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Everything posted by DARK DEMON

  1. An award for "Most Loyal to Land" perhaps?
  2. Can I please just know when this will be fixed? Will I get citizenship automatically or do I have to re-apply? Will citizenship be removed from DARK Ribbit? Actually it must, cause all people who apply for Loreroot citizenship will suffer then. There will be one extra citizen, and he won't be able to vote...
  3. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1353879536' post='126381'] however turn to frog only lasts a short period of time, dark could have easily went back to normal. Long story short, it should be fixed so that those in an illusion are affected by the change when they leave, unless there is some reason to stop them doing so. [/quote] if i had known i would lose citizenship. i would have OBVIOUSLY changed back before that. Secondly, i didn't even know how to transform back till after i got citizenship.
  4. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1353864379' post='126360'] everything is reset when you finish an illusion, your problem, anyone using an illusion should know this information... This is why illusions havent been given to everyone... bad things happen, people complain. [/quote] which is why i clearly stated that "MoC casted the illusion on me" ! I don't have the spell to cast an illusion... nor do I know this information. NOT my problem. I WILL complain.
  5. [quote name='BFH' timestamp='1353863138' post='126354'] Very interesting bug I really think the ribbit name got the citizenship aka Dark Ribbit. Or I might be wrong [/quote] Yes, I know That means that DARK Ribbit is a Lorerootian! Someone please remove it from him and give it to me...
  6. [quote name='Leixer' timestamp='1353172091' post='125661'] [color=#000000]This feature is quite extensive, and likely has some bugs. Rewards will be given to those who send me details of any bugs depending on the importance of the bug. If people lose citizenship or have issues with this due to bugs you should contact me at[/color][color=#2A2A2A][size=3][url="http://www.google.com/recaptcha/mailhide/d?k=01ILtqSnTaJ2O1sPbKXjNZeQ==&c=8EZ60gSnhtV3HOLkW242euSKUwLs_WRxzOR8uuv5HQs="]Bugs/Crash Test Dummy Contact Address[/url][/size][/color] [color=#000000]Comments can go here, i will reply to them ingame and via email.[/color] [/quote] http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13278-illusion-citizenship-problem/
  7. I had applied to be a Loreroot citizen, but a day before the vote would end, MoC cast turntofrog on me. I became a Loreroot citizen during my illusion. Now, when I ended the illusion, I'm no longer a citizen. Does this mean I'll have to wait for 28 days? Will anyone who turntofrog is casted on become a Loreroot citizen? Please advise... I want my citizenship back!
  8. [quote name='Nimrodel' timestamp='1353859174' post='126347'] Persephone [/quote] greek mythology
  9. [quote name='Nimrodel' timestamp='1353847932' post='126328'] Look at the tagged threads below? First comes category suggestion. Next nominations Next voting then the actual ceremony and then feedback. So you'll know about the nominations thread after the category suggestion is decided on. [/quote] Ah, thanks again.
  10. I'm willing to trade a mirror rit stone for 2 locate stones
  11. [quote name='Nimrodel' timestamp='1353839218' post='126300'] there you go DD [/quote] Thanks, but that's not exactly what I was asking for.... What Grido said is about the thread regarding the discussion of categories. But when will the nominating of players begin?
  12. [quote name='Change' timestamp='1353824320' post='126294'] Meant (to be broken) [/quote] (same line of) thought
  13. No One has already posted that he'll spend his wishpoint to change it back. Yet, nobody is talking about that and whether he'll actually do it. Yet, Fang posts that, "No, the TK's will do it!" Yet, you all argue about it so much? Why?
  14. I apologize for my lack of knowledge, but when can you start nominating/voting for someone?
  15. I'll give a mirror rit stone for one of them
  16. [quote name='Kaijin W.' timestamp='1353763506' post='126177'] food [/quote] mouth watering
  17. picture
  18. [quote name='nadrolski' timestamp='1353734025' post='126155'] Jessie [/quote] cowgirl
  19. [quote name='Alice Rowle' timestamp='1353731462' post='126152'] Toy Story [/quote] Buzz
  20. [quote name='SkyArmy' timestamp='1353722500' post='126146'] [color=#008000]Key[/color] [/quote] Drach lair
  21. For anyone not knowing where the citizenship house is, this should help: [url=http://postimage.org/image/lsxb481mn/][img]http://s11.postimage.org/lsxb481mn/prtsc.jpg[/img][/url]
  22. [quote name='nadrolski' timestamp='1353630503' post='126085'] Barbossa [/quote] Caribbean
  23. elephant
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