No, RP items are intended to be non-functional and hence fall under the "common" category.
A side thought: doesn't the taming of knators happen after you buy them --- while leveling them up? (rather than before you buy them...)
And I think what Myth meant by being wild was that the GG "species" should have higher costs when recruiting, right?
Honestly, all the specifics can be decided later/during the creation of such a quest/story.
If you want me to sugarcoat it for you:
You have ideas from us. Like Rophs suggested, berries can be grown on GG which attract Winderwilds, or a war happened which caused Winderwilds to migrate. Now make it happen. How? It can be anything, be creative. Want an example? Personally I'd do something like create quests until I can get permission/trust for A25 tools to create one quest. Then I'd form a storyline related to berries in GG, or maybe a disease that affects Winderwilds in MB, etc, I don't know.
Just like in the other Hounds topic, it seems like you are asking us to do it for you (or get it coded for you) which shouldn't be the case.
You got approval of the idea from the community, and nobody is against it, it means now you can proceed on doing it, and you will get support where needed. So go ahead, and inform us of your endeavors as you progress!
BUT, don't think that it will happen overnight.
Another hint: Many players used to open up log topics on the forums where they posted their RP stuff. Perhaps you can do the same.