the necessary amounts of B12 from a vegetarian diet. So I started to eat meat again and my weariness disappeared almost immediately. (This disease is called Addison-Biermer disease.) There is a cure for it with lifelong injections, but B12 is called cobalamine in Latin (meaning cobalt), and I am allergic to cobalt, which means nobody dares to give me the injections. So although I still want to be a vegetarian, I simply can't.
  3. Happy birthday dear Vertu ...
  4. Happy birthday Seig!
  5. Have a wonderful birthday.
  6. Wow, your work is great, The 7th Scroll!
  7. Can you send your beginner's guide to me too, Dark?
  8. [quote name='ZenTao' timestamp='1352448107' post='125275'] Here is one by Brendon Perry from[b] [size=4][color=#FF0000]Dead Can Dance[/color][/size][/b]- DCD is one of my absolute favorites for they show such undeniable presence with their music... Here we have the song " [b] [color=#FF0000][size=5][background=transparent] crescent[/background][/size][/color][/b] " reminds me of winter for some reason.. [media]http://youtu.be/2EquAeS49N4[/media] [/quote] DCD is one of my favorites too. I am glad you posted one of their songs here.
  9. Well, we all know who has made rudeness into a form of art. It may be contagious.
  10. Hmm, I still wonder how I ended up dead at the Gazebo of Chaos for about an hour. I had hoped to find the answer here.
  11. Very, very happy birthday Maebius!
  12. Thanks Maebius. It was fun and frustrating at the same time.
  13. When you start hearing bleeps that aren't there.
  14. I am very sad because I have a heart condition, which is the reason I am in hospital at the moment for the fifth time in a year. The medicines they give me do not work very well, and now they want to give me a pacemaker. I refused, but I am afraid that it will come to that. I hate it. I always thought a pacemaker was something for old people and not for younger ones. And I am very afraid that I will die too. It makes that I often can't sleep at night out of fear. I am very glad that MD exists, so I can play when I can't sleep. Thanks MD.
  15. [quote name='dst' timestamp='1350912745' post='124446'] Moll Flanders. [/quote] Dst, you are not very original. I am not even insulted, because I know who is saying it. And by the way, I never stole anything, so your cute remark is not even correct. Couldn't you find something more cruel? You really are much dumber than I thought.
  16. And who or what would I be? I'm very curious.
  17. Why? I will miss you! You healed me once.
  18. i dreamt this night I was banned,
  19. First of all, I did not change the title, I do not know who did and why, Secondly, all I was asking for was a very tiny message, so I - and others - would know that it wasn't my computer. That's all.
  20. Well, as a matter of fact I would like both. And I am no vet Grido. I am still kind of a newbie and have never experienced so long a falling out.
  21. *blushes* I hadn't thought of that!
  22. It started yesterday evening already. Where they asleep then too?
  23. In other words, you don't believe they will? 5 minutes to tell the community what is wrong? Where the problem is situated?
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