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Everything posted by DARK DEMON

  1. Who is the fool who submitted Entry 1 for the avatar? This just got personal! :P :))
  2. You select the seven that you think are most prominent. If more than 7 are sent, I'll just look at the first 7. It is an entire clicky quest. Search the Labyrinth for the activator clicky which will start the quest and allow you to see all the clickies.
  3. I have already started receiving entries, hence that is not possible. Next time, perhaps indeed. Although I can assure that it wouldn't make the puniest difference whether I knew who's submission it was or not.
  4. Nope. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15989-the-labyrinth-2-results/?p=159033 As everyone can see, there was a huge fuss created last time. I will not let such a thing happen again. If you do not agree with the quest and how it is run, please feel free to not participate. Any further posts related to this matter will be removed.
  5. Okay, I thought it was understood, but I apologize for not being very explicit about this point. dst is allowed one more attempt. Main post edited.
  6. *cough* Update I would highly recommend that you VIEW AND EXPLORE the second Labyrinth before attempting to assume differences/similarities.
  7. Yes, there is a mini-quest, which will start at 21:00, to access the second Labyrinth.
  8. The following people are unfortunately not eligible to participate: 1) Chewett 2) Mur 3) Ailith 4) lashtal 5) Kyphis 6) Lone Wolf
  9. Important: No spells allowed for the duration of the quest (aka till 18:00 ST Sunday). If you see someone casting a spell, or have one casted on you, please do report. It is time! Don't miss the grand opening of the second Labyrinth at 21:00 ST today. And to make it even more special, we have a QUEST! Now, gaining access to the second Labyrinth is a mini-quest on its own, but there is more to it than that. What to do: PM me in-game or forum, any SEVEN points of comparison which you observe between the two Labyrinths (similarities, differences, anything) and give possible explanations for as many as you can. You can only submit your entries once only. The winner will be decided on the basis of a points system. Each similarity/difference gets you one point for mentioning it, along with 1-5 points for the explanation depending on how logical it is and how much it makes sense. All entries will be posted publicly after the quest is over. But that is not it: there is a bonus! The first 5 to submit get 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 extra points respectively! (first to submit gets 5 bonus points, second gets 4 bonus points, and so forth). The top 3 with the highest points win! Rewards are as follows First place: Wishpoint / GG drachorn Second place: Wishpoint / GG drachorn (whichever is left) Third place: 5 gold All rewards will be distributed on Sunday during the closing ceremony at 19:00 ST! Hope you all have fun and enjoy the hard work we all have put into this! Happy 10th MD Birthday :) Edit: quest starts at 21:00 ST, no submissions before that please :P
  10. Wherever whispers are present, they are accessible. (in other words: they are not present in obelisk scenes, etc)
  11. Let the celebrations for the 10th MD birthday begin! To start with, there is a small mini-quest prepared to get you up and running :D It is intended to last indefinitely. No race, no competition, etc. Everyone who completes it gets a reward. What you have to do: search and listen to all the whispers of the Labyrinth and PM them to me in-game or in forum Note: to complete this quest, you will need access to the Second Labyrinth as well, which is part of a separate quest announced in a separate thread.
  12. Then I bid 1 gold 10 silver!
  13. Say hello to the world's longest and trickiest cake! :rolleyes: This is the first time in years I've picked up a pencil with the intention to draw, so... >.> http://storenow.net/my/?f=ada7aefd5ef41f8a989a08991fd99fe0 Anyone notice the missing candle? I couldn't resist :)) P.S: no idea why the image is so huge...
  14. Happy birthday! :)
  15. Cleaned logs for the first session (14:00-15:30). It turned out to be a big success! I hope you all enjoyed as much, or even more, than I did! :D Thank you Z for holding this awesome event. Happy 10th MD birthday! :) _________________________________________________ [spoiler] [14/04/15 14:06] Dark Demon:NOOOOOO [14/04/15 14:07] :I am Bored waits for something to happen [14/04/15 14:07] Dark Demon:MY... CAARDS [14/04/15 14:07] :phantasm waits for Z to explode [14/04/15 14:07] dst: *whispers to IaB* you talk to the mad man...he seems your type [14/04/15 14:07] Dark Demon: *looks around, a black hood covering his face, pointing to the crowd* Who... who are you all....? [14/04/15 14:07] Dark Demon:What do you want from me...? [14/04/15 14:08] Chewett:More delusional than normal :P [14/04/15 14:08] :I am Bored Slips off Orvid and quickly hides his onsie, cap, crown, and skull [14/04/15 14:08] phantasm:and thats saying something [14/04/15 14:08] I am Bored: *walks towards the obviously broken-hearted man* ' [14/04/15 14:09] Dark Demon: *trembles and takes a few steps back* Personal space! [14/04/15 14:09] Dark Demon:Did your mom never teach you that!? [14/04/15 14:09] dst:defo your type IaB *grins* [14/04/15 14:09] I am Bored:Actually, no, she didn't. [14/04/15 14:09] JadenDew:Mm.. you mentioned something about cards? [14/04/15 14:09] :MaGoHi chuckles [14/04/15 14:09] Chewett:Go poke it? [14/04/15 14:09] Chewett:See what it does? [14/04/15 14:09] I am Bored:Now, you said something about your cards? What's wrong with them? [14/04/15 14:09] Dark Demon:My... my cards... [14/04/15 14:09] Dark Demon:MY CARDS [14/04/15 14:10] Dark Demon:SHOUTS: I refuse to talk until i get my cards! [14/04/15 14:10] Dark Demon:I was... was... walking.... [14/04/15 14:10] Dark Demon:yes, WALKING! [14/04/15 14:10] Dark Demon:through these lands... [14/04/15 14:10] Dark Demon:All my cards are gone! *starts crying* they're all gone!!! [14/04/15 14:11] apophys:Did you drop your cards somewhere? [14/04/15 14:11] MaGoHi:ask him how many cards [14/04/15 14:11] :dst passes Dark Demon some fake cards made of Bob leaves [14/04/15 14:11] :Zleiphneir frowns at dst [14/04/15 14:11] I am Bored:You know, there was this odd man by the name of Marvolo at the gazebo, who did seem to have an extrodinary amount of cards. [14/04/15 14:11] Dark Demon: *looks at these cards* What... what trickery is this..? [14/04/15 14:12] Dark Demon: *tosses them aside* I want MY cards! And my cats! [14/04/15 14:12] apophys:dst, bad. [14/04/15 14:12] I am Bored:Is it possible that you met him and gave them to him for some reason? [14/04/15 14:12] Dark Demon:My cards... are scattered all over the realm... [14/04/15 14:12] JadenDew:Mm.. are they creature cards or.. playeing cards.. or..? [14/04/15 14:12] apophys:I noticed while walking around, a card at Awiiya. Maybe it was one of yours? [14/04/15 14:12] Dark Demon:I am not aware of these vast lands... [14/04/15 14:13] Dark Demon:I had 5 beautiful cards [14/04/15 14:13] Dark Demon:With beautiful numbers on them [14/04/15 14:13] apophys:IT was numbered 4, if I remember right [14/04/15 14:13] Dark Demon:I called them 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5!! [14/04/15 14:13] :Orvid wanders off, pursueing a train of thought [14/04/15 14:13] dst:@apo:where did you see it? [14/04/15 14:13] Dark Demon:SHOUTS: *runs to magohi* beautiful names aren't they?! [14/04/15 14:13] I am Bored:Yes, very. [14/04/15 14:14] Dark Demon:I didn't ask you. Infidel. [14/04/15 14:14] apophys:@dst - at Awiiya, I said so already. :P [14/04/15 14:14] dst:sorry...I am multitasking :D [14/04/15 14:14] MaGoHi:yes, sir, but please remember what you said about personal space [14/04/15 14:14] I am Bored:Apophys, do you think we should start by taking you to the one card we do know the location of? [14/04/15 14:14] I am Bored:*him [14/04/15 14:14] dst:so...what should we do? take him there or bring the card here? [14/04/15 14:14] Dark Demon:What personal space... oh yes.. personal space *steps back but keeps staring at magohi* [14/04/15 14:15] Dark Demon:I must know where my cards are. [14/04/15 14:15] apophys:You need their coordinates, maybe? [14/04/15 14:15] Dark Demon:You cannot touch them or you die. [14/04/15 14:15] Dark Demon:Which of you are bravest? [14/04/15 14:16] dst: *gently pushes apo in front* he is [14/04/15 14:16] apophys:Hey, yolo. I volunteer. [14/04/15 14:16] I am Bored: *whispers* See! He wants a sacrifice! [14/04/15 14:16] :MaGoHi chuckles [14/04/15 14:16] Dark Demon:The bravest must go search the harshest land! [14/04/15 14:16] dst: *pats apo* I will revive you, no worries [14/04/15 14:16] JadenDew: *whispers* I think its closer to test subject [14/04/15 14:16] Dark Demon:Then the second bravest the second harshest! [14/04/15 14:16] Dark Demon:GO GO GO [14/04/15 14:16] dst:apo, you have East loyalty :D we chose you well :D [14/04/15 14:16] JadenDew:i volunteer for second.. [14/04/15 14:16] apophys:Which land is harshest, I wonder... [14/04/15 14:16] I am Bored:5 cards, 5 lands. [14/04/15 14:16] dst:East apophys, East! [14/04/15 14:17] dst:Jaden, are you going to Necro? [14/04/15 14:17] Dark Demon:Decide among yourselves! [14/04/15 14:17] apophys:Thanks dst. [14/04/15 14:17] dst:I can take Loreroot [14/04/15 14:17] JadenDew:If you believe it to be one per land.. I could go Necro [14/04/15 14:17] dst:we have to try [14/04/15 14:17] I am Bored:We know the location of the one in MDA, so we need someone to search MB, LR, GG, NC, and NML. [14/04/15 14:17] dst:ok, so, apophys East, Jaden Necro, I Loreroot [14/04/15 14:17] JadenDew:SO we overturn every stone,tree, clickie and skull for cards yes? [14/04/15 14:17] Dark Demon:You all must return within TEN MINUTES. [14/04/15 14:17] apophys:I suppose I'll head to the East. [14/04/15 14:18] dst:we still need MDA (maybe) and GG [14/04/15 14:18] :Zleiphneir checks his watch [14/04/15 14:18] apophys: *waves* I'll start searching, PM me if you need me [14/04/15 14:18] JadenDew:Ten mintues starting when..? [14/04/15 14:18] dst:wait...what if there is nothing to the east? [14/04/15 14:18] Dark Demon:Your tie has already begun! [14/04/15 14:18] Dark Demon:time* [14/04/15 14:18] dst:ok, I'll go LR and MB [14/04/15 14:18] I am Bored:I can grab NML and can send a friend through to GG if needed. [14/04/15 14:18] dst:Jaden, Necro [14/04/15 14:18] JadenDew:okay i will search Necro.. [14/04/15 14:18] :Dark Demon looks at his crystal ball and ignores everything else [14/04/15 14:18] dst:IaB - GG [14/04/15 14:18] JadenDew: *steps through the gate* i will be back [14/04/15 14:19] dst:and apo if you're quicj go search east [14/04/15 14:19] dst:we already know MDA [14/04/15 14:19] dst:see you here in a bit [14/04/15 14:20] :*Sasha Lilias* twitches as the saboteur in her struggles not to sabotage [14/04/15 14:21] :I am Bored gets hit by a paper airplane as he starts walking back up the path [14/04/15 14:21] :I am Bored reads the message [14/04/15 14:21] :Zleiphneir checks his watch...3 minutes down... [14/04/15 14:21] :Dark Demon keeps staring into his crystal ball [14/04/15 14:21] I am Bored: *says to nobody in-particular* It appears card 1 is at Cannon's Crossing [14/04/15 14:23] Dark Demon:I have too much on my mind! I cannot remember things like this [14/04/15 14:23] Dark Demon:Tell me all at once! Your time is still running out! [14/04/15 14:23] *Sunfire*:3 cards at the hidden shop [14/04/15 14:23] :Chewett grumbles about not being able to participate [14/04/15 14:23] :Zleiphneir checks his watch...5 minutes down... [14/04/15 14:24] I am Bored:card 3 you mean? [14/04/15 14:24] I am Bored:or 3 cards? [14/04/15 14:25] MaGoHi: *pulls out his pocket watch* hey Z check out this your watch is wrong [14/04/15 14:25] *Sunfire*:3 cards [14/04/15 14:25] I am Bored:Which ones? [14/04/15 14:26] :Zleiphneir checks his watch...7 minutes down [14/04/15 14:26] *Sunfire*:not specified [14/04/15 14:26] *Sunfire*:right, Mago [14/04/15 14:26] I am Bored:Where are cards 2 and 3? [14/04/15 14:26] :I am Bored awaits the last 2 expiditions [14/04/15 14:27] Clock Master:You alread know where the 4 and the 1 are [14/04/15 14:27] I am Bored:And card 5, forgot to say, it's at tranquil plains. [14/04/15 14:28] I am Bored:Card 1 - Cannon's Crossing Card 2 - Missing Card 3 - Hidden Shop Card 4 - Awiiya's Way Card 5 - Tranquil Plains [14/04/15 14:28] I am Bored:Is what I'm currently claiming it is. [14/04/15 14:28] I am Bored:Find any dst? [14/04/15 14:28] dst:Mistletoe Bridge -card 2 [14/04/15 14:28] dst:and the one from Hidden Shop [14/04/15 14:29] I am Bored:Card 1 - Cannon's Crossing Card 2 - Mistletoe Bridge Card 3 - Hidden Shop Card 4 - Awiiya's Way Card 5 - Tranquil Plains [14/04/15 14:29] :Zleiphneir puts his watch back in his pocket [14/04/15 14:29] dst:IaB, talk to him [14/04/15 14:29] I am Bored:Anything Jaden? [14/04/15 14:29] JadenDew:No cards in Necro x.x [14/04/15 14:29] dst:were there 6 cards? or 5? [14/04/15 14:30] :Dark Demon is examining his crystal ball [14/04/15 14:30] JadenDew:But i dont have graveyard access so I cant confirm that bit.. they are.. inside clickies or..? [14/04/15 14:30] MaGoHi:5 i think [14/04/15 14:30] dst:btw: no cards in Ug and MB as well [14/04/15 14:30] JadenDew:Im worried im looking for the wrong thing -_-.. [14/04/15 14:30] :I am Bored approachs the demon [14/04/15 14:30] dst:no Jaden, they were not in clickies [14/04/15 14:30] Dark Demon: *looks up at IAB and speaks in a kid's squeaky voice* ...did you find them? [14/04/15 14:31] I am Bored:I believe we have, yes. [14/04/15 14:31] I am Bored:Card 1 is at Cannon's Crossing, Card 2 is at Mistletoe Bridge, Card 3 is at Hidden Shop, Card 4 is at Awiiya's Way, and Card 5 is at Tranquil Plains. [14/04/15 14:32] Dark Demon:Horray! *throws the crystal ball up* I shall see to it at once...! [14/04/15 14:32] Dark Demon:Well, after I get rid of you rascals [14/04/15 14:32] dst: *mumbles to herself* strange fellow.... [14/04/15 14:32] :JadenDew giggles [14/04/15 14:32] :I am Bored takes up a defensive posture [14/04/15 14:33] :phantasm notices noone trying to catch the crystal ball in the air [14/04/15 14:33] dst: *produces a feather out of nowhere* bring it on! [14/04/15 14:33] Dark Demon:AT.....AT......AT......AT......AT [14/04/15 14:34] JadenDew: *hides behind I am Bored and whispers in his ear* You're tanking.. [14/04/15 14:34] phantasm:did anyone tell apophys they were found? [14/04/15 14:34] :Orvid gallops in just in time for the crystal ball to land square on the top of his head [14/04/15 14:34] JadenDew:mm good question phant.. [14/04/15 14:34] I am Bored:He'll be back eventually, we'll tell him then. [14/04/15 14:34] dst:I did [14/04/15 14:34] :phantasm send ap a note [14/04/15 14:34] phantasm:nice catch orvid [14/04/15 14:35] apophys:got them? [14/04/15 14:35] JadenDew:yep~ [14/04/15 14:35] dst:ye [14/04/15 14:35] Dark Demon:AAAAATTTT! [14/04/15 14:35] :Dark Demon coughs [14/04/15 14:35] :Orvid crumples into a heap in the middle of the path, [14/04/15 14:35] Dark Demon:at.... [14/04/15 14:35] Dark Demon: *coughs again* Let us proceed.. [14/04/15 14:35] JadenDew:at where..? [14/04/15 14:35] dst:at? is he set up on something? [14/04/15 14:36] phantasm:ive heard about these stuttering diseases, too much grasan ferment [14/04/15 14:36] Dark Demon:Now, I see you have found my cards... [14/04/15 14:36] Dark Demon:Since I am too busy playing on my new PlayCrystal 4, how do I know which ones are my cat's cards and which are mine?? [14/04/15 14:37] apophys: (playcrystal, rofl) [14/04/15 14:37] JadenDew:Your cat lost cards too...? [14/04/15 14:37] dst:O.o [14/04/15 14:37] :Dark Demon throws another crystal ball into the air [14/04/15 14:37] dst:ye, he said he lost his cards as well as his cat's [14/04/15 14:37] Dark Demon:My cat had 3 cards, and I had 2! [14/04/15 14:37] I am Bored:Well, does it matter whose cards they are? [14/04/15 14:38] *Sunfire*:look to the cards which are gnawed the most, those are definitely his [14/04/15 14:38] apophys:Shh, bored, listen. [14/04/15 14:38] Dark Demon:YOU... YOU BLASPHEMOUS NOOB [14/04/15 14:38] :MaGoHi shows his Crystaline structure to the strange man [14/04/15 14:38] Dark Demon:OF COURSE IT MATTERS! [14/04/15 14:38] Dark Demon:My cat will kill me! [14/04/15 14:38] apophys:So, could you describe your cat? [14/04/15 14:38] Dark Demon:My cat doesn't exist [14/04/15 14:39] Dark Demon:NOW tell me which one's are MY cards and which ones are my CAT's! [14/04/15 14:39] dst:IaB, could you please post the places where the cards were found? [14/04/15 14:39] MaGoHi:that makes it somewhat difficult [14/04/15 14:39] I am Bored:Card 1 is at Cannon's Crossing, Card 2 is at Mistletoe Bridge, Card 3 is at Hidden Shop, Card 4 is at Awiiya's Way, and Card 5 is at Tranquil Plains [14/04/15 14:40] dst:I KNOW :D [14/04/15 14:40] I am Bored:Cards 2 and 4 are yours, 1, 3, and 5 are your cat's. [14/04/15 14:40] dst:ha ha ha! [14/04/15 14:40] dst:awesome [14/04/15 14:40] dst:no IAB! [14/04/15 14:40] dst:let me [14/04/15 14:40] Dark Demon:WRONG! [14/04/15 14:40] dst:1, 4, 5 are cat's 2 and 3 are his [14/04/15 14:40] Dark Demon:CORRECT! *cheers* [14/04/15 14:40] phantasm:well where would a cat go.... [14/04/15 14:41] phantasm:nice [14/04/15 14:41] apophys: (How did you figure that one?...) [14/04/15 14:41] Clock Master: (first letters) [14/04/15 14:41] dst:yeah, first letters [14/04/15 14:41] dst:1,3,5 spell CAT [14/04/15 14:42] dst:wait...1,4,5, [14/04/15 14:42] Dark Demon:Well done well done (thank you thank you) [14/04/15 14:42] apophys: :P [14/04/15 14:42] :JadenDew giggles [14/04/15 14:42] I am Bored:I had that already, but I discounted it due to not being able to spell MY. :P [14/04/15 14:42] dst: *does the happy dance* I still haven't lost my cryptology skills :D [14/04/15 14:42] dst: :D :D :D [14/04/15 14:42] Dark Demon: (and 2 and 3 are "M"istletoe Bridge and "Y"e ol' hidden shoppe) [14/04/15 14:42] dst:cause you din't take the whole name IaB :P [14/04/15 14:43] Dark Demon:ROPE [14/04/15 14:43] I am Bored:You didn't give the whole name :P [14/04/15 14:43] Dark Demon:ROPE....ROPE... ROPE.. [14/04/15 14:43] Dark Demon:ROPE!!!! [14/04/15 14:43] :Dark Demon coughs [14/04/15 14:43] Dark Demon:rope... [14/04/15 14:43] dst:pff...you already had Ye Old blabla [14/04/15 14:43] :Dark Demon coughs again [14/04/15 14:43] apophys:Rope? [14/04/15 14:43] dst:what rope? [14/04/15 14:43] dst:maybe rophs but he's not here... [14/04/15 14:43] Dark Demon: *coughs* Nothing, let us proceed [14/04/15 14:43] dst:O.o not over yet? [14/04/15 14:43] apophys:Probably not. [14/04/15 14:44] Dark Demon:RIDDLE TIME!!! [14/04/15 14:44] JadenDew:yay [14/04/15 14:44] Dark Demon:WHO LIKES RIDDLES? *dances with everybody, holding hands with random people* [14/04/15 14:44] I am Bored:Atropy. [14/04/15 14:44] dst:oh noes! I suck at riddles... [14/04/15 14:44] JadenDew:personal space~ *shuffles away* [14/04/15 14:44] :Dark Demon goes into serious mode and lets go of everybody's hands, then puts his hood over his head and walks a distance away [14/04/15 14:45] :dst remembers she snlisted to dancing contest and shivers [14/04/15 14:45] :JadenDew giggles [14/04/15 14:45] Dark Demon: *looks up at the sky and speaks in a cool voice* In my travels, I came across a stangle interesting artifact... [14/04/15 14:45] Dark Demon:The cube. [14/04/15 14:45] apophys:Strangle! [14/04/15 14:46] Dark Demon: (strange*) [14/04/15 14:46] I am Bored:strangly even? [14/04/15 14:46] Dark Demon:Now, it intriguied me greatly [14/04/15 14:46] dst:if it was a half brain, we already know who it is... [14/04/15 14:46] Dark Demon:I researched into it and solved many of its mysteries and found secrets [14/04/15 14:46] Dark Demon:But there is one question I could not answer... *sighs* [14/04/15 14:46] dst:42! [14/04/15 14:46] Dark Demon:So I will ask you: HOW MANY SIDES DOES YOUR MD CUBE HAVE? [14/04/15 14:47] Dark Demon:Whisper the answer to my ear (aka PM me) [14/04/15 14:47] I am Bored:0. [14/04/15 14:47] apophys:Every cube has 6 faces... [14/04/15 14:47] Dark Demon:If more than 5 of you give the correct answer, we proceed! [14/04/15 14:47] dst:I have a pyramid.... :D [14/04/15 14:47] Dark Demon: (5 or more*) [14/04/15 14:47] apophys:Sides... huh... [14/04/15 14:47] JadenDew:are sides faces, vertexes or edges...? *cant decide* [14/04/15 14:47] Dark Demon:You have a minute! [14/04/15 14:48] :Zleiphneir checks his watch [14/04/15 14:48] :Dark Demon goes silent and plays on his PlayCrystal 4 [14/04/15 14:48] I am Bored:Of course, it's _our_ cubes. [14/04/15 14:48] JadenDew:so what are we sending? [14/04/15 14:48] phantasm:i agree with apophys all cubes have 6 sides [14/04/15 14:48] *Sunfire*:think out of the box *chuckles* [14/04/15 14:49] dst:I have no cube [14/04/15 14:49] :I am Bored already whispered his answer while the question was being asked [14/04/15 14:49] Dark Demon:Hmmph, how disappointing! [14/04/15 14:49] apophys:If it doesn't have 6 sides, it isn't a cube, so 6 is what I PMed. [14/04/15 14:49] dst:actually you have 6 faces on the outside and 6 on the inside [14/04/15 14:50] :Zleiphneir puts his watch back in his pocket [14/04/15 14:50] dst:so basically you have 12... [14/04/15 14:50] I am Bored:That is _your_ cube. [14/04/15 14:50] phantasm:ah true [14/04/15 14:50] Dark Demon:I have only recieved one correct answer so far [14/04/15 14:50] apophys:That's not a cube dst [14/04/15 14:50] apophys:That's a hollow box [14/04/15 14:50] dst:it is! but seen from inside and outside [14/04/15 14:50] phantasm:the cube is really a box anyway isnt it? [14/04/15 14:50] JadenDew:wait who sent wat already.. [14/04/15 14:50] apophys:a cube is by definition solid [14/04/15 14:50] Dark Demon:It seems I will have to lower my expectations!! [14/04/15 14:50] phantasm:isnt the cube the paper cabin we wake in? [14/04/15 14:50] Dark Demon:One more correct answer, and we shall proceed [14/04/15 14:51] dst:so what? you're entrapped in a solid cube... [14/04/15 14:51] :[Spell] Behold the glory of cake! Phantasm, MRAlyon, Eara Meraia [14/04/15 14:51] I am Bored:So, the answer is either 0, or 6, depending on what dst answered? [14/04/15 14:51] JadenDew:phant and apophy.. did you send 6s? IaB 0? and dst...? [14/04/15 14:51] dst:I didn't send anything [14/04/15 14:51] Dark Demon:Did dst not answer 12? [14/04/15 14:51] phantasm:dst said she had no cube [14/04/15 14:51] apophys:I sent 6 [14/04/15 14:51] dst:yeah, that was my first answer :D [14/04/15 14:51] JadenDew:did phant send? [14/04/15 14:52] I am Bored:A cube does have 12 edges, that is true. [14/04/15 14:52] phantasm:i just sent [14/04/15 14:52] dst:told you I suck at riddles [14/04/15 14:52] JadenDew:which number, 6? [14/04/15 14:52] phantasm:yes 6 [14/04/15 14:52] Dark Demon:SILENCE, INFIDELS! [14/04/15 14:52] apophys:send 12; he might mean edges [14/04/15 14:52] I am Bored:NEVER! [14/04/15 14:52] JadenDew:so if DD only gets 1 correct pm .. then 6 is out.. [14/04/15 14:52] Dark Demon:I asked of the MD Cube, not a literal cube! [14/04/15 14:53] Dark Demon:Hence the correct answers would be either 2, or 12! [14/04/15 14:53] dst:ahahahahaha! [14/04/15 14:53] dst:omg [14/04/15 14:53] dst:need to start trusting my instincts... [14/04/15 14:53] phantasm:well if the cube is the paper cabin, then it would be 12, the outside and inside, like dst said [14/04/15 14:53] JadenDew:whats an MD cube? [14/04/15 14:53] I am Bored:You asked _OUR_ MD cube. [14/04/15 14:53] Clock Master:Yay [14/04/15 14:53] Dark Demon:You are all trapped in cubes you are not aware of! [14/04/15 14:54] Dark Demon:You only see the inside. YOUR side! [14/04/15 14:54] Dark Demon:But there is always another side of every story [14/04/15 14:54] Dark Demon:One that you cannot see [14/04/15 14:54] Dark Demon:HMMPH. [14/04/15 14:54] Dark Demon:Now let us proceed [14/04/15 14:54] apophys:Yeah, trick questions are hard. [14/04/15 14:55] Dark Demon:You see 6, but there are always 12 [14/04/15 14:55] Dark Demon:NOW [14/04/15 14:55] Dark Demon:Mur has been generous and given one of you 15 GOLD COINS! [14/04/15 14:55] :JadenDew noms her cheesecakes [14/04/15 14:55] dst:lies! [14/04/15 14:55] Dark Demon:AND, he has released new special deluxe rainbow candies!! [14/04/15 14:55] apophys: :o [14/04/15 14:55] apophys:Do want [14/04/15 14:55] Dark Demon:He has decided to open up his new stall [14/04/15 14:56] JadenDew:CANDY? WHERE! [14/04/15 14:56] Dark Demon:1 gold coin for one candy! [14/04/15 14:56] Dark Demon: (listen carefully, you dont want to miss a single detail) [14/04/15 14:56] :I am Bored knew he should have planned for the blessings eventuality [14/04/15 14:56] Dark Demon:For every three WRAPPERS, you get one free candy!! [14/04/15 14:56] Dark Demon:How many such candies can you eat with 15 gold coins?? [14/04/15 14:57] Dark Demon:You have 3 minutes and your time starts NOW. [14/04/15 14:57] :Zleiphneir checks his watch [14/04/15 14:57] apophys:21? [14/04/15 14:57] JadenDew:21 [14/04/15 14:57] JadenDew:no wait [14/04/15 14:57] apophys:nope, 22 [14/04/15 14:57] dst:22 [14/04/15 14:57] JadenDew:22 [14/04/15 14:57] dst:22, yes [14/04/15 14:58] :Dark Demon is playing on his PlayCrystal 4, but he is not very good at it, so he will probably lose in about 1 minute [14/04/15 14:58] JadenDew:with one wrapper left? or are my fingers counting wrong? [14/04/15 14:58] I am Bored:23, because I feel like being the odd man out. [14/04/15 14:58] apophys:lolbored [14/04/15 14:58] :Dark Demon loses [14/04/15 14:58] phantasm:15 candies, 15 wrappers, 3 wrappers per candy makes 5 more candy [14/04/15 14:58] :Dark Demon throws up this crystal ball up into the air too [14/04/15 14:58] Dark Demon:THE ANSWER IS 22, YES! [14/04/15 14:59] :JadenDew tries to catch the PlayCrystal4 [14/04/15 14:59] :Orvid starts to stand up, but then 2 more crystal balls fall on his head and he crumples again [14/04/15 14:59] JadenDew:Always wnated a new game console... [14/04/15 14:59] Dark Demon:You buy 15 candies, eat them all up, use them to get 5 more, you've eaten 20 now. Then you use those 5 wrappers to get 1 more candy with 2 wrappers extra. Then you eat this one candy, use its wrapper [14/04/15 14:59] :apophys is proud to have answered fastest [14/04/15 14:59] Dark Demon:with the 2 earlier wrappers to eat 22! [14/04/15 15:00] Dark Demon:Well done! [14/04/15 15:00] *Sasha Lilias*:And then you buy a bucket to be sick. [14/04/15 15:00] :JadenDew picks up the crystal that have bounced off Orvid's head [14/04/15 15:00] Dark Demon:NOW, ONE MORE! [14/04/15 15:00] :dst feels dizzy [14/04/15 15:00] *Eagle Eye*:excelent apo [14/04/15 15:01] Dark Demon:Mur wants to take a serial killer, a water dowser, and a bucket of water across his River of Death for a special experiment! [14/04/15 15:01] Dark Demon:However, his boat can only accommodate 1 item apart from himself. How will he get all three across safely??? [14/04/15 15:01] :JadenDew giggles [14/04/15 15:01] apophys:Clarification: will the killer kill Mur? [14/04/15 15:02] Dark Demon:NO! Mur is immortal! [14/04/15 15:02] JadenDew: *laughs* figures [14/04/15 15:02] apophys:I have the answer, but it's long [14/04/15 15:02] I am Bored:Dump the bucket of water, put it on the serial killer's head, bring the blind killer across, go back, get the water douser, take the bucket off the killer's head, and fill it up again. [14/04/15 15:02] Dark Demon:I need long answers yes! [14/04/15 15:02] dst:pfff.... [14/04/15 15:02] dst:let's see: [14/04/15 15:03] Dark Demon:WRONG! It is a river of DEATH, not water! [14/04/15 15:03] Asthir:Take Doser, return, take bucket and replace with dose, return, take murderer, return, take doser :P [14/04/15 15:03] dst:bah! Ashtir was faster than me! [14/04/15 15:03] Dark Demon:SHOUTS: This sphere like thing has done it!! [14/04/15 15:03] apophys:Mur takes the killer across, comes back to get one of the others, goes across, swaps the guy for the killer... [14/04/15 15:03] *Sunfire*:take dowser, return, take killer, return with dowser, go with water, return, go with water [14/04/15 15:03] :Dark Demon jumps on Asthir and plays drums on him with his fists [14/04/15 15:04] :I am Bored prefers his answer [14/04/15 15:04] Dark Demon:I will make PlayCrystal 5 out of this guy! [14/04/15 15:04] *Sunfire*:dowser as last [14/04/15 15:04] Asthir:O.O [14/04/15 15:04] apophys:comes back with the killer, swaps for last guy, brings him across, comes back for killer [14/04/15 15:04] apophys:End [14/04/15 15:04] Dark Demon:apophys, that would be wrong [14/04/15 15:04] dst:I think I like IaB's solution more... [14/04/15 15:04] Dark Demon:if he takes killer across, the water dowser will have harvested the water! [14/04/15 15:04] apophys:Is that a problem? [14/04/15 15:05] Dark Demon:Yes, he needed all those 3 things exactly as they were, untouched! [14/04/15 15:05] Dark Demon:NOW [14/04/15 15:05] Dark Demon:16 06 68 88 _ _ 98 [14/04/15 15:05] Dark Demon:SHOUTS: Tell me the missing number!! [14/04/15 15:05] phantasm:Let the serial killer kill the dowser, then Mur kill the serial killer, pile them on the boat, and the bucket [14/04/15 15:06] phantasm:crossing the river of death, Mur can ressurect them [14/04/15 15:06] apophys:89 [14/04/15 15:06] MaGoHi:78 [14/04/15 15:06] apophys:sorry, ignore me [14/04/15 15:06] phantasm:08 [14/04/15 15:06] MaGoHi:you have to look upsidedown [14/04/15 15:06] I am Bored:90 [14/04/15 15:07] Chewett:87 [14/04/15 15:07] apophys:78 indeed [14/04/15 15:07] phantasm:ah nice mag *turs unpside down* [14/04/15 15:07] Orvid:42! [14/04/15 15:07] phantasm:87 [14/04/15 15:07] apophys:gj mag [14/04/15 15:07] Chewett:http://www.algebra.c...ion.795220.html [14/04/15 15:07] Chewett:Googling solutions are not great... [14/04/15 15:07] Dark Demon:Phantasm is correct! [14/04/15 15:07] *Sunfire*:79 [14/04/15 15:07] Chewett: :( [14/04/15 15:07] apophys:wat. [14/04/15 15:07] phantasm:chewy was first [14/04/15 15:07] dst:87... [14/04/15 15:07] Chewett:What [14/04/15 15:07] Chewett:I said that first [14/04/15 15:07] Chewett:Bugger you all! [14/04/15 15:07] dst:you spam Chew! [14/04/15 15:07] Zleiphneir: (your a team it shouldnt matter who was first....) [14/04/15 15:07] apophys:DD, Chewett said 87 first [14/04/15 15:08] Dark Demon: (I cannot see Chew's posts because we are blocked) [14/04/15 15:08] Dark Demon:It does not matter who said first! [14/04/15 15:08] Chewett:I can see him [14/04/15 15:08] I am Bored:The wookie doesn't count :P [14/04/15 15:08] apophys: :P [14/04/15 15:08] Chewett:Bugger this [14/04/15 15:08] dst:as Miq said: Sir Spamallot! :D [14/04/15 15:08] Dark Demon:87 is the correct answer! [14/04/15 15:08] apophys:Aw, chewy. :3 [14/04/15 15:08] *Eagle Eye*:marvelous Chew [14/04/15 15:08] phantasm:nice job chewy [14/04/15 15:08] apophys:Chewy left. :( [14/04/15 15:09] I am Bored:You said 1 more question 2 questions ago. [14/04/15 15:09] Dark Demon:I can do whatever I want! [14/04/15 15:09] phantasm:Mag was right in looking upside down, but had his numbers crossed [14/04/15 15:09] apophys:So, what now. [14/04/15 15:09] MaGoHi:it has to be crossed [14/04/15 15:09] Dark Demon:After all, its you who's dying to stick with me! [14/04/15 15:09] Dark Demon:I'm trying to get rid of you all! [14/04/15 15:09] MaGoHi:19 was crossed too [14/04/15 15:10] MaGoHi:depends on your view *chuckles* [14/04/15 15:10] phantasm:very true [14/04/15 15:10] Asthir:My math is terrible, I just don't get the last one :)) [14/04/15 15:10] Dark Demon:Now, for the last phase [14/04/15 15:10] Dark Demon:SHOUTS: All of you must pm me one sentence describing yourself! [14/04/15 15:10] :I am Bored passed Barrel to Dark Demon [14/04/15 15:10] :I am Bored takes out his barrel and sticks it, upside down, on Dark Demon's head [14/04/15 15:10] Dark Demon:What do you think about yourself? [14/04/15 15:10] Dark Demon:NOOOOOOOO! [14/04/15 15:11] :Dark Demon watches the crystal ball on his head break and the pieces fall in front of him [14/04/15 15:11] apophys:Bored, bad. [14/04/15 15:11] :Dark Demon cries [14/04/15 15:11] I am Bored:There, now we are all gone. [14/04/15 15:11] phantasm:hmm pm once sentence describing oneself [14/04/15 15:11] Dark Demon:Only received 2 so far! Need at least 5 or 6! [14/04/15 15:13] Dark Demon:Alright, now, all of you must say one sentence here now, to describe Asthir! [14/04/15 15:13] apophys:In PM? [14/04/15 15:13] *Sunfire*:fenthball [14/04/15 15:13] Dark Demon: (nah just say it in chat, this is for a laugh) [14/04/15 15:13] I am Bored:He is Asthir. [14/04/15 15:13] apophys:Not a sentence, Sunny. [14/04/15 15:14] phantasm: (lol I am groot) [14/04/15 15:14] MaGoHi:he is fun [14/04/15 15:14] Dark Demon:Or word or phrase, anything [14/04/15 15:14] phantasm:Asthir is from Romania [14/04/15 15:14] mcvitie:He is black. [14/04/15 15:14] :Menhir passed Sand to Eagle Eye [14/04/15 15:14] Asthir: :))) [14/04/15 15:14] Dark Demon:LEL [14/04/15 15:14] apophys:Asthir absorbs others into himself. [14/04/15 15:14] Dark Demon:And what does he say about himself? "I am spherical!" [14/04/15 15:15] *Eagle Eye*:Asthir is awesome, you know it;) [14/04/15 15:15] Dark Demon:yes Asthir you are, and I will make a PlayCrystal 5 out of you [14/04/15 15:15] Dark Demon:Next up, PHANTASM [14/04/15 15:15] Dark Demon:How would you describe him? [14/04/15 15:15] :Asthir shapes up and bows to Eagle [14/04/15 15:15] phantasm:lol spherical [14/04/15 15:15] Menhir:A...s...t...h...i...r [14/04/15 15:15] mcvitie:Haggardy old corpse carrier. [14/04/15 15:15] I am Bored:Ghostly white. [14/04/15 15:16] apophys:Phantasm is a caretaker. [14/04/15 15:16] Asthir:I was gonna say ghostly, but you beat me to it! [14/04/15 15:16] dst:old [14/04/15 15:16] *Eagle Eye*:Phantasm is brave and strong on his kind [14/04/15 15:16] Dark Demon:Well phantasm, looks like you have a good idea how people think of you. Phantasm says: "I am an old pile of grump" [14/04/15 15:16] phantasm:mcvitie was really close [14/04/15 15:16] Asthir:XD [14/04/15 15:16] mcvitie: :)) [14/04/15 15:16] apophys:Nice [14/04/15 15:16] :MaGoHi laughs [14/04/15 15:16] Dark Demon:Next, apophys! [14/04/15 15:16] mcvitie:Just say it as I see it. ;) [14/04/15 15:17] apophys: :D [14/04/15 15:17] dst:fun [14/04/15 15:17] MaGoHi:blocker *laughs* [14/04/15 15:17] mcvitie:A snake in a basket, with no snake and no basket. [14/04/15 15:17] phantasm:apophys is an Eastlander with a thrive for questing [14/04/15 15:17] Dark Demon:Well, he says "I procrastinate." [14/04/15 15:17] *Eagle Eye*:Apophys is a mirror;) [14/04/15 15:18] I am Bored:Loves long walks. [14/04/15 15:18] mcvitie:Am I winning? [14/04/15 15:18] Asthir:Apophys is a god? [14/04/15 15:18] dst:bad god! bad bad god! [14/04/15 15:18] Dark Demon:such a huge variety of opinions! [14/04/15 15:18] apophys::3 [14/04/15 15:18] Dark Demon:But now we have.... DST [14/04/15 15:19] MaGoHi:alliance leader [14/04/15 15:19] phantasm:egomeniacle genious [14/04/15 15:19] I am Bored:Daylight savings time, evil. [14/04/15 15:19] *Sunfire*:loyal [14/04/15 15:19] Asthir:Dst claws and scratches :D [14/04/15 15:19] apophys:A tsundere who loves everyone unconditionally. [14/04/15 15:19] mcvitie:"I worship my creator and I am a self-made woman." [14/04/15 15:19] *Eagle Eye*:dst is always watching us [14/04/15 15:19] Asthir:Good one EE :)) [14/04/15 15:19] Dark Demon:"Always right, even when wrong." she says. Pretty close to phantasm I'd say :P [14/04/15 15:19] :dst sneezes [14/04/15 15:20] MaGoHi: (brb) [14/04/15 15:20] :phantasm chuckles [14/04/15 15:20] Dark Demon:Next up, Eagle Eye! [14/04/15 15:20] :*Eagle Eye* smiles [14/04/15 15:20] dst:waaay too cheerful [14/04/15 15:20] phantasm:Eagle Eye is the protector of all, harmer of non [14/04/15 15:20] dst:this guy is NEVER sad [14/04/15 15:20] I am Bored:Almighty wasp king! [14/04/15 15:20] Asthir:Too good :P [14/04/15 15:20] Dark Demon:ahahahah dst got it! Eagle says he is "Always happy" [14/04/15 15:21] *Eagle Eye*:hahhaa bravo dst [14/04/15 15:21] *Syrian*: (what are we doing? i just got back) [14/04/15 15:21] Dark Demon: (questopolis!) [14/04/15 15:21] :apophys claps [14/04/15 15:21] phantasm: (guessing what people think of themselves) [14/04/15 15:21] Asthir: (Guessing descriptions :P) [14/04/15 15:21] apophys:Anyone else? [14/04/15 15:21] Dark Demon:Lastly, we have MaGoHi! [14/04/15 15:21] I am Bored: (no idea, and I've been here the entire time :P) [14/04/15 15:21] *Syrian*: (ohh, too late for me to join in on that?) [14/04/15 15:21] apophys:A slave in love. [14/04/15 15:21] phantasm:mahohi is a noob [14/04/15 15:21] I am Bored:What about me? I sent you one as well! [14/04/15 15:22] Dark Demon: (oi yes, sorry IAB) [14/04/15 15:22] :I am Bored feels left out [14/04/15 15:22] Dark Demon:Second last* [14/04/15 15:22] Asthir:Magohi is Mango :P [14/04/15 15:22] *Eagle Eye*:MaGoHi humble [14/04/15 15:22] Dark Demon:Wow, well he says he "is a rather silent fellow until he gets to know you he can be fun when you let him." [14/04/15 15:22] *Syrian*: (i guess thats a yes, i cant join in :P) [14/04/15 15:22] Dark Demon:So yeah, get to know him, people! [14/04/15 15:22] phantasm:hmm noone was clsoe on that one [14/04/15 15:22] dst:MaGo is FUN! [14/04/15 15:23] phantasm:EE was closest [14/04/15 15:23] mcvitie:NO [14/04/15 15:23] mcvitie:MANGO IS MINE [14/04/15 15:23] Menhir:this is too easy ... why you don´t come up with something about someone nearly nobody knows [14/04/15 15:23] apophys:He's not quite as silent as he thinks. [14/04/15 15:23] mcvitie: :)) [14/04/15 15:23] Menhir:me [14/04/15 15:23] Zleiphneir: (syrian, we are in the last 7 minutes of this quest so you will be at a massive disadvantage) [14/04/15 15:23] Dark Demon:Then, in the end we have IAB! [14/04/15 15:23] Zleiphneir: (but if you want to join in, go for it) [14/04/15 15:23] blackshade rider:*bows to those present [14/04/15 15:23] blackshade rider:oops [14/04/15 15:23] :MaGoHi chuckles [14/04/15 15:23] phantasm:IAB is a world eater, i know I've been inside his stomach more then once [14/04/15 15:23] Asthir:IaB is bored! [14/04/15 15:24] Dark Demon: (Menhir, this is just the end of it, we're having a laugh, the tricky stuff has passed.... i think :D) [14/04/15 15:24] :blackshade rider bows [14/04/15 15:24] apophys:Bored is bored [14/04/15 15:24] MaGoHi:hello blacky [14/04/15 15:24] *Sunfire*:dedicated worker [14/04/15 15:24] *Syrian*: (ah this is part of a full quest? i thought it wa sjust some fun going on about guessing descriptions :P) [14/04/15 15:24] blackshade rider:hello. afk 10 min [14/04/15 15:24] Dark Demon:hahaha you got it, he says "I AM BORED!" [14/04/15 15:24] mcvitie:"I don't get this." [14/04/15 15:24] *Syrian*: (thanks for not ignoring me though, since DD didnt even reply about my question :P) [14/04/15 15:24] Zleiphneir: (its both) [14/04/15 15:24] Menhir:I knew it [14/04/15 15:24] mcvitie:I was closest. [14/04/15 15:24] mcvitie:Psht. [14/04/15 15:24] Zleiphneir: (he's in character) [14/04/15 15:24] mcvitie:Winning. [14/04/15 15:24] Zleiphneir: (im here to help with random questions) [14/04/15 15:24] Dark Demon: (sorry Sy, I'm managing a lot of stuf right now, i totally missed it) [14/04/15 15:24] Dark Demon: (Z is the manager of this) [14/04/15 15:25] Dark Demon: (i apologize) [14/04/15 15:25] :Zleiphneir checks his watch, 5 minutes remain [14/04/15 15:25] Dark Demon:Alright, we're done with this phase. [14/04/15 15:25] Dark Demon:Lets have a final bonus round [14/04/15 15:25] :Dark Demon coughs [14/04/15 15:25] Dark Demon:POSE. [14/04/15 15:25] Dark Demon:POSE... POSE... POSE... [14/04/15 15:25] Dark Demon:pose... [14/04/15 15:25] :Dark Demon coughs again [14/04/15 15:25] :apophys stretches [14/04/15 15:25] :Asthir stretches [14/04/15 15:25] Dark Demon:Very well, are you all ready? [14/04/15 15:25] Asthir: ( ((: ) [14/04/15 15:26] :phantasm poses like a greek god holding a thunderbolt [14/04/15 15:26] :MaGoHi yawns [14/04/15 15:26] Dark Demon: (lol phantasm) [14/04/15 15:26] :dst need pee break [14/04/15 15:26] Dark Demon:The final question of them all [14/04/15 15:26] Dark Demon:IS [14/04/15 15:26] Dark Demon:What..... [14/04/15 15:26] I am Bored: (you can have that in 4 minute DST) [14/04/15 15:26] Dark Demon:........is my name? [14/04/15 15:26] I am Bored:At rope pose? [14/04/15 15:27] Dark Demon:WRONG [14/04/15 15:27] Asthir: (real name?) [14/04/15 15:27] dst:Crazy fellow with imaginary cat [14/04/15 15:27] Dark Demon: (oh ffs no, this character's name lol) [14/04/15 15:27] Dark Demon: (not DD, the mysterious guy he's playing) [14/04/15 15:27] Dark Demon:WRONG [14/04/15 15:27] Asthir: (oh lol) [14/04/15 15:27] I am Bored:Schrodinger? [14/04/15 15:28] phantasm: [Video link] [14/04/15 15:28] Dark Demon:One of you is close however [14/04/15 15:28] mcvitie:Phaha [14/04/15 15:28] :WittyLeWat raises her brows at the crowd [14/04/15 15:28] :WittyLeWat waves [14/04/15 15:29] :I am Bored definately votes that he's Schrodinger [14/04/15 15:29] :Zleiphneir checks his watch, 2 minutes left... [14/04/15 15:29] Menhir:I know ... but wont tell [14/04/15 15:29] :apophys waves to Witty and motions her to be quiet [14/04/15 15:29] Asthir:March Hare? :P [14/04/15 15:29] Dark Demon:wrong wrong wrong! all wrong! [14/04/15 15:29] Dark Demon:My name [14/04/15 15:29] Dark Demon:is [14/04/15 15:29] Dark Demon:ATROPOS! [14/04/15 15:29] apophys:The mad hatter? [14/04/15 15:29] phantasm:fred! [14/04/15 15:29] Dark Demon: (you had to pronounce it IAB :P) [14/04/15 15:29] Asthir:Wilma! [14/04/15 15:29] mcvitie:Menhir and Blackshade, you hould both have the MD 10th Birthday Achievement. [14/04/15 15:30] dst:who's atropos? [14/04/15 15:30] I am Bored: :D [14/04/15 15:30] phantasm:your the goddess of fate? [14/04/15 15:30] Dark Demon:At-rope-pose [14/04/15 15:30] dst:I know that [14/04/15 15:30] :WittyLeWat nods and walks over to apo, sitting on the grass next to him, watching the crowd [14/04/15 15:30] :Menhir nods tp mcvitie [14/04/15 15:30] dst:but I have no idea who atropos is... [14/04/15 15:30] phantasm:atropose is the greed goddess of fate [14/04/15 15:30] phantasm:the one who holds the snips and cuts peoples life thread [14/04/15 15:30] Zleiphneir:well done all... [14/04/15 15:30] Zleiphneir:heat warriors, ready yourself for transport [14/04/15 15:30] :Dark Demon takes off his hood and his disguise [14/04/15 15:30] apophys:Well that was fun. [14/04/15 15:30] Asthir:Ooooh boy [14/04/15 15:31] Dark Demon:Hope you all enjoyed that! [14/04/15 15:31] Zleiphneir:thank you Mysterion, you were fantastic [14/04/15 15:31] dst:fun! [14/04/15 15:31] Dark Demon:Thank you :) [14/04/15 15:31] phantasm: *claps* well done DD [14/04/15 15:31] Dark Demon: (will someone take logs or should I?) [14/04/15 15:32] Zleiphneir: (I can pull the logs) [14/04/15 15:32] Dark Demon: (okie dokie) [14/04/15 15:32] :[Spell] so whats that buzz Tree [/spoiler]
  16. Alright, oh well :P Let me know if you could still use the WPs.
  17. I sponsor this with 2 WP's for the players who win the first place.
  18. Thanks, Chew! You da man
  19. I don't think its right to blame day hosts for not meeting your expectations. Remember that they too are willing to sacrifice time and effort. IMO ten was too huge a number in the first place. Too many things to manage. Take this as a learning experience. Let it run as it is for the moment. Next year just make a group of a few old trusted volunteers to co-organize it with you, eg: person X manages for the first 3 days with all the questmakers within, person Y manages for the next 3 days with all the questmakers within, etc. Convey everything to these 3-4 people, I mean everything. What sort of tools, what sort of rewards, etc. And these 3-4 people will forward the info to the questmakers and answer any questions where necessary. Personally I think this will save a lot of time for you AND solve the rewards problem. Note: This is just a suggestion, but I believe it can work. __________________________ Yeah sure you can "just write TBC" but the point is that it shouldn't be happening. We've had quests for years now and it should be obvious how much each is worth. Edit: and yeah, what Z said: we're only suggesting and trying to help. Don't take it as bad criticism...
  20. Possibly because of what Z said in the end: rewards are fuel for participation/motivation to win.
  21. Due to unfortunate RL circumstances I will have to withdraw this tournament. I am very sorry to all :(
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