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Posts posted by Akasha

  1. This topic does not refer to artisans guild (Select guild of artists, responsable of the game [b]artworks and avatars[/b]. If you are a talented artist, this is a place to start your jurney into the game team. ).

    Moved to offtopic.

  2. [url="http://tv2me.deviantart.com/art/Power-Girl-107904318"]http://tv2me.deviantart.com/art/Power-Girl-107904318[/url]



  3. I believe there is a small thing called Festival.
    Plus, the idea is to come with a nice role and keep playing it so in the end you get those tags when you already have them (i mean when you already are known for that role.)

    Names: your name is what you chose, if you don't like it you should not chose it, anyway, when it comes to Festival you can ask in your wish page a change of name.
    If your name is obscene will be banned, or if your name is a official one, you will be asked to suggest a new name for you.

    At least that is how things happen until now.

  4. In regard of Name Change and Tag description : those, in my opinion should not be in the Wishshop as there are too important .

    Names are helping your role, changing them (if not requested from a LHO to do that due to offensive name ) is not an option.

    Tag : that is also important ..someone tha has a tag is a PWR (attention! that does not mean will end up to be an RPC or that will play the role, as i saw most of the PWR's simply exists ..or are forgotten due to inactivity ) and if the population of elves and dwarfs or vampires etc will be able to give/change their tag we all will be eaten by them and the MD population will end up like a bad zombie movie :spiteful:
    Some can change the tags and add some official notes that are not true and might confuse some..

    Better the names and tags change ability to remain to some persons, that is my opinion.

  5. I personally think that half a year means a lot to MD and a lot of things happen during that period. So if, for more then 6 month you don't log in or keep connection to the game, you can be removed. Also think at the alts made (hmm Lib entered with all the libs in last 6 months ?:D) and that are forgotten out there.

    In 6 month if you hit 1 log in you are safe from the delete button. Plus, anything can happen in 6 month .i mean..it is half a year :D , your role will be lost and only few of us will remember that, mostly the veterans, that if you are not an RPC and you survive the delete button for that reason, but even as an RPC you are forgotten.

    If someone really wants to come back later will hit the log in at least 1 per week, if not daily for the active days. *points at the veterans that does not play but get the active days*


    As an adding to what Grido said:

    [quote]The accounts along with the associate data, creatures, docs, messages, etc, were transfered to a backup table and they will remain there until the next cleanup that will be probably done in two/three month or so.[/quote]

    So, only after 8-9 month your account will be deleted complete and with no option to resurrect it. I personally think this is more then reasonable.

  6. I have only 1 opinion about the 'children" *cough*alts*cough* is a SICK rp.
    Not to say that some comments are way to...OK he is the creator of the game but...put his name in each thing related to GOD and then i wander myself why ppl blame him for creating a cult, when he just created a game and some a cult for him.

    PS: the expression 'holy shit' is 'holy god?' i used to know it like holy shit..asking because i saw it holy mur...just to clear it for my own dictionary :spiteful:

    disclaimer: no offense , nothing personal .

    LE: Fenrir, no i hate alts , especially when used like this.
    I hate when sick rp/sick things happens in MD. You like to do it..make it private, make a dream, go in private locations. don't use a public location.

  7. As the actions, statements and rumors and private things started to degenerate till putrefaction i will let everybody know that i have nothing personal with Amoran's person but with her actions against MD, by actions i refer to everything she done (not the good things, but the bad ones). I never said to her anything in YM about the issue, not in private as rumors started to appear; swears on the forum, if you search for personal insults you will find lot's of them from her side to mine.

    As she is using my actions( to stop the BS spoken about MD and the BS bought into MD )to point that i have something personal and that i am fighting against her i will start IGNORING her as a person, so i will not 'fight' with her anymore and give her the chance to pose as a victim.

    This does not mean i agree with what she does or says, it means only i am trying to end this on my side.

  8. The person who made the game and drawings? :P just popped the answer to my head . If we start to ask questions for each location and start inventing ancient lore were would we be now? In present or past, buried in invented stories just to give an answer?

    Yes there are some places that hide answers and clues..but not all, few of them and it seems nobody is looking at those ..you know..you can't see the forest because of the trees.

    Disclaimer: i apologize if my answer is rude or hurt feelings, it is not intentioned to do that.

  9. I personaly think that the ideea comes from that poll, and that actions, in time become history, but niot the resent.

    There is a BIG difference in Present and History. You are in Present and role=playing something that may/may not be a historic document. You can't compare your rp from today with the historic documents, eg: Knaty retirement. The roles are important and what actions are documented.

    What happens with your character is one and can be a historic document (depends on the character role) but with an imaginary action it is harder to become a historic document.

  10. I would like to thank you all again,

    The first 5 that where selected and won by wish 1 wp or 1 Drachorn are:

    Willem RedBeard

    Keep helping us to enchant the spells.

    PS: if you wander were the spell are going :nea: you will need to find yourself.


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