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Everything posted by Magistra

  1. I have a 100% active days and i would love the Angien.
  2. OMG, I've read all this and now am feeling mentally exhausted and at the same time impressed by your knowledge on the subject. Is that multitasking too?
  3. There is nothing on my mind .Why do you keep asking?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pipstickz


      What's off your mind?

    3. Mallos


      What's in your mind?

    4. J-D


      The real question then is: why?

  4. There is nothing on my mind .Why do you keep asking?

  5. What's the use? We all started with nothing, so why do it all over? Or am I missing some hidden clue?
  6. Above-mentioned says it all. I get this message continuously. I can't do anything ,so I logged off and in again, but that made no difference. Hope you can fix this soon.
  7. I need loads of spoilers!

  8. Still no free credits!

  9. I have everything I could wish for and more, so consider this topic closed. (Can I do that myself?)
  10. I want to buy (or exchange for another creature) a Loorerootian archer, level doesn't matter. Please let me know what you want for it.( I have imperial aramor, day dreamer of dark archer II to exchange).
  11. This topic is very old, and I see that the Dutch translation is (almost) finished. I am a translator/writer and could maybe be valuable. Contact me please if something has to be translated or written in Dutch. By the way, I am skilled. Have my masters.
  12. I think this topic is no longer up-to-date.
  13. Magistra

    Music Thread

    I find the first song (Arcana) beautiful, but too dark. It reminds me of a warship at anchor. The sea around it looks like a black mirror. Although nothing moves, the ship emanates an unspeakable threat. The second song is more to my taste, although it is more vivacious than a moonbeam ... It's more like water droplets. Thank you for placing them here.
  14. Magistra

    Music Thread

    OMG, I don't fit in here at all! 99% of this stuff is much too heavy for my taste. My music taste is like a moonbeam peeking through branches and leaves and falling on soft, damp soil. No one is there. Or .. I dare post only two songs, but they fit in almost all categories. Sleeping Sun Nightwish Lord of the Rings main theme Howard Shore
  15. Is this still open? I vote for 22:00 or 23:00. Before that I'm busy and later I'm asleep.
  16. I am interested in the reasons for this sabotage. I have read this thread twice, but I still haven't figured it out. Was it "just for fun"?
  17. I asked Rumi in game if there was room for a small zen garden with pebbles and a pond. The pond is already taken care of, so the zen garden remains. A zen environment is great for meditation. Of course you can meditate everywhere, but why not help a bit? I am looking for a picture. I have one in my laptop, but can't get it here ...
  18. I would like to join too. Count me in Rumi, that is, if there are still things to do. (A head job instead of a hand job please, I'm not much of an agricultural labourer.)
  19. ... when you tell your shrink you have lost your memory ... (I hope you understand I made this one up.)
  20. And what do you do when you lost your memory and you don't know what land you are affiliated to? I wish I knew!
  21. I'm a little depressed. I don't think I will ever be strong and onmiscient. Maybe I'm just stupid.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Krioni


      We all are strong in our own ways. The longer you let your strength be defined only be military might, the harder it will be to not be depressed. If you find your strength in other things, you may just find training and combat aren't as depressing an activity to participate in.

    3. Passant the Weak
    4. Tarquinus


      I have no reason to think you stupid: quite the opposite. As for strength, it can be gained with little more than persistence.

  22. I am a relatively new player and have never given the alt question much notice. I guess I knew that they were used by some players, but that was it. But after reading about it ( I read the former and now locked topic) I must say I am a little disappointed. No, it goes further than that. I am a little shocked. First of all it is rather absurd to state that you gain nothing from using alts. Of course you do! Even if you use them fairly you gain information that others don't. You can be at two placed at once where others have to choose. But secondly: why are you using alts? Do you find this game so boring that your main cannot fill the time? That is really something to think about. I have heard somebody say that he/she was using alts to "find other things out" and I can even proof that because it was sent to me in a pm. Why would you find other things out if not for benefits? As a player without alts: I'd like to know with whom I'm talking. I hate the thought of speaking to two people in game that are one and the same. As I stated before: I never gave it much thought, but now I'm thinking that maybe I should get myself some alts too. I'd like to find some things out too.
  23. I'm also very interested in role playing and would love to find other players to help me find a 'place' in this game. The fighting stuff isn't going to keep me busy for the years to come.
  24. I'm angry because I'm only attacked by people who fight sneaky.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Chengmingz


      Do not worry. Losing will be an advantage later on. As long as it does not exceed extreme amounts, all will be well.

    3. Magistra


      I'm still balanced. 207 won, 209 lost.

    4. Magistra


      I have given this a lot of thought, and am sure that there are persons who are able to muffle the sound of an attack. First I thought it was the location, but now I believe it is this one person. (Maybe there are more.) Imagine, walking through the realm, enjoying yourself, and suddenly you notice that you have no VP left! You heard nothing ,saw nothing ... Or does this person have an invisibility spell? Does such a spell exist?

  25. Thanks for your answers. I succeeded in finding water.
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