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Everything posted by Akasha

  1. I Asked something else: Quote: 'Guardians of the Root Alliance, which includes the Children of the Eclipse, the Savelite Church, and the Guardians of the Root guild.' :crazy: Question: 'Is there a big change..DRASTIC one in Loreroot THE LAND AND ITS PEOPLE (with a public vote AKA MAGICDUEL OFFICIAL FORUM THIS ONE) OR THE LOREROOT does not know how to use its alliances anymore? are all alliances merging into one?' :shok:
  2. This is not about you MRD is about things that happen in Realm and we need to know..we =MAGIC DUEL PEOPLE !!
  3. again ... : :crazy: :shok: Question: Is there a big change..DRASTIC one in Loreroot THE LAND AND ITS PEOPLE (with a public vote AKA MAGICDUEL OFFICIAL FORUM THIS ONE) OR THE LOREROOT does not know how to use its alliances anymore? are all alliances merging into one?
  4. :crazy:'Guardians of the Root Alliance, which includes the Children of the Eclipse, the Savelite Church, and the Guardians of the Root guild.' :shok:
  5. To walk in the land yes..but to know the history of the land NO...they kept it secret..so now...it has nothing. Start working there and answer my questions as they are in name of more players...this is not relaed to a land or something like that..is pure Loreroot MD land. we need to know the history what it was and what it is since u come to us and say : it was....it was suposed to be...go there and see...
  6. I am very sorry, but look at the important infos that they stored here..This is what i try to point: NOTHING! until today..late yesterday night in historical was just a post by Metal Bunny from 2008, The CoE, Savels, Crafter had no ally forum sin here...WHY? because they never though that this is the first place were you come and say you are a part from MagicDuel world. Not somewhwere else. Yes, I would like to see the ideea of the HC. The informations need to be public WHY? so that there won't be any disscussion inside that supposed to exist High Council ..(should i give the example?) Also...what should a HC do? where do i find this? Should i point at some loreroot ppl that ask what and were? These informations and the allys are Magicduel allys, not exeptions, not private things. Loreroot again is not a private group or groups of ppl. Loreroot and the informations about loreroot and it's alliances (not the things that need to stay secret OF COURSE) ARE PUBLIC NOT PERSONAL OR PRIVATE OR EXCLUSIVES. That's why. U can;t come to me and ask me (me= one md player) to accept something that is in no records and not explaned. i hear things have changed. I ask from what? Where can i see how it was and how it is? There is no history you erased that history in order to make what? On this forum, again was nothing intresting ..was closed for 1 day...that's how much time took to the loreroot to find out about this forum..and you know the big issue: 'Was deleted..if yes OMG how can we find who joined Black Thorn quest????'
  7. The forum was not deleted. I did not act like a GG ally. I act like a MD player. I would like to know things that need to be public. Kragel IS from Loreroot. LOREROOT IS NOT THE GUARDIANS OF THE ROOT ALLy. Loreroot is a LAND with ppl inside. the probelem comes when the ppl inside start to ask questions. I woul dlike to know the story of the HC, the recent story of Loreroot why can't i know these things? Because i am not in gotr ally or CoE? that's why? Why does Loreroot act ..or some ppl from it act like it is a private land when it is not. Necro did not had elections. There is a dynast. Khal asked Peace to continue the dynasty. that is in the News log so everyone can see it and check and confirm it. The elections, the HC members..sorry i can't go and check if something is true or false since i have no records. Alll the records have are few topics here. Acording to this OFICIAL FORUM, High Council never existed , ELECTIONS never took place...some alliances never existed in Loreroot but maybe in another unoficial forum were a small group of ppl pretend they do the laws and start to order here and there things that should not be like that.
  8. Mur posted the stories written by adi, signed by adi because adi didn't bother to create a forum account. The stories u refer were submitted by Mur, but it was specified who wrote them and that is ANCIENT LORE.
  9. More allys in Loreroot? i am sorry i will make theyr forum..but i can;t see that on a private forum. come post ur ally name and the forum will be made. and Use it!
  10. Moved this post from the Guardians of the Root Alliance topic to the Children of the Eclipse Alliance topic.
  11. The main reason the forum was invisible, was to see when someone is actually realizing that the official MD Loreroot forum is not existing anymore.a lorerootian. You all act like Loreroot is a private land, not part of MagicDuel. Well, as long as it is from MagicDuel, it is not private but public. Here is a more civilized way of attracting your attention about what is going on, Questions: 1.I do not recall the elections. They never took place. Why? : There is no record about them in Loreroot Historic documents.(just Metal Bunny post from 2008) 2. I do not admite that Council ever was born. why? : There is no record about it in Loreroot Historic documents.(just Metal Bunny post from 2008) 3. Wanted to click the link from CoE ally statement.Went to a private forum, unknown, free to download and not a MD official one. They do not exist in MD?I can't look for more details because i am not registered to a private forum?that is not part of MD? Why? Errr..do you see the ally page in the MD official Loreroot forum? I don't. 4.Who made the council? why? There is no record about it in Loreroot Historic documents.(just Metal Bunny post from 2008) 5. When was Loreroot declared not part of MagicDuel and a PRIVATE land? why? you act like Loreroot (not the ally guardians which is part of Loreroot, the LAND) is a private thingy and come to throw some infos that we, the humans need to accept them. 6. What happens to the ones that have access to Loreroot but they are not observed by the actual Group. Is it like..there are 2 separated Loreroot lands? Is this part of you constitution or just an unfortunate event?
  12. closed, no such thing
  13. There are some ppl that are not ancient..so this post is for hose that made something? or the ancients?
  14. Akasha

    Alliance List

    The character , the reason DS exist is a GG character/role that's why the ally is supposed to be in gg.
  15. Me ? yes..here .. I am on the first stories in the AL..that is a long read so maybe hard to get there if you start from above.
  16. Working on Mozilla
  17. Topic is opened again as a request from Kragel, BUT only for comments. Sign ups will be taken for the next one, this one is already full of slaves .
  18. Hmm Welcome to MD forum.
  19. Yup, they lost their oldest creatures.
  20. *hands a big cake* Happy Birthday
  21. Ok, how about we keep this decent? If this will not be kept decent, get a private location, dream or something and there you can make anything, or better : ym conference. There won't be accepted a prostitution fair / bid. Remember that there are also children in the Realm.
  22. Stealing from Demo Account is like stealing our family ! Shame on you.
  23. I think tha the poor squirrel should at least say his (her) opinion, if not i will send a letter to the animal protect Also if we can keep this in the decent way.
  24. Hmm this starts to be interesting
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