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Everything posted by DARK DEMON

  1. Feel free to add me too :) I'm Dark Silverblades.
  2. Many Dota 2 players here... ;)
  3. Yes, I've been here for a year and it's always been 15 silvers for 1 gold.
  4. I love SKYRIM! :) I also play C.O.D (call of duty) , Dota 2 and sometimes LOTR BFME2 (lord of the rings battle for middle earth 2) cause that was one of the ol' time classics I'll never forget.
  5. Missed it too :( I had 362 AD (100%)
  6. "While breaking out of ambushes Syrian still gets 2*attack for the hit. I think she gets 2* while you are "hidden" since you are vulnerable while hidden." The rules say that you lose hidden (and hence the 2*) when you do any other action, such as strike. So using strike after ambush should NOT have 2* (in other words, is a waste, not a double bonus). Two things which still haven't been answered: 1) Why did Lin take double damage? 2) Why did I take 17 damage when I attacked Amber? I should only take 5. I completely disagree with the damage done by Syrian to me and Lintara from turn 24-26.
  7. seriously I don't get a single thing... Syrian only ATTACKED Lin this turn yet it's double damage... and I thought you ambushed someone only when they ENTERED a scene, not if someone was already in it? Why did I get that much damage for attacking, and that too double...? It's all messed up. ambush DD 37 would mean that I'd get ambush when I entered 37, according to the rules, but I was already on it..
  8. How did me and Lin get double damage...?
  9. are his moving aramors still there? :P
  10. I did move didn't I? o.O
  11. so I stopped at 12 O_O
  12. how come my strike on jester and lintara healing me missed?
  13. I don't want to change the entire game system of viscosity :P Let it remain as it is, just make the visc increase rate higher perhaps with less resources (rates can begin to increase once below 66% value). Land members are acquainted with their land and hence should be able to change visc, i.e restore the environment (the rate of visc).
  14. My own input in this would be that there should be simultaneously a way to decrease viscosity in a land, which only land members have access to.
  15. Same... it's too much :(
  16. Rophs said this in a comment on the forum statuses, but I actually find it quite good O_O "Can't wait for Mur to implement global warming, if we destroy the environment too bad viscosity might never be able to go back down. (This is a REAL suggestion)" All credits go to Rophs. I just felt that there should be a thread made where more people would see it and discuss :)
  17. that won't go with leadership :P
  18. That's a vague statement... you began with "maybe" too. The caster posted in her forum status anyways that she will inspire people randomly. And I know it can't be compared to RL, but it is supposed to, just like many other aspects of MD (eg, people say why shouldn't you miss in collecting herbs when near depletion cause it would be hard to find herbs, just like in RL) I believe that one can never be forced to be inspired. Before a turn, someone should be allowed to choose, i.e send "I want to be inspired by X and Y in the next turn only, not anyone else cause they are the enemy and it's stupid to be inspired by the enemy." Dan?
  19. what does agi have to do with attacking for each of us to get the mods? we are attacking in the same phase, no matter how many overall phases we can attack in one thing which actually IS unfair is inspiring randomly... we didn't even want to get inspired... you should be able to choose how can you be forced to be inspired, in RL even??
  20. Don't have much time these days, but I'll post a few things... 3 mods for your team is a HUGE boost. It's MEANT to be difficult, no? I'm in USA, Lintara lives in the same time as ST, and samon is in Netherlands (see time difference), we STILL managed to sync at the same time. If we couldn't, we wouldn't regret it anyways cause we can't blame timezones. We should only get that boost of 3 mods for the team if you try hard enough.
  21. I'll give it a try :D
  22. ah, thanks
  23. didn't Eara hit me, not the MAS3?
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