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Everything posted by Magistra

  1. How come I can't upload my computer horoscope drawings to the forum? System keeps saying I have no permission. If I need permission, can I get it? ELse people would be very disappointed, and so would I.
  2. Magistra


    [quote name='Maebius' timestamp='1342191827' post='117449'] Would these horoscopes be based on when we joined MD (our "birth" in this realm?) or our natural births in "the real world". I may be interested, if I can scrounge up a coin or five. [/quote] Whatever you want, Maebius. Personally I think the real birth date gives the best results, but it is up to the client.
  3. Magistra


    So far one person reacted, but he/she wanted to trade stones. I am very sorry (I really am), but I'll accept only silver coins.
  4. Magistra


    Hello to all, If you are interested, for 3 silver coins I'll cast your horoscope. You'll get a professional drawn horsocope. For two more silver coins I'll give you a character analysis. I don't do future predictions. I am able to, but I don't think it is appropriate to do it here. If you are interested, please let me know here. I will contact you. Magistra
  5. Happy birthday, bard. Another Cancer sign. Sorry, I am an astrologist. (Hope you will wish me a happy birthday next tuesday.)
  6. Thank you, Amoran.
  7. I agree with Phantom Orchid. Without villains the realm would be very boring. So I voted no, you shouldn't leave, but stay.
  8. Can't we, as a community, do something for Seig? I am no expert on revival, but we shouldn't allow murder in our realm. If Seigh can't afford 35 gold coins (I wouldn't!) then maybe there are other ways?
  9. Pip's answer is like music to my ears Seems like somebody ... I did not do anything wrong. But, as a result of this rumour, I have no alliance and no homeland. .
  10. Nice of you, Tarq. I remember you as a smart male. So ... why do you think I was accused of insubordination, other than "just handy"?
  11. All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others. George Orwell

    1. Chewett


      Its a shame that most who quoff such quotes have never read said books

    2. Magistra


      Don't worry. I read it.

    3. Phantom Orchid

      Phantom Orchid

      Four legs good, two legs baaaahd.

  12. No, she wants to be freed from the monster that was her husband. Seems logical to me.
  13. So, Dragual, what price do you ask for the pass papers? I am sure I don't have to convince you to sell them. My reasons for wanting them are obvious, I should think.
  14. Dragual, you disappoint me! To think I even liked you and called you a friend! And I thought you sold the leash?
  15. People outside of Necrovion couldn't use force even if they wanted to, because they have to give up their weapons upon entering (with pass papers). And Katt, why did you go with him? You must have known nothing good would come from it. We all warned you yesterday. *shakes head*
  16. I would like to try, Rumi.
  17. This +81 must be new then, because when I came here the first time ( 6 months ago?) I could walk pretty easily here with much less AP. But I am sorry to have bothered you, this topic can be closed.
  18. Call me stupid, but where do you get the 81? (I am sorry, but when I was a newbie my questions were always answered with "that would be a spoiler", so I really don't understand much of this stuff.) I do know that I have been here before with less AP and never encountered any problems. But you are of course right, because I can go on now. Does this mean there will be +81+viscosity with every step?
  19. I am at the moment at the Plains of Liberty. Viscosity there is +40. I have 109 AP, but when I want to move on, the system keeps telling me that I have insufficient action points. Seems to me this is incorrect.
  20. No, I only mentioned Einstein because Feynman worked on quantum electrodynamics and in Einsteins case this was the reason that drove him to the theosophy. In fact I was very pleased with your answer, because you let someone speak who didn't say he had all the scientific answers to everything. What most people don't know is that theosophy is no religion, but a mixture of religion, science and philosophy.
  21. @Pipstickz: Einstein was a theosophist. (Plato was too.)
  22. @Chewett: I didn't find it on the internet. I have been a theosophist for years. I simply advised people who wanted to know more about it to google Theosophy. Strange that I am being neg-repped just because I believe in something.
  23. Nimrodel, please feel free. And don't forget the proof!
  24. Theosophy believes that: 1. Animals have a collective brain. Like when you make five holes in a wall and stick your fingers through them. You see five fingers, but behind the wall there is a "master brain", the hand. That is why animals always know what to do. They are ruled by the hand behind the wall. 2. The body is just a vehicle. We use it, but it is not everlasting. When it is used up and dies, our mind goes to a higher level. 3. The brain is not - as most people believe - only a transmitter (as in telling our body what to do), but also a receiver. We receive input from a higher level, although we are not conscious of it most of the time. 4. Dreams are not - what most people believe - simply the dealing with things you have encountered that day, but you are in reality in another realm, a higher one. There are seven or twelve of this realms. At this moment we are in the fourth one, so in our dreams we are in the fifth. If you want to know more of this, read some theosophical literature. Just google it.
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