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Everything posted by Zyrxae

  1. I really like Guillak’s original idea, but it might be nice to be able to rank votes by preference. Something a little more flexible than 1[sup]st[/sup]/2[sup]nd[/sup]/3[sup]rd[/sup] places: Say for a given vote there are six options available. Each player has six sixths of a vote to distribute as they will, so they could vote 1/6 for option A, 4/6 for C, and 1/6 for E…or devote their vote entirely to one option, or split it across two, etc. It’s a bit more complicated than the original suggestion, especially as the number of options increases..not to mention that part of the point may have been to make players choose between only voting for their favorite(s) at the cost of leaving out their second/third/etc choices and giving more weight than they might have preferred to those secondary choices. Transparency can be nice, or not so. If alts are a concern but the poll-maker sees reason not to publicize the votes, a manual check can be requested. The scarcity of such evaluations might be an incentive towards openness.. The question of automated alt-checks in clickables was raised a while back with privacy concerns. If that is ever discussed/implemented it could work along the lines of attempting to attack/trade with a player flagged as an alt and give an error of “an alt of yours already voted in this poll” or similar. All public votes are open to bias in one form or another. This has some interesting possibilities and gets more people somewhat more involved within the realm; I’m for it.
  2. Some thoughts and an apology for derailing the thread even more.. Color and personality--certainly, though I'd say differences in people's interpretations of color/personality relations might matter more than the colors themselves. Finding that someone associates mustard yellow with dominance and blue with fear, say, says more than "I'm a royal navy" or "she's sandstone". As for the actual color choices: I don't remember mine, nor do many older players, likely. Newbs and/or alts might be able to shed some insight here.. I'd forgotten that the Diplomas thread had ended on a positive note. Apparently someone's ticked off by that revival..the idea held promise, and it may not be as much a thing of the past as dates would suggest. Vampir, likely each of those accounts reflects something separate about you. I'm not a huge fan of alts, but this would seem to be one of their best places..Rainbow man..maybe you're a flexible person; that could be interpreted in many ways.. Diagnosis, however you may have meant it, sounds interesting. "I'm insane" seems a fairly common phrase around these parts, make of that what you will.. Tom, you're right to be skeptical. Then again.. If we entirely understood the DNA process, there wouldn't be much point to it. We may believe and say we picked randomly—maybe we did, it's possible—but there's no real way to know that. This really isn't gaugeable empirically, it's almost closer in a sense to faith. Faith, not really religion so much as trust in something 'more'..I think that applies to some other things about the realm, to secrets, to the general hubub..but that's another topic. As for this topic itself, it’s really interesting to see who’s willing to share their own DNA and what a large portion of the community has held its peace. Perhaps that’s more what Pip set out to find here: which of us reserve this information for whatever reasons and who’s willing to take the leap.
  3. Probably best taken with a grain of salt, but [s][url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=5002"]eh[/url][/s] EDIT: [url="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhfiqLPs3vohdG5lWGMxNlhSc2VtbVdrUGxwQ0ZaekE#gid=1"]Updated[/url] This seemed like an interesting idea, started it a while ago but couldn't get Excel to format them automatically. Of course it's (almost certainly) not what the DNA was intended for, but there is a funny coincidence: the first part of the DNA can be read as a binary number, which in base sixteen yields a 6-digit hexadecimal color value. It's far from perfect: some of them end up as seven digits instead of six, and the last part isn't used...still, the results are attractive if nothing else. Anyway, it's easy enough to add alliances/lands onto the doc. Who knows, combined with [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/9625-assigning-colors-to-lands/"]this topic[/url], something could come out of it..
  4. Me three..eighteen (wow), please.
  5. 1110001001010011111110111 0001111
  6. [quote name='Tal' timestamp='1325854105' post='100079'] if its about the heads hill tag missing when the BHC ends and the HC still runs, The tag still disappears when the BHC ends while the HC runs [/quote] This is still the case.
  7. The greatest value in this would probably be the tagging feature, enabling players to quickly find if a particular announcement is obsolete or still in effect. It seems that enough grief has come from such issues that that feature alone would outweigh any downside with the 'random article' button.
  8. 2 sc for #9.
  9. If this is still going on-- Any 3 for 3sc (total).
  10. A birdie: 771166?
  11. [tags fixed, thank you moderators :] Knators sold; just for clarity, the creatures mentioned by Shadowseeker are still up for grabs..
  12. @Jolla together, yes? @Chewett I don't see a 'use first tag as prefix' button, but hopefully this suffices.
  13. Barren Soul (hollow warrior) and Chaos Archer, respectively. Lone wolf pup already has a bid on the former, however...
  14. Ah, that's still going on? Voila: ID:609812 ID:609813 ID:611411 ID:611910 ID:611911 ID:613810 ID:617722 ID:618779 ID:619168 ID:619574 ID:621904 ID:625269 ID:625291 ID:625293 ID:625294 ID:640498 ID:640500 ID:643767 ID:643768 ID:643769 ID:645344 ID:648951 ID:755267 ID:757047
  15. No special (colored, rare, tokened) creatures here, but all have 500+ age. Elemental Stored Heat: 403k Age: 712 Elemental #2 Stored Heat: 209k Age: 704 Heretic Archer Stored Heat: 362k Age: 712 Heretic Archer #2 Stored Heat: 212k Age 704 Barren Soul Stored Heat: 83k Age: 706 Barren Soul #2 Stored Heat: 9k Age: 648 Aramor Stored Heat: 33k Age: 697 Winderwild Stored Heat: 65k Age: 677 Winderwild #2 Stored Heat: 28k Age: 681 [s]Knator[/s] [s]Stored Heat: 82k[/s] [s]Age: 650[/s] [s]Knator #2[/s] [s]Stored Heat 21k[/s] [s]Age 564[/s] [s]Water Daimon[/s] [s]Stored Heat 134k[/s] [s]Age: 650[/s] Water Daimon #2 Stored Heat 13k Age 564 Walking Tree Stored Heat 14k Age 650 Walking Tree #2 Age 564 Stored Heat 18k Lorerootian Archer Stored Heat 247k Age 650 Lorerootian Archer #2 Stored Heat 7k Age 558 Unholy Pope Stored Heat 8k Age 578 Unholy Pope #2 Age 578 I almost certainly won't sell all of these, especially those with very low heat, but many/most have close to 2 years on them, so... Take a gander!
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