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Everything posted by Magistra

  1. I didn't know you, but I am sorry to hear that you are leaving. Or have left already ...
  2. Because I could not stop for Death, He kindly stopped for me. The Carriage held bur Ourselves, and Immortality. Emily Dickinson

    1. dst


      *yawns* didn't tarq teach you something better?

    2. Maebius


      My death was but a stepping stone on marble paths to me, so I continued down my tale, and waved at all I'd see. Alas, the time came then to Live, and leave the GoE. - Maebius

  3. Day Dreamer sold to lashtal.
  4. [quote name='Manda' timestamp='1336052648' post='110753'] colorless joker if yes 1 GC [/quote] It is the coloured one.
  5. I am selling a Day Dreamer II (creature collection 2008) , Heat 806366 Age 169 No tokens and an Imperial Aramor (creature collection 2008), Heat 84285 Age 132 No tokens. At ST 22.00 I'll sell them to the person with the highest offer.
  6. But it shouldn't be an easy way out either. (I wonder how many reputation points this one will cost me.) Like I said, I panicked. You wouldn't have to wait if everybody got his/her share at let's say the beginning of the year. That way a person can decide for himself when he wants to use a jump.
  7. I can only say that I did't mean to stir up trouble. I was stuck in the tunnel and I guess I panicked a little. And no, I don't like the environment. I know I can get out, I am already, but the older players sure know why you panick in the first place. (I'll not use spoilers.) I still think it is a good idea. I thought about my earlier remark about once a month and I think it is too much. Someone mentioned three times a year, and that seems a better option. Maybe three times for mp3 and two times for mp4/mp5?
  8. I know my choices are teleporting me, that is what I am saying. I chose the principle of Light and as a result I was transported to a really awful place. And most of the posts here mention a DoT as the day on which a jump out should be allowed. The nearest DoT is May 12, en by then I will be long dead here without food or water. I was a little boisterous when I wrote this. You should be too if you were stuck here. It was a poor attempt on my part to be funny. Seriously: I think such a jump should be allowed, not on a special day, but maybe once a month. Not more, because it has to be for emergencies. @ Chewett: I dug this topic up after six months because it happens to me now and not six months ago.
  9. Most of you are really heartless people. I have been transported to this place after I choose the Principle of Light in story mode. And this is how I am rewarded. If I have to wait till a day of Tranquility, I'll be long dead.
  10. Of couse, always the spoilers. I really hate that word. Now I must think of the other locations I was transported to and find a hidden meaning in them. Thank you for your answer.
  11. Yes.
  12. In the last few days I have been transported three times to another location while I was waiting for action points to continue. The last time was this morning. I was at the Storm Coast, had to wait because I ran out of AP, went to the kitchen and when I got back I was at the Plains of Deceit. What kind of bug could this be? I have never experienced it before.
  13. Nice idea Chewett! I have registered and even got some songs in my playlist, which is a rather difficult thing for someone so absolutely not technical as I am, but ... how do I get them in the MagicDuel Playlist?
  14. I have joined COE and got kicked out months ago, so you really are not up to date. They are not my allies, I don't hang out with them and I hide nothing. Is it so hard to believe that someone is curious? Should we accept everything here and say: "O well, it doesn't matter and I'll hear what it is all about when the person who did it wants to tell us"? And by the way: here we are talking about the Knights of the Bell.
  15. [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1335464073' post='110010'] What's more likely is that Pip doesn't even know why he did it. He just did it. So, What? Take it back. [/quote] Those aren't my alliances, Seigheart, there's nothing for me to take back. I'm just curious. And Fang, I just reacted on Pip's last remark. I don't want more ammo, that's not who I am. I just think that if you hurt people by taking over their alliances, you should be kind or brave or human enough to tell why you did it.
  16. That is not true, Pip. Why should the true reason not be good enough? Isn't the truth always good enough? I think you are overly suspicious here. But I am willing to get to know you, because I really want to know why you are doing this. (I think I know a part of it already.) Pm me how and when.
  17. Happy birthday both of you. Have a nice day with lots of presents!
  18. [quote name='Maebius' timestamp='1335199528' post='109500'] Agreed, while It's interesting and frustrating, and joyful, and angry-making (depending on your stance) this thread seems more for archival purposes, and I'd hate to see it devolve into a flame war agaisnt any of the participants, or their motives. [/quote] It wouldn't if Pip were to react in a humanoid way and not as a bored übermensch. I for instance am very interested in his motives and not in remarks like "because I can". (I asked him about his motives in January when he took over the Eclipse and got no answer then either.)
  19. [quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1335178895' post='109474'] I keep myself awake by clicking the "Resume play" button, I'm not sure you know what you're talking about. [/quote] And I am not sure you know that you hurt people by taking over their alliances. Or maybe you just don't care.
  20. Seems to me Pipstickz is very bored and tries to keep himself awake by taking over alliances.
  21. And now thrice on one evening!
  22. You are not the only one.
  23. I am overwhelmed with sadness. One handkerchief (with little hearts embroidered on it) was not enough.
  24. I am for everything that makes inbox more organized.
  25. For the not native speakers among us: when you start speaking English in a shop (for instance).
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